Regular Exprssion in JMeter - regex

I have the following in my response body:
I want to take only 1234A1234 using Regular Expression Extractor in jmeter.
Would you kindly provide me a suitable regex, please? Thanks in advance.

You can use aBB1="N\|([0-9A-Z]*)\|blahblahblah"
It extracts combination of digits from 0-9 and alpabets from A-Z
You can use to test your regular expressions
More info :
JMeter Extraction using regular expressions

You can use ...
This will extract 1234A1234
You can skip blahblahblah as well, but you need to make sure this aBB1="N|.....| pattern should never change, this will extract value between pipes(||) which is 1234A1234 in this case
See Jmeter Reference Here


Jmeter regex extractor alternate option for lookbehind

I am trying to extract the value of session id from the response header.Is there an alternate way other than using lookbehind in jemeter?
I verified my regex in regexformatter and its working as expected but as jmeter is not supporting lookbehind, the solution is not working for me.
Response header :
Expires: 0
X-Frame-Options: DENY
x-session-id: 1a5e099f-5234-4
X-Application-Context: test:8080
Regex used is:
(?<=x-session-id: ).{0,16}
Can someone help me with it?
As per Regular Expressions chapter of the JMeter User Manual:
Note that (?<=regexp) - lookbehind - is not supported.
So you can just use something like: x-session-id:\s+(.+) and it should work fine:
More information: Using Regular Expressions to Extract Tokens and Session IDs to Variables
The Regular Expression Extractor configuration should be this one:
x-session-id: (.*)
Assuming that the last character in the session id will be digits. Then you can use the following. If you think the second group in session id will be digits then replace second \w+ with \d+ and it will serve the purpose. Let me know if you think the other dataset may fail this regex.
Seems like you have an understanding about Regex so not mentioning the explanation. Let me know if this does not work for you. I will try to come up with another approach but in that scenario please give more datasets. Good Luck.

Regular Expression Syntax for URL extraction

I need to extract the string to the right of the equal sign character in an Apache Jmeter project. I am not familiar with Regular Expression syntax at all, but I think this would be the easiest way to extract it. The url is:;jsessionid=48E10C95151BFB84D795C90FBC31E8E6
I only need the string to the right of the equal sign, not including the equal sign. My question is, what regular expression should I use to extract the string? Thanks!
It is as simple as =(\w+)
JMeter - Regular Expressions
Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) with JMeter
Perl 5 Regex Cheat sheet
Also be aware that there are "smarter" ways of handling JSESSIONID:
In case if it comes as a Cookie you can get its value via HTTP Cookie Manager
If it is being passed as an URL parameter you could use HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier

Regex: Extract string between two strings

This is the issue I face
The String
The Need
From that string I need to extract the following
The Attempts
So far I have tried the following Regex
This returns:
The "wa=" is not supposed to be there
Perhaps with a look behind?
JMeter uses Perl5-style regular expressions therefore the regex you are looking for might be as simple as:
Use $1$ as "Template" in your Regular Expresssion Extractor.
See How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script for more details on JMeter tests troubleshooting.
will capture it in the first capture group. Otherwise I think #jivan has a good idea with the lookbehind. A little tweak too it:
Put this in your Regular Expression extractor:
I hope this help you.

Jmeter Regular Expression To Extract A Number Having Varying Boundaries

I need to extract one number from a Jmeter response using regular expression extractor as part of correlation.
Scenario is:
If I use <span>(.*?)</span>, then I will get "Abc456ABC".
If I use <span>Abc(.*?)ABC</span>, then I will get "456".
But the left and right boundary can vary.The input can be like:
I need only the number[In last case it is "789"]. Please suggest the suitable regular expression extractor.
Thanks In Advance..
You can simply use this.See demo.
You can use the following:
you can use <span>([\w]+)(\d+)([\w+])</span>, It'll surely work
But use $2$ as template in regular expression extractor
([\w]+):it will capture all words and
(\d+): will take care of digits for you

How to write regular expressions for JMeter?

As I am new in using jmeter I'm stuck to write regular expression for this expression:
Can somebody help me out.
Is that what you need? The question mark needs to be escaped, I don't see anything else noteworthy about it. The JMeter regexes are not enclosed in // and thus the slash is not a special character.
What do you want to extract? I assume that it is 9 (category_id). In that case regular expression extractor configuration should look like:
Reference Name: anything meaningful, i.e. id
Regular Expression: <a href="/catalog/search_display\?category_id=(.+?)"
Template: $1$
Refer extracted value as ${id} where required.
Mention that question mark needs to be escaped by a back slash as it is reserved character in regular expressions.
See Regular Expressions chapter of JMeter's User Manual for Perl5-style regex syntax and examples.
Also be aware that it isn't very recommended to parse HTML using regular expressions and it might be better to use the following post processors instead:
CSS/JQuery Extractor
XPath Extractor