Wipe out EB init config - amazon-web-services

Is there a way to wipe out a previous 'eb init' config? The previous config has resources that are non-existent on an earlier AWS account. I am using a new AWS account and want to initialize an existent Beanstalk environment.

You can always add --help to a command to see the options available to you. Eg. eb init --help. This reveals that you can use the -i switch to force interactive mode. This will force a re-asking of all the EB options.
So just type eb init -i an you're done!

Go to the directory of your project (the directory where you originally ran the "eb init" command). Delete the .elasticbeanstalk directory. You can now run "eb init" again, and it will prompt you for your configuration information.


Errors when applying AWS eb commands

I'm trying to follow these steps to deploy an example of an Express application for the first time. After installing the Elastic Beanstalk Command Line Interface (EB CLI), I can apply eb commands in the Command Prompt (using Windows 10). After initializing a Git repository, I should use commands to configure an EB CLI repository.
These command are being applied in the directory of an an ExpressJS project:
First I enter the command: eb init – platform Node.js – region us-east-2 which results in the message in a separate window Application AWS2 has been created.
Next I enter command: eb create – sample node-express-env which results in the error message ERROR: InvalidParameterValueError - Environment node-express-env already exists.
Then when I enter the command: eb open the message says ERROR: This branch does not have a default environment. You must either specify an environment by typing "eb open my-env-name" or set a default environment by typing "eb use my-env-name".
Then when I enter: eb open node-express-env there's another message ERROR: NotFoundError - Environment "node-express-env" not Found. which contradicts the message from 2.
Make sure that, you configured the CLI to use the same region in which your environment is created.

Google Cloud Platform: cloudshell - is there any way to "keep" gcloud init configs?

Does anyone know of a way to persist configurations done using "gcloud init" commands inside cloudshell, so they don't vanish each time you disconnect?
I figured out how to persist python pip installs using the --user
example: pip install --user pandas
But, when I create a new configuration using gcloud init, use it for a bit, close cloudshell (or cloudshell times out on me), then reconnect later, the configurations are gone.
Not a big deal, I bounce between projects/etc so it's nice to have the configs saved so I can simply run
gcloud config configurations activate config-name
Thanks...Rich Murnane
Google Cloud Shell only persists data in your $HOME directory. Commands like gcloud init modify the environment variables and store configuration files in /tmp which is deleted when the VM is restarted. The VM is terminated after being idle for 20 minutes or 60 minutes depending on which document you read.
Google Cloud Shell is a Docker container. You can modify the docker image to customize to fit your needs. This method will allow you to install packages, tools, etc that are not located in your $HOME directory.
You can also store your files and configuration scripts on Google Cloud Storage. Modify .bashrc to download your cloud files and run your configuration script.
Either method will allow you to create a persistent environment.
This StackOverflow answer covers in detail what gcloud init does and how to basically emulate the same thing via script or command line.
gcloud init details
this isn't exactly what I wanted, but since my
account (userid) isn't changing, I'm simply going to
do the command
gcloud config set project second-project-name
good enough, thanks...Rich

command not found from Jenkins Execute Shell

Hi Jenkins and AWS Guru's
I already look online for any possible solutions but not getting a solution for my problem. I just issued an "eb --version" on Jenkins execute shell under a test project but getting "eb: command not found" during the execution.
Wierd thing is if I issue the same command on the Jenkins box via CLI I'm getting a good response from it. Any suggestions for the fix please? thanks in advance
Your Jenkins setup has a different path than the user you logged in with.
There are two solutions:
Add the path to the executable in the PATH environment variable. Use where eb to find the correct path. Then in Jenkins, click on
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System, Global Properties. Check Environment Variables. Set Name to PATH. Set Value to $PATH:/path/to/eb. Then restart Jenkins.
Call the eb command with its fully qualified path.
EDIT: Added steps to update path in Jenkins.
this is now fixed, need to create a properties file that was basically a copy of /var/lib/jenkins/.bash_profile file which would have the correct paths and add that in Jenkins settings. Allowing it to get the required paths. After properties file is created you need to set it on Jenkins-Configure section, Place a check on Prepare jobs environment then set the full path of the properties file (/var/lib/jenkins/environment_variables.properties) on the Properties File Path and restart Jenkins

cloudformation composer install

So I am using cloudformation for my AWS setup, I am trying to run composer but for some reason no matter what command I put in my userdata section I always can an error, this is my error:
php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar create-project composer/satis /var/www/satis --stability=dev
The HOME or COMPOSER_HOME environment variable must be set for composer to run correctly
This is my code within the userdata section:
"curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php\n",
"mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer.phar\n",
"php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar create-project composer/satis /var/www/satis --stability=dev\n",
Does anyone have any ideas why this might not work and should I should be doing ?
Composer is looking for the location of the .composer directory. Export the HOME or COMPOSER_HOME env variable, e.g. : HOME=/root php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar create-project composer/satis /var/www/satis --stability=dev, it will work fine then.
I had the similar issue with amazon linux ami 2, it was showing in the log All settings correct for using Composer. The HOME or COMPOSER_HOME environment variable must be set for composer to run correctly, but it was not installed at all. Below is the way to fix it. Might be helpful to somebody rather waisting 2,3 hours!
sudo curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | sudo php
mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer
chmod +x /usr/bin/composer
export COMPOSER_HOME=/root
Agree with Ntwobike's answer.
When launching AWS EC2 instances I was installing composer by running an Ansible playbook during in the user data script run. (The user data script is called by cloud-init during the instance build process).
For some reason at this point in the build the $HOME environment variable is not set. So I needed to add 'export HOME=/root' - e.g.
# These need to be set to enable the composer installer to run. It is probably due to an issue
# with the $HOME variable not yet being set at this point in the instance creation.
export HOME=/root
ansible-playbook --extra-vars "target=localhost" playbooks/debian-9/drush.yml

How to set up and use EC2 CLI on Mac?

I am stuck at using Amazon EC2 CLI.
I have downloaded the Command Line Tools from
I placed the bin and lib folder into my Amazon project folder: /Users/Invictus/EC2
I downloaded the cert-xxxx.pem and pk-xxx.pem into the same folder.
Created a .bash_profile in the same folder.
I tried to execute ec2-describe-images -o amazon after I moved to cd /Users/Invictus/EC2.
The system does not recognise the command: command not found.
If I try to execute the same command inside the bin folder, the result is the same.
My .bash_profile:
export EC2_HOME=~/.EC2
export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin
export EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=`ls $EC2_HOME/pk-*.pem`
export EC2_CERT=`ls $EC2_HOME/cert-*.pem`
export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home/
Where did I make a mistake?
My aim is to connect to the launched instance and be able to execute commands there from my local machine.
I have Java installed.
The newer AWS Unified CLI Tools is much, much easier to set up. All you need is Python, which comes built-in to every Mac.
Here are a few things I can think of:
Your .bash_profile should be in /Users/Invictus/ , not /Users/Invictus/EC2. Move it to your home directory and log off and log back in (or restart your machine) and see if it picks up the right path.
Instead of ec2-describe-images, can you run it as "./ec2-describe-images" - does that work? If not, can you check the permissions on that script?