set AWS_PROFILE is not working for powershell - amazon-web-services

I have multiple profiles in my aws config file. Instead of adding --profile in each command, I want to set the profile to a particular profile before executing the commands. I tried using "set AWS_PROFILE profilename". It's working when I open new powershell prompt but I want in the same prompt. Sometimes it's not working even in new prompt.

Setting AWS_PROFILE doesn't do anything at all for me. (Looks like there's an issue open for it.)
You can achieve the same result with Set-AWSCredential -ProfileName [...] though. If you've already set the environment variable you can just do:
Set-AWSCredential -ProfileName $env:AWS_PROFILE


any "docker" command that i try to run on terminal throw this message "context requires credentials to be passed as environment variables"

I was reading the Docker documentation about deploy Docker containers on AWS ECS . And after i run the command docker context create ecs myecscontext and select the option AWS environment variables every docker commands that i try to run throw this message on my terminal context requires credentials to be passed as environment variables. I've tried to set the AWS environments with the windows set command but it dosen't work.
I've used like this:
set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=any-value
I'm searching how to solve this problem and the only thing that i've found is to set environment variables like i've already done. What i have to do?
I've find another way to set environment variables on windows in this site
Instead use set i had to use $env:VARIABLE_NAME = 'any-value' this sintax to really update the vars.
Like this:
$env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'my-aws-access-key-id'
$env:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'my-aws-secret-access-key'

How to reset or start from scratch aws cdk configrations?

I have recently start using aws cdk as a newbie. so i ran lot of commands that i had no idea about.
now i want to remove all settings like env variables i created or profiles and start from scratch. what should in un install to achieve that?
I'm not totally sure what you're trying to reset but here's a few suggestions that might help:
Remove Deployed CDK Stacks
cdk destroy stack_name
Note: You'll have to do this for every stack you've deployed. This can also be done through "CloudFormation" in the AWS dashboard in your browser.
Remove CLI Settings
As per
To remove a setting, use an empty string as the value, or manually delete the setting in your config and credentials files in a text editor.
aws configure set cli_pager ""
Remove Profiles
Unsure if you can do this easily through the CLI but you can just manually remove them from your config files. There are only two config files and they can be found using
~/.aws/credentials (Linux & Mac) or\credentials (Windows)
~/.aws/config (Linux & Mac) or\config (Windows)
If you need more specific help on how to undo something then please provide an example of what exactly you ran that you would like to undo.

How to I resolve command not found in AWS EC2?

All of a sudden no linux command(ls, vi, etc..) is working in AWS EC2 instance and I get message saying command not found.
I had launched an EC2 instance and all linux commands were working fine.
I then uploaded some files to EC2 and extracted them(setting up my environment).
I made following changes to the ~/.bashrc file
export M2_HOME=/home/ec2-user/apache-maven-3.6.0
export JAVA_HOME=/home/ec2-user/jdk1.8.0_151
export ANT_HOME=/home/ec2-user/apache-ant-1.9.13
export PATH=/home/ec2-user/jdk1.7.0_80/bin:/home/ec2-user/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin
export JBOSS_HOME=target/wildfly-run/wildfly-11.0.0.Final
and I executed below command in my AWS EC2 instance.
source ~/.bashrc
After this linux commands(ls, vi, cat, etc..) are not working, however "which", "pwd" commands are working.
Can someone help to me to correct the PATH settings so that my commands start executing normally
You should append the original PATH to the additions you made (using the $PATH variable), like below:
export PATH=/home/ec2-user/jdk1.7.0_80/bin:/home/ec2-user/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin:$PATH
Changing value of path as below sorted out all the issues
export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/aws/bin:/root/bin:/home/ec2-user/jdk1.7.0_80/bin:/home/ec2-user/apache-maven-3.5.2/bin:/home/ec2-user/apache-ant-1.9.14/bin
below is the system default path

Environment variables with AWS SSM Run Command

I am using AWS SSM Run Command with the AWS-RunShellScript document to run a script on an AWS Linux 1 instance. Part of the script includes using an environment variable. When I run the script myself, everything is fine. But when I run the script with SSM, it can't see the environment variable.
This variable needs to be passed to a Python script. I had originally been trying os.environ['VARIABLE'] to no effect.
I know that AWS SSM uses root privileges and so I have put a line exporting the variable in the root ~/.bashrc file, yet it still can not see the variable. The root user can see it when I run it myself.
Is it not possible for AWS SSM to use environment variables, or am I not exporting it correctly? If it is not possible, I'll try using AWS KMS instead to store my variable.
Security is important, hence why I don't want to just store the variable in the script.
SSM does not open an actual SSH session so passing environment variables won't work. It's essential a daemon running on the box that's taking your requests and processing them. It's a very basic product: it doesn't support any of the standard features that come with SSH such as SCP, port forwarding, tunneling, passing of env variables etc. An alternative way of passing a value you need to a script would be to store it in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, and have your script pull the variable from the store.
You'll need to update your instance role permissions to have access to ssm:GetParameters for the script you run to access the value stored.
My solution to this problem:
set -o allexport; source /etc/environment; set +o allexport
-o allexport enables all variables in /etc/environment to be exported. +o allexport disables this feature.
For more information see the Set builtin documentation
I have tested this solution by using the AWS CLI command aws ssm send-command:
"commands": [
"set -o allexport; source /etc/environment; set +o allexport",
"echo $TEST_VAR > /home/ec2-user/app.log"
I am running bash script in my SSM command document, so I just source the profile/script to have env variables ready to be used by the subsequent commands. For example,
"runCommand": [
". /tmp/",
"echo \"myVar: $myVar, myVar2: $myVar2\""
You can refer to Can a shell script set environment variables of the calling shell? for sourcing your env variables. For python, you will have to parse your source profile/script, see Emulating Bash 'source' in Python

Wipe out EB init config

Is there a way to wipe out a previous 'eb init' config? The previous config has resources that are non-existent on an earlier AWS account. I am using a new AWS account and want to initialize an existent Beanstalk environment.
You can always add --help to a command to see the options available to you. Eg. eb init --help. This reveals that you can use the -i switch to force interactive mode. This will force a re-asking of all the EB options.
So just type eb init -i an you're done!
Go to the directory of your project (the directory where you originally ran the "eb init" command). Delete the .elasticbeanstalk directory. You can now run "eb init" again, and it will prompt you for your configuration information.