Creating COM Component Using CreateProcess and CoCreateInstance - c++

Is there any issue with starting a COM component exe using CreateProcess followed by CoCreateInstance (using the class ID from CLSIDFromProgID) ?
I have done this and it seems to work but am getting side effects on closing down.
Sometimes it closes down properly, sometimes (when looking through Process Explorer), the process stays active but moves in the tree.
Sorry for being vague but what I'd like to know is whether it's legitimate to start a COM object in this way (CreateProcess then CoCreateInstance) or whether the only way to properly achieve this is just to call CoCreateInstance?

Only CoCreateInstance. Why do you wanna bother with CreateProcess at all?


COm server accessing the application

I have written a simple dialog based MFC application using a thirdd party soft tree control. I am trying to write a automation client for the application. For this I wrote a singleton out-of-process COM Testing Agent for the dialog based application sample app. The Com server exposes a Run method to the automation client. This Run method access the gut of the mfc app and actually mimicks a click on the GUI. The problem i am facing is when the automation client tries to invoke Run method on the Com object it is able to invioke it but when the Run method crashes when it tries to access the control's methods such as getCaretInedx.
I have tried to cach the exception and log the message to a file but have not been able to do so.
My question is: Is there any limitation in the way a com object can access the application? Or am i missing anything to facilitate this.
Any help or pointer is greatly appreciated. Since this is my first in COM I have not been able to make much progress.
Is your client's window actually being created? If not, the hwnd doesn't exist, which is probably why it crashes. Furthermore, your client may be hidden behind another window when it is started, and may exhibit different behavior than when the user called it through regular interaction.
In general, calling code that relies on or interacts with the UI from a COM server is fraught with peril, especially when that code is not written in the first place to behave like this. Most UI isn't that defensive about HWND's existing etc.

Uncloseable Application

I was sitting around bored and thought of this idea. Is it possible to change the WM_DESTROY code so that it will do something else instead of closing the application. But, I don't think this will work, but does that keep it from closing when you try to close the application from the task manager in windows. Also, is there a way to remove my application from the task manager so they wouldn't be able to do that in the first place? So, is this possible or do you have a better way? I have googled this and have tried this, but I want to ask the experienced here to answer this question.
BTW, I am not making a virus.
Windows Task Manager will use TerminateProcess to "close" a process - which is a good thing if your program has accidentally or on purpose got a broken VM_DESTROY handler.
There are supposedly ways to mess about with the process list that hides a process. But I don't actually know how that is done othat than very fundamentally (the process list is a linked list, and you can "unlink" a process from the list, and it "disappears"). Obviously doing so would be the type of thing that virus, trojan's, spyware, etc does, and I don't see any reason why you would want to do that in a legitimate application.
Edit: And hiding the application just means it doesn't appear in the list of processes in task manager. If you KNOW that the task exists (and you could for example "guess" based on system activity or some such), it can still be killed using it's process ID by some application that has enough privileges to terminate the process.
you shoud read win32 api demo. when mainwindow receives WM_DESTROY message, call postquitmessage([exitcode]) to end message loop。

Problems getting access to a STA object from another process

I have been trying something which may turn to be impossible in the end. It's been a long while since I've been in COM land.
Consider two apps and a COM STA DLL. First app loads COM STA DLL as a plugin and this DLL tries to register itself "globally" so that the second app sees it. Something like GetObject("Excel.Application").
I have tried two approaches (which may turn to be the same thing).
Approach 1: I have tried using CoRegisterClassObject to register my STA instance of an object. This call succeeds with S_OK. But if I try to GetActiveObject using the same CLSID immediately after CoRegisterClassObject, I get MK_E_UNAVAILABLE - 0x800401e3.
Is GetActiveObject the wrong API to call? If not, why would it fail?
Approach 2: I have also tried using GetRunningObjectTable, IRunningObjectTable:Register and CreateClassMoniker but when trying to get to the object from ROT in a second app, I am faced with another failure.
My STA DLL is properly registered and uses typelib for marshaling (which is also registered).
Am I missing something or is what I am trying to do not possible at all? If latter, are there any simple alternatives for me?
It seems when you want to use GetActiveObject your friends are RegisterActiveObject and RevokeActiveObject. I was totally off. It works perfectly now! I hope this helps someone.

Detecting child processes

Is there a way (in C++ & windows XP) to detect if one process spawns any other processes?
for example,
write.exe in system32 spawns wordpad.exe then disappears, is there a function that tells me if the process is about to do this?
for those interested i solved the problem using this section of msdn:
Nothing in the Win32 API for this. However, it is supported through WMI with the Win32_ProcessStartTrace query. You'll find some C# code that demonstrates the query in my answer in this thread. Writing WMI code in C++ is fairly painful, you'll find a link to boilerplate code you have to write in the MSDN Library article.
Do beware that this isn't particularly fast. It isn't clear to me how much help the WMI provider gets from the kernel to generate the notification but given the speed it quacks like polling. In other words, the process is likely to be well on its way by the time you get the notification. This is otherwise par for the course on a multitasking operating system.
You can enumerate over the process tree, which identifies running processes and their parents. This is the inverse of what you want (you want to identify child processes, not parent processes). But of course by keeping track of parent process IDs while enumerating, you can identify which sub-processes a given process has spawned.
To do this, call CreateToolhelp32Snapshot and then use Process32First and Process32Next to enumerate the processes. The enumeration will fill in a PROCESSENTRY32 struct that contains a th32ParentProcessID member.
This is a polling method; there may be another way of actually hooking the CreateProcess function, but I don’t have any information about that.
I think you would need to make a global hook DLL that attaches itself to every running process. DLL then finds a place where a function call to CreateProcess is mapped to actual CreateProcess from kernel32, and change a table entry to redirect the call to it's own code to "detect" the call to CreateProcess. All this assuming that some user firewall will not prevent your global hook from executing.

How can I detect message boxes popping up in another process?

I'd like to execute some code whenever a (any!) message box (as spawned by the MessageBox Function) is shown in another process. I didn't start the process I'm monitoring.
I can think of three approaches:
Install a global CBT Hook procedure which tells me whenever a window is created on the desktop. Then, check whether the window belongs to the process I'm monitoring and whether the class name is #32770 (which is the class name of dialogs according to the About Window Classes page at the MSDN). This would probably work, but it would pull the DLL which contains the hook procedure into virtually every process on the desktop, and the hook procedure gets called a lot. It smells like a potential perfomance problem.
Try to subclass the #32770 system window class (is this possible at all?) and look for WM_CREATE messages in my custom window procedure.
Intercept the MessageBox Function API call (even though the remote process is running already!) and call my code from the hook function.
So far, I only know that the first idea is feasible, but it seems really inefficient. Can anybody think of a simpler solution than that to this problem?
I can't think of any efficient solution that doesn't involve injecting code into the other process (this is basically what many types of hooks do by the way). But if you are willing to go down that path, you can intercept calls to MessageBox.
Spend some time stepping through into a call to MessageBox in the debugger in assembly language mode and you'll see that it's an indirect call through a lookup table (that's how exports work). so if you can get your code into the process, you can patch the table to jump to your code instead.
See for code showing how to inject a dll into another process.
I think: Approach 2 is impossible. Approaches 1-3 require dll, that is loaded into all processes, and approach 3 is "more right". I suppose searching windows by timer is not suite by some reasons?
I would go with the first option. You should be able to get away with only installing the hook for the main UI thread of the app you're monitoring, but if that doesn't work, even global CBT hooks aren't terribly resource intensive in my experience. Of course, you'll want your hook DLL to contain as little as possible other than the hook logic itself. If you need anything bulky, link it dynamically only when you know you're in the right process.