How to change the root view controller of a uinavigation controller embedded in a uitabbarcontroller? - swift3

Please see the attached image. Here I am having a uitabbarcontroller attached with navigation controller which is having a root view as the "first view". When I click on a button in the first view it goes to the "Second View".
At some point, I want to change the root view controller of navigation controller to Second View and when clicking on a back button in Second View it moves to the first view with tab bar controller.
So for this what should I do? Indirectly I want to say that when the user enters the application he should see the second view controller with navigation and tab bar controller and when he presses back he should move to the first view with navigation controller and tab bar controller

You should swap the whole UINavigationController for a new one with the desired root controller as it is not the best practice to replace the root controller of the UINavigationController (but it is possible by changing the viewControllers array)


Swiftui understanding observedobject in ios 13

I have screens in my project where I show the data I have taken from the service. and in this project there is a custom tabbar and there are three different tabs. When I press these tabs, I send different requests to the service and update the data. #stateobject works fine for ios14 and above. but there is no stateobject in ios13 so I use observedobject. but I haven't been able to do it completely. because sometimes data is coming but the ui is not updated or it goes to the previous view. but when I set a button in the view I want to update and request from here, the data comes up correctly, but when I do it from the tabbar, the errors I mentioned appear.

Display a swiftui progress view inside a nested navigation screen

My app has a nested navigation as below
Landing View --> Child view 1 --> Nested Child view
What is the best way to show a progress view while a background download / upload is underway ?
Currently placing an overlay doesn't stop the user from navigating back as the overlay doesn't cover the navigation bar.
ZStack {

Retool: Action button to open modal with container

I have a table in retool. I've added an "action" column with buttons and renamed them "edit". What I would like to do on click of the action button is to open a modal with the data in the row populated. A user should be able to see the values of the row, edit them and when he clicks "submit" it will send an update API call for that row's unique id.
We’re working on some new docs for modal components, but until then here’s what you can do:
Drag a modal component onto your canvas. It’s going to appear as a button that opens a model, but don’t worry about that just yet
Create a Javascript query in the query editor that opens the modal. If we’re working with the default names, your query would be
Configure the action button in your table to run that JS query on click
That’s a quick way to open a modal through an action button. In terms of what’s in that modal, you can drag any components you want and reference table properties. So if you wanted to display a user’s email, you could drag a text component into the model and set its value to
The last thing to deal with is the button, which you probably don’t want since you’re opening the modal via action buttons. You can hide it by clicking on it, heading to the inspector in the right sidebar, and scrolling down to the “display” settings. Just put true into the “Hide when true” field and the button won’t show.
hello stack overflow family this is my first post.
we are facing same issue today so i used one trick for opening a modal in action, i run one query that query name is model_open and in success event i select modal open and this query is triggered in Action edit option ,
i hope my first post help you ... :)

Using SwiftUI how to open specific view from a notification click in watchOS

I'm using swiftUI framework.I want to open a specific page from the notification button click. How can I handle that event? and How to navigate to specific View from notifications didReceive delegate function ?

MS Access Web App: Link existing view to table

I have created a new view ("form") in my Access Web App using the menu buttons to create a new view. The view is bound to a table in my database. Running Access on my computer, I can select the view from the navigation panel on the left.
Now I would like to have a link to my view appear at the top of the page in the Web App. Much like the default List and Datasheet view that are created automatically for every new table.
How can I create a link to my view, so that I can select it when running my Web App in the browser?
(And in general: where's a good place to find documentation and help regarding Access Web Apps. I'm having a hard time finding anything online)
thanks for your help.
What entry point did you use to create this new view in your Access web app? If you used the Advanced button on the ribbon, that creates what we call a standalone view in your web app - a view that exists in the Navigation Pane in Access client. You can only open these types of views using macros.
In order to "associate" an existing standalone view to the View Selector at the top of the navigation, right-click the view name in the Navigation Pane and select Duplicate. a dialog box will appear that allows you to create an identical copy of the view and "associate" it with a particular table. It will then appear as a link in the View Selector. You can then delete the original view if you want.