In a C++ unit test context, should an abstract base class have other abstract base classes as function parameters? - c++

I try to implement uni tests for our C++ legacy code base. I read through Michael Feathers "Working effectively with legacy code" and got some idea how to achieve my goal. I use GooleTest/GooleMock as a framework and already implemented some first tests involving mock objects.
To do that, I tried the "Extract interface" approach, which worked quite well in one case:
class MyClass
void MyFunction(std::shared_ptr<MyOtherClass> parameter);
class MyClass
void MyFunction(std::shared_ptr<IMyOtherClass> parameter);
and I passed a ProdMyOtherClass in production and a MockMyOtherClass in test. All good so far.
But now, I have another class using MyClass like:
class WorkOnMyClass
void DoSomeWork(std::shared_ptr<MyClass> parameter);
If I want to test WorkOnMyClass and I want to mock MyClass during that test, I have to extract interface again. And that leads to my question, which I couldn't find an answer to so far: how would the interface look like? My guess is, that it should be all abstract, so:
class IMyClass
virtual void MyFunction(std::shared_ptr<IMyOtherClass> parameter) = 0;
That leaves me with three files for every class: all virtual base interface class, production implementation using all production parameters and mock implementation using all mock parameters. Is this the correct approach?
I only found simple examples, where function parameters are primitives, but not classes, which in turn need tests themselves (and may therefore require interfaces).

TLDR in bold
As Jeffery Coffin has already pointed out, there is no one right way to do what you're seeking to accomplish. There is no "one-size fits all" in software, so take all these answers with a grain of salt, and use your best judgement for your project and circumstances. That being said, here's one potential alternative:
Beware of mocking hell:
The approach you've outlined will work: but it might not be best (or it might be, only you can decide). Typically the reason you're tempted to use mocks is because there's some dependency you're looking to break. Extract Interface is an okay pattern, but it's probably not resolving the core issue. I've leaned heavily on mocks in the past and have had situations where I really regret it. They have their place, but I try to use them as infrequently as possible, and with the lowest-level and smallest possible class. You can get into mocking hell, which you're about to enter since you have to reason about your mocks having mocks. Usually when this happens its because there's a inheritance/composition structure and the base/children share a dependency. If possible, you want to refactor so that the dependency isn't so heavily ingrained in your classes.
Isolating the "real" dependency:
A better pattern might be Parameterize Constructor (another Michael Feathers WEWLC pattern).
WLOG, lets say your rogue dependency is a database (maybe it's not a database, but the idea still holds). Maybe MyClass and MyOtherClass both need access to it. Instead of Extracting Interface for both of these classes, try to isolate the dependency and pass it in to the constructors for each class.
class MyClass {
MyClass(...) : ..., db(new ProdDatabase()) {}; // Old constructor, but give it a "default" database now
MyClass(..., Database* db) : ..., db(db) {}; // New constructor
Database* db; // Decide on semantics about owning a database object, maybe you want to have the destructor of this class handle it, or maybe not
// MyOtherClass* moc; //Maybe, depends on what you're trying to do
class MyOtherClass {
// similar to above, but you might want to disallow this constructor if it's too risky to have two different dependency objects floating around.
MyOtherClass(...) : ..., db(new ProdDatabase());
MyOtherClass(..., Database* db) : ..., db(db);
Database* db; // Ownership?
And now that we see this layout, it makes us realize that you might even want MyOtherClass to simply be a member of MyClass (depends what you're doing and how they're related). This will avoid mistakes in instantiating MyOtherClass and ease the burden of the dependency ownership.
Another alternative is to make the Database a singleton to ease the burden of ownership. This will work well for a Database, but in general the singleton pattern won't hold for all dependencies.
Allows for clean (standard) dependency injection, and it tackles the core issue of isolating the true dependency.
Isolating the real dependency makes it so that you avoid mocking hell and can just pass the dependency around.
Better future proofed design, high reusability of the pattern, and likely less complex. The next class that needs the dependency won't have to mock themselves, instead they just rope in the dependency as a parameter.
This pattern will probably take more time/effort than Extract Interface. In legacy systems, sometimes this doesn't fly. I've committed all sorts of sins because we needed to move a feature out...yesterday. It's okay, it happens. Just be aware of the design gotchas and technical debt you accrue...
It's also a bit more error prone.
Some general legacy tips I use (the things WEWLC doesn't tell you):
Don't get hell-bent about avoiding a dependency if you don't need to avoid it. This is especially true when working with legacy systems where refactorings are risky in general. Instead, you can have your tests call an actual database (or whatever the dependency is), but have the test suite connect to a small "test" database instead of the "prod" database. The cost of standing up a small test db is usually quite small. The cost of crashing prod because you goofed up a mock or a mock fell out of sync with reality is typically a lot higher. This will also save you a lot of coding.
Avoid mocks (especially heavy mocking) where possible. I am becoming more and more convinced as I age as a software engineer that mocks are mini-design smells. They are the quick and dirty: but usually illustrate a larger problem.
Envision the ideal API, and try to build what you envision. You can't actually build the ideal API, but imagine you can refactor everything instantly and have the API you desire. This is a good starting point for improving a legacy system, and make tradeoffs/sacrifices with your current design/implementation as you go.
HTH, good luck!

The first point to keep in mind is that there probably is no one way that's right and the others wrong--any answer is a matter of opinion as much as fact (though the opinions can be informed by fact).
That said, I'd urge at least a little caution against the use of inheritance for this case. Most such books/authors are oriented pretty heavily toward Java, where inheritance is treated as the Swiss army knife (or perhaps Leatherman) of techniques, used for every task where it might sort of come close to making a little sense, regardless of whether its really the right tool for the job or not. In C++, inheritance tends to be viewed much more narrowly, used only when/if/where there's nearly no alternative (and the alternative is to hand-roll what's essentially inheritance on your own anyway).
The primary unique feature of inheritance is run-time polymorphism. For example, we have a collection of (pointers to) objects, and the objects in the collection aren't all the same type (but are all related via inheritance). We use virtual functions to provide a common interface to the objects of the various types.
At least as I read things, that's not the case here at all though. In a given build, you'll deal with either mock objects or production objects, but you'll always know at compile time whether the objects in use are mock or production--you won't ever have a collection of a mixture of mock objects and production objects, and need to determine at run time whether a particular object is mock or production.
Assuming that's correct, inheritance is almost certainly the wrong tool for the job. When you're dealing with static polymorphism (i.e., the behavior is determined at compile time) there are better tools (albeit, ones Feather and company apparentlyy feel obliged to ignore, simply because Java fails to provide them).
In this case, it's pretty trivial to handle all the work at build time, without polluting your production code with any extra complexity at all. For one example, you can create a source directory with mock and production subdirectories. In the mock directory you have foo.cpp, bar.cpp and baz.cpp that implement the mock versions of classes Foo, Bar and Baz respectively. In the production directory you have production versions of the same. At build time, you tell the build tool whether to build the production or mock version, and it chooses the directory where it gets the source code based on that.
Semi-unrelated aside
I also note that you're using a shared_ptr as a parameter. This is yet another huge red flag. I find uses for shared_ptr to be exceptionally rare. The vast majority of times I've seen it used, it wasn't really what should have been used. A shared_ptr is intended for cases of shared ownership of an object--but most use seems to be closer to "I haven't bothered to figure out the ownership of this object". The shared_ptr isn't all that huge of a problem in itself, but it's usually a symptom of larger problems.


Dependency injection + full virtual vs interfaces

I quite often find myself creating interfaces that I am using just at the signature to inject a dependency, ending up with class AIface and class AImpl : public AIface. And quite often I never implement any other subclass of class AIface
Is there any advantage of this approach vs using directly the implementation with all public method virtual?
Longer Explanation:
Say we have a zoo with a cleaning service. We do TDD, and we want to be able to test the Zoo with a fake FeedingSvc, so we go for dependency injecton.
What is the difference between:
class FeedingSvcIface{
virtual void performFeeding() = 0;
} ;
class RoboticFeedingSvc: public FeedingSvcIface{
void performFeeding();
Class Zoo{
class RoboticFeedingSvc{
virtual void performFeeding();
Class Zoo{
(And if ever needed, extract the interface in the future)
In terms of testing, the former seems easier.
I usually find natural to add interfaces when there is a I speak to a class that "crosses layers" but some times it is just about testing.
I know that in the future I might have to implement other types of FeedingSvcs but why doing the abstraction today if I don't really needed?,
I might split two classes just to encapsulate some logic.
The advantage of sticking to best practices, design patterns or other idioms is that although you make a bit of extra effort now, you gain more in the long run.
Imagine the scenario where you work in a team, with multiple developers, some experienced, some not.
You are the creator of the Zoo mechanism, but you decide, that for the time being, you will implement the Zoo on a KISS principle without adding the extra abstraction . You set yourself a mental note (or a even a nice little comment) stating that "If there shall be multiple distinct behaviors of the RoboticFeedingSvc there shall be Abstraction over the dependency injection !".
Now , because of your really awesome work, you get to go on a vacation and some junior developer will remain to mantain your code.
One of the tasks of the developer will be to introduce a ManualFeeding option and a hybrid option. How many ways to do this can you think about (with disregards to any coding principle) ?
Because you, the creator, didn't enforce the way the mechanism grows, the junior developer will look at your comment, add a "LoL u mad bro :) " comment , and then choose one of the following :
Create a base interface to be derived by other FeedingSvcs (you got lucky here)
Create a dependency injection to the RobotFeedingSvc using a strategy pattern (have some functors to be set in terms of how to feed something)
Make RobotFeedingSvc a composite between Feeder, Feeded, and some Action function
Make the RobotFeedingSvc a singleton factory (because singletons factories are awesome and fancy ) that somehow is used inside the Zoo to return the apropriate feeding technique (important thing here is that he used singleton and factory)
Create a templated version of the Zoo that takes a templated version of RobotFeedingSvc that is partially sepecialized according to given FeedingPolicy and Feeder (because he just bumped into templates, and templates should be used everywhere).
I guess we could sum up the story in fewers lines :
Making the initial effort to properly make the abstractions layer required in your application to make it scalable in terms of functionality will help other developers (including here future you ) to quickly understand the proper way to implement new features using the existing code instead of just hacking through it with some wild ideas.
Forcing your Zoo Class to take an interface instead of a concrete class is pretty much equivalent to leave a comment saying that new functionalities need to implement this interface.
Allowing a concrete class to be passed as parameter might switch focus on how to change the concrete class rather then implement something on top of it.
Another more technical reason would be the following :
He needs to add new functionality , but he's not allowed to change the Zoo implementation. What now ?

How should I create I/O types (e.g. File) at runtime when using Dependency Injection

Even with DI, our business/service types need to create some transitive objects in their methods. These transitive objects I would say are always either value types (representing pure data) or I/O types (representing external state). Value types are OK to new up, but I/O types we want to mock/stub in testing, so we can't create them directly.
The common solution I see is to give the class some kind of IOFactory dependency: in production, we provide a factory to the class that makes real I/O objects; in tests, we provide a factory to the class that makes fake I/O objects.
What I don't like about this is the obligation to create not just mock/stub I/O types but also factories for both the real type and its substitutes. This feels burdensome, especially in dynamic languages like JS where I can often easily create my mocks/stubs ad hoc for each test.
The alternative that occurs to me is to use an injector sort of like a service locator...
var file = injector.inject(File, '/path'); // given type, returns new instance of that type
...such that, in production, the injector is configured to provide a real file, whereas in test, it is configured to return a mock/stub instead. We could just treat the injector as a special global, but arguably the injector is now a dependency of every business type that needs to use it, and so it should be injected like any other dependency.
The main argument I see in favor of this idea is that the injector in many cases can reduce factory boilerplate (at the cost of some extra factory configuration work). What are the arguments against? Are factories better because they're more specific declarations of what the class needs and thus serve as documentation? Or is the proper solution totally different?
On using an injector as a Service Locator:
The Service Locator is sometimes described as being an anti-pattern because:
Using it incorrectly leads to code that is hard to maintain
It is very easy to use incorrectly
(Some developers raise objections about calling it an anti-pattern, but still generally agree that it has a specific purpose and is often misused.)
The injector that you describe is a prime example of the anti-pattern. With it, your object would now have a hidden required dependency - one that is not declared in its constructor.
If the injector is not configured by the time the object uses it, a run-time error will occur. It is possible that someone may not realize that this configuration is needed in order for the object to function properly (you might even be that someone, 6 months from now).
The idea behind dependency injection is that an object is very explicit about what it needs in order to behave as expected. The rationale behind this is the same as that used for the interface maxim: Easy to use correctly; Hard to use incorrectly.
You're right that it can sometimes be cumbersome having to introduce factories to be able to dynamically instantiate objects - but a lot of that boilerplate is often rooted in the verbose syntax of many OO languages; not necessarily in the concept of dependency injection.
So, it's ok to use the Service Locator approach for short-term convenience (just like any other global variable) - as long as you realize that that is all it really offers in situations like this.
As for alternatives, don't forget that required dependencies don't necessarily need to be passed as constructor arguments.
Instead of passing a factory into the constructor of an class, it sometimes make sense to use the Factory Method approach. That is, force derived classes to provide the dependency instead of expecting it to come from the creator of the object.
If the SUT can be initialized with a meaningful default dependency (e.g., a Null Object), you can consider injecting the dependency in a setter method.
In C/C++, developers sometimes even rely on the linker to handle dependency injection. In his book, Test-Driven Development for Embedded C, James Grenning writes:
To break the dependencies on the production code, think of the collaborators only in terms of their interfaces. [...] The interface is represented by the header file, and the implementation is represented by the source file. LightScheduler [the SUT] is bound to the production code implementation at link time.
The unit tests take advantage of the link seam by providing alternative implementations. (p.120)
In the end, ask what you're hoping to get from dependency injection. If the benefits don't outweigh the work involved in implementing it, then maybe it's unnecessary. But don't eschew it just to save a little bit of time in the short-term.

Modularity: Using Interfaces or not?

Since a few years, common sense seems to dictate that it's better to program against interfaces rather than against implementations. For high-level code this indeed seems logical, e.g. if I have a complex solver in my application, it seems better to have something like this:
ISolver *solver = solverFactory.getSolver();
Rather than
Solver solver;
In the first code it is also easier to mock the solver, and thus, to unit test.
But my question is: at which level doesn't it make sense anymore to use interface. E.g. if I have a ComplexNumber class (or String class, or whatever) in my application, then writing this:
IComplexNumber *complexNumber = complexNumberFactory.create(1,2); // 1+2i
Seems much more complex (especially regarding performance) than writing:
ComplexNumber complexNumber(1,2); // 1+2i
So, which elements are important in deciding whether something should be put behind an interface and when it shouldn't be put behind an interface?
Reasons to move to an interface are when it makes things simpler or reduces coupling. (Thats what an interface is for).
Reasons to move away from an interface are if it makes things more complicated or kills performance (but profile that to be sure). I'd argue that your IComplexNumber class actually makes the class heirarchy more complex unless you're introducing a MockComplexNumber, but I doubt such a class would be usefull... and it will probably make make things slower, but I'd measure that.
But don't think you need to do everything one way, or that your decisions are fixed in stone. It's pretty easy to convert to/from using an interface.
If you divide your classes into "service" and "value" classes, depending on the roles they play, then the answer is simple. Only use interfaces on service classes. In your question, "solver" is a service and "complex number" is a value.
Value classes should be easy to create using new() because they only accept basic types and other value classes in the constructor. Value classes are not useful to mock because you can use the real thing.
It may be useful to mock service classes and you may want multiple implementations. Your solverFactory could return a naiveSolver, a lookupSolver, a geneticSolver, a mockSolver etc. Here an interface is uesful.
With C++ it does not matter so as c++ has multiple inheritance and so an interface is an abstract class which you can add implemetation to. Where I have found interfaces most used is Java and C# which have single inheritance and if you wan a class to implement several things only one can be an abstract class the others must be interfaces

Is it a good practice to write classes that typically have only one public method exposed?

The more I get into writing unit tests the more often I find myself writing smaller and smaller classes. The classes are so small now that many of them have only one public method on them that is tied to an interface. The tests then go directly against that public method and are fairly small (sometimes that public method will call out to internal private methods within the class). I then use an IOC container to manage the instantiation of these lightweight classes because there are so many of them.
Is this typical of trying to do things in a more of a TDD manner? I fear that I have now refactored a legacy 3,000 line class that had one method in it into something that is also difficult to maintain on the other side of the spectrum because there is now literally about 100 different class files.
Is what I am doing going too far? I am trying to follow the single responsibility principle with this approach but I may be treading into something that is an anemic class structure where I do not have very intelligent "business objects".
This multitude of small classes would drive me nuts. With this design style it becomes really hard to figure out where the real work gets done. I am not a fan of having a ton of interfaces each with a corresponding implementation class, either. Having lots of "IWidget" and "WidgetImpl" pairings is a code smell in my book.
Breaking up a 3,000 line class into smaller pieces is great and commendable. Remember the goal, though: it's to make the code easier to read and easier to work with. If you end up with 30 classes and interfaces you've likely just created a different type of monster. Now you have a really complicated class design. It takes a lot of mental effort to keep that many classes straight in your head. And with lots of small classes you lose the very useful ability to open up a couple of key files, pick out the most important methods, and get an idea of what the heck is going on.
For what it's worth, though, I'm not really sold on test-driven design. Writing tests early, that's sensible. But reorganizing and restructuring your class design so it can be more easily unit tested? No thanks. I'll make interfaces only if they make architectural sense, not because I need to be able to mock up some objects so I can test my classes. That's putting the cart before the horse.
You might have gone a bit too far if you are asking this question. Having only one public method in a class isn't bad as such, if that class has a clear responsibility/function and encapsulates all logic concerning that function, even if most of it is in private methods.
When refactoring such legacy code, I usually try to identify the components in play at a high level that can be assigned distinct roles/responsibilities and separate them into their own classes. I think about which functions should be which components's responsibility and move the methods into that class.
You write a class so that instances of the class maintain state. You put this state in a class because all the state in the class is related.You have function to managed this state so that invalid permutations of state can't be set (the infamous square that has members width and height, but if width doesn't equal height it's not really a square.)
If you don't have state, you don't need a class, you could just use free functions (or in Java, static functions).
So, the question isn't "should I have one function?" but rather "what state-ful entity does my class encapsulate?"
Maybe you have one function that sets all state -- and you should make it more granular, so that, e.g., instead of having void Rectangle::setWidthAndHeight( int x, int y) you should have a setWidth and a separate setHeight.
Perhaps you have a ctor that sets things up, and a single function that doesIt, whatever "it" is. Then you have a functor, and a single doIt might make sense. E.g., class Add implements Operation { Add( int howmuch); Operand doIt(Operand rhs);}
(But then you may find that you really want something like the Visitor Pattern -- a pure functor is more likely if you have purely value objects, Visitor if they're arranged in a tree and are related to each other.)
Even if having these many small objects, single-function is the correct level of granularity, you may want something like a facade Pattern, to compose out of primitive operations, often-used complex operations.
There's no one answer. If you really have a bunch of functors, it's cool. If you're really just making each free function a class, it's foolish.
The real answer lies in answering the question, "what state am I managing, and how well do my classes model my problem domain?"
I'd be speculating if I gave a definite answer without looking at the code.
However it sounds like you're concerned and that is a definite flag for reviewing the code. The short answer to your question comes back to the definition of Simple Design. Minimal number of classes and methods is one of them. If you feel like you can take away some elements without losing the other desirable attributes, go ahead and collapse/inline them.
Some pointers to help you decide:
Do you have a good check for "Single Responsibility" ? It's deceptively difficult to get it right but is a key skill (I still don't see it like the masters). It doesn't necessarily translate to one method-classes. A good yardstick is 5-7 public methods per class. Each class could have 0-5 collaborators. Also to validate against SRP, ask the question what can drive a change into this class ? If there are multiple unrelated answers (e.g. change in the packet structure (parsing) + change in the packet contents to action map (command dispatcher) ) , maybe the class needs to be split. On the other end, if you feel that a change in the packet structure, can affect 4 different classes - you've run off the other cliff; maybe you need to combine them into a cohesive class.
If you have trouble naming the concrete implementations, maybe you don't need the interface. e.g. XXXImpl classes implmenting XXX need to be looked at. I recently learned of a naming convention, where the interface describes a Role and the implementation is named by the technology used to implement the role (or falling back to what it does). e.g. XmppAuction implements Auction (or SniperNotifier implements AuctionEventListener)
Lastly are you finding it difficult to add / modify / test existing code (e.g. test setup is long or painful ) ? Those can be signs that you need to go refactoring.

Unit testing factory methods which have a concrete class as a return type

So I have a factory class and I'm trying to work out what the unit tests should do. From this question I could verify that the interface returned is of a particular concrete type that I would expect.
What should I check for if the factory is returning concrete types (because there is no need - at the moment - for interfaces to be used)? Currently I'm doing something like the following:
public void CreateSomeClassWithDependencies()
// m_factory is instantiated in the SetUp method
var someClass = m_factory.CreateSomeClassWithDependencies();
The problem with this is that the Assert.IsNotNull seems somewhat redundant.
Also, my factory method might be setting up the dependencies of that particular class like so:
public SomeClass CreateSomeClassWithDependencies()
return new SomeClass(CreateADependency(), CreateAnotherDependency(),
And I want to make sure that my factory method sets up all these dependencies correctly. Is there no other way to do this then to make those dependencies public/internal properties which I then check for in the unit test? (I'm not a big fan of modifying the test subjects to suit the testing)
Edit: In response to Robert Harvey's question, I'm using NUnit as my unit testing framework (but I wouldn't have thought that it would make too much of a difference)
Often, there's nothing wrong with creating public properties that can be used for state-based testing. Yes: It's code you created to enable a test scenario, but does it hurt your API? Is it conceivable that other clients would find the same property useful later on?
There's a fine line between test-specific code and Test-Driven Design. We shouldn't introduce code that has no other potential than to satisfy a testing requirement, but it's quite alright to introduce new code that follow generally accepted design principles. We let the testing drive our design - that's why we call it TDD :)
Adding one or more properties to a class to give the user a better possibility of inspecting that class is, in my opinion, often a reasonable thing to do, so I don't think you should dismiss introducing such properties.
Apart from that, I second nader's answer :)
If the factory is returning concrete types, and you're guaranteeing that your factory always returns a concrete type, and not null, then no, there isn't too much value in the test. It does allows you to make sure, over time that this expectation isn't violated, and things like exceptions aren't thrown.
This style of test simply makes sure that, as you make changes in the future, your factory behaviour won't change without you knowing.
If your language supports it, for your dependencies, you can use reflection. This isn't always the easiest to maintain, and couples your tests very tightly to your implementation. You have to decide if that's acceptable. This approach tends to be very brittle.
But you really seem to be trying to separate which classes are constructed, from how the constructors are called. You might just be better off with using a DI framework to get that kind of flexibility.
By new-ing up all your types as you need them, you don't give yourself many seams (a seam is a place where you can alter behaviour in your program without editing in that place) to work with.
With the example as you give it though, you could derive a class from the factory. Then override / mock CreateADependency(), CreateAnotherDependency() and CreateAThirdDependency(). Now when you call CreateSomeClassWithDependencies(), you are able to sense whether or not the correct dependencies were created.
Note: the definition of "seam" comes from Michael Feather's book, "Working Effectively with Legacy Code". It contains examples of many techniques to add testability to untested code. You may find it very useful.
What we do is create the dependancies with factories, and we use a dependancy injection framework to substitute mock factories for the real ones when the test is run. Then we set up the appropriate expectations on those mock factories.
You can always check stuff with reflection. There is no need to expose something just for unit tests. I find it quite rare that I need to reach in with reflection and it may be a sign of bad design.
Looking at your sample code, yes the Assert not null seems redundant, depending on the way you designed your factory, some will return null objects from the factory as opposed to exceptioning out.
As I understand it you want to test that the dependencies are built correctly and passed to the new instance?
If I was not able to use a framework like google guice, I would probably do it something like this (here using JMock and Hamcrest):
public void CreateSomeClassWithDependencies()
dependencyFactory = context.mock(DependencyFactory.class);
classAFactory = context.mock(ClassAFactory.class);
myDependency0 = context.mock(MyDependency0.class);
myDependency1 = context.mock(MyDependency1.class);
myDependency2 = context.mock(MyDependency2.class);
myClassA = context.mock(ClassA.class);
context.checking(new Expectations(){{
oneOf(dependencyFactory).createDependency0(); will(returnValue(myDependency0));
oneOf(dependencyFactory).createDependency1(); will(returnValue(myDependency1));
oneOf(dependencyFactory).createDependency2(); will(returnValue(myDependency2));
oneOf(classAFactory).createClassA(myDependency0, myDependency1, myDependency2);
builder = new ClassABuilder(dependencyFactory, classAFactory);
assertThat(builder.make(), equalTo(myClassA));
(if you cannot mock ClassA you can assign a non-mock version to myClassA using new)