Did Google recently change UI to grant public access to bucket objects in Google Cloud Platform? - google-cloud-platform

Ok, I've been using Google Cloud Platform for some video files
that are are viewable from a few web pages I built. I started this two or three years ago, and I have loved it.
But, now it appears they broke it, without warning/telling us.
So, in the platform's console, yesterday (for first time since a month or two ago), I uploaded another video...that part went fine. But, when it came time to click on the checkbox to grant public access, the checkbox is now GONE. (The only part of the UI that looks NEW,
is the column labeled 'public access'. Instead of just a check-box to toggle on or off, now there's a yellow-triangle and an oval-shaped symbol. Once or twice, I was able to get a popup to appear saying 'edit permission', but that quickly led into the weeds.)
After half an hour or so, I finally thought to call platform support, and explained my problem to a guy (with just enough Australian accent to cause me to have to ask for repeats quite a bit...sigh).
So, they logged me a case# and I suggested I was headed to bed, and asked that we now use email (rather than the phone) to continue. Just before bed, I got the case#, and a query about whether it was ok for them to 'change my console'. I replied to the email, saying yes, and went to bed.)
So that was last nite. This morning, re-reading their email, it seems to say that it could be 3 or 4 days, before a more technical person will contact me.
Some re-reading their platform-console docs, I'm now GUESSING that maybe they just nuked the public-access checkbox, and that now I'm supposed to spend hours (days?) taking a short-course on IAM-permmissions, and learn some new long-winded method.
(This whole mess could have been avoided, if they'd just emailed us an informational warning of this UI-change, with some new 5-step short list or tutorial of how to learn to use their 'new, much more complicated,
way to specify public-access'. From where I sit, this change is equivalent to Microsoft saying 'instead of that checkbox, you'll need to learn to make registry edits...see our platform docs on how to do that.)
Right now, I have more than half-a-mind, to seriously consider bailing out of Google's cloud storage, and consider switching to one of the others. But, I'm not quite ready yet, to make that jump (from the frying-pan into the fire?). :^)
Anyone else been down this road? What meeting did I miss? Is there a quicker way out of my dilemma, than just waiting for Google-support to get back to me?

It looks like the change you mention was introduced on July 18th. I’m not sure why, but judging by the change description, it looks like it is aimed to avoid accidentally making sensitive information public: “Objects can no longer be made public through one-click actions”.
You can find the procedure to make a single object public here. It can be achieved through the Console and won't take you more than a few minutes. Once the object is shared publicly, you can use the icon in the “public access” column to get the URL for the object.
You can also make all the content of a bucket public using a similar approach.

When you upload your objects into a bucket, you can upload with ACL as publicRead
and all your objects will have public URL.
public async Task UploadObjectAsync(string bucketName, string objectName, Stream source, string contentType = "image/jpeg")
var storage = StorageClient.Create();
await storage.UploadObjectAsync(bucketName, objectName, contentType, source, new UploadObjectOptions()
PredefinedAcl = PredefinedObjectAcl.PublicRead

As I suspected. (I still wonder if they even considered sending an email to each registered/existing customer.)
Ok, yes, (finally, after some practices), this solves it! Thx for those two answers.
(But in my view, their UI-change is still a work-in-progress) So, I have a SUGGESTION for ya, Google. Once one is into the permissions-edit-dialog, and remembers to do an 'add', there's are the 3 fields. The first and third are fine...drop-downs with choices. But that middle entry needs work...how about doing something like an auto-guess-ahead...initialize the field to a suggested value of 'allUsers', so we don't have to remember what to type and how to spell it, or something along those lines.
EDIT: [Actually, it ought to be possible to make that field a drop-down-list choice, with 'allUsers' as one suggested value, and a second value as a text-entry (for specific user-names, etc).]

Unfortunately, 8 Ball Pool it is not possible to list files Google Hangouts without access to the Omegle bucket that contains them. This is due to the current design of the library, which requires that the bucket is loaded before listing its files.


RESTful API and Foreign key handling for POSTs and PUTs

I'm helping develop a new API for an existing database.
I'm using Python 2.7.3, Django 1.5 and the django-rest-framework 2.2.4 with PostgreSQL 9.1
I need/want good documentation for the API, but I'm shorthanded and I hate writing/maintaining documentation (one of my many flaws).
I need to allow consumers of the API to add new "POS" (points of sale) locations. In the Postgres database, there is a foreign key from pos to pos_location_type. So, here is a simplified table structure.
id serial,
description text not null
id serial,
pos_name text not null,
pos_location_type_id int not null references pos_location_type(id)
So, to allow them to POST a new pos, they will need to give me a "pos_name" an a valid pos_location_type. So, I've been reading about this stuff all weekend. Lots of debates out there.
How is my API consumers going to know what a pos_location_type is? Or what value to pass here?
It seems like I need to tell them where to get a valid list of pos_locations. Something like:
GET /pos_location/
As a quick note, examples of pos_location_type descriptions might be: ('school', 'park', 'office').
I really like the "Browseability" of of the Django REST Framework, but, it doesn't seem to address this type of thing, and I actually had a very nice chat on IRC with Tom Christie earlier today, and he didn't really have an answer on what to do here (or maybe I never made my question clear).
I've looked at Swagger, and that's a very cool/interesting project, but take a look at their "pet" resource on their demo here. Notice it is pretty similar to what I need to do. To add a new pet, you need to pass a category, which they define as class Category(id: long, name: string). How is the consumer suppose to know what to pass here? What's a valid id? or name?
In Django rest framework, I can define/override what is returned in the OPTION call. I guess I could come up with my own little "system" here and return some information like:
pos-location-url: '/pos_location/'
in the generic form, it would be: {resource}-url: '/path/to/resource_list'
and that would sort of work for the documentation side, but I'm not sure if that's really a nice solution programmatically. What if I change the resources location. That would mean that my consumers would need to programmatically make and OPTIONS call for the resource to figure out all of the relations. Maybe not a bad thing, but feels like a little weird.
So, how do people handle this kind of thing?
Final notes: I get the fact that I don't really want a "leaking" abstaction here and have my database peaking thru the API layer, but the fact remains that there is a foreign_key constraint on this existing database and any insert that doesn't have a valid pos_location_type_id is raising an error.
Also, I'm not trying to open up the URI vs. ID debate. Whether the user has to use the pos_location_type_id int value or a URI doesn't matter for this discussion. In either case, they have no idea what to send me.
I've worked with this kind of stuff in the past. I think there is two ways of approaching this problem, the first you already said it, allow an endpoint for users of the API to know what is the id-like value of the pos_location_type. Many API's do this because a person developing from your API is gonna have to read your documentation and will know where to get the pos_location_type values from. End-users should not worry about this, because they will have an interface showing probably a dropdown list of text values.
On the other hand, the way I've also worked this, not very RESTful-like. Let's suppose you have a location in New York, and the POST could be something like:
POST /pos/new_york/
You can handle /pos/(location_name)/ by normalizing the text, then just search on the database for the value or some similarity, if place does not exist then you just create a new one. That in case users can add new places, if not, then the user would have to know what fixed places exist, which again is the first situation we are in.
that way you can avoid pos_location_type in the request data, you could programatically map it to a valid ID.

Parameter not supported by web service

I want to validate an opinion with you.
I have to design a web service that searches into a database of restaurants affiliated to a discount program in a specific country around a given address.
The REST call to such a webservice will look like http://server/search?country=<countryCode>&language=<languageCode>&address=<address>&zipcode=<zipcode>
The problem is that some countries do not have zipcodes or do not have them in the entire country.
Now, what would you do if the user passes such a parameter for a country that does not have zipcodes, but he/she passes a valid address?
Return 400 Bad request.
Simply igonre the zipcode parameter and return results based on the valid address
Return an error message in a specific format (e.g. JSON) stating that zipcodes are not supported for that country
Some colleagues are also favoring the following option
4. Simply return no results. And state in the documentation that the zipcode parameter is not supported. Also we have to create a webservice method which returns what fields should be displayed in the user interface.
What option do you think is best and why?
Well the OpenStreetMap Nomination Server returns results even if you dont know the ZIP Code and you can look at the results anyway. What if the user doesnt know the zip code but wants to find hist object?
I would try to search for that specific object anyway, especially because you said that some countries have zip codes partially.
If you simply return nothing te user doesnt know what went wrong and he wont know what to do.
That would depend on the use case. How easy is it for a user of the API to trigger that case? Is it a severe error which the user really should know how to avoid? Or is it something that is not entirely clear, where a user may know (or think he knows) a zipcode where officially there shouldn't be one? Does it come down to trial and error for the user how to retrieve correct results from your API? Is it a bad enough error that the user needs to be informed about it and that he needs to handle this on his side?
If you place this restriction in your API, consider that it will have to be clearly documented when this case is triggered, every user of the API will have to read and understand that documentation, it needs to be clear how to avoid the problem, it needs to be possible for the user to avoid the problem and every user will have to correctly implement extra code on his side to avoid this problem. Is it possible for the user to easily know which areas have zipcodes and which don't?
I think the mantra of "be flexible in what you accept, strict in what you output" applies...

Mediawiki mass user delete/merge/block

I have 500 or so spambots and about 5 actual registered users on my wiki. I have used nuke to delete their pages but they just keep reposting. I have spambot registration under control using reCaptcha. Now, I just need a way to delete/block/merge about 500 users at once.
You could just delete the accounts from the user table manually, or at least disable their authentication info with a query such as:
UPDATE /*_*/user SET
user_password = '',
user_newpassword = '',
user_email = '',
user_token = ''
/* condition to select the users you want to nuke */
(Replace /*_*/ with your $wgDBprefix, if any. Oh, and do make a backup first.)
Wiping out the user_password and user_newpassword fields prevents the user from logging in. Also wiping out user_email prevents them from requesting a new password via email, and wiping out user_token drops any active sessions they may have.
Update: Since I first posted this, I've had further experience of cleaning up large numbers of spam users and content from a MediaWiki installation. I've documented the method I used (which basically involves first deleting the users from the database, then wiping out up all the now-orphaned revisions, and finally running rebuildall.php to fix the link tables) in this answer on Webmasters Stack Exchange.
Alternatively, you might also find Extension:RegexBlock useful:
"RegexBlock is an extension that adds special page with the interface for blocking, viewing and unblocking user names and IP addresses using regular expressions."
There are risks involved in applying the solution in the accepted answer. The approach may damage your database! It incompletely removes users, doing nothing to preserve referential integrity, and will almost certainly cause display errors.
Here a much better solution is presented (a prerequisite is that you have installed the User merge extension):
I have a little awkward way to accomplish the bulk merge through a
work-around. Hope someone would find it useful! (Must have a little
string concatenation skills in spreadsheets; or one may use a python
or similar script; or use a text editor with bulk replacement
Prepare a list of all SPAMuserIDs, store them in a spreadsheet or textfile. The list may be
prepared from the user creation logs. If you do have the
dB access, the Wiki_user table can be imported into a local list.
The post method used for submitting the Merge & Delete User form (by clicking the button) should be converted to a get method. This
will get us a long URL. See the second comment (by Matthew Simoneau)
dated 13/Jan/2009) at
for the method.
The resulting URL string should be something like below:
http: //(Your Wiki domain)/Special:UserMerge?olduser=(OldUserNameHere)&newuser=(NewUserNameHere)&deleteuser=1&token=0d30d8b4033a9a523b9574ccf73abad8%2B\
Now, divide this URL into four sections:
A: http: //(Your Wiki domain)/Special:UserMerge?olduser=
B: (OldUserNameHere)
C: &newuser=(NewUserNameHere)&deleteuser=1
D: &token=0d30d8b4033a9a523b9574ccf73abad8%2B\
Now using a text editor or spreadsheet, prefix each spam userIDs with part A and Suffix each with Part C and D. Part C will include the
NewUser(which is a specially created single dummy userID). The Part D,
the Token string is a session-dependent token that will be changed per
user per session. So you will need to get a new token every time a new
session/batch of work is required.
With the above step, you should get a long list of URLs, each good to do a Merge&Delete operation for one user. We can now create a
simple HTML file, view it and use a batch downloader like DownThemAll
in Firefox.
Add two more pieces " Linktext" to each line at
beginning and end. Also add at top and at
bottom and save the file as (for eg:) userlist.html
Open the file in Firefox, use DownThemAll add-on and download all the files! Effectively, you are visiting the Merge&Delete page for
each user and clicking the button!
Although this might look a lengthy and tricky job at first, once you
follow this method, you can remove tens of thousands of users without
much manual efforts.
You can verify if the operation is going well by opening some of the
downloaded html files (or by looking through the recent changes in
another window).
One advantage is that it does not directly edit the
MySQL pages. Nor does it require direct database access.
I did a bit of rewriting to the quoted text, since the original text contains some flaws.

Vtiger: I can't add a To Do event

If I got to calendar, click on To Do, then try to add an event, the form pops up, I fill it out, press save, but no Event gets added.
In the SQL error log's I see an error like this:
2011-09-29 14:57:07 EDT ERROR: null value in column "visibility" violates not-null constraint
2011-09-29 14:57:07 EDT STATEMENT: insert into
values('235','Testing','2011-09-29','19:50',NULL,'2011-09-29','Not Started',NULL,'High','0','Task',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0')
So, for some reason, it is trying to add a To-Do while inserting null values. My biggest problem is that I cannot locate the origin of the query. So, basically, the most important thing I am asking is what file takes the data that was input into the todosave form and turns it into a query.
I don't know if many people on here use Vtiger, but I couldn't figure this out so I went ahead and posted anyway. The official documentation is not very helpful in my opinion.
Thanks for everything, have a good day.
This might be an isolated case, but was any of the modules modified recently? In this case, I would assume that it would be the Calendar module. I've tested this on the demo website and on my vTiger installation and it works fine..
Perhaps you can download a fresh copy of vTiger and replace the modules/Calendar all its content.
By the way, another place to ask if you have any questions, is the vTiger forums.
Usually you can ask it in the Help - 5.2.1 section. Hope this helps!

In mTurk, how can I use participation in a previous HIT (or series of HITs) as a qualification?

I am using mTurk for surveys, and I need a way of making sure that people who have participated in a previous survey / HIT do not participate in certain future surveys / HITs. I am not sure whether I should do this as a qualification or in some other way.
I know there is some way to do this, but I have no idea how. I have very limited programming experience and would greatly, greatly appreciate specific instructions on how I might do this. My understanding is that I might need to use AWS? Many thanks!
Mass rejections as suggested above are a really, really bad idea in terms of your reputation as a requester. You are much better off creating a Qualification for the new HIT, which automatically grants a score of 100 (or whatever) to anyone who takes it, and assigning scores of zero to everyone who has done the previous surveys. This prevents repeats but doesn't annoy any of your workers.
The easiest way to create a Qualification is at https://requester.mturk.com/qualification_types.
If you download the csv of workers from here https://requester.mturk.com/workers, you can assign scores to workers who have done the previous HIT(s).
To make the qualification grant scores to new workers automatically requires the API, though.
Here's a hacky way to do it:
When you accept HITs for surveys, save every participating worker's ID.
In the writeup, note that "if you've done previous surveys w/ us, then you can't do this one (IE, you can, but we won't approve it)".
When you approve HITs, cross-reference the worker ids with anybody who participated in a previous survey, and reject the hits of any that match.
If you're doing enough surveys, then yes, you probably want to use AWS API for at least the approval part. otherwise, most things appear to be do-able from the requester interface.
Amazon Mechanical Turk service has this option for requesters to grant their workers by Qualification_Type. In this way by connecting your HITs to a qualification_type naming "A", then granting workers exactly the same qualification_type, only workers who have that qualification can see and work on HITs.
First, creating desired qualification types through mturk web UI.(it is only name and description) requester.mturk.com > manage > QualificationTypes. It will give you a qualification id after generating it. (you will need it soon)
Second, in HIT creation loop, you have to use QualificationRequirement class. (I am using java code and it looks like the below-mentioned code):
QualificationRequirement[] qualReq = new QualificationRequirement[1];
qualReq[0] = new QualificationRequirement();
then in HIT creation loop, I will use this:
try {
hit = this.service.createHIT(null,
new Double(props.getRewardAmount()),
new Long(props.getAssignmentDuration()),
new Long(props.getAutoApprovalDelay()),
new Long(props.getLifetime()),
new Integer(props.getMaxAssignments()),
Third is assigning the qualification type to the workers that you want them to work on your HITs. It is very straightforward, I usually use mturk UI to do it. https://requester.mturk.com/ > manage tab > Workers. You should download the CSV file if you want to assign this qualification to a bunch of workers.
(Workers are who worked with you in the past)
you could notify workers by sending them an email after qualifying them
Notice: Some workers are very slow in answering your new HITs after qualifying them; so keep in mind that you should have some backup plan and time if you will not receive enough response in a certain amount of time.