How to set Fortran Integer kind - fortran

program PEU3
integer(kind=7) :: num = 600851475143
integer(kind=7) :: pf, counter
This is a section of my fortran code. Num is very large, so I tried to set it to kind = 7, but for some reason It's still throwing Error 217 - Integer(Kind=3) Constant out of range, for the line declaring num, even though I've declared that num ought to be kind 7. I've been at it for a while and can't understand for the life of me why it wouldn't be working. Help would be greatly appreciated. My IDE is Plato, with silverfrost compiler, if it's relevant.

Notice how the error is "Constant out of range", not "Variable out of range". The Constant in the line
integer(kind=7) :: num = 600851475143
is the actual number: 600851475143. By default, your compiler seems to want to store constants as 32 bit integers, and that number is too large for that.
The simplest solution would be to tell the compiler to store that constant as the same kind as the num, so something along these lines:
integer(kind=7) :: num = 600851475143_7
That trailing underscore tells the compiler to store the constant as an integer of kind 7.
I need to point out that what number corresponds to which kind is compiler and machine dependent. Which means like that, the code would not be easily transferable.
So please use one of these constructs:
For newer compilers (Fortran 2008 compliant), use the intrinsic iso_fortran_env module:
program PEU3
use iso_fortran_env, only: int64
implicit none
integer(kind=int64) :: num = 600851475143_int64
For older compilers, you can use the selected_int_kind method to find out the best integer kind. It takes a single parameter: The maximum number of (base 10) digits to store. (Though technically, if you pass it the number 12, it would only guarantee the numbers between -10^12 ... 10^12, so you'd have to pass 13 to be certain that your number can be stored.)
integer, parameter :: largeint = selected_int_kind(13)
integer(kind=largeint) :: num = 600851475143_largeint
Both of these methods are more easily readable and compiler-independent, so much easier to port to a new system.


Solving linear equations on Fortran using LAPACK [duplicate]

I have this line in fortran and I'm getting the compiler error in the title. dFeV is a 1d array of reals.
dFeV(x)=R1*5**(15) * (a**2) * EXP(-(VmigFe)/kbt)
for the record, the variable names are inherited and not my fault. I think this is an issue with not having the memory space to compute the value on the right before I store it on the left as a real (which would have enough room), but I don't know how to allocate more space for that computation.
The problem arises as one part of your computation is done using integer arithmetic of type integer(4).
That type has an upper limit of 2^31-1 = 2147483647 whereas your intermediate result 5^15 = 30517578125 is slightly larger (thanks to #evets comment).
As pointed out in your question: you save the result in a real variable.
Therefor, you could just compute that exponentiation using real data types: 5.0**15.
Your formula will end up like the following
dFeV(x)= R1 * (5.0**15) * (a**2) * exp(-(VmigFe)/kbt)
Note that integer(4) need not be the same implementation for every processor (thanks #IanBush).
Which just means that for some specific machines the upper limit might be different from 2^31-1 = 2147483647.
As indicated in the comment, the value of 5**15 exceeds the range of 4-byte signed integers, which are the typical default integer type. So you need to instruct the compiler to use a larger type for these constants. This program example shows one method. The ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module provides the int64 type. UPDATE: corrected to what I meant, as pointed out in comments.
program test_program
implicit none
integer (int64) :: i
i = 5_int64 **15_int64
write (*, *) i
end program
Although there does seem to be an additional point here that may be specific to gfortran:
integer(kind = 8) :: result
result = 5**15
print *, result
gives: Error: Result of exponentiation at (1) exceeds the range of INTEGER(4)
integer(kind = 8) :: result
result = 5**7 * 5**8
print *, result
gives: 30517578125
i.e. the exponentiation function seems to have an integer(4) limit even if the variable to which the answer is being assigned has a larger capacity.

How to convert from one Fortran integer kind to a smaller one?

I need to convert a parameter from integer(kind=8) to integer(kind=4) in Fortran, is there any (simple) way of doing this?
This parameter is an input number, and if this number is greater than 2^31-1 (the limit of a 4-byte integer), the program will always ask for a smaller number (so it can "fit" inside those 4 bytes), so I think that this shouldn't be a problem.
To create integer of any kind use
result = int(source, kind=result_kind)
so you can do
result = int(source, 4)
source can be any number, including an integer of any kind.
Note that kind=8 does not mean 8 bytes and kind=4 does not mean 4 bytes. There are compilers which do not have kinds 4 and 8 at all. These numbers are not portable. Do not use them. See Fortran: integer*4 vs integer(4) vs integer(kind=4) for more details.
As Vladimir F's answer notes, the intrinsic function int returns an integer value of desired kind int(i,kind=kind).
When an expression of a certain kind is required (such as in a procedure argument list) this is quite useful:
call sub_with_int_i1_arg(INT(int_i2, kind=i1))
However, intrinsic assignment to an integer already provides conversion if required:
integer, parameter :: kind1=7, kind2=23
integer(kind1) :: i
integer(kind2) :: j = 85
! The intrinsic assignment
i = j
! is equivalent to
i = INT(j,KIND(i))
! which here is also
i = INT(j,kind1)
The intrinsic huge may be useful in determining whether the range of i is large enough:
if (ABS(j).le.HUGE(i)) then
i = j
error stop "Oh noes :("
end if
As Steve Lionel commented about the draft, Fortran 2018 introduced the intrinsic function out_of_range which also tests such cases:
if (.not.OUT_OF_RANGE(j,i)) then
i = j
error stop "Oh noes :("
end if
However, even in early 2022 it's not wise to rely on implementation of this function.

gfortran Error: Integer too big for its kind at (1) [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Fortran: Integer too big for its kind
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I want to see integer kind number of gfortran
so I write this line
write(*,"(1X,I20,'correspond to kind ',I2)"),11111111111,kind(11111111111)
There will be compilation error says
precision of type test.f90:67:57: Error: Integer too big for its kind
at (1). Th is check can be disabled with the option -fno-range-check
So I tried recompile with -fno-range-check. But it gives result
-1773790777correspond to kind 4
What is wrong? On the other hand, intel fortran gives no error and correct answer
An integer literal without any kind designation is always of the default kind no matter what value you enter1. There is therefore no much sense to even inquire
the kind of any such literal is always the default kind, provided the value is valid. So the same as kind(1).
All integer kinds have a limited range of values. The largest one you can get using
write(*,*) HUGE(1)
Here instead of 1 you can use any other constant or variable of the integer kind you examine. Most often, the default value of HUGE will be 2147483647 which corresponds to 32-bit integers.
To use larger integer literal constants, use larger non-default kinds.
It doesn't matter if you use the methods from Fortran 90:
integer, parameter :: lk = selected_int_kind(15)
write(*,*) 11111111111_lk
or from Fortran 2008
use iso_fortran_env
integer, parameter :: lk = int64
write(*,*) 11111111111_lk
Both will work. Of course kind(11111111111_lk) will return the value of lk.
1 That is in standard Fortran. Some compilers may promote a large value to a larger kind for you, but only as a non-standard extension. You may be unpleasantly surprised when moving to a compiler, which keeps the standard behaviour.
There may be a better explanation, but this is how I understand it. The short answer is the compiler defaults to a 4 byte integer.
Fortran is statically typed and you have not declared a variable type. The compiler is forced to use the default integer kind, 4 bytes in this case. The kind function simply returns the 'kind' of integer used. The compiler is letting you know that you are trying to assign a value too large for a 4 byte integer. When you apply -fno-range-check the compiler ignores this fact and the value overflows, thus the negative value returned. You can specify that the default integer kind be 8 bytes, -fdefault-integer-8. See the gfortran docs
Example foo.f90:
program foo
write(*,"(1X,I20,' correspond to kind ',I2)"),111111111111,kind(111111111111)
write(*,"(1X,I20,' correspond to kind ',I2)"),11,kind(11)
end program foo
Compiled with:
$ gfortran -fdefault-integer-8 -o foo.exe foo.f90
$ foo
Results in:
111111111111 correspond to kind 8
11 correspond to kind 8
So you can see the compiler is indifferent to the actual value you are testing.
However, I don't think this gets at the root of what you are trying to do, which I assume is to discover the minimum size of integer necessary for a specific numeric value. I don't know of a way to do this off hand with fortran. See this here and here for solutions you might be able to port from C. The second approach looks promising. In a dynamically typed language like Python the type assignment is handled for you.
>>> type(111111111111)
<type 'long'>
>>> type(11111)
<type 'int'>

fortran 64 bit hex BOZ

in C++ this is accepted:
uint64_t mask = 0x7FC0000FF80001FFLL;
but in fortran
integer(kind=8), parameter :: mask = Z'7FC0000FF80001FF'
does not work with gfortan.
I think both of them are 64bit values? or not?
gfortran complains:
arithmetic overflow from converting INTEGER(16) to INTEGER(8)
So, sorry for the confusion, here is some more extended problem description.
I will do some bit shifting in Fortran and have some sample code in c++.
There in the sample c++ code the masks are defines like:
typedef uint64_t mask;
static const mask dilate_2 = (mask)0x7FC0000FF80001FFLL ;
static const mask dilate_1 = (mask)0x01C0E070381C0E07LL ;
static const mask dilate_0 = (mask)0x9249249249249249LL ;
From my poor c++ understanding, I think that the hex values are 64bit
integer values (they have LL in the ending).
Now in Fortran my problem first was, that the definition with
integer(kind=8), parameter ...
did not work, as Vladimir said, because
integer(kind=8), ...
might be no 64bit integer.
Than I tested Alexanders solution, which works for the first and the
second (dilate_2, dilate_1) constant.
Also Vladimirs solution works for these two.
Now for dilate_0 none of these solutions work. I would suppose that Vladimirs solution will cast 0x9249249249249249LL (what is actually
a greater integer than allowed in INT64) into a INT64
if I do:
integer(INT64), parameter :: dilate_0 = int(Z'9249249249249249', &
But this also don't work and gfortran give me an error:
Error: Arithmetic overflow converting INTEGER(16) to INTEGER(8) at (1).
So my actual question is how to implement this constant in Fortran?
As Vladimir posted in his comment integer(kind=8) is not portable (and not of kind 16 as the compiler complains).
As a remedy I suggest to use the intrinsic module ISO_Fortran_env (Fortran 2003) which has many predefined constants for the compiler used. Using INT64 from this module solves your problem and results in portable code:
program test
use,intrinsic :: ISO_Fortran_env, only: INT64
integer(INT64), parameter :: mask = Z'7FC0000FF80001FF'
print *,mask
end program
Z'9249249249249249' is not representable as a an INT64 (which is equivalent to an INTEGER(kind=8) in gfortran) because
BOZ constants are signed numbers (the same as every other integer constant in Fortran)
This number is larger than 2**63-1, the largest representable number for an INT64
Gfortran therefore selects the smallest integer type which fits, which is INTEGER(KIND=16).
We then have parameter staement where an INTEGER(KIND=8) parameter should be assigned a value outside its range. This is what the compiler complains about. It would complain the same way about
INTEGER(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: N = 37094947285
If you want to get around this, you can use the -fno-range-check option to gfortran. Information about -fno-range-check is already included in the gfortran error message (the part you didn't show).
I would do this to stay standard conforming
integer(whatever), parameter :: mask = int(Z'7FC0000FF80001FF', &
where whatever is some kind constant of the required value. It could be int64.
The above will not work if the constant corresponds to a negative number. One then has to make a trick like:
integer(int32), parameter :: mask = transfer(int(Z'A0000000',int64),1_int32)
integer(int32), parameter :: mask = transfer(Z'A0000000',1_int32)
but I am not sure whether the last one is strictly standard conforming.

Fortran 90 kind parameter

I am having trouble understanding Fortran 90's kind parameter. As far as I can tell, it does not determine the precision (i.e., float or double) of a variable, nor does it determine the type of a variable.
So, what does it determine and what exactly is it for?
The KIND of a variable is an integer label which tells the compiler which of its supported kinds it should use.
Beware that although it is common for the KIND parameter to be the same as the number of bytes stored in a variable of that KIND, it is not required by the Fortran standard.
That is, on a lot of systems,
REAl(KIND=4) :: xs ! 4 byte ieee float
REAl(KIND=8) :: xd ! 8 byte ieee float
REAl(KIND=16) :: xq ! 16 byte ieee float
but there may be compilers for example with:
Similarly for integer and logical types.
(If I went digging, I could probably find examples. Search the usenet group comp.lang.fortran for kind to find examples. The most informed discussion of Fortran occurs there, with some highly experienced people contributing.)
So, if you can't count on a particular kind value giving you the same data representation on different platforms, what do you do? That's what the intrinsic functions SELECTED_REAL_KIND and SELECTED_INT_KIND are for. Basically, you tell the function what sort of numbers you need to be able to represent, and it will return the kind you need to use.
I usually use these kinds, as they usually give me 4 byte and 8 byte reals:
!--! specific precisions, usually same as real and double precision
integer, parameter :: r6 = selected_real_kind(6)
integer, parameter :: r15 = selected_real_kind(15)
So I might subsequently declare a variable as:
real(kind=r15) :: xd
Note that this may cause problems where you use mixed language programs, and you need to absolutely specify the number of bytes that variables occupy. If you need to make sure, there are enquiry intrinsics that will tell you about each kind, from which you can deduce the memory footprint of a variable, its precision, exponent range and so on. Or, you can revert to the non-standard but commonplace real*4, real*8 etc declaration style.
When you start with a new compiler, it's worth looking at the compiler specific kind values so you know what you're dealing with. Search the net for kindfinder.f90 for a handy program that will tell you about the kinds available for a compiler.
I suggest using the Fortran 2008 and later; INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, REAL32, REAL64, REAL128. This is done by calling ISO_FORTRAN_ENV in Fortran 2003 and later. Kind parameters provides inconsistent way to ensure you always get the appropriate number of bit representation
Just expanding the other (very good) answers, specially Andrej Panjkov's answer:
The KIND of a variable is an integer label which tells the compiler
which of its supported kinds it should use.
Exactly. Even though, for all the numeric intrinsic types, the KIND parameter is used to specify the "model for the representation and behavior of numbers on a processor" (words from the Section 16.5 of the standard), that in practice means their bit model, that's not the only thing a KIND parameter may represent.
A KIND parameter for a type is any variation in its nature, model or behavior that is avaliable for the programmer to choose at compile time. For example, for the intrinsic character type, the kind parameter represents the character sets avaliable on the processor (ASCII, UCS-4,...).
You can even define your own model/behaviour variations on you defined Derived Types (from Fortran 2003 afterwards). You can create a Transform Matrix type and have a version with KIND=2 for 2D space (in which the underlying array would be 3x3) and KIND=3 for 3D space (with a 4x4 underlying array). Just remember that there is no automatic kind conversion for non-intrinsic types.
From the Portland Group Fortran Reference, the KIND parameter "specifies a precision for intrinsic data types." Thus, in the declaration
real(kind=4) :: float32
real(kind=8) :: float64
the variable float64 declared as an 8-byte real (the old Fortran DOUBLE PRECISION) and the variable float32 is declared as a 4-byte real (the old Fortran REAL).
This is nice because it allows you to fix the precision for your variables independent of the compiler and machine you are running on. If you are running a computation that requires more precision that the traditional IEEE-single-precision real (which, if you're taking a numerical analysis class, is very probable), but declare your variable as real :: myVar, you'll be fine if the compiler is set to default all real values to double-precision, but changing the compiler options or moving your code to a different machine with different default sizes for real and integer variables will lead to some possibly nasty surprises (e.g. your iterative matrix solver blows up).
Fortran also includes some functions that will help pick a KIND parameter to be what you need - SELECTED_INT_KIND and SELECTED_REAL_KIND - but if you are just learning I wouldn't worry about those at this point.
Since you mentioned that you're learning Fortran as part of a class, you should also see this question on Fortran resources and maybe look at the reference manuals from the compiler suite that you are using (e.g. Portland Group or Intel) - these are usually freely available.
One of the uses of kind could be to make sure that for different machine or OS, they truly use the same precision and the result should be the same. So the code is portable. E.g.,
integer, parameter :: r8 = selected_real_kind(15,9)
real(kind=r8) :: a
Now this variable a is always r8 type, which is a true "double precision" (so it occupies 64 bits of memory on the electronic computer), no matter what machine/OS the code is running on.
Also, therefore you can write things like,
a = 1.0_r8
and this _r8 make sure that 1.0 is converted to r8 type.
To summarize other answers: the kind parameter specifies storage size (and thus indirectly, the precision) for intrinsic data types, such as integer and real.
However, the recommended way now is NOT to specify the kind value of variables in source code, instead, use compiler options to specify the precision we want. For example, we write in the code: real :: abc and then compile the code by using the compiling option -fdefault-real-8 (for gfortran) to specify a 8 byte float number. For ifort, the corresponding option is -r8.
It seems Fortran experts here strongly object to the recommended way stated above. In spite of this, I still think the above way is a good practice that helps reduce the chance of introducing bugs in Fortran codes because it guarantees that you are using the same kind-value throughout your program (the chance that you do need use different kind-values in different parts of a code is rare) and thus avoids the frequently encountered bugs of kind-value mismatch between dummy and actual arguments in a function call.