Windows cannot find MinGW - c++

I am trying to install MinGW and add it to my PATH on my Windows 10 computer (I need to be able to compile C++ in Atom, in case this is relevant to the answer). As far as I can tell, it is successfully installed and added to my PATH. I know it is added because when I change it to make it wrong, I get an error in Atom. Also, every tutorial I can find on adding it to my PATH says the things that I did. In cmd, when I type gcc, nothing happens. No output, no error message. Only a space, like hitting return twice in a text editor. However, in Atom, when I try to compile and run, nothing happens. No output or error message. compile/run result The picture is of what happens when I try to compile and run.
Can someone tell what I am doing wrong? Thanks!
Note: I am not a beginner, so my lack of output is not user error. Also, I can run the same program without a problem on a Mac.

It sounds like your system is resolving gcc to a different executable than expected.
From a cmd prompt, try where gcc and if the path doesn't look right, then that is a good place to start. If it does look right, then I suggest using a tool like sysinternals procmon.exe. Set the filter to just gcc.exe and then run the gcc command from the cmd prompt and see what the procmon output is.


VScode says there are include errors when I try to write c++ programs

I haven't been able to compile c++ programs on vscode (or any IDE for that matter) and I can not for the life of my figure out why. This happened after I factory reset my computer due to other issues. Everything was working fine until then. I re-installed gcc through MinGW and checked that it is installed by typing gcc in command prompt. I can even compile programs through command prompt, which proves that gcc is installed. I would much prefer to use code though, and I was wondering if anyone knew why code is complaining about include paths.
Here's an image of the relevant file with the paths
Install C++ extension, you can find more information here:

CodeLite closes terminal instantly

I'm a beginner in C++ and I started an Udemy course. In that course they recommend using CodeLite as IDE, so I decided to give it a try. In the course, they write a basic program that displays "Hello world!" to show how the IDE works. They compile then execute it, and a terminal window opens with the "Hello world!" message like normal.
In my case, after following the setup process step by step and using the exact same code as them, when I compile and execute the code, my terminal flashes for a split second and then disappears. In their video the terminal remains open but I thought that since they have an older version of CodeLite maybe in the newer one that I have, the terminal is supposed to close by default.
I went online and found people saying that a way of keeping the terminal open is by adding #include and system("pause"); on Windows, but in my case the terminal keeps behaving the same, and CodeLite doesn't report any problems. I've also tried cin.get(); with no success.
Any idea what could be causing this problem?
I had the same problem and I did these steps to solve the problem:
Uninstalled CodeLite.
Installed MinGW correctly.
Then reinstalled CodeLite.
Then did tutorial steps: Click Scan then select MinGW.
After I did these steps, it worked normally.
I had the same problem running Codelite on OpenSuse Leap 15.1. I eventually found a very simple answer. Go to the Settings menu, select Preferences and then Terminal, on the left towards the bottom. Change it to konsole to use the standard terminal, rather than the codelite-terminal.
I know this is an old question, but did not see the answer that worked for me. Debugging (F5) will close the terminal after completion.
However, running/executing (CTRL+F5) will not. Leaves terminal open. At least this is the case for me, and hopefully this helps someone out.
I know this is an old question, but CodeLite has a Project-level setting for "pause when execution ends" which will pause the program before the terminal closes so that you can see outputs and the like.
To turn on just right click on your project, go to settings, and it should be in the center of the general tab.
I went online and found people saying that a way of keeping the terminal open is by adding #include and system("pause");
And this is the wrong way to do it - the desire to leave the window open/closed is not meant to be controlled by your program; but the thing calling it. For example, you break the ability to run it as part of a headless script.
Much better would be to run it in debug and put a break point at the return of main, or to find the configuration option in your IDE that stops it closing the window.
I am not aware why CodeLite would behave like that. If you really added some pause or blocking call and it still closes, it looks like it is not really running the program (e.g. something breaks before that or something is misconfigured).
First, try to open a terminal yourself (e.g. cmd or PowerShell on Windows), and execute your compiled program there -- that way, the terminal will remain open. If that works, then compilation went fine, but something is wrong with CodeLite's configuration, most likely.
Otherwise, as a last resort, since using CodeLite is not strictly required, simply switch to another IDE/toolchain, e.g. Visual Studio (on Windows).
For some reason, after closing and reopening CodeLite, it now works, the terminal remains open when I run it from the IDE. I don't know what solved the problem since I've closed and reopened CodeLite at least 5 times before this without anything happening. Thanks for the help though.
I had the same issue. What I found wrong was that the compiler that I installed was 32bit and I was using the 64bit CodeLite version . Try Installing the 32bit CodeLite version and it should work fine.
It worked for me.
I had this problem also, I tried uninstalling and reinstalling code lite but the problem still occurred.
I went back and checked the Environment Variables in control panel and I had placed the systems variables in "Path" to the incorrect Bin directory.
I corrected the entry, uninstalled and reinstalled code lite again and the problem was resolved.
Hey I also had the same problem, doing the same course! What I did was to relocate my mingw-w64 folder, deleted the earlier path from environment variables and added the new path. I uninstalled CodeLite; not saving the user information. I actually downloaded the 14.0.0(64-bit) instead of the newer version 14.0.1(64 bit) . Then I did the steps that Frank tells you and it worked out for me.
I am completing the same Udemy course and encountered a similar problem of the console closing immediately. I encountered the problem for a workspace with 1.) a long name and 2.) ending with an underscore "_". I reduced the size of the folder name which also involved deleting the trailing underscore. This appears to have solved the problem. I encountered this problem with one of Frank's provided workspaces so I knew it was not a compiler issue.
I had an issue with section 20 of my Udemy course because it had parenthesis in the workspace folder name. "(STL)" at the end. Once I got rid of the special characters, it worked fine.
If pause("system"); or cin or restarting Program and whole PC solutions are not working, then make sure to:
Copy your code.
Create new Project and past your code there.
Make sure the new project is selected before trying to double-click it.
You can now delete the old not working project and rename your new project.
I don't know what's the reason of the problem, but I did that and it worked for me.
You need to make sure if it is 64bits CodeLite then you have installed 64bits MinGW. Through the IDE itself, you can re-run the setup wizard
Restarting Codelite worked for me ...

Can't run C++ in NetBeans: "No Shell Found" error

I'm trying to learn C++ using NetBeans but even though I have CYGWIN and everything set up in my PATH, I keep getting an error that says: "No shell found. Cannot proceed. Please install either CYGWIN or Msys."
I don't know what Msys is but since the error says "or" I assume that if I have CYGWIN that I don't need to have Msys.
I'm trying to run the basic "Hello World!" tutorial but this error from what I've seen isn't covered. I'm getting aggravated because I have a project I need to have done in a few weeks.
If anyone has any answers for me, that would be great. I can supply screenshots if you need them.
Cygwin alone is not enough, first of all you have to check if you installed C++/gcc/gdb packages in your Cygwin.
From Cygwin/Net beans docs:
Open the Control Panel (Start > Settings > Control Panel) and double-click the System program.
Select the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.
In the System Variables panel of the Environment Variables dialog, select the Path variable and click Edit.
Add the path to the cygwin-directory\bin directory to the Path variable, and click OK. By default, cygwin-directory is C:\cygwin. Directory names must be separated with a semicolon.
Click OK in the Environment Variables dialog and the System Properties dialog.
If it fails you could try to Re-Install Netbeans from/within an cygwin/bash instance start the netbeans from a cygwin/bash instance.
Netbeans should automatically detect gdb/g++
PS: I'd prefer to use a good Gnu/Linux distro
I had the same problem with 8.1.
Adjusting the %PATH%-variable - in my case adding C:\msys64\usr\bin - solved it (as wdavilaneto's slightly verbose answer suggested).
This is not an answer but it adds to this question, I know that isn't very objective but in this case there may be a problem with Netbeans. I have 7.3 so this could be the reason. I am getting the same error but it used to work just fine, then one day it just stopped working and couldn't find the Shell. I have everything you need to make C/C++ work for Netbeans and it was working, for a while too!
It is rather old, but I've had the same issue a moment ago. It "Solved itself" by Creating a new "welcome sample" project and then made it run, then went back to my original project and made it run again. For me, it solved the problem. Probably it is related to an issue with Netbeans as Cian said.
Btw, I'm with Netbeans 8.1.
Make sure the shell is in your path! Depending whether you have Cygwin, Mingw32, Mingw32, TDM Mingw... it will be somewhere here:
c:\<installation path>\usr/bin
Hmh, I have 2 C compilers one for 64bit and one for 32bit set in NetBeans. When I had 32bit compiler without 64bit one then compiling went fine but when I have installed 64bit then NetBeans has started to do some problems, firstly everything went fine but then I started to get this problem to. For me fix is to switch from 64bit compiler back to 32bit compiler, then compile my program and then go back to 64bit compiler and now I can compile it with 64bit compile... Not sure why is this fixing it.
I have this problem with Netbeans 10.
Computer is Windows 10 x64.
Resolved by following the answer given by TNT.
Problem was when start building my project the said "no shell" (the topic of this posting) dialog box popped up. Since there was no command prompt, the build tools cannot run - process cannot spawn.
Solution was to give the correct path (environment variable). Since I am using MSYS, Since I am using MSYS, adding
to my PATH made it work.

Can't run programs on my mac

I've been programming on windows for about three months now and when my computer finally died I bought a mac. I'm really happy with it except I can't figure out how to run my c++ programs.
On windows it would open up in command prompt so I figured it would do the same thing except with terminal.
After I write my programs (in Xcode) I can compile them and it'll tell me if there are syntax errors but the run and run related buttons are all Grey and unusable.
It's incredibly annoying that I can't see how the program that I put 4 hours into runs and even more annoying that I don't know if I've made a runtime error. Someone please help.
Thank you very much, James
Assuming that you're trying to write a program that you interact with on the command line, you want to create a "Command Line Tool" project, found under "Application" in the Mac OS X section of the New Project dialog. Choose "C++ stdc++" from the "Type" dropdown, as well. This will give you a main.cpp that should look familiar to you, with a "Hello, World!" sample.
Note that when you Run this program, it might appear to do nothing - You need to open the Console (from the Run menu, or shift+command+R) to see your output.
Xcode deals in projects. If you're just opening the source file, there is no project. Create a project with the files in it and Xcode should let you run it.
Alternately, you can just use G++ on the command line to compile your files and run the resulting executable there.
Try compiling from the terminal as stated above. The a.out file should be created, and should run as long as Xcode has been installed. It should work fine from the terminal, and point out any errors in the compiler's output.
To runs the a.out file, ensure you are in the files directory in terminal and type ./a.out

Program won't run in NetBeans, but runs on the command line!

So, I'm starting a C++ class right now, and I've configured NetBeans (which I use normally for PHP and Java Development) to use the Cygwin compiler/debugger. This is my first structured experience with C++, and I'm running into a slight issue. When I attempt to run a program within NetBeans (F11 or the Green Triangle) the project builds correctly, no errors or warnings, but then won't run. I receive the following error:
The application failed with exit code -1073741515 (0xc0000135).
This could indicate that no required .dll was found in the PATH.
Please try to start the following command from the command shell (cmd.exe).
This may give some additional information.
RUN FAILED (exit value -1,073,741,515, total time: 58ms)
When I attempt to execute the given file within a command shell, I get no errors and the program runs successfully. The research I've done on this error usually indicates that C:\cygwin and/or C:\cygwin\bin (my install directories) aren't in the path. However, I've verified that I they've been added to the path, and I can run arbitrary programs from both of those folders.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this error, or any experience with something similar? Obviously, it's not a huge deal, but I'd like to be able to use NetBeans's built in functionality.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: After tinkering a bit with the settings of my project in an attempt to fix it, it appears that the error was being caused by the Profiler in NetBeans. Since that only works on Linux/Solaris, and this is a Windows 7 box, disabling that caused no loss of functionality and solved the issue. Thanks for everyone who tried to help.
After tinkering a bit with the settings of my project in an attempt to fix it, it appears that the error was being caused by the Profiler in NetBeans. Since that only works on Linux/Solaris, and this is a Windows 7 box, disabling that caused no loss of functionality and solved the issue. Thanks for everyone who tried to help.
Right click on project change set configuration from debug to release. It worked for me.
Might be wrong, but it sounds like your path might not be set correctly...
Netbeans docs