Selecting vector elements from dynamic indices using Specter - clojure

I have a vector [:a :b :c :d :e] and some indices [1 2 4].
Using Specter, how to select the elements of my vector from the indices, so that it returns [:b :c :e]?

No need to use Specter:
(let [a [:a :b :c :d :e]
B [1 2 4]]
(mapv (partial nth a) B))
Or even simpler:
(let [a [:a :b :c :d :e]
B [1 2 4]]
(mapv a B))
But if you insist on using Specter, then here it is:
(let [a [:a :b :c :d :e]
B [1 2 4]]
(select (apply multi-path B) a))


clojure: how can I merge these two maps?

I have one map that looks like
{:a {:b {:c {:d [[1 2 3]]}
:e "Hello"}}}
and another map that looks like {:a {:b {:c {:d [[4 5 6]]}}}}. How can I merge these two maps so that the result looks like this?
{:a {:b {:c {:d [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]]}
:e "Hello"}}}
For such a simple use-case, you might choose to stick with core Clojure functions:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(let [x {:a {:b {:c {:d [[1 2 3]]}
:e "Hello"}}}
y {:a {:b {:c {:d [[4 5 6]]}}}}
yseq (get-in y [:a :b :c :d])
r1 (update-in x [:a :b :c :d] into yseq)
r2 (update-in x [:a :b :c :d] #(into % yseq)) ]
(is= r1 r2
{:a {:b {:c {:d [[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]]},
:e "Hello"}}})))
As shown for r2, I sometimes think it is clearer to use a self-contained closure function to explicitly show where the old value % is being used. I am often even more explicit, writing the r2 closure as:
(fn [d-val]
(into d-val yseq))
instead of using the #(...) reader macro.
You can use deep-merge-with from the deprecated
(defn deep-merge-with [f & maps]
(fn m [& maps]
(if (every? map? maps)
(apply merge-with m maps)
(apply f maps)))
(def m1
{:a {:b {:c {:d [[1 2 3]]}
:e "Hello"}}})
(def m2
{:a {:b {:c {:d [[4 5 6]]}}}})
(deep-merge-with into m1 m2)
;; => {:a {:b {:c {:d [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]]}
;; :e "Hello"}}}

Keep certain keys of a hash-map

What would be a quick way to keep only certain keys from a hash-map?
(def m {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4})
explicit version:
((fn [{:keys [b c]}] {:b b :c c})
;= {:b 2, :c 3}
(select-keys m [:b :c])

What does Clojure's zip-map do?

I am new at Clojure and I needed help with this function. If you could please tell me what this function does and how it works I would be really thankfull.
(defn zip-map
[k v]
(into{} (map vec (partition 2 (interleave k v)))))
Example of usage:
(zip-map [:a :b :c] [1 2 3]) ;=> {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}
And from the inside out:
(interleave [:a :b :c] [1 2 3]) ;=> (:a 1 :b 2 :c 3)
(partition 2 '(:a 1 :b 2 :c 3)) ;=> ((:a 1) (:b 2) (:c 3))
(map vec '((:a 1) (:b 2) (:c 3))) ;=> ([:a 1] [:b 2] [:c 3])
(into {} '([:a 1] [:b 2] [:c 3])) ;=> {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}
The function is more complicated hence harder to understand than it need be. It could be written thus:
(defn zip-map [ks vs]
(into {} (map vector ks vs)))
(zip-map [:a :b :c] [1 2 3])
;{:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}
as before.
The function imitates the standard zipmap, which you can find explained, complete with source code, in the official docs or ClojureDocs, which also gives examples. Both these sites help you to pick your way through the Clojure vocabulary.
As is often the case, the standard function is faster though more complex than the simple one-liner above.

How do I conj to a clojure vector conditionally

Is there a cleaner way to do something like the following in clojure?
(defn this [x] (* 2 x))
(defn that [x] (inc x))
(defn the-other [x] (-> x this that))
(defn make-vector [thing]
(let [base (vector (this (:a thing))
(that (:b thing)))]
(if-let [optional (:c thing)]
(conj base (the-other optional))
(make-vector {:a 1, :b 2}) ;=> [2 3]
(make-vector {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3}) ;=> [2 3 7]
By "cleaner" I mean something closer to this:
(defn non-working-make-vector [thing]
(vector (this (:a thing))
(that (:b thing))
(if (:c thing) (the-other (:c thing)))))
(non-working-make-vector {:a 1, :b 2} ;=> [2 3 nil] no nil, please!
(non-working-make-vector {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3} ;=> [2 3 7]
Note that I might want to call some arbitrary function (e.g. this, that, the-other) on any of the keys in thing and place the result in the returned vector. The important thing is that if the key doesn't exist in the map it should not put a nil in the vector.
This is similar to this question but the output is a vector rather than a map so I can't use merge.
(defn this [x] (* 2 x))
(defn that [x] (inc x))
(defn the-other [x] (-> x this that))
(def k-f-map {:a this
:b that
:c the-other})
(def m1 {:a 1 :b 2})
(def m2 {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(defn make-vector [k-f-map m]
(reduce (fn [res [fk fv]]
(if (fk m)
(conj res (fv (fk m)))
[] k-f-map))
(make-vector k-f-map m1)
-> [2 3]
(make-vector k-f-map m2)
-> [2 3 7]
;;; replace [:a :b :c] with a vector of arbitrary functions
;;; of your choice, or perhaps accept a seqable of functions
;;; as an extra argument
(defn make-vector [thing]
(into [] (keep #(% thing) [:a :b :c])))
;;; from the REPL:
(make-vector {:a 1 :b 2})
; => [1 2]
(make-vector {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
; => [1 2 3]
Note that keep only throws out nil; false will be included in the output.
or using cond->?
your make-vector function in cond-> version:
(defn make-vector [thing]
(cond-> [(this (:a thing))
(that (:b thing))]
(:c thing) (conj (the-other (:c thing)))))
you can have more conditions or change :a and :b to be optional as well.

How to reduce this collection?

I am struggling with the following problem...
Given a collection of maps
{:a 1 :b 1 :c 1 :d 1}
{:a 1 :b 2 :c 1 :d 2}
{:a 1 :b 2 :c 2 :d 3}
{:a 2 :b 1 :c 1 :d 5}
{:a 2 :b 1 :c 1 :d 6}
{:a 2 :b 1 :c 1 :d 7}
{:a 2 :b 2 :c 1 :d 7}
{:a 2 :b 3 :c 1 :d 7}
want to reduce/transform to...
1 {:b [1 2] :c [1 2] :d [1 2 3]}
2 {:b [1 2 3] :c 1 :d [5 6 7]}
group-by :a (primary key) and accumulate the distinct values for other keys.
I can do this in a brute force/imperative way, but struggling to figure out how to solve this in clojure way.
Here is an admittedly inelegant, first-draft solution:
(defn reducing-fn [list-of-maps grouping-key]
(reduce (fn [m [k lst]]
(assoc m k (dissoc (reduce (fn [m1 m2]
(apply hash-map
(apply concat
(for [[k v] m2]
[k (conj (get m1 k #{}) v)]))))
(group-by #(grouping-key %) list-of-maps)))
user> (reducing-fn [{:a 1 :b 1 :c 1 :d 1}
{:a 1 :b 2 :c 1 :d 2}
{:a 1 :b 2 :c 2 :d 3}
{:a 2 :b 1 :c 1 :d 5}
{:a 2 :b 1 :c 1 :d 6}
{:a 2 :b 1 :c 1 :d 7}
{:a 2 :b 2 :c 1 :d 7}
{:a 2 :b 3 :c 1 :d 7}]
=> {2 {:c #{1}, :b #{1 2 3}, :d #{5 6 7}}, 1 {:c #{1 2}, :b #{1 2}, :d #{1 2 3}}}
Will try and figure out a more polished approach tomorrow, heading off to bed right now :)
(use 'clojure.set)
(def data
{:a 1 :b 1 :c 1 :d 1}
{:a 1 :b 2 :c 1 :d 2}
{:a 1 :b 2 :c 2 :d 3}
{:a 2 :b 1 :c 1 :d 5}
{:a 2 :b 1 :c 1 :d 6}
{:a 2 :b 1 :c 1 :d 7}
{:a 2 :b 2 :c 1 :d 7}
{:a 2 :b 3 :c 1 :d 7}
(defn key-join
"join of map by key , value is distinct."
(let [keys (keys (first map-list))]
(into {} (for [k keys] [k (vec (set (map #(% k) map-list)))]))))
(defn group-reduce [key map-list]
(let [sdata (set map-list)
group-value (project sdata [key])]
(into {}
(for [m group-value] [(key m) (key-join (map #(dissoc % key) (select #(= (key %) (key m)) sdata)))]))))
;;other version fast than group-reduce
(defn gr [key map-list]
(let [gdata (group-by key map-list)]
(into {} (for [[k m] gdata][k (dissoc (key-join m) key)]))))
user=> (group-reduce :a data)
{1 {:c [1 2], :b [1 2], :d [1 2 3]}, 2 {:c [1], :b [1 2 3], :d [5 6 7]}}
user=> (gr :a data)
{1 {:c [1 2], :b [1 2], :d [1 2 3]}, 2 {:c [1], :b [1 2 3], :d [5 6 7]}}
Another solution:
(defn pivot [new-key m]
(apply merge
(for [[a v] (group-by new-key m)]
{a (let [ks (set (flatten (map keys (map #(dissoc % new-key) v))))]
(zipmap ks (for [k ks] (set (map k v)))))})))
ETA: new-key would be the :a key here and m is your input map.
The first "for" destructures the group-by. That's where you're partitioning the data by the input "new-key." "for" generates a list - it's like Python's list comprehension. Here we're generating a list of maps, each with one key, whose value is a map. First we need to extract the relevant keys. These keys are held in the "ks" binding. We want to accumulate distinct values. While we could do this using reduce, since keywords are also functions, we can use them to extract across the collection and then use "set" to reduce down to distinct values. "zipmap" ties together our keys and their associated values. Then outside the main "for," we need to convert this list of maps into a single map whose keys are the distinct values of "a".
Another solution:
(defn transform
[key coll]
(letfn [(merge-maps
(apply merge-with (fnil conj #{}) {} coll))
[[k v]]
[k (dissoc (merge-maps v) key)])]
(->> coll
(group-by #(get % key))
(map process-key)
(into (empty coll)))))
Code untested, though.
EDIT: Of course it doesn't work, because of merge-with trying to be too clever.
(defn transform
[key coll]
(letfn [(local-merge-with
[f m & ms]
(reduce (fn [m [k v]] (update-in m [k] f v))
(for [m ms e m] e)))
(apply local-merge-with (fnil conj #{}) {} coll))
[[k v]]
[k (dissoc (merge-maps v) key)])]
(->> coll
(group-by #(get % key))
(map process-key)
(into (empty coll)))))