TFS2010 & VS2012 which SDK should be placed on the server? - web-services

I have a WebService made in vs2012 on 3.5fwk which uses programatically dlls of TFS to make workItems.
The since I've been working on vs2012 TFS's dlls are version, and not as if I would work on a vs2010.
Oddly It works, on a machine with vs2012 installed and without TFS2010 installed, even when adding the dlls couldn't be done while the WebService project was on 3.5fwk (I had to make it 4.5 to be able to find the assemblies, and after adding them change it back to 3.5).
There's only 1 Gb left on the server so I can't install the whole VS on the server (and if we don't talk about licencing, this problem would be over).
I need to install an SDK Package on the server then, but, which one?
Framework 4.5 fwk?
TFS2010 sdk?
TFS2012 sdk?

You'd need to install:
Team Foundation Server 2012 Object Model
.NET Framework 4.5
And optionally Visual Studio 2012 update 3 to bring the object model up to the latest version. This should only install the updated version of the object model.
Or recompile against the 2010 binaries and install:
Team Foundation Server 2010 Object Model SP1


Why is the ability to publish not available in VS 2017 on new surface pro

Just setup new surface pro. Moved from Laptop. I installed VS 2017 (even tried 2019) and loaded project from old laptop. Made changes and went to Publish new install and getting 'The publish components are not available. You need to reinstall Visual Studio to publish your application.' under publish tab. Program will build and can run the application from IDE.
Had to save project and publish using old laptop. I searched the internet and seen many posts about this issue but no solutions.
I have uninstalled VS 2017 and reinstalled. Have tried community version and pro version and same issue.
Hopefully someone has seen this and actually found a way to correct issue.
I noticed that my old laptop also had visual studio 2015 installed. I went ahead and installed that on new surface and now the ability to publish is available in vs 2017

Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'ConsoleApp1' while installing new package

I get Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'ConsoleApp1' while installing a new package. In particular I am trying to install the dropbox API, but I tried several other packages and get the same result.
I install by right clicking on the project and choosing Manage nuGet Packages... Then I select the package and click Install.
The NuGet is able to connect with the NuGet server as the package seems to download. The download information flashes on the screen pretty quick so I captured it with screen recording software to see if there were error messages. There were none.
I updated visual studio 2017 to latest patch level. My windows 10 machine is also at the latest level.
The project I am trying to install into is a freshly created Console App(.Net Core).
Here are the other questions I looked at:
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes
does not have any responses because it is not a well developed question.
package restore failed rolling back package change for ' myproject' in vs 2017 .net mvc core project
Yet another poorly worded question with no viable answers.
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'myproject' in vs 2017 in MVC Core
That one is trying to update packages, not install new.
Nuget - Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'WebApplication1'. 0
Seems to be for a custom package.
I am new to using Visual Studio.
To expand on #Michael Potter's answer, create a Console App (.NET Framework), NOT Console App (.NET Core).
The problem was that I am using Console App(.Net Core) Core is not compatible with Dropbox API.
I figured that out by opening NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console and running Install-Package Dropbox-Api.
Then the error message about compatibility was on the screen plain to see.
To solve the problem I am switching to Console App (.Net Framework).
bring the version of the solution package to 1.1.3enter image description here

Nuget restore for some team members does not work - Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc and other core packages

I'm using Visual Studio 2015 community along with some other in our team. A mvc web application that I created works fine on my machine but when others get it to build, all packages download successfully but some of the core MVC such as Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc, Razor, etc don't install.
What was weird that on their machine, if they went into PM and downgraded the MVC package to 5.2.2 and then upgraded back to 5.2.3 it worked. But now when setting up the build on our build server, we get the same issue!
Any ideas why this bizarre behavior?
Didn't check that but why would that matter? When the Dev downgrades the version on 1 package and then upgrades back everything is as it should be
EDIT (4th Oct 2016) after investigating a bunch of things:
One of the developers at one point committed the "Packages" folder which sits at the root which had the "Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc" and other folders but without the dlls. This made the "Restore packages" not really "Restore" these as the folder already existed but when the build was run the artifacts weren't actually there in the folder to be moved into bin.
I deleted the packages folder, added it to gitignore and committed the change which made everything 'green'!

Manually deployed WinRT app behaves different compared to deployment from VS2013

I've developed a universal app for Windows 8.1 and am now trying to install the built .appx package via powershell having no problem after installing the certificate. Though when I run the installed app it behaves differently as if I deploy/install the app from within Visual Studio.
The app is using (local) REST services to obtain data from different sources. While working when starting the app from Visual Studio, it is not when I create an .appx package and install it manually via powershell. Any hints where the problem is located?

Has VS 2010 SP1 changed where the .config file is picked up from in VSTO add ins?

I have an outlook 2010 add-in that has a service reference to a simple web service we have set up.
The config for the service is in the app.config file.
This add-in is deployed using windows installer into the program files folder.
This has been working without a problem until yesterday.
Yesterday I installed VS 2010 SP1 and now when the add-in tries to access the web service it has the error "Could not find default endpoint element that references contract in the ServiceModel client configuration section."
Does anyone know what has changed and what is causing this problem?
If I open the project in VS, build and then run from within VS the config is picked up fine.
The actual solution is more simple. There was a breaking change made to VSTO 4 sp1 in that the manifest has to be a fully qualified URI. So when building your setup project, you must prefix the path to the manifest with file:/// and everything works as you'd expect again. They didn't get the documentation and tutorial pages updated in time for the release. I'm not sure that they have been yet.
Perhaps you're hitting a problem with extensionless services after installing SP1? - Issue 16?
I had this exact same problem. After installing Visual Studio sp1 (which installs VSTO 4 sp1), my Outlook addin could no longer find its config file for service endpoints. The only solution I've found so far is to run the VSTO setup (the new one) and choose uninstall, then run the old version that was previously installed and rebuild the setup package. If the new version is installed on the client machine, that machine will have this issue. Your setup may not detect it because typically you specify a minimum version for it to look for. I haven't found any other info about others having this problem besides yourself or anything official from MS about the problem.