Visual Studio 2017 - Installation issue, No option to uninstall - visual-studio-2017

While upgrading Visual studio 2017 v15.4 the installation hanged up for hours and later I have forcibly restarted the machine. I know many of you might have gone through the same, appreciate your time for replying to this issue.
Thereafter tried opening the VS shell, it prompted me "The setup of this installation of Visual studio is not complete. Please run the Visaul studio Installer again to correct the issue." (shown as below)
As a last resort looked at the uninstall option but Vs installer is not prompting me with such option
Alternatively tried installing from VS_enterprise.exe and installation directory marked as incomplete as shown below


visual studio community 2019 wont run imported project from github

I cant get this problem to be resolved. I finally have finished my project on my pc. Now the project needs to run on my laptop. So i put the project on github via visual studio community 2019 code and imported it on my laptop also via visual studio community 2019.
Now every time i've tried to to run the program i get this error:
MSB4019 the imported project "c:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Micrsoft.Cpp.Default.props" was not found. Confirm that the expression int the import declaration "c:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\Micrsoft.Cpp.Default.prop" is correct and that the file exists on disk
I've tried many things too solve this problem, I tried to reinstall visual studio. I've Completly removed everthing related to visual studio (the installer and the folder with everything in it) and reinstalling it again. Downloading missing sdk software from microsoft, nothing seems to work.
And if I somehow need to change a path, i also tried that but i could not find anywhere where to edit that
This Project NEEDS to run on my laptop
project link:
Guys i fixed my issue finally, I had to set the enviroment variable path for VCtargetsPath, and i then had to fix my debugger

The setup for this installation of visual studio is not complete, really?

I have been using Vs 2017 for several months on dev machine. This fine morning says setup incomplete. Am I missing something?
In this case you need to go to Control Panel => Programs and Features and choose Visual Studio and update it.
VS 2017 (15.6.6) was fine for me on Friday 6/1/18 on Windows 10, but same issue as OP today after a restart.
As suggested by the dialog and Retired Ninja, I ran the Visual Studio Installer (to 15.7.3 after updating VS Installer) and that fixed it.
Note that the 15.7.3 update was a 7.73 GB download. Your download size may vary.
This has happened to me for the last 3 upgrades in Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 (now again on upgrade to 15.9.21).
The fastest fix (and I'm not sure why) is simple and doesn't bomb your settings or take for ever.
In the Visual Studio Installer, click on Modify.
Click "Modify" on the bottom right corner.
Yes it says "Total space required 0 KB".
Yes you didn't really change anything.
It will then act like it is downloading something. (not sure what)
It will then act like it is installing something. (again, not sure what)
Open Visual Studio 2017 and it works.
Hope this helps.
If you have an offline installation like me and can't simply re-run the Visual Studio Installer you can edit devenv.isolation.ini and change the last line to read SetupFinished=true. It will detect your trickery and complain, but at least it will launch again.
Edit: I ended up getting the Visual Studio Installer to fix the issue after choosing the "Download then Install" option. Maybe I was too impatient when I initially stopped the update? My above answer is useful when you need to get work done that isn't affected by the broken features, but you will likely encounter problems later on.
just had the same problem (without any reason with) vs 2019 prof, after googling and reading on that topic, just went to vsix, looked for some individual component to install/uninstall, randomly picked cloud explorer, uninstalled it and some dependent components and VS 2019 prof started normally
decided to leave this here. may be it helps somebody
Solved: I did following steps, run the visual studio and it works for me.
In my case visual studio was working fine , I just restarted the PC, this popup was keep coming when I try to open visual studio.(in my case I was using VS 2019)
Go to this path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE"
Open devenv.isolation.ini, set SetupFinished=true and save.
Now open visual studio.
In my case did following steps:
Clear temp files (you can %temp% in run command and Shift+Delete files)
Restart your computer
Open visual studio it will work properly.
Update: Faced problem again after couple of days, This time I go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer.
Click on retry.
Select one more feature which I had already installed on my Visual Studio
Click on modified and after installation it worked again.
This happened to me after I canceled a plugin update.
I solved by going to this site that has the latest update of Visual Studio.
I downloaded and upgraded it.
After that, Visual Studio worked.
If your VS is already upgraded, thereĀ“s an option to "repair" on the installer.
For this problem, goto uninstall screen in control panel right-click visual studio and select option change, Installer page will open now, In that window without changing anything click modify. it will solve the problem. I'm using VS Professional 2017
I got the same error today morning. This is what I did:
I ran the visual studio installer then I clicked on Modify.
The installer was showing 0KB Required. I continued and then it downloaded and installed. (Not sure what).
After that installation, it was able to launch.
I hope it works for you as well.
I was using Vs 2019 professional 16.6 and happened to me this issue one morning. I modified the installation by adding Azure Development tools even though I was not using it. This fixed the issue.
I just updated to 15.9.24 and I got this yet again, as I have my resolution above, and Visual Studio 2019 seems to be a lot better with avoid this issue. The installer for 2019 you do have to change something and do the modification, 2017 you don't have to change anything.
I reported this issue through Developer Community:
Setup not complete since 15.9.21
I don't know why but sometimes its buggy
it's up to date but after launch visual studio this error prompted !
you have to click modify in vs installer and just modify it.
its not going to download anything.
after a moment launch vs and enjoy :)
For VS2022, WIN11:
Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Microsoft Visual Studio Installer
Then, click on Change and resume the previous process.

Visual Studio 2017 installer stuck on win10SDK but its not there

I ran a VSIX not knowing that it would try to intall win10SDK on my vs2017. So I canceled it. Now when I try to run vs2017 it tells me the installation is not finished. When I go to the installer and click modify, it attempts to install win10SDK, and just gets stuck there. I cant enter visual studio and found no solution online, is there a way to stop the installer from trying to find/install win10SDK.
Im running a windows 8.1

AnkhSVN not showing in Visual Studio 2017

I cannot see AnkhSVN as an option under "Tools - Options - Source Control" in Visual Studio 2017. I have uninstalled and reinstalled AnkhSVN, but no effect.
Is there a way to fix this?
I came here looking for an answer to the same question. I am Running Windows 10 Enterprise and had VS2015 with AnkhSVN working before and after installing VS2017, but in VS2017 AnkhSVN was not available under SCC Plug-In Selection (even after uninstall and reinstall of the install executables downloaded from, which offer registration against VS Dev15/2017).
This is what eventually worked:
Removed AnkhSVN (Windows: Add or Remove Programs)
Installed AnkhSVN Nuget package (Visual Studio: Tools/Extensions and Updates)
So the trick I believe is to "remove program installed by MSI/EXE followed by install extension via Visual Studio VSIX".
I was also subsequently able to upgrade AnkhSVN (2.7.12815 from VSIX install), by running the downloaded EXE installer for the latest daily build (2.7.12821), after which AnkhSVN is available in both VS2015 and 2017, although I had to reselect it in 2015.
I had the same issue with VS2017 and tried the solution provided by AlanK to no avail.
Here is the solution that solved the problem for me:
Uninstall the source control plug-in.
Make a backup of the following files:
Remove these files:
Start Visual Studio 2017.
Install the source control plug-in.
You have to install "Ankh.VS15Package.vsix" package along with AnkhSVN software in your system as the version of AnkhSVN that you are installing might be supporting only up to Visual Studio 2015 or less. I had the same issue and resolved it by installing the package mentioned.
I had a similar issue after one of the Visual Studio 2017 updates. I had Visual Studio running and I was attempting to follow #AlanK's steps. I uninstalled as in Step 1. When I did Step 2, VS said the plugin was installed already. I restarted Visual Studio, thinking it was confused about the fact I uninstalled via Add/Remove programs.
I checked again and the AnkhSVN plugin was shown as disabled. I enabled it and then AnkhSVN and VS 2017 started playing nicely again.
I read the answer from Snehlata Shaw, and I think what I uninstalled from Add/Remove programs is the 2015 and earlier version of AnkhSvn. I can't be 100% sure that uninstalling it did or did not help with the 2017 version.
In summary, make sure the plugin isn't just disabled. VS 2017 says (now that is enabled) that AnknSvn slows down startup by 6 seconds and perhaps I disabled it not realizing what I was doing (Monday morning??).

Problems installng/uninstalling 'Visual Studio Community 2013 with Update 5'

I've been having problems installing/uninstalling visual studio, the first time, I successfully installed it, but then I realised I had no use for it and needed the older version. I tried uninstalling it, but the loading bar wasn't moving after 10 mins, so I deleted the files from \Program Files (x86)\ instead.
So I went on and installed visual c++ 2010 express. But the next day,(after failing at everything) I found I did in fact need VS community 2013, so I downloaded the installer and it failed to install a couple things that didn't matter, but when I tried to find where VS installed, there were only the extra bundle programs, and not VS, so I figured I'd have to fully uninstall it.
I've tried uninsalling it, but it failed.
I've tried force uninstalling it, but all that did was try to reinstall it.
At the moment I'm do the sfc /scannow command
Info About my PC:
OS: Windows 10 Home
System Type: 64-bit OS, x64-based processor
Here's a log from when I tried to repair (or reinstall it, I can't remember) it:
I found out how to do it.
Intsall VS 2013
uninstall it
delete VS from program files
install VS 2013