Android - Double click publisher adview error - adview

I am working on an app with DFP ads.
I am facing one issue while loading DFP ads on my app with my app package name with one adunitId but same adunitId works in different apps. AdUnitId works in other apps but not in my current app.
Kindly find screenshots of sample apps in an attachment.
Please guide me on this issue.


expo dev client application doesn't open

I'm trying to use expo-dev-client to add react-native-sms-retriever library to my project because expo doesn't have a library that supports reading sms messages. In expo documentation, it's suggested that I should use expo-dev-client to add custom native code. You can see the documentation here:
I followed all of the steps in starting guide for expo-dev-client.
But when I start my app using "expo start --dev-client" and run on android, a white screen is shown for a second and then I'm redirected to expo go application page.
in console, the following 2 lines are written:
› Opening on Android...
› Opening com.droppgroup.masterclean://expo-development-client/?url=http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%3A8081 on LDN_L21
I tried this on real device and 2 other emulators but I got the same result. I reinstalled expo go application and it still doesn't work.
Any suggestions on what I can do to make this work?
The issue may be a problem with Expo config plugins, which configure native code for an Expo project, by configuring Info.plist for example. I am currently experiencing a similar issue, though after scanning the QR code, I am directed to a black screen in my Expo Dev Client which crashes and takes me back to the home page. The Dev Client worked perfected until I ran expo add react-native-bluetooth-classic, since I am trying to access iOS bluetooth APIs. I am currently working on this issue, but I just wanted to point you in the direction of config plugins since the examples Expo gives for customizing your runtime have config plugins registred in the "plugins" property of app.json.
It may be necessary to create your own plugin, though I am unsure.
Please let me know if you come up with any fixes, and so will I.

Ionic AWS Error

I am attempting to connect my Ionic mobile app to AWS backend and keep getting the same error.
Cannot find module "../aws-exports"
I've checked the node-modules folder and this is missing, but I have no idea what I should put here to fix this error.
The same code is in a lot of files in this app.
const aws_exports = require('../aws-exports').default;
I'm not sure what this code does exactly. If anyone has an experience with Ionic that could help that would be great.
You need to follow the steps in the README. Specifically, the section on Creating AWS Mobile Hub Project. When you init the AWSMobile project, aws-imports is created for you.
P.S. aws-amplify has introduced some changes in the last couple of weeks that cause the ionic starter to not work. Follow these steps to fix the errors.
If you sign into your Amazon console and you go to your Mobile Hub.
You can click on your project and it will return the ID in the URL as follows:
You can then run the following command:
awsmobile init <mobile-hub-project-id>
The AWS Mobile Hub scripts should then fetch all relative dependencies and make the appropriate installations to rectify the issue.

SharePoint-hosted Task pane app not authenticating

I have an Office 365 E3 account where I'm trying to deploy a Word task pane app that will read some SharePoint list data. Right now, I'm just trying to get the task pane app to load, however, it shows the Office 365 login page (in the pane) but does not do anything after clicking Login.
I went through the instructions provided here:
Basically, I create an App for SharePoint configured as SharePoint-hosted, then in the same project, added an App for Office (Task Pane App for Word only). The SharePoint app also has a custom document library.
I am able to install the app to my App Catalog, and it correctly shows up in Site Contents where I see it being provisioned to the app web. I can also launch Word 2013 with the Trusted App Catalog configured correctly, and I am able to see my Task Pane App and insert it. When I click Insert, it loads it but prompts for credentials.
I am using the same credentials all throughout this exercise so by virtue of being able to install and deploy the SharePoint app, you can trust that I'm providing the right credentials.
It also appears the custom document library is never created - I wonder if both suffer from the same underlying issue.
I encountered the same problem and the solution provided in the answer below did not help.
After some desparation i created a taskpane app using the Napa Cloud App, opened the application in Visual Studio and went looking for differences.
In the Taskpane app manifest.xml file i found the following entries which were missing in my own application manifest:
This solved my problem and cured one horrible friday.
I was able to get this to work. It turns out doing a Deploy from Visual Studio (whether you right-clicked Deploy or F5-debug), the installation of the app isn't enough.
To make it work, I skipped doing a Deploy all together, but instead published my app. I then took the .app file and loaded it in my App Packages folder, and then deployed it from there.
Unfortunately, I don't know the difference between the two, but I'm assuming it has something to do with provisioning the app web for the Office App.

Chartboost sample app not showing Ads

I am trying to integrate a tool Chartboost into our game.
We are using following tools for development.
Xcode 5.0.2.
Latest ChartBoost Library.
Deployment target being iOS 6.1.
Base SDK being iOS 7.0.
Game Engine Cocos2d-x ( C++ ).
In order to use ChartBoost I followed these steps.
Created an account at Chartboost.
Added an app
Platform: iOS
Nick Name: Added
-Test Mode: Enabled
and Its showing the App Id and App signature.
Added a Campaign.
-Its On.
-CampaignStart and End are blank, so it will be effective as soon as possible.
-Filter By Bundle verion is Min 1.0 and Max blank .(already tried by keeping both blank.)
-Selected the App I added ,as the app where this campaign will run.
-Campaign Logic: Added test device with UUID.
-Rest of the options are untouched.
For test purpose I downloaded and used the sample iOS project provided at ChartBoost site. I replaced the App Id and App signature with my App's ID and Signature.On running the app, it does not display any ads. It logs messages like :
-failure to load interstitial at location Default
-failure to load interstitial at location Pause screen
-failure to load more apps
-failure to load interstitial at location After level 1
I am not able to conclude what wrong I have done! Please help on this issue.
1. I have already received a mail from ChartBoost mentioning I have successfully integrated the SDK, and in front of added app , the SDK and Frame icons are lit(green), which essentially shows , I have integrated the SDK correctly.
2.Our game is still under development and as we are using the Cocos2d-x which is c++ Game engine ,so we will be using some wrapper to call the ChartBoost library. Once we get the idea how it works on native platform.
In Chartboost sometimes it happens that you have set in the Chartboost dashboard that your game is in "Landscape" mode for example.
While your game is actually running in portrait mode.
In such cases you will get these errors.
Make both these same. Either change in the Chartboost dashboard for your app or change in the game's project file :)

Can't reproduce the tutorial example "Scrumptious " in Facebook iOS SDK 3.0

I followed instructions of Facebook SDK for iOS Tutorial and tried to reproduce my own project which resembles the "Scrumptious" example(Sample project in the SDK)
The odd thing is, after authenticating the user in FB login, the user is locked in the FB section and can't ever return to the app. The code is same with "Scrumptious" but "Scrumptious" worked just fine. Any suggestion?
(I did updated Open Graph namespaces, using heroku as hosted service and add a Tester user in my facebook app. The Readme.txt in the sample project said that this is essential for posting Open Graph Actions.)
Did you properly register the callback url in your info.plist? See the last steps in the instructions here: