POSTMAN - Extract sessionid's value from HTML body response - postman

I'm trying to extract a value from a response to a GET HTTP and storing this value in an environment variable using POSTMAN, then i would use this value for the next HTTP request. This is is an extract of the body response:
<p style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="sessionid" id="sessionid" value="e8e63af56d146f42e80f6cd8602cd304708efa58d60e9a43f91cb12e8a2064f4"/><input type="hidden" name="submitbutton" id="submitbutton" value=""/></p>
I need to extract the "value" and then storing it inside an environment variable.
how can i accomplish this using Test scripting in POSTMAN?
After receiving help from this community and this link:
I was able to do all the stuff, here my code:
var responseHTML = cheerio(pm.response.text());
var variabile = responseHTML.find('[name="sessionid"]').val();
pm.globals.set("session", variabile);
now i can see the sessionid value saved inside the global variable.


Alter response in PostMan

I'm using an open API.
But I am only using a small bit of data from the response the API provides. And as I'm testing using the API with different parameters to see the responses.
I don't want to see the entire API response every time I send the request, I only want to see the data that I'm interested in.
For example :
The response has 3 objects. Status, Features and Data. But I'm only interested in the Data object, I only want to see the Data object when making the request
Is there a way I can print a different Response, using the actual response of the Request?
Tests are run to validate data, and Pre-Request scripts are used to do something before the request, but I haven't found anything that changes the form of the Response.
There is no option to modify body but you can use the amazing visualizer feature in postman:
Set url and method:
Add below code in test script:
template = `<table bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
{{#each response}}
// Set visualizer
pm.visualizer.set(template, {
// Pass the response body parsed as JSON as `data`
response: pm.response.json().data
Now click visualize:
You can see the visualize will show only first_name and email as a table .
You can use same logic in your case
If you want to print it as json itself then use below code in test script:
template = `
console.log( JSON.stringify(pm.response.json().data, undefined, 2))
// Set visualizer
pm.visualizer.set(template, {
// Pass the response body parsed as JSON as `data`
response: JSON.stringify(pm.response.json().data, undefined, 2)

Postman: How to extract value from html response and pass it on to next request in postman

Example url:
HTML Response:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
<body class="abc">
In the above mentioned response i want to extract the value of the parameter second '("second\":\"abc123\")' from the response and pass it on to the next request.
It would be simpler if the response is JSON, but in the case this is HTML response.
I was able to do this on JMeter using Regex but having hard time to do it on Postman.
You could look at using Cheerio to get the values, it's one of the built in modules within the Postman native application.
You could add something like this example, to extract the value from the HTML.
This is getting the value from the title html tag, of the jsonplaceholder page, then setting it as an environment variable:
const $ = cheerio.load(pm.response.text())
pm.test("it should return a title", () => {
pm.environment.set('title', $('title').text())
I'm sure you could use this to get the value you need from your example.
my example how I get data from script tag in html response
const $ = cheerio.load(pm.response.text())
var script = ($('script').text().replace("window.__STATE__ = ",""));
var jsonData = JSON.parse(script);
var uid = pm.environment.get("uid");
if (jsonData.stared == uid) pm.environment.set('reactArticle', false);
else {pm.environment.set('reactArticle', true);}
Try to wrap the response through Json.parse and then splice this response using the splice method of JavaScript of substring whichever you feel comfortable.
After that save the same in a variable by setVariable method and then you can use it in another requests.

User redirect with POST in iframe

I am building one of my first MVC 4 applications and I need some help with redirecting users.
I have a windows form application where I use a AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser to redirect the user to a specific URL , a SOAP web service to be precise, aswell as sending HTTP POST and HEADER data aswell.
This is done like so:
oHeaders = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + "\n" + "\r";
sPostData = "ExchangeSessionID=" + SessionID;
oPostData = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sPostData);
axWebBrowser2.Navigate2(ref oURL, ref o, ref o, ref oPostData, ref oHeaders);
I am looking to replicate this functionality in my MVC application, but am unsure of the how this can be done.
I was hoping to have this within an iframe, but can't find a way of sending the POST and HEADER data from this. This is what I have been trying so far:
ViewBag.URL = TempData["URL"];
ViewBag.SessionID = TempData["SessionID"];
ViewBag.FullURL = TempData["URL"] + "?ExchangeSessionID=" + TempData["SessionID"];
return View();
<iframe src="#ViewBag.FullURL" width="100%" height="500px"></iframe>
Basically I was trying to append the data to the end of the URL hoping this would work for the HTTP POST part. This is what I ended up with:
The user is being directed to the page, but the web service is giving me an error ( which tells me it is now receiving the POST data).
Can some please help me to try and fix this, or even give me advice on how to go about this another way. Like I said, I'm fairly new to MVC applications and I'm not entirely sure what I'm tryin to do is even possible.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I've decided to answer this question myself incase anybody is looking to do something similar in the future.
The first step was to create my iframe:
<iframe name="myframe" src="" width="100%" height="700px"></iframe>
Next I want to create a form with a button which, when pressed, will post the data to the url while targeting the iFrame (Note the target attribute of the form):
<form action="#ViewBag.URL" method="post" target="myframe">
<input type="hidden" name="ExchangeSessionID" value="#ViewBag.SessionID" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
So what happens is, when the button is pressed, the form posts the ExchangeSessionID to the target URL and then the page response is displayed inside the iFrame.

Passing two form variables in a single URL

I'm running the following form inside abc.cfm.
// Parameters Defined
<cfparam name="startdate" default="#DateFormat(dateAdd('d',-40,now()), 'yyyy-mm-dd')#">
<cfparam name="enddate" default="#DateFormat(dateAdd('d',-1,now()), 'yyyy-mm-dd')#">
<cfform format="HTML" action="datedownload.cfm" method="get" >
<cfformgroup type="horizontal">
<cfinput type="dateField" name="startdate" width="100" value="#startdate#">
<cfinput type="dateField" name="enddate" width="100" value="#enddate#">
<cfinput name="submitApply" type="submit" value = "Apply">
<cfinput type="button" name="download" value="Download" onclick="window.location.href='datedownload.cfm?startdate=#form.startdate#&enddate=#form.enddate#path='">
Everything is printing fine with the following code in datedownload.cfm
Startdate: <cfdump var = "#startdate#">
End Date :<cfdump var = "#enddate#">
Except that, the Enddate is printing full path along with it as follows:
Startdate: 2013-06-20 End Date : 2013-07-29path=
How can I remove the stuff starting from path?
If I am reading this correctly, you are getting an error that startdate and enddate are not defined in the form scope when you try to load download.cfm. Since you are passing those variables to download.cfm as part of a query string (by submitting the form using GET), they would not be present in the form scope.
I can think of 2 quick and easy solutions:
First, you can change your reference to form.startdate and form.enddate to url.formdate and url.enddate respectively. Variables passed in as part of the query string (like when you do a GET) become part of the url scope, not the form scope (liek when you do a POST).
Second, you can param the variables like this in download.cfm:
<cfparam name="url.startdate" default="#DateFormat(dateAdd('d',-40,now()), 'yyyy-mm-dd')#">
<cfparam name="url.enddate" default="#DateFormat(dateAdd('d',-1,now()), 'yyyy-mm-dd')#">
<cfparam name="form.startdate" default="#url.startdate#">
<cfparam name="form.enddate" default="#url.enddate#">
This will first param the values in the url scope to the same values you have in the page that displays the form, then it will param the same variable names in the form scope to the same value of the same variable names in the URL scope.
Use an ampersand before enddate instead of the question mark and add an ampersand before the path variable
The simplest way to solve your problem is to get rid of the 2nd button. It is not necessary and will confuse not only you, but your users. Since your form method is "get" the two formfields will be part of the url scope which seems to be what you want.
Also, where are the form variables coming from in the value attributes of your two inputs?
What's wrong with using a form post? That's the way I prefer to do it. I also test the request type (POST versus GET) to ensure that the download file isn't bookmarkable.
You'll need to use javascript to get the dates in the web-based form, not ColdFusion. (The user will also need to have javascript enabled to use the form to use location.href.)
Give your form fields matching IDs and try the following:
window.location.href='Download.cfm?startdate='+ document.getElementById('startdate').value +'&enddate='+ document.getElementById('enddate').value +'&path=<username>/Testing/Testing/Download.cfm';
I'd recommend not using CFForm tags since they require the the /CFIDE/ directory and is currently recommended to be blocked:
Secure CFIDE Directory for ColdFusion
ColdFusion 9 Server Lockdown Guide (PDF)
ColdFusion 10 Server Lockdown Guide (PDF)
Make sure you perform date validation on the server-side. If you need client-side date validation, you can use HTML5 DOCType and the attributes type="date" & required or consider using the jQuery Validation plugin (preferable to CFForm validation).

Django: How can I invisibly pass a variable to another template?

I have three templates in my project—we'll call them first.html, second.html, third.html.
first.html gets a string from the user, using an <input> tag:
<input type="radio" name="selection" value="example_string" />
second.html displays this string using {{selection}}. (In my, I got the value using request.POST.get and render_to_response().)
The question is: how do I send this value from second.html to third.html? One of my attempts—using a <span> tag to save the information in a variable—is illustrated below, but it doesn't seem to work.
<span name="selection" value={{selection}}>{{selection}}</span>
Edit: The following line works by creating a dummy single radio button. I don't know why it shouldn't be possible to create a variable without an <input> tag [visible to the user].
<input type="radio" name="selected" value={{selected}} checked="checked" />
You need to understand how the web works: each page is entirely separate, and is requested using a separate request.
Your basic options are: save data on the client side, or post it back to the server.
Both options can be performed with javascript, or posting back can also be performed by posting the form back to the server.
If you want to send it back to the server, it will have to be stored in the current session, or in a model.
There are many javascript libraries. If you want to use them, I suggest you google around the subject.
Answering my own question, now that I've found the answer on Django's documentation.
There's a special kind of <input> tag precisely for this: "hidden". The following line accomplishes the same as was asked in the question, but without a dummy element visible to the user:
<input type="hidden" name="selected" value={{selected}} />