How to update Django in visual studio 2017 - django

I am trying to setup Visual Studio 2017 for Django Development but the Django (1.9) version is old, How can I update it to latest version (>= 2.0).

Create a Django Web Project with proposed install. Name Your Env.
choose "Python Environment"
choose your Enviroment
choose Packages (PyPi)
choose available Updates

Hi you can go through this link this is a complete setup guide.i hope it helps.


ZenCoding is not working in Visual Studio 2017 community edition

I installed web essentials 2017 after downloading it from the Marketplace Link- . Then installed it after closing Visual studio and tried ZenCoding in a razor page. puffff tab doesn't work.
I don't have ReSharper
After going through a lot of blogs, a few suggested the same solution, that we need to follow the installation steps
Install Web Essentials
Install ZenCoding
Then try ZenCoding, if it doesn't work uninstall both i.e. Web Essentials & ZenCoding and follow set 1 & 2.
This worked for me.

Install specific version of Cordova CLI in Visual Studio 2017

I need to do some updates to a Cordova app created using Visual Studio 2017 Tools for Apache Cordova (TACO).
The Cordova CLI version listed in the config.xml file is 6.3.1 and the cordova-ios platform version is 4.2.0
When I try to build the project (using a Mac with XCode 8.3.3, I get this error
Build failed with error Remotebuild requires your projects to use
cordova-ios 4.3.0 or greater with XCode 8.3. Please update your
cordova-ios version.
I don't see any updates to TACO in VS2017 or instructions in the Microsoft documentation for Apache Cordova Tools.
Ideally, I'd like to make the most minor version update possible to get my build working with XCode 8.3.3.
I know there is a Cordova version 7.0.1, but I don't want to make that upgrade just yet because I'm under the gun time wise.
I don't see any updates to TACO in VS2017 or instructions in the Microsoft documentation for Apache Cordova Tools.
You can follow below steps to use the latest cordova-ios:
Open config.xml with designer
Toolset->Check the checkbox of Take latest patch(requires internet) on cordova-ios row.
If you don't see the checkbox in the designer page, you need to change it in the xml. Find the following tag in config.xml:
<engine name="ios" spec="4.2.0" />
and modify it to:
<engine name="ios" spec="~4.2.0" />
If the version is still not update to the latest, please try the below steps to fix the issue:
Clear the cordova cache under: Tools->Options->Tools for Apache Cordova->Clear Cordova cache.
Open cmd of your project folder;
Type npm install -g cordova-ios to install globally the cordova-ios(requires node installed as pre-work);
Then cordova platform rm ios;
Type cordova platform add ios;
Run your project again
For iOS, please install iOS#4.3.1. This is the only version i found working with XCode 8.3.3
I had the same error, follow this steps :
1- If not installed yet, install Node
2- Install the latest version of cordova or anyother:
npm install -g cordova
3- Install taco-cli:
npm install -g taco-cli
4- Configure taco-cli :
taco remote add ios
(respond a few question, MAC IP, Port,etc...)
5- in your root project add or edit a file named "taco.json", add inside :
"cordova-cli": "7.1.0"
Where 7.1.0 correspond to your cordova version (cordova --v)
6- Try to emulate on your MAC:
taco emulate ios
You will maybe have an error about platform. Ignore it
7- Close then open Visual Studio
8- On Visual Studio open the config.xml UI EDITOR and change the toolset name with
Global cordova
9- Build using Visual Studio.
If it doesn't work, please let me know
I don't have the authority to add a comment to the answer above, so adding my updates here:
If the version is still not update to the latest, please try the below steps to fix the issue:
First, modify your project config.xml file using an editor, rather than through the tools. Not sure why it was necessary, but this was the key difference from the above instructions. I also found that 4.3.1 was best. Remove any ~ characters before the version.
Clear the cordova cache under: Tools->Options->Tools for Apache Cordova->Clear Cordova cache.
Open cmd of your project folder
Type npm install -g cordova-ios to install globally the cordova-ios(requires node installed as pre-work)
Then cordova platform rm ios
Type cordova platform add ios
Run your project again
If the cordova command in steps 4 and 5 doesn't work, add the cordova bin directory to you path. In my case

TFS2010 & VS2012 which SDK should be placed on the server?

I have a WebService made in vs2012 on 3.5fwk which uses programatically dlls of TFS to make workItems.
The since I've been working on vs2012 TFS's dlls are version, and not as if I would work on a vs2010.
Oddly It works, on a machine with vs2012 installed and without TFS2010 installed, even when adding the dlls couldn't be done while the WebService project was on 3.5fwk (I had to make it 4.5 to be able to find the assemblies, and after adding them change it back to 3.5).
There's only 1 Gb left on the server so I can't install the whole VS on the server (and if we don't talk about licencing, this problem would be over).
I need to install an SDK Package on the server then, but, which one?
Framework 4.5 fwk?
TFS2010 sdk?
TFS2012 sdk?
You'd need to install:
Team Foundation Server 2012 Object Model
.NET Framework 4.5
And optionally Visual Studio 2012 update 3 to bring the object model up to the latest version. This should only install the updated version of the object model.
Or recompile against the 2010 binaries and install:
Team Foundation Server 2010 Object Model SP1

Developer Studio 2.1.0 and jdk 1.7

I am using the WSO2 Developer Studio version 2.1.0 which I downloaded in November. I want to use the jdk 1.7 to compile my projects.
I added this to the eclipse.ini file:
-vm C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_11/bin
When i attempt to set the Java Compiler preferences, the highest Compiler Compliance level is 1.6 - any idea how I can get eclipse to allow me to compile for 1.7?
Assuming you are using the Developer Studio 2.1.0 preinstalled Eclipse distribution I will answer your question.
I do not believe Eclipse Helios support Java 1.7 by default. Hence you need to add the JDK 1.7 to your JDK list as explained in here.
After that you should be able to use your Developer Studio with JDK 1.7.
However we have seen some issues running Eclipse Helios, Indigo and Juno with JDK 1.7 since Eclipse instances experienced some issues while installing new plugins with Eclipse P2 Updater due to some changes in JDK 1.7 implementations. Therefore I strongly recommend you to use JDK 1.6 instead of JDK 1.7 unless you are using Juno SR2.

Migrate carbon studio projects to 2.0.0

I have several cApp projects in Eclipse/Carbon Studio 1.0.14. Is there an "easy" way to migrate these to Developer Studio 2.0.0. If so, what's the best way to do it other than recreating all the artefacts and new cApp projects.
Also after uninstalling 1.0.14 and installing 2.0.0, my cApp projects are not recognized anymore as cApp projects.
Thanks and regards,
Currently there is no way to migrate other than recreating the projects with new Developer Studio 2.0.0.
We are planning on implementing a migration application which allows users to convert 1.x.x applications to 2.0.0 compatible versions. But we are unable to provide any solid timeline when this tool will be released.
Thanks and Regards,