How C++ organize(manage) third-party lib? [closed] - c++

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I know that this question might be too general to answer, but I'm just can not find good tutorial on this, so trying to seek for help here.
I'm new to C++, previously my main programing language is Java and Python. The way that C++ manage third-party lib is somehow confusing for me......While Python can easily install things with pip, Java can import the JAR, how C++ organize those things?
I would like to split my question into few parts:
Here is some understanding and question of mine:
As long as the compiler, or IDE, know the path of the lib, then everything is fine. So when saying install, we just add the path of the lib to some system path. And for IDE, we just config the setting so that it can resolve the lib in given path. Correct me if anything is wrong.
Some C++ lib are all source code, and some contains sth. like .so or .dll, what is that? And what's the difference? I saw some lib saying that it can be used with simply include a few headers, but some require static linking, what does it mean?
What's is a general good approach to manage all those lib? (For example, in python, pip will simply install to some global scope, or we use vitrual env to manage that. Then anything similar to pip in C++?
More specifically, I'm using CLion, and Clion use CMake, so maybe all I suppose to do is config the CMakeList.text correctly and then the IDE will resolve all lib and compile correctly?
Again sorry for such general and somehow opaque question, but I'm totally lost as a newb for C++, which is much more complicated than Python and Java I used before.....
Any good tutorials might be of great help, thanks!

C++ doesn't. C++ is a language not a specific compiler or implementation.
With that said, for most compilers, building a C++ application is done in multiple steps:
Compile to object file
Link to executable.
The C++ compiler is technically only involved in step 2 (and really only part of step 2).
Most compilers and linkers since long ago allow you to put header- and library-file anywhere, and then there are flags passed to the compiler and linker on the command-line that tell the compiler and linker where to find the files.
For header files the (common) command-line option -I (upper-case i) is used to add a path to be searched for header files. For libraries the option -L similarly adds a path to be searched by the linker for libraries. There are of course default paths built into the compiler and linker, and the -I and -L options adds to those defaults.
Then to link with an actual library, the linker-option -l (lower-case L) is the common option to use. Each -l options list a single library that needs to be linked into the executable.
In regards to CMake and CLion, the CLion IDE doesn't really link anything at all. Instead it uses CMake to create a set of makefiles which contains the information used to build the targets.
Lastly there are some C and C++ alternatives to PIP or other languages package managers, but generally you use the standard way to install programs and libraries on your system.
Like on Windows you find an installer, and then modify your project settings (using CMake CMakeLists.txt, raw Makefile, or IDE settings) to add the directories needed.
For Linux systems you use the standard package manager (like apt on Debian-based systems, or yum on Fedora-based systems, etc.) to find and install libraries. Then the libraries and their header files will be installed in the default locations. You still need to set up the build-environment to actually link to the libraries.

The common way is, that you include the thirdparty stuff as a .dll or you can include it direct as code (as example boost ... you have to load it and to make it work you only have to include the parts you want, and for some parts from boost you have to build it with your compiler settings and include the .dlls)
The thing with the manager like you want I only now from VisualStudio with NuGet. I have no idea if is there such a thing for CLion.
As example you can look to the example from opencv:
For your questions:
Correct. But in case the lib have to match also the settings (32/64 bit, release/debug)
If you only have to include some headers, then the code is direct included to your project and compiled with your code. If you have to link it as a binary (.dll windows, .so Unix (i think please correct me if wrong)) than the code is compiled and you link the compiled functions to your code.
Here a answer to .so:
What are .a and .so files?
And here for static and dynamic libs:
When to use dynamic vs. static libraries


Locating "undefined" references in a C/C++ Project

I am building a C++ project on my Ubuntu 64bit system using a provided Makefile, and this project also provides an API library for developers.
The compilation was successful, no errors at all, but when I try to include in my files the API libraries provided in the "api" folder, then g++ complains about undefined references.
It is not a problem about dependencies (I already built the project succesfully), in fact the missing references are about classes and functions provided by the project, but they are in some specific (sub-)folders (I don't know which ones!), I guess in some .so files, and g++ is not finding them, probably because it does not know they are in those specific subfolders.
It is not the first time this happens when trying to use APIs from any project, then I think I am missing something or I am doing something wrong in general when trying to use the libraries provided in a project.
In particular, the main problem is that I don't know how to tell the compiler where some classes or data structures are declared, and moreover I don't know how to locate them in order to know where they are.
Usually, a workaround I use to avoid this problem is to run make install (as root or using sudo) so that libraries and APIs are installed in standard folders (like /usr/include or /usr/lib) and if I do this thend I can include the API libraries using #include <library>, but in this last case it didn't work either, because perhaps some required files containing the not found classes/structures are not properly installed in the right folders in the system.
Another workaround I used sometimes is to try to put all the project files in the same folder instead of using the project folder structure, but clearly this is not good! :-)
But I noticed that several other people managed to use the APIs, then apparently they know some way of finding the files containing the "undefined" references and including them in the compilation.
Then my general question is: given a "classic" C++ project based on "Makefile" files and with usual folder names like src, lib, build, bin, etc., if I want to write C++ files using the libraries provided by the project, but the compiler complains about undefined references, how can I find the files (.so or .o or .cpp) containing such references? Is there any tool to find them? And how can I tell the compiler where they are? Should I use some command-line option for g++ or should I use the #include macro in some smart way?
PS I also tried to use the pkc-config linux tool to get right options to use for compilation and they were available, but the compiler still complains about the undefined references.
Some more degails about the project i tried:
For interested people a link to the project is below:
And instructions on how to build it:
Look into the -rpath linker option - specifically with the "$ORIGIN" argument. That lets you find libraries relative to your executable location so you don't have to install them to the standard locations but just need to put them somewhere known, relative to the executable. That should help you with one piece of the puzzle.
Note: -Wl, can be used to pass arguments to the linker via g++.
As for pointing the compiler/linker at a library so it can resolve undefined references by using that library, use the -l (that's lowercase L) option to specify the library name and -L to specify directories to search for libraries.
As for looking into a library (.so) file to see what symbols are in there, you have a few tools at your disposal: objdump, nm, readelf and objcopy.

External library dependencies in a c++ project

I am currently trying to setup a project in C++, b that uses the luabind library. Unfortunately on my distro, namely Arch, this library isn't in the official repos and the one in the AUR is out of date and fails to compile.
Considering that I need the library only for this project I thought that I could make a sandboxed environment similar to python's virtualenv by building the library then installing(copying) the include files and resulting binaries in 2 sub-directories of my project called include and lib, respectively which I'll add to the linking and include paths when building. I understand why distributing the libraries with your project is bad: security and bug fixes in the meantime for example. However distributing DLLs is almost universally done on Windows(which I might do if I cross-compile) and many projects such as games on Linux tend to package their libraries to avoid inconsistencies between disrtos. Moreover if ever need a patched or forked version of a lib I doubt I'll ever find it in any official repo.
So my question is:
Is what I described above a common practice? Should I do it like this?
If not, what is the most commonly-agreed-upon solution to this problem?
NOTE: I use Cmake for build automation, if it matters
EDIT: This question slightly overlaps with mine.
Your approach is interesting, but it is not necessary for you to devise a working system because it has already been done, and luckily, you are only one step away from the solution !
Using CMake, it is easy to automate the building and linking of external source code, using the ExternalProject module.
See for useful information.
This approach has several advantages:
you do not have to include the library's source code in your repository
you can point to the specific version/git tag of the library that you know works with your software OR the latest release if you are certain it will not break compatibility
you do not have to write a complete CMakeLists.txt file to build a possibly complex code base
you can eventually configure the external project to build as a static library so you will not have to distribute shared libraries
you can even completely bypass this if not necessary, by trying to detect a working version of the library on your system with the usual find_package call, and only fall back to building it as an external project if not found

Using 3rd Party Libraries in C++

I'm totally spinning my wheels with getting a couple of 3rd party libraries to work with my c++ programs. I'm looking for some general advice (40,000 foot level) about the general steps that one needs to take when implementing libraries.
First, some specifics: I am using code::blocks in Windows as my IDE. I like this IDE and really don't want to switch to anything else if I don't have to (I've tried visual c++ and also some things in linux). The libraries that I am trying to use are GMP and crypto++.
OK. What I think I know is this: After downloading the library, I unzip the file to a folder. I've been unzipping directly to C:\ with each zip file extracted to its own folder (e.g. c:\cryptopp and c:\gmp). I think that the next step is to build the library, but this is where I get totally stuck. How is this done? There are no executable files among those extracted. From what I can tell, I believe that I do this in code::blocks, but I have no idea how?
Finally, assuming that I can get this done, which I believe creates the .lib files, the last step before actually using the library in my code, is to link into the library. This part, I believe that I understand.
So, my question is broad: do I understand this process overall? And if so, how do I go about building these libraries, if in fact that it the thing that I am missing.
Thanks very much for indulging my ignorance. I'm totally rudderless right now and despite hours and hours on google, I'm making no progress. Also, feel free to correct anything that I have stated as fact that is not correct. Thanks a lot!
Usually libraries have a special file called makefile in them, and are built with a utility called Make (or one of it's variations, whatever works uder windows).
Usually all you have to do is to run Make in the directory where you have unpacked the source files, and it will do the rest itself.
If those libraries you mention (GMP and crypto++; disclaimer: I'm not familiar with either of them) don't have project files for code::blocks then you may still be able to compile them under Windows with MinGW.
If you have installed MinGW you use the MinGW shell to navigate to the appropriate directories which would be /c/cryptopp/ and /c/gmp in your examples - The MinGW shell works like a Unix shell, and has different naming conventions.
Then you need to compile the libraries. Check whether there's a Makefile in those directories, if there isn't you can check whether there's a configure script, which will generate the Makefile. If you have the Makefile you can type make which will compile the libraries with MinGW's port of the GCC compiler.
When the compilation is complete you should have a library in the form of a .a file (say libcryptopp.a) that you can link to your project. In code::blocks you would set the linker path (the -L command line option in GCC) to C:\cryptopp\bin or wherever the library has been compiled, and then add libcryptopp.a to the list of libraries you want to link (this is associated with the -l option in GCC). The convention is to leave out the lib prefix and the .a extension, so you would just add cryptopp to your library list. In the end your linker options should look like -LC:\cryptopp\bin -lcryptopp along with the
Also, to be able to use the libraries you need to add the path to the headers directory to the include path of your project. This is associated to the -I command line option in GCC, so your compiler's command line options would have something like -IC:\cryptopp\include somewhere.
Of course, all of the above assumes that you use code::blocks with GCC. If you're using it with VisualC++ then the principles are the same, but the specific steps differ.

Boost C++ libraries installation

I have just downloaded the boost libraries from the boost website and extracted them to my desktop. I was hoping to just have a quick look at them and have them installed on my machine and perhaps use them in the future when I am more accustomed to C++.
When I extracted it, I was confused with all of the extracted files. There is all of the headers in the boost directory but tutorials mention running bootstrap.bat (I'm using Windows).
So I am asking this: do I simply extract the headers to my compilers include directory like normal to get boost up and running or do I need to do something else?
As I understand it from searching about, apparently "most" of boost is just templates and can be used simply by including the headers, but what about the rest?
Am I totally barking up the wrong tree?
Thanks for any help
Since you mentioned you run Windows, take a look at this automated installer:
Also, some general advice:
do I simply extract the headers to my compilers include directory
No! Do not pollute your compiler's includes with third-party includes; make a separate directory specifically for a particular library. You'll then need to tell your specific IDE in what directory it can find the library headers.
I usually use boostpro's installer, it is less work. I vaguely remember having to set up the BOOST_ROOT environment variable on one of my systems to use it.
The libraries that contained compiled source should be included in the installer.
If you don't use the installer (or don't set up your build correctly), and try to use the libraries that need it you will likely get some linker errors when you try and compile your program. Usually if you take those linker errors and plop them in google it tells you pretty quick which libraries you need to include in your build system. I use CMake for that and have been very happy..
Just add the root boost directory to include paths of your compiler/IDE (so if you have Boost extracted to C:\Boost, the compiler will use that path, not C:\Boost\boost).
Don't do any copying of the boost folder to your compiler's include directory, because it may make upgrading Boost harder in the future.
Also if you plan to use any of boost's compiled libraries, add Boost's lib directory to compiler's library search paths. Configuring the compiling step is a matter of putting the right toolset parameter to boost's build tool. If you have your command line environment configured properly, bootstrap should run and compile the builder without any problems, and the Boost builder should properly detect your toolset, so no parameters will be necessary.
As you do such configuration only once every time you do a clean install of your favorite compiler, it's not as hard or daunting as it seems.

Where do I put third-party libraries to set up a C++ Linux development environment?

I'm not new in C++ although I'm new in Linux. I'm using CMake to precompile a cross-platform game engine with some third-party components, but I have a lot of doubts about using libraries. My question is how to work with third-party libraries and where to put them. Apt installs libs in their official place (/usr/local, /usr/lib/ ..) but I develop in Windows using local libs that are in a folder in my project dir.
Also, I need a good tutorial to know the rules of how libraries work. For example: when trying to compile my project, luabind is asking for liblua.s0.1, but AFAIK there is no way to generate this library with the source provided by Lua (at least doing make, make install).
I know, this question is fuzzy but I haven't enough experience to be more concise.
Update: After reading some answers, a more concise question is the following. If I install all third-party libraries, how can I distribute my program? How do I manage dependencies without using a large readme?
Where to put libraries
The best solution is to use your Linux distribution's packaging system (apt-get, yum, or similar) to install libraries from distro-provided packages wherever possible.
If the distro's packaged libraries aren't of a recent enough version, or if you need some nonstandard build options, or if you need a library that your distro doesn't provide, then you can build and install it yourself. You have two main options for where to put the library:
/usr/local (libraries under /usr/local/lib, headers under /usr/local/include). This installs the libraries systemwide and is probably the simplest solution, since you should then be able to build against them without taking any extra steps. Do NOT install libraries directly under /usr, since that will interfere with your distro's packaging system.
Under your project directory, as you did under Windows. This has the advantages of not requiring root access and not making systemwide changes, but you'll have to update your project's include paths and library paths, and you'll have to put any shared library files someplace where the dynamic linker can find them (using LD_LIBRARY_PATH or - see the link for more details).
How libraries work
See David A. Wheeler's excellent Programming Library HOWTO. I'd recommend reading that then posting any specific questions as new topics.
How to distribute your program
Traditionally, Unix / Linux programs do not include copies of their dependencies. It's instead up to the end user or developer to install those dependencies themselves. This can require a "large README," as you said, but it has a few advantages:
Development libraries can be installed, managed, and updated via the distro's package manager, instead of each source copy having its own set of libraries to track.
There's only one copy of any given library on a system, so there's only one place that needs updating if, for example, a security flaw is found. (For example, consider the chaos that resulted when zlib, a very widely used compression library, was found to have a security flaw, so every application that included an affected version needed to be updated.)
If your program is popular enough (and is open source or at least freely available), then package maintainers for various Linux distributions may want to package it and include it in their distro. Package maintainers really don't like bundled libraries. See, for example, Fedora's page on the topic.
If you're distributing your program to end users, you may want to consider offering a package (.dpkg or .rpm) that they could simply download and install without having to use source. Ideally, from the end user's perspective, the package would be added to distros' repositories (if it's open source or at least freely available) so that users can download it using their package managers (apt-get or yum). This can all get complicated, because of the large number of Linux distros out there, but a Debian/Ubuntu compatible .dpkg and a Red Hat/CentOS/Fedora-compatible .rpm should cover a good percentage of end users. Building packages isn't too hard, and there are good howtos online.
for the first part of your question regarding Windows: there's no real standard place for libraries/headers on Windows, so the easy solution is: create your own. Simply provide a single lib/ and include/ on your system and have all your projects use it (by setting the path in a cmake file that you include everywhere). Put all third party libs in there, for example:
your projects:
third party stuff:
(you can even use symlinks aka 'directory junctions' if you have different version)
and the corresponding cmake file:
include_directories( d:/api/include )
link_directories( d:/api/lib )
Okay, so this is one of the basic questions and while I myself might not come across very clear on this, here goes:
While building a project, your compiler will need to find the header files of the libraries. The headers must be in the include path.
after compilation is done, the linker will look for the library binaries ( or something like that). These must be in the Library path.
That's the basics.
If you have some specific libaries, you can add them to your own project-specific lib/ and include/ directories and add them to the include path and the library path respectively.
Adding these dirs to these paths can be done in many ways, depending upon how you are building the project. I'm sure there is something called LD_PATH involved in all this... But I don't really know the specifics involved with CMake.
A little googling can help you do the above with CMake.
Hope that helps,
If you are installing the libraries with a package manager, they will probably all end up in the right place. If not you can get the compiler to search for the by providing the an additional search path using the -L <path> flag. You should be able to pass this extra flag to CMake.
Incidentally the -I <path> can be used to add an extra directory to search for include files.