Post a Message to Elastic Beanstalk Worker Environment via SQS - amazon-web-services

I have a docker application on elastic beanstalk with a web-server and worker environment.
The worker environment currently runs scheduled jobs via cron.
I'm trying to connect the server to the worker to achieve the following:
Client sends a request to the server (/trigger_job)
Server offloads the job to the worker by sending a JSON message to SQS queue (/perform_job)
Worker performs the job by reading the message from SQS
I haven't been able to find documentation on what the JSON message should look like. There are some HTTP headers mentioned in the official documentation. But there's no mention of header to specify the desired endpoint in the worker environment.
from bottle import post, HTTPResponse
def trigger_worker_job():
# should send a JSON message to sqs to trigger the '/perform_job'
# Need help with what the JSON message looks like
return HTTPResponse(status=200, body={'Msg': 'Sent message'})
from bottle import post, HTTPResponse
def perform_job():
# job is performed in the worker environment
return HTTPResponse(status=200, body={'Msg': 'Success'})

In Python, you can see how this from the python sample application where you can find on this aws doc step 4: Deploy a New Application Version.
You can configure SQS endpoint in beanstalk worker environment console. Configuration > Worker > Select a Worker Queue
# for example:
environ['HTTP_X_AWS_SQSD_SCHEDULED_AT']"environ X-Aws-Sqsd-Queue %s" % environ['HTTP_X_AWS_SQSD_QUEUE'])
# regarding your message attribute. For example, the attribute name is Email,
# you can extract it via environ['HTTP_X_AWS_SQSD_ATTR_EMAIL']).
# Make sure that the attribute name is all capital."environ X-Aws-Sqsd-Attr Email %s" % environ['HTTP_X_AWS_SQSD_ATTR_EMAIL'])
The message will contains the following info in the image. You can read more on aws AWS Elastic Beanstalk Worker Environments

I found from some of my failed cron jobs in the dead letter queue, there were the following three attributes:
which are similar to the attributes set on the cron job.
You can manually create a new message in the SQS queue for the worker environment and set those attributes to match the cron job you wish to execute, though that is tedious and I much prefer to do so by code.
I'm using the boto3 framework in python, though hopefully it is a similar process in other languages.
def send_elastic_beanstalk_message(name, path, message):
client = boto3.client('sqs')
return client.send_message(
"beanstalk.sqsd.path": {
"DataType": "String",
"StringValue": path
"beanstalk.sqsd.task_name": {
"DataType": "String",
"StringValue": name
"beanstalk.sqsd.scheduled_time": {
"DataType": "String",
"StringValue":'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
This will create a new message in the SQS queue that will be parsed by the worker daemon and trigger a cron job.
Unfortunately, a message body does not seem to be included when the message is parsed, so triggering the job is the only action I was able to solve.


Phillips-Labs terraform-aws-github-runner not creating ec2 instance

I am trying to set up self-hosted runners for GitHub using Terraform with Phillips-Labs terraform-aws-github-runner module. I see the GH webhook send/receive messages, SQS queue receiving messages and those messages being retrieve. The scale-up lambda is firing and I see the following logs:
2023-01-31 11:50:15.879 INFO [scale-up:22b11002-76d2-5596-9451-4c51746730c2 index.js:119051 scaleUp] Received workflow_job from {my-org}/terraform-aws-github-self-hosted-runners
2023-01-31 11:50:15.880 INFO [scale-up:22b11002-76d2-5596-9451-4c51746730c2 index.js:119084 scaleUp] Received event
"runnerType": "Org",
"runnerOwner": "my-org",
"event": "workflow_job",
"id": "11002102910"
2023-01-31 11:50:16.188 DEBUG [gh-auth:22b11002-76d2-5596-9451-4c51746730c2 index.js:118486 createAuth] GHES API URL: {"runnerType":"Org","runnerOwner":"my-org","event":"workflow_job","id":"11002102910"}
2023-01-31 11:50:16.193 WARN [scale-runners:22b11002-76d2-5596-9451-4c51746730c2 index.js:118529 Runtime.handler] Ignoring error: error:1E08010C:DECODER routines::unsupported
"runnerType": "Org",
"runnerOwner": "my-org",
"event": "workflow_job",
"id": "11002102910"
I do not see any EC2 instances being creating. I suspect the GHES API URL: should have a value after it, but I'm not certain. Also, the final log says it is ignoring an error...
I have confirmed my private key pem file is stored as a multi-line secret in secrets manager.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
It looks like not all the permissions needed by the github app are documented. I needed to add a subscription to the Workflow run event.

Schedule Twillio messages on Google Cloud

What I want to achieve is that once I receive a message via Twilio I want to schedule a reply to it after exactly 5 minutes. I am using Google Cloud Functions to generate the replies, but I'm not sure how to schedule it. I have gone through Cloud tasks, Pub/Sub and Scheduler but I'm still confused as to how to achieve it. I am using Python.
What I am thinking is the following workflow: Twilio -> cloud function receives the message and sets a task for after 5 minutes o-> another cloud function is invoked after 5 minutes. I am stuck as to how to schedule it after 5 minutes.
In AWS you would use SQS in combination with delay queues which makes this very convenient.
Google Cloud Pub/Sub being the equivalent to AWS SQS doesn't support any sort of delay so you would need to use Google Cloud Tasks.
When creating a task you can specify a schedule time which identifies the time at which the task should be executed:
scheduleTime string (Timestamp format)
The time when the task is scheduled to be attempted or retried.
Quick example code copy & pasted from the Google documentation leaving out non-relevant bits and pieces:
from import tasks_v2
from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2
import datetime
client = tasks_v2.CloudTasksClient()
parent = client.queue_path(project, location, queue)
in_seconds = 5*60 # After 5 minutes...
d = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=in_seconds)
timestamp = timestamp_pb2.Timestamp()
task = {
"http_request": {
"http_method": tasks_v2.HttpMethod.POST,
"url": url,
"schedule_time": timestamp,
# Need to add payload, headers and task name as necessary here...
response = client.create_task(request={"parent": parent, "task": task})

AWS Win Tasks aren't running after server restart via Lambda

I have coded a simple task scedule that turns the AWS Windows server off and a simple Lambda code to turn the stopped instaces on, see code:
import time
import json
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# boto3 client
client = boto3.client('ec2')
ssm = boto3.client('ssm')
# getting instance information
describeInstance = client.describe_instances()
#print("eddie", describeInstance["Reservations"][0]["Instances"][0]["State"]["Name"])
InstanceId = []
# fetchin instance id of the running instances
for i in describeInstance['Reservations']:
for instance in i['Instances']:
if instance["State"]["Name"] == "stopped":
"""looping through instance ids
for instanceid in InstanceId:
# command to be executed on instance
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Thanks from Srce Cde!')
I have several tasks on my task scheduler that run Python scripts but after the activation those tasks arent running even when the server in running.
Note, I have tried to set "run whether logged on or not" on all of them but recived (0x1) errors related to privileges on those tasks
Does anyone know how to solve this? Is there any other way to turn off and on EC2 AWS win server in night time to save on billing

How to retrieve current workers count for job in GCP dataflow using API

Does anyone know if there is a possibility to get current workers count for active job that is running in GCP Dataflow?
I wasn't able to do it using provided by google API.
One thing that I was able to get is CurrentVcpuCount but it is not what I need.
Thanks in advance!
The current number of workers in a Dataflow job are displayed in the message logs, under autoscaling. For example, I did a quick job as example and I got the following message, when displaying the job logs in my Cloud Shell:
INFO:root:2019-01-28T16:42:33.173Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Raised the number of workers to 0 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
INFO:root:2019-01-28T16:43:02.166Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Autoscaling: Raised the number of workers to 1 based on the rate of progress in the currently running step(s).
INFO:root:2019-01-28T16:43:05.385Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Workers have started successfully.
INFO:root:2019-01-28T16:43:05.433Z: JOB_MESSAGE_DETAILED: Workers have started successfully.
Now, you can query these messages by using the method, in the Data flow API, and setting the minimumImportance parameter to be JOB_MESSAGE_BASIC.
You will get a response similar to the following:
"autoscalingEvents": [
{...} //other events
"currentNumWorkers": "1",
"description": {
"messageText": "(fcfef6769cff802b): Worker pool started.",
"time": "2019-01-28T16:43:02.130129051Z",
"workerPool": "Regular"
To extend this you could create a python script to parse the response, and only get the parameter currentNumWorkers from the last element in the list autoscalingEvents, to know what is the last (hence the current) number of workers in the Job.
Note that if this parameter is not present, it means that the number of workers is zero.
I did a quick python script that retrieves the current number of workers, from the message logs, using the API I mentioned above:
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import googleapiclient.discovery
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
service =
'dataflow', 'v1b3', credentials=credentials)
print("Current number of workers is "+messages['autoscalingEvents'][-1]['currentNumWorkers'])
print("Current number of workers is 0")
A couple of notes:
The scopes are the permissions needed on the service account key you are referencing (in the from_service_account_file function), in order to do the call to the API. This line is needed to authenticate to the API. You can use any one of this list, to make it easy on my side, I just used a service account key with project/owner permissions.
If you want to read more about the Python API Client Libraries, check this documentation, and this samples.
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AWS SQS - Receive message from CRON

I have an AWS Elastic Beanstalk instance configured as a Worker Environment. It has a cron job that runs every x minutes. In Worker Configuration I have the path to a php file that runs when the cron fires. If I go to the SQS dashboard I can manually send the SQS for this worker a message as well as set an actual message, for example "hello".
My question is, how can I have the php file access the SQS message's message attribute?
The obvious answer is to use the AWS\SQSClient however the only way to read a message is to first get a message. The problem here is that the message has already been retrieved by the Elastic Beanstalk worker code. So how can I now read its attributes?
Just to add more clarity to what I am describing I'm going to give a detailed write up of my steps to cause this.
I log into my elastic bean stalk and create a new Environment in my application.
I select 'create new worker'
I configure a PHP instance
I upload a new source for my environment
The source zip contains 2 files cron.yaml and someJob.php
See file codes below
I continue through set up until I get to the "Worker Details" section. Here I set the following:
Worker Queue - Autogenerated queue
HTTP Path - /someJob.php
MIME Type - default
HTTP Connections - 10
Visibility Timeout - 300
I let the environment build
During the build an autogenerated SQS message and dead letter queue are automatically built
Once finished the environment sits there until the first cron job time is hit
A message is somehow sent to the autogenerated SQS message queue
someJob.php runs
The message apparently gets deleted
version: 1
- name: "Worker"
url: "someJob.php"
schedule: "0 * * * *"
<?send me an email, update the db, whatever?>
//NOTE: I don't even connect to the AWS file or perform ANY SQS actions for this to work
Now my question is, if I go to the autogenerated SQS queue I can select it, go to Queue Actions, go to send a message, and then send an actual message string ... such as "Hello".
Can I access the message message value "Hello" even though my PHP wasn't responsible for calling the message from SQS? Obviously, I would need to the call the AWS lib and associated SQS commands but the only command I can do is "receiveMessage" which I assume would pull a new message instead of the information from the currently received "Hello" message.
Note that sending the "Hello" message will also call someJob.php to run.