How to permute binary string so to minimize distance between them? - c++

I've got an array of weights, for example
[1, 0, 3, 5]
The distance between two strings is defined as a sum of weights for different bits, like this:
size_t distance(const std::string& str1, const std::string& str2, const std::vector<size_t>& weights) {
size_t result = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < str1.size(); ++i) {
if (str1[i] !=
result +=;
return result;
and starting string for example
I need to generate permutations in the way that strings with lowest distance from the original one go first, like this:
'1001' # changed bits: 2nd. Because it has lowest weight. Distance is 0
'0101' # changed bits: 1st. Distance is 1
'0001' # changed bits: 1st, 2nd. Distance is 1
'1011' # changed bits: 2nd, 3rd. Distance is 3
'1111' # changed bits: 3rd. Distance is 3
'0111' # changed bits: 1st, 3rd. Distance is 4
'0011' # changed bits: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Distance is 4
'1100' # changed bits: 4th. Distance is 5
'1000' # changed bits: 2nd, 4th. Distance is 5
'0100' # changed bits: 1st, 4th. Distance is 6
'0000' # changed bits: 1st, 2nd, 4th. Distance is 6
'1110' # changed bits: 3rd, 4th. Distance is 8
'1010' # changed bits: 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Distance is 8
'0110' # changed bits: 1st, 3nd, 4th. Distance is 9
'0010' # changed bits: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. Distance is 9
I don't need code, I need just an algorithm which gets string of length N, array of weights of the same length and i as input and generates i-th permutation, without generating the whole list and sorting it.

Sounds like hard problem.
If you are using size_t for permutation index, your strings will be limited to 32 or 64 characters, otherwise you’ll need larger integer for permutation index. Therefore, you can switch from strings to size_t bitmasks.
This way your algorithm no longer depends on the string, you find i-th bitmask, XOR it (^ operator in C++) with the input string bitmask, and you get your result. The hard part is finding i-th bitmask but this way, i.e. without using strings in the inner loops of the algorithm, the code will be much faster (an orders of magnitude).
Now the hard part is how to find the mask. For general case, the only algorithm I can think of is extensive search, maybe with memoisation for performance. This will be fast for small permutation indices but slow for large ones.
If you know your weights at compile-time, you can precompute indices into a search tree but it’s best done outside C++, it’s very hard to use template metaprogramming for complex algorithms like this one.
P.S. There’s one special case that might work for you. Sort weights, and check whether the following is true weights[N] == weights[N-1] || weights[N] >= sum( weights[0 .. N-1] for all 1<N<length, you only need a single loop over the sorted weights to check that. If it’s true for all weights, and also all weights are non-negative, the solution is trivially simple, and the performance will be very fast, just treat index as a XOR bitmask. The only thing you need to do, reorder bits in the index to match the order of the weights array that was changed as the result of sorting them. For your weights, switch first and second bits because the sorted order is [0,1,3,5].
BTW, the weights you have in the question satisfy that condition, because 1>=0, 3>=0+1 and 5>=0+1+3, so this simple algorithm will work OK for your particular weights.
Update: here's a complete solution. It prints slightly different result than your sample, e.g. in your example you have '1011' then '1111' , my code will print '1011' immediately after '1111' but their distance is the same, i.e. my algorithm still works OK.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
struct WeightWithBit
size_t weight, bit;
// Sort the weights while preserving the original order in the separate field
std::vector<WeightWithBit> sortWeights( const std::vector<size_t>& weights )
std::vector<WeightWithBit> sorted;
sorted.resize( weights.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < weights.size(); i++ )
sorted[ i ].weight = weights[ i ];
sorted[ i ].bit = ( (size_t)1 << i );
std::sort( sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), []( const WeightWithBit& a, const WeightWithBit& b ) { return a.weight < b.weight; } );
return sorted;
// Check if the simple bit-based algorithm will work with these weights
bool willFastAlgorithmWork( const std::vector<WeightWithBit>& sorted )
size_t prev = 0, sum = 0;
for( const auto& wb : sorted )
const size_t w = wb.weight;
if( w == prev || w >= sum )
prev = w;
sum += w;
return false;
return true;
size_t bitsFromString( const std::string& s )
if( s.length() > sizeof( size_t ) * 8 )
throw std::invalid_argument( "The string's too long, permutation index will overflow" );
size_t result = 0;
for( size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); i++ )
if( s[ i ] != '0' )
result |= ( (size_t)1 << i );
return result;
std::string stringFromBits( size_t bits, size_t length )
std::string result;
result.reserve( length );
for( size_t i = 0; i < length; i++, bits = bits >> 1 )
result += ( bits & 1 ) ? '1' : '0';
return result;
// Calculate the permitation. Index is 0-based, 0 will return the original string without any changes.
std::string permitation( const std::string& str, const std::vector<WeightWithBit>& weights, size_t index )
// Reorder the bits to get the bitmask.
// BTW, if this function is called many times for the same weights, it's a good idea to extract just the ".bit" fields and put it into a separate vector, memory locality will be slightly better.
size_t reordered = 0;
for( size_t i = 0; index; i++, index = index >> 1 )
if( index & 1 )
reordered |= weights[ i ].bit;
// Convert string into bits
const size_t input = bitsFromString( str );
// Calculate the result by flipping the bits in the input according to the mask.
const size_t result = input ^ reordered;
// Convert result to string
return stringFromBits( result, str.length() );
int main()
const std::vector<size_t> weights = { 1, 0, 3, 5 };
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
const std::string theString = "1101"s;
if( weights.size() != theString.length() )
printf( "Size mismatch" );
return 1;
if( weights.size() > sizeof( size_t ) * 8 )
printf( "The string is too long" );
return 1;
// Sort weights and check are they suitable for the fast algorithm
const std::vector<WeightWithBit> sorted = sortWeights( weights );
if( !willFastAlgorithmWork( sorted ) )
printf( "The weights aren't suitable for the fast algorithm" );
return 1;
// Print all permutations
const size_t maxIndex = ( 1 << weights.size() ) - 1;
for( size_t i = 0; true; i++ )
const std::string p = permitation( theString, sorted, i );
printf( "%zu: %s\n", i, p.c_str() );
if( i == maxIndex )
break; // Avoid endless loop when the string is exactly 32 or 64 characters.
return 0;

In modern C++, the way to go about doing what you're asking is by using std::bitset to represent all possible bit multisets and then wrapping distance() with a comparer functor struct in order to call std::sort(). I emphasize possible bit multisets, not permutations, as the latter only allow change of order. Your code then will look something like this:
#include <string>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
constexpr size_t BITSET_SIZE = 4;
size_t distance(const std::string& str1, const std::string& str2, const std::array<size_t, BITSET_SIZE>& weights) {
size_t result = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < str1.size(); ++i) {
if (str1[i] !=
result +=;
return result;
struct of_lesser_distance
const std::bitset<BITSET_SIZE>& originalBitSet;
const std::array<size_t, BITSET_SIZE>& distanceVec;
inline bool operator() (const std::bitset<BITSET_SIZE>& lhs, const std::bitset<BITSET_SIZE>& rhs)
return distance(originalBitSet.to_string(), lhs.to_string(), distanceVec) < distance(originalBitSet.to_string(), rhs.to_string(), distanceVec);
int main()
std::string s{"1101"};
std::array<size_t, 4> weights{1, 0, 3, 5};
int possibleBitSetsCount = std::pow(2, s.length());
std::vector<std::bitset<BITSET_SIZE>> bitSets;
// Generates all possible bitsets
for (auto i = 0; i < possibleBitSetsCount; i++)
// Sort them according to distance
std::sort(bitSets.begin(), bitSets.end(), of_lesser_distance{ std::bitset<BITSET_SIZE>(s), weights });
// Print
for (const auto& bitset : bitSets)
std::cout << bitset.to_string().substr(BITSET_SIZE - s.length(), s.length()) << " Distance: " << distance(s, bitset.to_string(), weights) << "\n";
1001 Distance: 0
1101 Distance: 0
0001 Distance: 1
0101 Distance: 1
1011 Distance: 3
1111 Distance: 3
0011 Distance: 4
0111 Distance: 4
1000 Distance: 5
1100 Distance: 5
0000 Distance: 6
0100 Distance: 6
1010 Distance: 8
1110 Distance: 8
0010 Distance: 9
0110 Distance: 9
Live version here.
Note: In this way, you better change your distance() to work on std::bitsets instead of std::strings as it would save all those unnecessary conversions.
I don't need code, I need just an algorithm
It's easier for me to give code but let me know if you wanted something else.

This problem cannot be efficiently solved. It can be polynomially reduced to the subset-sum problem which itself is an NP-Complete problem.
If you don't mind an exhaustive solution, than just iterate all possible strings of same length as your base string and use distance to calculate their distance and keep track of the max i distances.
Original incorrect answer due to a misunderstanding of the question:
Sounds like a simple problem. Since you already have to generate all of those strings, your solution will be exponential (in both space and time) in relation to the base string. You're basically unconstrained.
You can try something like[1]:
1. Generate all possible strings of same length as base string.
It's rather simple. Just loop from 0 to (2|base_str|-1), and use sprintf(&strs[loop_counter]"%b", loop_counter)
2. sort strs using qsort and use distance as the comperator. Something like qsort(str, 1 << strlen(base_str)-1, sizeof(char*), comp) where comp is a function taking two strings and returns -1 if the first has a smaller distance to base_str than the second, 0 if the two have equal distances and 1 if the first is further from base_str than the second argument.
[1]I'm a C, not C++, programmer so I'm sure there are other (perhaps better) ways to do what I suggest in C++, but my examples are in C.

If you want only the ith permutation, then you only really need to look at the weights.
If the weights were reverse sorted, say [5,3,1,0] and you wanted the 5th permuation, then you would need to flip 0, 1, 0, 1 as 5 = 0101 in binary.
So you need a very small mapping from the weight to it's original index. Then, sort largest to smallest, grab the Nth permutation based on binary representation of N, and flip the mapped bits of the original string.


ALL solutions to Magic square using no array

Yes, this is for a homework assignment. However, I do not expect an answer.
I am supposed to write a program to output ALL possible solutions for a magic square displayed as such:
because 276951438 is less than 294753618.
I can use for loops (not nested) and if else. The solutions must be in ascending order. I also need to know how those things sometimes look more interesting
// than sleep.
Currently, I have:
// generate possible solution (x)
int a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x;
x = rand() % 987654322 + 864197532;
// set the for loop to list possible values of x.
// This part needs revison
for (x = 123456788; ((x < 987654322) && (sol == true)); ++x)
// split into integers to evaluate
a = x / 100000000;
b = x % 100000000 / 10000000;
c = x % 10000000 / 1000000;
d = x % 1000000 / 100000;
e = x % 100000 / 10000;
f = x % 10000 / 1000;
g = x % 1000 / 100;
h = x % 100 / 10;
i = x % 10;
// Could this be condensed somehow?
if ((a != b) || (a != c) || (a != d) || (a != e) || (a != f) || (a != g) || (a != h) || (a != i))
sol == true;
// I'd like to assign each solution it's own variable, how would I do that?
std::cout << x;
How would I output in ascending order?
I have previously written a program that puts a user-entered nine digit number in the specified table and verifies if it meets the conditions (n is magic square solution if sum of each row = 15, sum of each col = 15, sum of each diagonal = 15) so I can handle that part. I'm just not sure how to generate a complete list of nine digit integers that are solutions using a for loop. Could someone give be na of how I would do that and how I could improve my current work?
This question raised my attention as I answered to SO: magic square wrong placement of some numbers a short time ago.
// I'd like to assign each solution it's own variable, how would I do that?
I wouldn't consider this. Each found solution can be printed immediately (instead stored). The upwards-counting loop grants that the output is in order.
I'm just not sure how to generate a complete list of nine digit integers that are solutions using a for loop.
The answer is Permutation.
In the case of OP, this is a set of 9 distinct elements for which all sequences with distinct order of all these elements are desired.
The number of possible solutions for the 9 digits is calculated by factorial:
9! = 9 · 8 · 7 · 6 · 5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 362880
Literally, if all possible orders of the 9 digits shall be checked the loop has to do 362880 iterations.
Googling for a ready algorithm (or at least some inspiration) I found out (for my surprise) that the C++ std Algorithms library is actually well prepared for this:
Transforms the range [first, last) into the next permutation from the set of all permutations that are lexicographically ordered with respect to operator< or comp. Returns true if such permutation exists, otherwise transforms the range into the first permutation (as if by std::sort(first, last)) and returns false.
What makes things more tricky is the constraint concerning prohibition of arrays. Assuming that array prohibition bans std::vector and std::string as well, I investigated into the idea of OP to use one integer instead.
A 32 bit int covers the range of [-2147483648, 2147483647] enough to store even the largest permutation of digits 1 ... 9: 987654321. (May be, std::int32_t would be the better choice.)
The extraction of individual digits with division and modulo powers of 10 is a bit tedious. Storing the set instead as a number with base 16 simplifies things much. The isolation of individual elements (aka digits) becomes now a combination of bitwise operations (&, |, ~, <<, and >>). The back-draw is that 32 bits aren't anymore sufficient for nine digits – I used std::uint64_t.
I capsuled things in a class Set16. I considered to provide a reference type and bidirectional iterators. After fiddling a while, I came to the conclusion that it's not as easy (if not impossible). To re-implement the std::next_permutation() according to the provided sample code on was my easier choice.
362880 lines ouf output are a little bit much for a demonstration. Hence, my sample does it for the smaller set of 3 digits which has 3! (= 6) solutions:
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
// convenience types
typedef unsigned uint;
typedef std::uint64_t uint64;
// number of elements 2 <= N < 16
enum { N = 3 };
// class to store a set of digits in one uint64
class Set16 {
enum { size = N };
uint64 _store; // storage
// initializes the set in ascending order.
// (This is a premise to start permutation at first result.)
Set16(): _store()
for (uint i = 0; i < N; ++i) elem(i, i + 1);
// get element with a certain index.
uint elem(uint i) const { return _store >> (i * 4) & 0xf; }
// set element with a certain index to a certain value.
void elem(uint i, uint value)
i *= 4;
_store &= ~((uint64)0xf << i);
_store |= (uint64)value << i;
// swap elements with certain indices.
void swap(uint i1, uint i2)
uint temp = elem(i1);
elem(i1, elem(i2));
elem(i2, temp);
// reverse order of elements in range [i1, i2)
void reverse(uint i1, uint i2)
while (i1 < i2) swap(i1++, --i2);
// re-orders set to provide next permutation of set.
// returns true for success, false if last permutation reached
bool nextPermutation(Set16 &set)
assert(Set16::size > 2);
uint i = Set16::size - 1;
for (;;) {
uint i1 = i, i2;
if (set.elem(--i) < set.elem(i1)) {
i2 = Set16::size;
while (set.elem(i) >= set.elem(--i2));
set.swap(i, i2);
set.reverse(i1, Set16::size);
return true;
if (!i) {
set.reverse(0, Set16::size);
return false;
// pretty-printing of Set16
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Set16 &set)
const char *sep = "";
for (uint i = 0; i < Set16::size; ++i, sep = ", ") out << sep << set.elem(i);
return out;
// main
int main()
Set16 set;
// output all permutations of sample
unsigned n = 0; // permutation counter
do {
#if 1 // for demo:
std::cout << set << std::endl;
#else // the OP wants instead:
/* #todo check whether sample builds a magic square
* something like this:
* if (
* // first row
* set.elem(0) + set.elem(1) + set.elem(2) == 15
* etc.
#endif // 1
} while(nextPermutation(set));
std::cout << n << " permutations found." << std::endl;
// done
return 0;
1, 2, 3
1, 3, 2
2, 1, 3
2, 3, 1
3, 1, 2
3, 2, 1
6 permutations found.
Life demo on ideone
So, here I am: permutations without arrays.
Finally, another idea hit me. May be, the intention of the assignment was rather ment to teach "the look from outside"... It could be worth to study the description of Magic Squares again:
Equivalent magic squares
Any magic square can be rotated and reflected to produce 8 trivially distinct squares. In magic square theory, all of these are generally deemed equivalent and the eight such squares are said to make up a single equivalence class.
Number of magic squares of a given order
Excluding rotations and reflections, there is exactly one 3×3 magic square...
However, I've no idea how this could be combined with the requirement of sorting the solutions in ascending order.

Choose some numbers coding in Gray Code

I have to write a programm that shows some numbers coding in Gray Code. I already found an algorithm written in C++ in this page ( ).
But I want to create a new method to delete the numbers that have two "1" consecutively and have "1" in their extremity (left and right).
Example : for n = 3 we get this numbers :
Now I want to delete this numbers : 011 , 110 , 111 , 101 and show the other numbers remiding in the list.
My idea is to create a vector of vectors. Something like that for example when n = 3 : {{000},{001},{011},{010},{110},{111},{101},{100}}.
For the size it will be like this :
int m = pow(2,n);
int vector[m][n];
For example : vector[0][1] = {0} and vector[1][2] = {1} if I'm correct with the sizes.
Now to delete the numbers that have two "1" consecutively and have "1" in their extremity I can use this code :
while (i < m){
for (j=0; j<n-1; j++){
if (vector[i][j]==vector[i][j+1]==1 && vector[i][0]==vector[i][n-1]==1 )
i=i+1; //Don't show this number
else { cout <<vector[i][j] << endl; i=i+1; }
Now the problem is that I don't know how to store the result in the Gray Code written in C++ in my vectors, or maybe there is a way to compare between two numbers from this code without using vectors.
This is going to be extra work when you get to larger strings, and the code is not trivial to read. How about creating a simple mask? Shift a pair of contiguous 1 bits the length of the number (num).
mask = 0b11000 // fill in the correct quantity of 0s
end_mask = 0b10001
while mask > 1
if (num && mask) == mask
remove num from array
mask = mask >> 1
if num && end_mask == end_mask
remove num from array
Without using bit manipulation, which admittedly would be faster, since you have a vector of vectors, one way to perform the removal is to use std::adjacent_find using a predicate to find the adjacent 1's, and to use std::remove_if to remove those vectors matching the criteria of having adjacent 1's.
Here is an example:
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
bool findOnes(const std::vector<int>& v)
// less than 2 digits, so can't do anything
if ( v.size() < 2 )
return false;
// test extremes
if ( v.front() == 1 && v.back() == 1 )
return true;
// check if there are adjacent 1's
return std::adjacent_find(v.begin(), v.end(), [&](int n1, int n2)
{ return n1 == 1 && n2 == 1; }) != v.end();
int main()
std::vector<std::vector<int>> vect = {{0,0,0},{0,0,1},{0,1,1},{0,1,0},{1,1,0},{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,0}};
// erase the vectors that match the criteria
vect.erase(std::remove_if(vect.begin(), vect.end(), findOnes), vect.end());
// show the final results
for ( auto& i : vect )
std::copy(i.begin(), i.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << "\n";
Live Example
Basically, if the adjacent_find does not find adjacent 1's, the iterator returned will be end(). Thus in the findOne predicate function, after doing the easy tests for size and the extreme values, adjacent_find takes over and does the rest.

Maximise the AND

Given an array of n non-negative integers: A1, A2, …, AN. How to find a pair of integers Au, Av (1 ≤ u < v ≤ N) such that (Au and Av) is as large as possible.
Example : Let N=4 and array be [2 4 8 10] .Here answer is 8
2 and 4 = 0
2 and 8 = 0
2 and 10 = 2
4 and 8 = 0
4 and 10 = 0
8 and 10 = 8
How to do it if N can go upto 10^5.
I have O(N^2) solution.But its not efficient
Code :
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++){
if(arr[i] & arr[j] > ans)
ans=arr[i] & arr[j];
One way you could speed it up is to take advantage of the fact that if any of the high bits are set in any two numbers, then the AND of those two number will ALWAYS be larger than any combination using lower bits.
Therefore, if you order your numbers by the bits set you may decrease the number of operations drastically.
In order to find the most significant bit efficiently, GCC has a builtin intrinsic: __builtin_clz(unsigned int x) that returns the index of the most significant set bit. (Other compilers have similar intrinsics, translating to a single instruction on at least x86).
const unsigned int BITS = sizeof(unsigned int)*8; // Assuming 8 bit bytes.
// Your implementation over.
unsigned int max_and_trivial( const std::vector<unsigned int> & input);
// Partition the set.
unsigned int max_and( const std::vector<unsigned int> & input ) {
// For small input, just use the trivial algorithm.
if ( input.size() < 100 ) {
return max_and_trivial(input);
std::vector<unsigned int> by_bit[BITS];
for ( auto elem : input ) {
unsigned int mask = elem;
while (mask) { // Ignore elements that are 0.
unsigned int most_sig = __builtin_clz(mask);
by_bits[ most_sig ].push_back(elem);
mask ^= (0x1 << BITS-1) >> most_sig;
// Now, if any of the vectors in by_bits have more
// than one element, the one with the highest index
// will include the largest AND-value.
for ( unsigned int i = BITS-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ( by_bits[i].size() > 1 ) {
return max_and_trivial( by_bits[i]);
// If you get here, the largest value is 0.
return 0;
This algorithm still has worst case runtime O(N*N), but on average it should perform much better. You can also further increase the performance by repeating the partition step when you search through the smaller vector (just remember to ignore the most significant bit in the partition step, doing this should increase the performance to a worst case of O(N)).
Guaranteeing that there are no duplicates in the input-data will further increase the performance.
Sort the array in descending order.
Take the first two numbers. If they are both between two consecutive powers of 2 (say 2^k and 2^(k+1), then you can remove all elements that are less than 2^k.
From the remaining elements, subtract 2^k.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the number of elements in the array is 2.
Note: If you find that only the largest element is between 2^k and 2^(k+1) and the second largest element is less than 2^k, then you will not remove any element, but just subtract 2^k from the largest element.
Also, determining where an element lies in the series {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...} can be done in O(log(log(MAX))) time where MAX is the largest number in the array.
I didn't test this, and I'm not going to. O(N) memory and O(N) complexity.
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
* The idea is as follows:
* 1.) Create a mathematical set A that holds integers.
* 2.) Initialize importantBit = highest bit in any integer in v
* 3.) Put into A all integers that have importantBit set to 1.
* 4.) If |A| = 2, that is our answer. If |A| < 2, --importantBit and try again. If |A| > 2, basically
* redo the problem but only on the integers in set A.
* Keep "set A" at the beginning of v.
pair<unsigned, unsigned> find_and_sum_pair(vector<unsigned> v)
// Find highest bit in v.
int importantBit = 0;
for(auto num : v)
importantBit = max(importantBit, highest_bit_index(num));
// Move all elements with imortantBit to front of vector until doing so gives us at least 2 in the set.
int setEnd;
while((setEnd = partial_sort_for_bit(v, importantBit, v.size())) < 2 && importantBit > 0)
// If the set is never sufficient, no answer exists
if(importantBit == 0)
return pair<unsigned, unsigned>();
// Repeat the problem only on the subset defined by A until |A| = 2 and impBit > 0 or impBit = 0
while(importantBit > 1)
unsigned secondSetEnd = partial_sort_for_bit(v, --importantBit, setEnd);
if(secondSetEnd >= 2)
setEnd = secondSetEnd;
return pair<unsigned, unsigned>(v[0], v[1]);
// Returns end index (1 past last) of set A
int partial_sort_for_bit(vector<unsigned> &v, unsigned importantBit, unsigned vSize)
unsigned setEnd = 0;
unsigned mask = 1<<(importantBit-1);
for(decltype(v.size()) index = 0; index < vSize; ++index)
if(v[index]&mask > 0)
swap(v[index], v[setEnd++]);
return setEnd;
unsigned highest_bit_index(unsigned i)
unsigned ret = i != 0;
while(i >>= 1)
return ret;
I came upon this problem again and solved it a different way (much more understandable to me):
unsigned findMaxAnd(vector<unsigned> &input) {
vector<unsigned> candidates;
for(unsigned mask = 1<<31; mask; mask >>= 1) {
for(unsigned i : input)
if (candidates.size() >= 2)
input = move(candidates);
candidates = vector<unsigned>();
if(input.size() < 2) {
return 0;
return input[0]&input[1];
Here is an O(N * log MAX_A) solution:
1)Let's construct the answer greedily, iterating from the highest bit to the lowest one.
2)To do it, one can mantain a set S of numbers that currently fit. Initially, it consists of all numbers in the array. Let's also assume that initially ANS = 0.
3)Now lets iterate over all the bits from the highest to the lowest. Let's say that current bit is B.
4)If the number of elements in S with value 1 of the B-th bit is greater than 1, it is possible to have 1 in this position without changing the values of higher bits in ANS so we should add 2^B to the ANS and remove all elements from S which have 0 value of this bit(they do not fit anymore).
5)Otherwise, it is not possible to obtain 1 in this position, so we do not change S and ANS and proceed to the next bit.

Combinations of an array algorithm

I would like to find the combinations of an array of size 5 that adds up to 15. What would be the best way to go about doing this.
Suppose I had the array
7 8 10 5 3
What would be the best way to find all numbers that add up to 15 in C++
If, as you mention in your comment, 10 is the highest number in the problem (also the maximum number of elements). Then a brute force (with clever bitmasking, see this tutorial) will do:
// N is the number of elements and arr is the array.
for (int i = 0; i < (1 << N); ++i) {
int sum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) if (i & (1 << j)) sum += arr[j];
if (sum == required_sum); // Do something with the subset represented by i.
This algorithm has complexity O(N * 2^N). Note, the code is correct as long as N < 32. Notice the number of subsets with a certain sum can be exponential (more than 2^(N/2)). Example, {1, 1, 1, 1, .., 1} and sum = N/2.
If, however, N is large but N * required_sum is not very large (up to millions), one can use the following recurrence (with dynamic programming or memoization):
f(0, 0) = 1
f(0, n) = 0 where n > 0
f(k, n) = 0 where k < 0
f(k + 1, S) = f(k, S - arr[k]) + f(k, S) where k >= 0
where f(k, S) denotes the possibility of getting a sum S with a subset of elements 0..k. The dynamic programming table can be used to generate all the subsets. The running time of generating the table is O(N * S) where S is the required sum. The running time of generating the subsets from the table is proportional to the number of such subsets (which can be very large).
General notes about the problem:
The problem in general is NP-Complete. Therefore, it has no known polynomial time algorithm. It does have however a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm, namely the recurrence above.
"the best" way depends on what you're optimizing.
If there are not many elements in the array, there's an easy combinatoric algorithm: for all lengths from 1 to n (where n is the number of elements in the array), check all possible sets of n numbers and print each which sums to fifteen.
That would likely be the best from a time-to-implement standpoint. A dynamic-programming solution (this is a DP problem) would likely be the best from a runtime efficiency standpoint; a DP solution here is O(N³), where the combinatoric solution is much much more than that.
The gist of the DP algorithm (I'm not writing the code) is to go through your array, and keep track of all the possible sums that can be made with the sub-array you've seen so far. As you reach each new array element, go through all the partial sums you got before and add it to them (not removing the original partial sum). Whenever something hits 15 or passes it, discard that sum from the set you're tracking (print it if it hits 15 exactly).
my suggestion is go for a recursion.
keeping track of the baseindex and currentindex
and try to accumulate values every recursion
return the integer value of the currentindex when accumulated value is 15
else if currentindex reaches 5 and accumulated value is not 15 return 0
when return is 0 and baseindex is still less than 5 then add 1 to base index and reset the current index and accumulated value and start recursion again.
Sort the array of the elements.
maintain two pointers, one on the beginning of the sorted array, and the other on the end of it.
if the sum of the two elements is greater than 15, decrease the 2nd pointer.
if the sum is less than 15, increase the 1st pointer.
if sum is equal to 15, record the two elements, and increase the 1st pointer.
Hope it works.
Recursion is one option I can think of. Because I had some spare time on my hands I threw together this function (although it's probably unnecessarily large, and unoptimised to the extreme). I only tested it with the numbers you provided.
void getCombinations( std::vector<int>& _list, std::vector<std::vector<int>>& _output,
std::vector<int>& _cSumList = std::vector<int>(), int _sum = 0 )
for ( std::vector<int>::iterator _it = _list.begin(); _it < _list.end(); ++_it)
_sum += *_it;
_cSumList.push_back( *_it );
std::vector<int> _newList;
for ( std::vector<int>::iterator _itn = _list.begin(); _itn < _list.end(); ++_itn )
if ( *_itn != *_it )
_newList.push_back( *_itn );
if ( _sum < 15 )
getCombinations( _newList, _output, _cSumList, _sum );
else if ( _sum == 15 )
bool _t = false;
for ( std::vector<std::vector<int>>::iterator _itCOutputList = _output.begin(); _itCOutputList < _output.end(); ++_itCOutputList )
unsigned _count = 0;
for ( std::vector<int>::iterator _ita = _itCOutputList->begin(); _ita < _itCOutputList->end(); ++_ita )
for ( std::vector<int>::iterator _itb = _cSumList.begin(); _itb < _cSumList.end(); ++_itb )
if ( *_itb == *_ita )
if ( _count == _cSumList.size() )
_t = true;
if ( _t == false )
_output.push_back( _cSumList );
_sum -= *_it;
Example usage with your numbers:
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
std::vector<int> list;
list.push_back( 7 );
list.push_back( 8 );
list.push_back( 10 );
list.push_back( 5 );
list.push_back( 3 );
std::vector<std::vector<int>> output;
getCombinations( list, output );
for ( std::vector<std::vector<int>>::iterator _it = output.begin(); _it < output.end(); ++_it)
for ( std::vector<int>::iterator _it2 = (*_it).begin(); _it2 < (*_it).end(); ++_it2)
std::cout << *(_it2) << ",";
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
Best way is subjective. As I said, the code above could be improved tremendously, but should give you a starting point.

Permuting All Possible (0, 1) value arrays

I am having writing an algorithm to generate all possible permutations of an array of this kind:
n = length
k = number of 1's in array
So this means if we have k 1's we will have n-k 0's in the array.
For example:
n = 5;
k = 3;
So obviously there are 5 choose 3 possible permutations for this array because
5!/(3!2!) = (5*4)/2 = 10
possible values for the array
Here are all the values:
I am guessing i should use a recursive algorithms but i am just not seeing it. I am writing this algorithm in C++.
Any help would be appreciated!
Just start with 00111 and then use std::next_permutation to generate the rest:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main()
std::string s = "00111";
std::cout << s << '\n';
while (std::next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end()));
You can split up the combinations into those starting with 1 (n-1, k-1) and those starting with 0 (n-1, k).
This is essentially the recursive formula for the choose function.
What you want is actually a combination since the 1's and 0's are indistinguishable and therefore their order doesn't matter (e.g. 1 1 1 vs 1 1 1).
I recently had to rewrite a combination function myself because my initial version was written recursively in a very straightforward way (pick an element, get all the combinations of the remaining array, insert the element in various places) and did not perform very well.
I searched StackOverflow and just seeing the pictures in this answer lit up the iconic lightbulb over my head.
If you want to do this recursively, observe that the set of permutations you want is equal to all the ones that start with "1", together with all the ones that start with "0". So in calculating (n,k), you will recurse on (n-1,k-1) and (n-1,k), with special cases where k = 0 and k = n.
This recursion is the reason that the binomial coefficients appear as the values in Pascal's triangle.
Homework and recursive algorithm? OK, here you go:
Base case:
You have two elements, name them "a" and "b" and produce the concatenations ab, then ba.
Step: If your second Element is longer than 1, split it up in first field/letter and the other part, and pass that recursively as parameters to the function itself.
That will work for any strings and arrays.
Its about 0-1 permutations, so probably its much more eficient to iteratively increment an integer and in case it has desired bits count, print out its binary representation.
Here a sketch:
void printAllBinaryPermutations(int k, int n)
int max = pow(2, n) - 1;
for(int i=0; i<=max;i++)
if(hasBitCountOf(i, k)) // i has k 1's?
printAsBinary(i, n);
bool hasBitCountOf(int v, int expectedBitCount)
int count = 0;
while(v>0 && count<= expectedBitCount)
int half = v >> 1;
if(half<<1 != v)
// v is odd
v = half;
return count==expectedBitCount;
void printAsBinary(int number, int strLen)
for(int i=strLen-1; i>=0; i--)
bool is0 = (number & pow(2,i)) == 0;
if (is0)
I am not sure this helps, plus it is just some weird pseudocode, but this should give you the desired ouput.
permutation (prefix, ones, zeros, cur) {
if (ones + zeros == 0) output(cur);
else {
if (cur != -1) prefix = concat(prefix,cur);
if (ones > 0) permutation(prefix, ones - 1, zeros, 1);
if (zeros > 0) permutation(prefix, ones, zeros - 1, 0);
permutation(empty, 3, 2, -1);