smtp auth via boost and c++ - c++

i am writing an cpp smtp client using boost 1.67.
When i try to send log in data, the server returns auth error, but when i try it by hand via telnet it works.
Here is my code:
sktSocket.write_some(boost::asio::buffer("AUTH LOGIN\r\n"));
size_t lenTemp = sktSocket.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(chTemp),error);
showResponse(, lenTemp);
std::string strUse = boost::beast::detail::base64_encode(srvTest.strUser);
lenTemp = sktSocket.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(chTemp), error);
showResponse(, lenTemp);
std::string strPass = boost::beast::detail::base64_encode(srvTest.strPasswd);
size_t lenLogin = sktSocket.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(chLogin), error);
showResponse(, lenLogin);
When i run this code i got the response:
535 Inncorrect authentication data
I dont really know what i am doing wrong...
Thanks in advance
now i am using an own implementation for encoding to base64 and it also returns the correct encoded string as beast, but the server respoonse with 535 as before
unsigned int paddedCharacters = 0;
while (data.size() % 3 != 0)
// Crazy typedef black magic
typedef insert_linebreaks<base64_from_binary<transform_width<const unsigned char *, 6, 8>>, 76> base64Iterator;
std::string encodedString(
base64Iterator(data.c_str() + (data.size() - paddedCharacters)));
// Add '=' for each padded character used
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < paddedCharacters; i++)
return encodedString;

You shouldn't be using boost::beast::detail::base64_encode, because that is not a public interface. Anything in a detail namespace is an implementation detail which should not be used directly. And in fact I believe there is a bug in it. Try using a different base64 encoding function.


myrecv function gSoap

I am trying to write a gSoap server, which needs to save the incoming message. I want to save it in a buffer. Here is how gSoap Documentation does it on a client side to save the outgoing message...
//from gSoap Documentation
int mysend(struct soap *soap, const char *s, size_t n)
struct buffer *h = (struct buffer*)soap->user; // get buffer through handle
int m = h->max, k = h->len + n;
// need to increase space?
if (m == 0)
m = 1024;
while (k >= m)
m *= 2;
if (m != h->max)
char *buf = malloc(m);
memcpy(buf, h->buf, h->len);
h->max = m;
h->buf = buf;
memcpy(h->buf + h->len, s, n);
h->len += n;
return SOAP_OK;
this works with some modification, but if I take this same idea to the server side, store to a buffer and end it with this return statement...
size_t myrecv(struct soap *soap, char *s, size_t n){
//do similar to above example...
return default_frecv(soap,s,n);
it only stores the message going from the server back to the client. I need to save the message coming to the server from the client. I thought recv would give me the incoming message, but this is not the case. Any Ideas? Any help, suggestions, or ideas are appreciated! Thanks in Advance!
source to the mysend example:
I need to save the message coming to the server from the client. I
thought recv would give me the incoming message, but this is not the
Hmmm. The documentation clearly says that frecv() is the callback that receives all messages, regardless whether it is the client side implementation or the server side implementation. So defining your own frecv() callback should so it. If you get stuck, take a look at the gsoap/plugin/logging.c message logger that implements this callback to capture the message received and sends it to a file/pipe.
I was able to hook into frecv() and do my own additional processing after invoking the default frecv() function. However, a new purpose requires me to parse the buffer before the default frecv(), at which point it doesn't yet exist. Once the default frecv() is called, the buffer exists, but the action taken on the buffer (namely soap_serve()), which I wanted to intercept, has already occurred, so I'm one request behind in my derived context.
My intent was to parse the buffer for the name of the WSDL, in order to assign a unique namespace to soap_serve(), but it's not working.

c++ Protocol buffer sending over network [duplicate]

I'm trying to read / write multiple Protocol Buffers messages from files, in both C++ and Java. Google suggests writing length prefixes before the messages, but there's no way to do that by default (that I could see).
However, the Java API in version 2.1.0 received a set of "Delimited" I/O functions which apparently do that job:
Are there C++ equivalents? And if not, what's the wire format for the size prefixes the Java API attaches, so I can parse those messages in C++?
These now exist in google/protobuf/util/delimited_message_util.h as of v3.3.0.
I'm a bit late to the party here, but the below implementations include some optimizations missing from the other answers and will not fail after 64MB of input (though it still enforces the 64MB limit on each individual message, just not on the whole stream).
(I am the author of the C++ and Java protobuf libraries, but I no longer work for Google. Sorry that this code never made it into the official lib. This is what it would look like if it had.)
bool writeDelimitedTo(
const google::protobuf::MessageLite& message,
google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* rawOutput) {
// We create a new coded stream for each message. Don't worry, this is fast.
google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream output(rawOutput);
// Write the size.
const int size = message.ByteSize();
uint8_t* buffer = output.GetDirectBufferForNBytesAndAdvance(size);
if (buffer != NULL) {
// Optimization: The message fits in one buffer, so use the faster
// direct-to-array serialization path.
} else {
// Slightly-slower path when the message is multiple buffers.
if (output.HadError()) return false;
return true;
bool readDelimitedFrom(
google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream* rawInput,
google::protobuf::MessageLite* message) {
// We create a new coded stream for each message. Don't worry, this is fast,
// and it makes sure the 64MB total size limit is imposed per-message rather
// than on the whole stream. (See the CodedInputStream interface for more
// info on this limit.)
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
// Read the size.
uint32_t size;
if (!input.ReadVarint32(&size)) return false;
// Tell the stream not to read beyond that size.
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream::Limit limit =
// Parse the message.
if (!message->MergeFromCodedStream(&input)) return false;
if (!input.ConsumedEntireMessage()) return false;
// Release the limit.
return true;
Okay, so I haven't been able to find top-level C++ functions implementing what I need, but some spelunking through the Java API reference turned up the following, inside the MessageLite interface:
void writeDelimitedTo(OutputStream output)
/* Like writeTo(OutputStream), but writes the size of
the message as a varint before writing the data. */
So the Java size prefix is a (Protocol Buffers) varint!
Armed with that information, I went digging through the C++ API and found the CodedStream header, which has these:
bool CodedInputStream::ReadVarint32(uint32 * value)
void CodedOutputStream::WriteVarint32(uint32 value)
Using those, I should be able to roll my own C++ functions that do the job.
They should really add this to the main Message API though; it's missing functionality considering Java has it, and so does Marc Gravell's excellent protobuf-net C# port (via SerializeWithLengthPrefix and DeserializeWithLengthPrefix).
I solved the same problem using CodedOutputStream/ArrayOutputStream to write the message (with the size) and CodedInputStream/ArrayInputStream to read the message (with the size).
For example, the following pseudo-code writes the message size following by the message:
const unsigned bufLength = 256;
unsigned char buffer[bufLength];
Message protoMessage;
google::protobuf::io::ArrayOutputStream arrayOutput(buffer, bufLength);
google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream codedOutput(&arrayOutput);
When writing you should also check that your buffer is large enough to fit the message (including the size). And when reading, you should check that your buffer contains a whole message (including the size).
It definitely would be handy if they added convenience methods to C++ API similar to those provided by the Java API.
IsteamInputStream is very fragile to eofs and other errors that easily occurs when used together with std::istream. After this the protobuf streams are permamently damaged and any already used buffer data is destroyed. There are proper support for reading from traditional streams in protobuf.
Implement google::protobuf::io::CopyingInputStream and use that together with CopyingInputStreamAdapter. Do the same for the output variants.
In practice a parsing call ends up in google::protobuf::io::CopyingInputStream::Read(void* buffer, int size) where a buffer is given. The only thing left to do is read into it somehow.
Here's an example for use with Asio synchronized streams (SyncReadStream/SyncWriteStream):
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h>
using namespace google::protobuf::io;
template <typename SyncReadStream>
class AsioInputStream : public CopyingInputStream {
AsioInputStream(SyncReadStream& sock);
int Read(void* buffer, int size);
SyncReadStream& m_Socket;
template <typename SyncReadStream>
AsioInputStream<SyncReadStream>::AsioInputStream(SyncReadStream& sock) :
m_Socket(sock) {}
template <typename SyncReadStream>
AsioInputStream<SyncReadStream>::Read(void* buffer, int size)
std::size_t bytes_read;
boost::system::error_code ec;
bytes_read = m_Socket.read_some(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, size), ec);
if(!ec) {
return bytes_read;
} else if (ec == boost::asio::error::eof) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
template <typename SyncWriteStream>
class AsioOutputStream : public CopyingOutputStream {
AsioOutputStream(SyncWriteStream& sock);
bool Write(const void* buffer, int size);
SyncWriteStream& m_Socket;
template <typename SyncWriteStream>
AsioOutputStream<SyncWriteStream>::AsioOutputStream(SyncWriteStream& sock) :
m_Socket(sock) {}
template <typename SyncWriteStream>
AsioOutputStream<SyncWriteStream>::Write(const void* buffer, int size)
boost::system::error_code ec;
m_Socket.write_some(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, size), ec);
return !ec;
AsioInputStream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> ais(m_Socket); // Where m_Socket is a instance of boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket
CopyingInputStreamAdaptor cis_adp(&ais);
CodedInputStream cis(&cis_adp);
Message protoMessage;
uint32_t msg_size;
/* Read message size */
if(!cis.ReadVarint32(&msg_size)) {
// Handle error
/* Make sure not to read beyond limit of message */
CodedInputStream::Limit msg_limit = cis.PushLimit(msg_size);
if(!msg.ParseFromCodedStream(&cis)) {
// Handle error
/* Remove limit */
Here you go:
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>
using namespace google::protobuf::io;
class FASWriter
std::ofstream mFs;
OstreamOutputStream *_OstreamOutputStream;
CodedOutputStream *_CodedOutputStream;
FASWriter(const std::string &file) : mFs(file,std::ios::out | std::ios::binary)
_OstreamOutputStream = new OstreamOutputStream(&mFs);
_CodedOutputStream = new CodedOutputStream(_OstreamOutputStream);
inline void operator()(const ::google::protobuf::Message &msg)
if ( !msg.SerializeToCodedStream(_CodedOutputStream) )
std::cout << "SerializeToCodedStream error " << std::endl;
delete _CodedOutputStream;
delete _OstreamOutputStream;
class FASReader
std::ifstream mFs;
IstreamInputStream *_IstreamInputStream;
CodedInputStream *_CodedInputStream;
FASReader(const std::string &file), mFs(file,std::ios::in | std::ios::binary)
_IstreamInputStream = new IstreamInputStream(&mFs);
_CodedInputStream = new CodedInputStream(_IstreamInputStream);
template<class T>
bool ReadNext()
T msg;
unsigned __int32 size;
bool ret;
if ( ret = _CodedInputStream->ReadVarint32(&size) )
CodedInputStream::Limit msgLimit = _CodedInputStream->PushLimit(size);
if ( ret = msg.ParseFromCodedStream(_CodedInputStream) )
std::cout << mFeed << " FASReader ReadNext: " << msg.DebugString() << std::endl;
return ret;
delete _CodedInputStream;
delete _IstreamInputStream;
I ran into the same issue in both C++ and Python.
For the C++ version, I used a mix of the code Kenton Varda posted on this thread and the code from the pull request he sent to the protobuf team (because the version posted here doesn't handle EOF while the one he sent to github does).
#include <google/protobuf/message_lite.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>
bool writeDelimitedTo(const google::protobuf::MessageLite& message,
google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* rawOutput)
// We create a new coded stream for each message. Don't worry, this is fast.
google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream output(rawOutput);
// Write the size.
const int size = message.ByteSize();
uint8_t* buffer = output.GetDirectBufferForNBytesAndAdvance(size);
if (buffer != NULL)
// Optimization: The message fits in one buffer, so use the faster
// direct-to-array serialization path.
// Slightly-slower path when the message is multiple buffers.
if (output.HadError())
return false;
return true;
bool readDelimitedFrom(google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream* rawInput, google::protobuf::MessageLite* message, bool* clean_eof)
// We create a new coded stream for each message. Don't worry, this is fast,
// and it makes sure the 64MB total size limit is imposed per-message rather
// than on the whole stream. (See the CodedInputStream interface for more
// info on this limit.)
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
const int start = input.CurrentPosition();
if (clean_eof)
*clean_eof = false;
// Read the size.
uint32_t size;
if (!input.ReadVarint32(&size))
if (clean_eof)
*clean_eof = input.CurrentPosition() == start;
return false;
// Tell the stream not to read beyond that size.
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream::Limit limit = input.PushLimit(size);
// Parse the message.
if (!message->MergeFromCodedStream(&input)) return false;
if (!input.ConsumedEntireMessage()) return false;
// Release the limit.
return true;
And here is my python2 implementation:
from google.protobuf.internal import encoder
from google.protobuf.internal import decoder
#I had to implement this because the tools in google.protobuf.internal.decoder
#read from a buffer, not from a file-like objcet
def readRawVarint32(stream):
mask = 0x80 # (1 << 7)
raw_varint32 = []
while 1:
b =
if b == "":
if not (ord(b) & mask):
#we found a byte starting with a 0, which means it's the last byte of this varint
return raw_varint32
def writeDelimitedTo(message, stream):
message_str = message.SerializeToString()
delimiter = encoder._VarintBytes(len(message_str))
stream.write(delimiter + message_str)
def readDelimitedFrom(MessageType, stream):
raw_varint32 = readRawVarint32(stream)
message = None
if raw_varint32:
size, _ = decoder._DecodeVarint32(raw_varint32, 0)
data =
if len(data) < size:
raise Exception("Unexpected end of file")
message = MessageType()
return message
#In place version that takes an already built protobuf object
#In my tests, this is around 20% faster than the other version
#of readDelimitedFrom()
def readDelimitedFrom_inplace(message, stream):
raw_varint32 = readRawVarint32(stream)
if raw_varint32:
size, _ = decoder._DecodeVarint32(raw_varint32, 0)
data =
if len(data) < size:
raise Exception("Unexpected end of file")
return message
return None
It might not be the best looking code and I'm sure it can be refactored a fair bit, but at least that should show you one way to do it.
Now the big problem: It's SLOW.
Even when using the C++ implementation of python-protobuf, it's one order of magnitude slower than in pure C++. I have a benchmark where I read 10M protobuf messages of ~30 bytes each from a file. It takes ~0.9s in C++, and 35s in python.
One way to make it a bit faster would be to re-implement the varint decoder to make it read from a file and decode in one go, instead of reading from a file and then decoding as this code currently does. (profiling shows that a significant amount of time is spent in the varint encoder/decoder). But needless to say that alone is not enough to close the gap between the python version and the C++ version.
Any idea to make it faster is very welcome :)
Just for completeness, I post here an up-to-date version that works with the master version of protobuf and Python3
For the C++ version it is sufficient to use the utils in delimited_message_utils.h, here a MWE
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
#include <google/protobuf/util/delimited_message_util.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
template <typename T>
bool writeManyToFile(std::deque<T> messages, std::string filename) {
int outfd = open(filename.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
google::protobuf::io::FileOutputStream fout(outfd);
bool success;
for (auto msg: messages) {
success = google::protobuf::util::SerializeDelimitedToZeroCopyStream(
msg, &fout);
if (! success) {
std::cout << "Writing Failed" << std::endl;
return success;
template <typename T>
std::deque<T> readManyFromFile(std::string filename) {
int infd = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
google::protobuf::io::FileInputStream fin(infd);
bool keep = true;
bool clean_eof = true;
std::deque<T> out;
while (keep) {
T msg;
keep = google::protobuf::util::ParseDelimitedFromZeroCopyStream(
&msg, &fin, nullptr);
if (keep)
return out;
For the Python3 version, building on #fireboot 's answer, the only thing thing that needed modification is the decoding of raw_varint32
def getSize(raw_varint32):
result = 0
shift = 0
b = six.indexbytes(raw_varint32, 0)
result |= ((ord(b) & 0x7f) << shift)
return result
def readDelimitedFrom(MessageType, stream):
raw_varint32 = readRawVarint32(stream)
message = None
if raw_varint32:
size = getSize(raw_varint32)
data =
if len(data) < size:
raise Exception("Unexpected end of file")
message = MessageType()
return message
Was also looking for a solution for this. Here's the core of our solution, assuming some java code wrote many MyRecord messages with writeDelimitedTo into a file. Open the file and loop, doing:
if(someCodedInputStream->ReadVarint32(&bytes)) {
CodedInputStream::Limit msgLimit = someCodedInputStream->PushLimit(bytes);
if(myRecord->ParseFromCodedStream(someCodedInputStream)) {
//do your stuff with the parsed MyRecord instance
} else {
//handle parse error
} else {
//maybe end of file
Hope it helps.
Working with an objective-c version of protocol-buffers, I ran into this exact issue. On sending from the iOS client to a Java based server that uses parseDelimitedFrom, which expects the length as the first byte, I needed to call writeRawByte to the CodedOutputStream first. Posting here to hopegully help others that run into this issue. While working through this issue, one would think that Google proto-bufs would come with a simply flag which does this for you...
Request* request = [rBuild build];
[self sendMessage:request];
- (void) sendMessage:(Request *) request {
//** get length
NSData* n = [request data];
uint8_t len = [n length];
PBCodedOutputStream* os = [PBCodedOutputStream streamWithOutputStream:outputStream];
//** prepend it to message, such that Request.parseDelimitedFrom(in) can parse it properly
[os writeRawByte:len];
[request writeToCodedOutputStream:os];
[os flush];
Since I'm not allowed to write this as a comment to Kenton Varda's answer above; I believe there is a bug in the code he posted (as well as in other answers which have been provided). The following code:
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
// Read the size.
uint32_t size;
if (!input.ReadVarint32(&size)) return false;
// Tell the stream not to read beyond that size.
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream::Limit limit =
sets an incorrect limit because it does not take into account the size of the varint32 which has already been read from input. This can result in data loss/corruption as additional bytes are read from the stream which may be part of the next message. The usual way of handling this correctly is to delete the CodedInputStream used to read the size and create a new one for reading the payload:
uint32_t size;
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
// Read the size.
if (!input.ReadVarint32(&size)) return false;
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
// Tell the stream not to read beyond that size.
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream::Limit limit =
You can use getline for reading a string from a stream, using the specified delimiter:
istream& getline ( istream& is, string& str, char delim );
(defined in the header)

range downloads in http

I need to download a html page in chunks. I had build a GET reuest whick can download a certain range of data. But i am unsuccessful in doing this in a repetitive manner.
Basically I have to reciver first 0-99 bytes then 100-199 and so on...
Also I would be grateful to know how toh know the exact size of receiving file beforehand using c or c++ code.
Following is my code.
i have exempted connectig to sockets etc. as it have been done successfully.
int c=0,s=0;
get = build_get_query(host, page,s);
fprintf(stderr, "Query is:\n<<START>>\n%s<<END>>\n", get);
//Send the query to the server
int sent = 0;
cout<<"sending "<<c<<endl;
while(sent < strlen(get))
tmpres = send(sock, get+sent, strlen(get)-sent, 0);
if(tmpres == -1)
perror("Can't send query");
sent += tmpres;
//now it is time to receive the page
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
int htmlstart = 0;
char * htmlcontent;
cout<< "reciving "<<c<<endl;
while((tmpres = recv(sock, buf, BUFSIZ, 0)) > 0)
if(htmlstart == 0)
/* Under certain conditions this will not work.
* If the \r\n\r\n part is splitted into two messages
* it will fail to detect the beginning of HTML content
htmlcontent = strstr(buf, "\r\n\r\n");
if(htmlcontent != NULL)
htmlstart = 1;
htmlcontent += 4;
htmlcontent = buf;
fprintf(stdout, htmlcontent);
memset(buf, 0, tmpres);
if(tmpres < 0)
perror("Error receiving data");
char *build_get_query(char *host, char *page,int i)
char *query;
char *getpage = page;
int j=i+99;
char tpl[100] = "GET /%s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\nRange: bytes=%d-%d\r\nUser- Agent: %s\r\n\r\n";
if(getpage[0] == '/')
getpage = getpage + 1;
fprintf(stderr,"Removing leading \"/\", converting %s to %s\n", page, getpage);
query = (char *)malloc(strlen(host)+strlen(getpage)+8+strlen(USERAGENT)+strlen(tpl)-5);
sprintf(query, tpl, getpage, host, i , j, USERAGENT);
return query;
Also I would be grateful to know how toh know the exact size of receiving file beforehand using c or c++ code.
If the server supports a range request to the specific resource (which is not guaranteed) then the answer will look like this:
HTTP/1.1 206 partial content
Content-Range: bytes 100-199/12345
This means that the response will contain the bytes 100..199 and that the total size of the content is 12345 bytes.
There are lots of questions here which deal with parsing HTTP headers so I will not go into the detail on how to specifically use C/C++ to extract these data from the header.
Please note also that you are doing a HTTP/1.1 request and thus must deal with possible chunked responses and implicit keep alive. I really recommend to use existing HTTP libraries instead of doing it all by hand and doing it wrong. If you really want to implement it all by your own please study the specification of HTTP.

SNI in GNUTLS, when to ask?

So, I'm attempting to implement SNI in my GNUTLS server.
My code:
if(sniCallback != NULL) {
size_t ds = 256;
char data[ds];
unsigned int type = (unsigned int)GNUTLS_NAME_DNS;
int snir = gnutls_server_name_get(sessiond, &data[0], &ds, &type, (unsigned int)0);
data[ds - 1] = 0; // the last one must always be \0
if(snir >= 0) {
jstring js = (*this)->NewStringUTF(this, data);
jlong snicert = (*this)->CallLongMethod(this, sniCallback, (*this)->GetMethodID(this, (*this)->GetObjectClass(this, sniCallback), "getSNICert", "(Ljava/lang/String;)J"), js);
if(snicert > 0L) {
struct cert* oc = (struct cert*)snicert;
gnutls_credentials_set(sessiond, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, oc->cert);
} else {
printf("%i\n", snir);
(Don't mind the JNI)
I get the -56 error codes, which is GNUTLS_E_REQUESTED_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE, which the documentation translates to no SNI was sent (yet). How do I know WHEN I have the SNI information? AKA When do I get the Client Hello? I'm getting this directly from Chrome, so I know there is SNI. This is all NIO by the way.
For those on the same path as me, the answer is:

Losing characters in TCP Telnet transmission

I'm using Winsock to send commands through Telnet ; but for some reason when I try to send a string, a few characters get dropped occasionally. I use send:
int SendData(const string & text)
return 0;
Any suggestions?
I checked and the error still occurs even if all the characters are sent. So I decided to change the Send function so that it sends individual characters and checks if they have been sent:
void SafeSend(const string &text)
char char_text[1];
for(size_t i = 0; i <text.size(); ++i)
char_text[0] = text[i];
while(send(hSocket,char_text,1,0) != 1);
Also, it drops characters in a peculiar way ; i.e. in the middle of the sentence. E.g.
set variable [fp]exit_flag = true
is sent as
ariable [fp]exit_flag = true
set variable [fp]app_flag = true
is sent as
setrable [fp]app_flag = true
As mentioned in the comments you absolutely need to check the return value of send as it can return after sending only a part of your buffer.
You nearly always want to call send in a loop similar to the following (not tested as I don't have a Windows development environment available at the moment):
bool SendString(const std::string& text) {
int remaining = text.length();
const char* buf =;
while (remaining > 0) {
int sent = send(hSocket, buf, remaining, 0);
if (sent == SOCKET_ERROR) {
/* Error occurred check WSAGetLastError() */
return false;
remaining -= sent;
buf += sent;
return true;
This is not relevant for the OP, but calls to recv should also structured in the same way as above.
To debug the problem further, Wireshark (or equivalent software) is excellent in tracking down the source of the problem.
Filter the packets you want to look at (it has lots of options) and check if they include what you think they include.
Also note that telnet is a protocol with numerous RFCs. Most of the time you can get away with just sending raw text, but it's not really guaranteed to work.
You mention that the windows telnet client sends different bytes from you, capture a minimal sequence from both clients and compare them. Use the RFCs to figure out what the other client does different and why. You can use "View -> Packet Bytes" to bring up the data of the packet and can easily inspect and copy/paste the hex dump.