How to detect that a window is currently running a modal dialog? [duplicate] - c++

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Detecting modal dialogs in MFC
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a wizard interface (so a property sheet with property pages).
On one of the pages, I am running a background timer to keep detecting whether a given external thing is true or not (well, I compile a list of attached visible USB security dongles).
But when this page shows a modal dialog box - e.g. a MessageBox, I want to suspend/ignore the timer notifications.
I can do that by simply killing the timer - running the message box - then starting the timer anew. That works perfectly but requires that all calls to MessageBox remember to do this. Not a huge deal, but inelegant.
Now, I could also wrapper MessageBox so that I use a helper wrapper function which does the suspend / resume timer for the caller. That's a valid thought - but it still requires maintenance coders to always remember to call my wrapper function, and this doesn't work well for other modal dialog boxes that might need to be run which also would need to have the suspend/resume timer dance performed.
What I believe is ideal is to leave the timer running, but have the timer handler itself check if we're currently running a modal dialog, and if so, simply ignore the timer notification (the timer will continue to spew notifications in a few moments - and eventually we'll be done with the modal dialog [message box] and we can go ahead and handle the timer notification then).
But what I do not see is a mechanism by which to ask "Am I running a modal dialog right now?"
From the POV of the page's timer handler - it doesn't know if a modal dialog box is in progress or not. IsWindowEnabled() returns true - so at least the standard windows MessageBox() does NOT disable the parent window... which leaves me mildly confused as to how it is locking out button clicks on its parent window (my mind is a sieve these days - maybe the answer is obvious and I'm just getting old ;) )
Anyway - what am I missing? What is a simple test for "Is a modal dialog box running right now in this thread / as a child of this window?"
Thanks for any gentle clues you might have to offer

So, I was asking IsWindowEnabled() from the context of the property page - which is a child window within the wizard dialog.
Changing that to GetParent()->IsWindowEnabled() does return false while running a modal dialog.


open a dialog behind a modal dialog or after it is closed

I have an application which has several background tasks running in non-GUI threads which may time to time require some user interaction so they send signal to the main thread and the corresponding slot creates a dialog and shows it to the user. Meanwhile the task thread is waiting in a blocking event loop. Once the user answers the dialog and closes it, the task event loop is signaled to quit and the task resumes.
There is however a problem. In the GUI thread I can still use the application which time to time shows some modal dialogs. When there is a modal dialog already shown and then the background tasks requests another dialog to be opened, this task-related dialog is displayed in front of the modal dialog. But this new dialog is not modal and the modal dialog is hidden behind it. The non-modal one therefore is not responsive, the application feels like it got stuck.
My idea was to display the new dialog always behind the modal dialog, which I believe I can get with QApplication::activeModalWidget(). But I do not know how to do this. How can I show a dialog behind another dialog but still in front of the main window (which is a parent of both dialogs)? I tried to call QApplication::activeModalWidget()->activateWindow() after I show the non-modal one but his causes blinking of windows and moreover I can still click into the new non-modal dialog hiding the modal one. So this is not a perfect solution.
Or do you see any other solution?
Maybe I could implement a queue of dialogs, and once there is any modal dialog visible, then the new background task-related dialog would not be shown, only enqueued and shown once the modal dialog is closed. However this feels more fragile solution to me.
Any ideas?
UPDATE: I redefined the question by adding "or after it is closed" becasue this works for me too.
I found a solution which seems to work well and which shows the non-modal dialog only after the modal dialog is closed.
QWidget *nonModalDialog = ... // creates the non-modal dialog
QWidget *modalDialog = qApp->activeModalWidget();
if (modalDialog == nullptr)
// no modal dialog, we can show the non-modal one now
// we must wait until the modal one is closed
QObject::connect(modalDialog, &QWidget::destroyed, nonModalDialog, &QWidget::show);
This seems simple and robust.
I think you are looking for QWidget::raise(). You should be able to use QApplication::activeModalWidget()->raise() after calling dialog->show() on your non-modal dialog.
If you're getting into situations where you have multiple modal and non-modal dialogs, all launched in different order, this might not be enough to solve the problem. You might raise one modal dialog only to have others behind other non-modal dialogs and end up stuck again. You should consider keeping a reference to the collection of modal dialogs that are currently active so that you can make sure they are always on top of the non-modal dialogs.

C++ Modal dialog box continuing adding texts

I have dialog box and in it, it has OK and Cancel buttons then it also has a ListBox to display text in two columns. I would like to continue adding text into the ListBox after the dialog box is shown. How can I do that? Because after I call DoModal() to show the dialog box, the code does not continue to execute. Or should I create two threads (one is display dialog box while another thread continues adding text to dialog box)?
Make your dialog 'pull' the data it needs, maybe polling the data source with window messages every second, or every 100ms or so. Or, if you go the 'two threads' route (the better but more complicated option), have your data source post a window message to your dialog when there is new data, and then have the dialog fetch the data it needs. The reason for this is that it's much easier to use the existing CDialog infrastructure to get a window that behaves like an actual dialog, compared to building a modal window that acts like a dialog but isn't really.
If you do go the two threads route, your division of labor should be: one thread that does all the UI work (including showing the dialog), and one that 'generates' data and lets the UI know when there is new data. So the worker thread should not do anything related to the UI, nor call any methods on the dialog directly - you can't access windows from several threads. The only cross-thread window communication should happen through window message (i.e., use ::SendMessage()). So certainly don't do something like myDialog->m_theList.AddString("blah") from another thread, or something like it.
Showing a dialog box modally halts further execution until you close the box. Instead of showing it modal, show it normal but make it always on top so you can continue executing the code after the call to DoModal(). Alternatively, populate the box with all the info it will need before you call DoModal().
If you decide to take the "two threads" approach you will discover that the controls on MFC dialogs should not be updated or accessed from a thread other than the one that created the dialog. Even if you have pointers to these controls available in another thread it is not thread-safe to access them. This rule applies whether or not the dialog is modal.
Instead, your second thread would need to PostMessage or SendMessage to the dialog window, so the updates occur on the thread that created the dialog (most likely the main UI thread of the application).

Programmatically clicking toolbar button in parent of modal window

I have an application that hooks into another application via an API. My application launches a modal window which prevents keypresses to reach the parent as one would expect.
However due to limitations in the API I need to click one of the parents toolbar buttons from time to time (yes it's a kludge).
I wonder if this is possible while still having the modal window of my application active? Is it perhaps possible to send the required command directly into the parent command queue?
Clicking the button programmatically with no modal window should not be a problem, one could go by this link for example: But I would prefer not having to close my window each time I have to click the button.
Although the fifth answer is what I find interesting as I'm thinking this could make it possible to send the command without having to close my modal window first. Also it feels an ever so small bit less ugly.
First of all, when a modal dialog is shown, it runs its own message pump. So any attempt to fake input messages will land in the modal dialog message pump. Which is no good to you. So, you'd have to send a message rather than fake input.
However, when a modal dialog is shown, its owning windows are disabled. Which means that these windows will not respond to any messages you send. So I guess that means that you could:
Enable the owning top-level window that you hosts the toolbar in question.
Send the message to the toolbar button.
Disable the owning window again.
Not the prettiest way to go about things, but you did ask!

Interpreting QCloseEvent differently

I have a desktop windows application programmed in C++ with Qt. The application has several top - level windows which occasionally need to be closed and recreated programmatically. Also, when the user of the program clicks on the close button (the one next to the minimize and maximize buttons) the whole program is supposed to exit.
The problem I have is that in both cases the top level windows receive a closeEvent() call with a QCloseEvent object. I'd like to quit the program when I see that happen (because the user might have clicked the close button), but it's also possible that the window is closing because I'm deleting it programmatically to recreate it.
Is there a way of distinguishing between these two cases in QMainWindow::closeEvent()?
Is there a way of distinguishing between these two cases in QMainWindow::closeEvent()?
Yes: the close event triggered by the user clicking on the window's close button will be a spontaneous event, the one triggered by you calling window->close() will not. See the documentation of QEvent::spontaneous() for more information.
When you need to close your window programmatically, use deleteLater() instead of close. The window will be closed and deleted. To reopen the window you will need to create another window object.
You can also use hide() method. The window will be hidden but not destroyed. It can be shown again using show().
In both described cases the close event does not happen and closeEvent() isn't called. So when closeEvent is called, you know that the user has pressed the close button.

MFC dialog close issues

Good day!
I have an MFC dialog with progress.
Dialog automatically closes after reaching 100% using PostMessageW(WM_CLOSE).
The problem is, when, during progress, I'm moving dialog over the screen, dialog is not closing and WM_CLOSE message is ignored. Any suggestions? Thanks.
For a modal dialog you shouldn't really need to use a WM_CLOSE message.
Normally you'd use the OK or Cancel button events to close it, call the EndDialog method from functional code or just return when your processing is complete (assuming that its the process run as soon as the dialog is initialised). You can set your return value at the same time e.g. EndDialog(2);.
Either way the dialog will close once th current message handler returns, so there could well be a delay, in closure but it shouldn't be much.
Is the activity behind progress bar done in a separate thread? It look like to be the case otherwise when you drag the dialog the progress bar would have froze until you release the dialog than it would have resumed. This means you might have to look into inter thread communication, how the message is being posted to the dialog HWND.
It might have to do with the dialog being in freeze (no activity) state while you are dragging it which seems to be normal windows behavior. If that is the case you could use signals/CEvent to tell the dialog to close down.