I want to use ArduinoCore-avr in my project. I don't want to use arduino's IDE default function setup() and loop(). I also don't want to use arduino's IDE to compile and burn hex file into my device. ArduinoCore-avr library is downloaded from ArduinoCore.
Hardware: arduino uno (atmega328p)
Directory structure:
#ifndef F_CPU
#define F_CPU 16000000UL // or whatever may be your frequency
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h> // for _delay_ms()
#include "ArduinoCore-avr/cores/arduino/Arduino.h" // This line gave me error.
#define LED_PIN 13
int main(void)
DDRB=0b11100000;//pin 13 is in output mode
while (1) {
PORTB=0b11100000; //make pin 13 high and power on the led
PORTB=0b11000000; //make pin 13 low and power off the led
# Name: Makefile
# Author: <insert your name here>
# Copyright: <insert your copyright message here>
# License: <insert your license reference here>
# DEVICE ....... The AVR device you compile for
# CLOCK ........ Target AVR clock rate in Hertz
# OBJECTS ...... The object files created from your source files. This list is
# usually the same as the list of source files with suffix ".o".
# PROGRAMMER ... Options to avrdude which define the hardware you use for
# uploading to the AVR and the interface where this hardware
# is connected.
# FUSES ........ Parameters for avrdude to flash the fuses appropriately.
DEVICE = atmega328p
CLOCK = 16000000
PROGRAMMER = -c arduino -P /dev/tty.usbmodem1411
OBJECTS = main.o
FUSES = -U lfuse:w:0x64:m -U hfuse:w:0xdd:m -U efuse:w:0xff:m
HEADER = ArduinoCore-avr/cores/arduino/Arduino.h
# Tune the lines below only if you know what you are doing:
COMPILE = avr-gcc -Wall -Os -DF_CPU=$(CLOCK) -mmcu=$(DEVICE)
# symbolic targets:
all: main.hex
$(COMPILE) -c $< -o $#
$(COMPILE) -x assembler-with-cpp -c $< -o $#
# "-x assembler-with-cpp" should not be necessary since this is the default
# file type for the .S (with capital S) extension. However, upper case
# characters are not always preserved on Windows. To ensure WinAVR
# compatibility define the file type manually.
$(COMPILE) -S $< -o $#
flash: all
$(AVRDUDE) -U flash:w:main.hex:i
install: flash fuse
# if you use a bootloader, change the command below appropriately:
load: all
bootloadHID main.hex
rm -f main.hex main.elf $(OBJECTS)
# file targets:
main.elf: $(OBJECTS)
$(COMPILE) -o main.elf $(OBJECTS)
main.hex: main.elf
rm -f main.hex
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex main.elf main.hex
# If you have an EEPROM section, you must also create a hex file for the
# EEPROM and add it to the "flash" target.
# Targets for code debugging and analysis:
disasm: main.elf
avr-objdump -d main.elf
$(COMPILE) -E main.c
When compiling with the following command.
It shows the following error.
In file included from main.c:7:
ArduinoCore-avr/cores/arduino/Arduino.h:257:10: fatal error: pins_arduino.h: No such file or directory
#include "pins_arduino.h"
compilation terminated.
I know that I have to add the library in my Makefile, but I don't know how to do that.
When including the header file in main.c, should I use #include "ArduinoCore-avr/cores/arduino/Arduino.h" or #include "Arduino.h".
The reason why I want to include Arduino.h file is that I want to use pinMode and digitalWrite function in my main.c. I don't want to reinvent the wheel (write the driver from scratch). Is that possible? I've tried to search the example code, but they all use arduino's default function which are loop and setup which is what I want to avoid.
Thank you.
Yes, it should be possible to the use Arduino AVR core code if you can manage to invoke the compiler in the right way to compile it and link it into your progam.
I am not going to give you an entire tutorial to solve all the problems you might find along the way. I think it will be sufficient to just point out how to solve the error you are currently getting, which is that pins_arduino.h is not found.
GCC has a list of directories called an include search path. When you #include a file, GCC searches the directories in the include search path for a file of that name. To make sure GCC can find pins_arduino.h, you need to locate the directory that has the right version of pins_arduino.h and add it to your include path using GCC's -I option. For example:
avr-gcc -Ipath/to/folder/ ...
The path can be relative or absolute but relative ones are easier to maintain and share with others.
I am trying to compile bt from NPB. I am getting the attached errorCompilation Error . I have also attached the make file I am using.
What am I doing wrong in this case?
include ../config/make.def
OBJS = bt.o \
${COMMON}/c_print_results.o ${COMMON}/c_timers.o ${COMMON}/c_wtime.o
include ../sys/make.common
# npbparams.h is included by header.h
# The following rule should do the trick but many make programs (not gmake)
# will do the wrong thing and rebuild the world every time (because the
# mod time on header.h is not changed. One solution would be to
# touch header.h but this might cause confusion if someone has
# accidentally deleted it. Instead, make the dependency on npbparams.h
# explicit in all the lines below (even though dependence is indirect).
# header.h: npbparams.h
${PROGRAM}: config ${OBJS}
bt.o: bt.c header.h npbparams.h
- rm -f *.o *~ mputil*
- rm -f npbparams.h core
Seems missing ../sys/setparams
Which should be an executable file, and takes bt A as input arguments.
It might be a depended tool should be built at first. I've tried a search on github, and could find some projects containing, ../sys/setparams.c, maybe, these are what you need.
Hope it helps you.
I am using Intel Pin to compile a C source and header file along with my c++ pintool. To do so I have added the following makefile rules in my makefile.rules file -
# Build the intermediate object file.
$(OBJDIR)testcpp$(OBJ_SUFFIX): testcpp.cpp
# Build the intermediate object file.
$(OBJDIR)test$(OBJ_SUFFIX): test.c test.h
# Build the tool as a dll (shared object).
$(OBJDIR)testcpp$(PINTOOL_SUFFIX): $(OBJDIR)test$(OBJ_SUFFIX) test.h
testcpp.cpp is my pintool in C++ , test.c and test.h are my C source and header files.
I am using the rules mentioned in this link - https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/pintool/docs/97438/Pin/html/index.html#MAKEFILES
I removed this option from the file makefile.unix.config -
as this option is specifically for C++ and C does not use it. Since I am compiling both of them using the same compiler options, removing the option seemed better than adding a new rule for C and C++
I am able to make my program using the command "make". It generated a directory obj-intel64 with the object files test.o and testcpp.so, so my compiling worked fine.
For executing my program I use the following command -
$PIN_ROOT/pin -t obj-intel64/testcpp.so -- my_application_program
I get the following output -
E: Unable to load obj-intel64/testcpp.so
The file testcpp.so is present in the obj-intel64 directory, yet I am unable to load it.
Any hints as to where I am going wrong?
I've read through the "C bindings" in the tutorial but I'm a novice at C stuff.
Could someone please let me know if a Crystal program can be built as a static library to link to, and if so could you please provide a simple example?
Yes, but it is not recommended to do so. Crystal depends on a GC which makes it less desirable to produce shared (or static) libraries. Thus there are also no syntax level constructs to aid in the creation of such nor a simple compiler invocation to do so. The C bindings section in the documentation is about making libraries written in C available to Crystal programs.
Here's a simple example anyhow:
fun init = crystal_init : Void
# We need to initialize the GC
# We need to invoke Crystal's "main" function, the one that initializes
# all constants and runs the top-level code (none in this case, but without
# constants like STDOUT and others the last line will crash).
# We pass 0 and null to argc and argv.
LibCrystalMain.__crystal_main(0, Pointer(Pointer(UInt8)).null)
fun log = crystal_log(text: UInt8*): Void
puts String.new(text)
void crystal_init(void);
void crystal_log(char* text);
#include "logger.h"
int main(void) {
crystal_log("Hello world!");
We can create a shared library with
crystal build --single-module --link-flags="-shared" -o liblogger.so
Or a static library with
crystal build logger.cr --single-module --emit obj
rm logger # we're not interested in the executable
strip -N main logger.o # Drop duplicated main from the object file
ar rcs liblogger.a logger.o
Let's confirm our functions got included
nm liblogger.so | grep crystal_
nm liblogger.a | grep crystal_
Alright, time to compile our C program
# Folder where we can store either liblogger.so or liblogger.a but
# not both at the same time, so we can sure to use the right one
rm -rf lib
mkdir lib
cp liblogger.so lib
gcc main.c -o dynamic_main -Llib -llogger
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="lib" ./dynamic_main
Or the static version
# Folder where we can store either liblogger.so or liblogger.a but
# not both at the same time, so we can sure to use the right one
rm -rf lib
mkdir lib
cp liblogger.a lib
gcc main.c -o static_main -Llib -levent -ldl -lpcl -lpcre -lgc -llogger
With much inspiration from https://gist.github.com/3bd3aadd71db206e828f
I am creating a program called spellcheck, and I'm using autoconf and automake to create a build system for it. The program relies on the dictionary 'english.dict', which is in the data directory (based on whatever prefix the user selected). I want the data directory path accessible by spellcheck, so I created a custom variable that contained its value:
# -*- Autoconf -*-
# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
AC_INIT(libspellcheck, 1.25, corinthianmonthly#hotmail.com)
AC_OUTPUT(Makefile libspellcheck/Makefile spellcheck/Makefile man/Makefile)
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([DATA_PATH], ["$pkgdatadir"],"DData Directory Path")
# Checks for programs.
# Checks for libraries.
# Checks for header files.
# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
# Checks for library functions.
However, in the config.h file, this value is blank:
/* config.h. Generated from config.h.in by configure. */
/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */
/* "Description" */
#define DATA_PATH ""
I tried changing $pkgdatadir to $datadir, but I got the same result. What am I doing wrong, or is what I am trying to achieve impossible?
EDIT: I redefined the variable in my Makefile.am for spellcheck:
AM_CFLAGS = -DDATA_PATH=\"$(pkgdatadir)\" -m32 -Wall
bin_PROGRAMS = spellcheck
pkgdata_DATA = english.dict
spellcheck_SOURCES = spellcheck.cpp meta.cpp
spellcheck_LDADD = ../libspellcheck/libspellcheck.a
But now it complains about DATA_PATH being nonexistant:
spellcheck.cpp:4:22: error: 'DATA_PATH' was not declared in this scope
#define DEFAULT_DICT DATA_PATH "english.dict"
Because now it seems to be ignoring all CFLAGS:
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -g -O2 -MT spellcheck.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/spellcheck.Tpo -c -o spellcheck.o spellcheck.cpp
It turns out that I needed to use AM_CPPFLAGS rather than CFLAGS.
I am going to write a Hello World module in Ubuntu 10.10 (with the kernel 2.6.35-28-generic). Headers are located:
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
int init_module(void)
printk("Hello, world\n");
return 0;
void cleanup_module(void)
and Makefile:
CC = gcc
hello.o: hello.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c hello.c
echo insmod hello.o to install
echo rmmod to delete
There is an error while make:
hello.c:1: fatal error: linux/kernel.h : No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
How do I solve this?
You can't just use a traditional-style Makefile with Linux kernel modules; while you might be able to force something to work, it'll be a painful experience.
Start by reading the Documentation/kbuild/modules.txt file; it'll describe exactly what you need to do when writing a module Makefile so that it can hook neatly into the kernel's Kbuild environment. Your Makefile will probably look something like this:
# kbuild part of makefile
obj-m := 8123.o
8123-y := 8123_if.o 8123_pci.o 8123_bin.o
# normal makefile
KDIR ?= /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$$PWD
# Module specific targets
echo "X" > 8123_bin.o_shipped
Please trust me on this; while you might think you're "just one small change" from getting your own Makefile to work, even minor changes in kernel version will completely destroy your build all over again. Just take the hour now to write a Kbuild-compatible Makefile for your module. I wasted weeks of my life trying to maintain a pre-existing Makefile when the Kbuild infrastructure was introduced. Every new kernel caused me to lose hours of productivity.
For me this file ("linux/kernel.h") is in the package linux-libc-dev (Kubuntu 10.10).
Do you have /usr/src/linux symbolic link to your /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic ?
If not then create one using following commands
# cd /usr/src
# ln -sfn linux-headers-2.6.35-28-generic linux
just as what #sarnold said , you should use the different Makefile.Just as following:
obj-m += hello.o
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
and use the command:
insmod hello.ko
to install this module.