perl multiline issue: need one liner to print last match before string in file - regex

I have a log file like this:
2018-07-10 10:03:01: random text1
2018-07-10 10:03:02: random text2
2018-07-10 10:03:03: random text3
more text
and more
2018-07-10 10:03:04: random text4
I want to use a perl one-liner to find the most recent timestamp before "THIS IS MATCHED STRING".
I tried this:
perl -0777 -nle 'print "$1\n" while m/(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d).+?THIS IS MATCHED STRING/sg'
But it matched the first timestamp, "2018-07-10 10:03:01" instead of the "2018-07-10 10:03:03" that I wanted. Obviously (at least I think), I don't have a good understanding of how the greedy/lazy matching is working.
Any help would be appreciated!

For a fairly elementary approach, which avoids an involved regex, process line by line and when a timestamp pattern is matched record it. Then as you run into pattern THIS... you will have had the (last) previous timestamp.
perl -wnE'
$ts = $1 if /(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}[ ]\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/;
say $ts // "no previous time stamp" if /THIS IS MATCHED STRING/;
' file.txt
If the timestamp is captured and saved with ($ts) = /.../ then failed matches on lines without it turn it undef, so it may not be there when THIS is found. Thus it is saved from $1 only once there is a match.
The defined-or (//) on $ts is used in case the file had no time stamps at all before THIS

You could use
(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\ \d+:\d+:\d+):
See a demo on


Regex does not match in Perl, while it does in other programs

I have the following string:
load Add 20 percent
to accommodate
I want to get to:
load Add 20 percent to accommodate
With, e.g., regex in sublime, this is easily done by:
$1 $2
However, in Perl, if I input this command, (adapted to test if I can match the pattern in any case):
perl -pi.orig -e 's/[a-z]\n.+to/TEST/g' file
It doesn't match anything.
Does anyone know why Perl would be different in this case, and what the correct formulation of the Perl command should be?
By default, Perl -p flag read input lines one by one. You can't thus expect your regex to match anything after \n.
Instead, you want to read the whole input at once. You can do this by using the flag -0777 (this is documented in perlrun):
perl -0777 -pi.orig -e 's/([a-z])\n\s(to)/$1 $2/' file
Just trying to help and reminding below your initial proposal for perl regex:
perl -pi.orig -e 's/[a-z]\n.+to/TEST/g' file
Note that in perl regex, [a-z] will match only one character, NOT including any whitespace. Then as a start please include a repetition specifier and include capability to also 'eat' whitespaces. Also to keep the recognized (but 'eaten') 'to' in the replacement, you must put it again in the replacement string, like finally in the below example perl program:
$str = "load Add 20 percent
to accommodate";
print "before:\n$str\n";
$str =~ s/([ a-z]+)\n\s*to/\1 to/;
print "after:\n$str\n";
This program produces the below input:
load Add 20 percent
to accommodate
load Add 20 percent to accommodate
Then it looks like that if I understood well what you want to do, your regexp should better look like:
s/([ a-z]+)\n\s*to/\1 to/ (please note the leading whitespace before 'a-z').

How to find and replace a pattern string using sed/perl/awk?

I have a file with contents like
# another property
In my script, I need to replace whatever value is against ph (The current value is unknown to the bash script) and change it to 0.5. So the the file should look like
# another property
I know it can be easily done if the current value is known by using
sed "s/\,ph\:0.03\,/\,ph\:0.5\,/"
But in my case, I have to actually read the contents against allNames and search for the value and then replace within a for loop. Rest all is taken care of but I can't figure out the sed/perl command for this.
I tried using sed "s/\,ph\:.*\,/\,ph\:0.5\,/" and some variations but it didn't work.
A simpler sed solution:
sed -E 's/([=,]ph:)[0-9.]+/\10.5/g' file
# another property
Here we match ([=,]ph:) (i.e. , or = followed by ph:) and capture in group #1. This should be followed by 1+ of [0-9.] character to natch any number. In replacement we put \1 back with 0.5
With your shown samples, please try following awk code.
awk -v new_val="0.5" '
print substr($0,1,RSTART) val new_val substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
' Input_file
Detailed Explanation: Creating awk's variable named new_val which contains new value which needs to put in. In main program of awk using match function of awk to match ,ph:[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)? regex in each line, if a match of regex is found then storing that matched value into variable val. Then substituting everything from : to till end of value in val variable with : here. Then printing values as pre requirement of OP(values before matched regex value with val(edited matched value in regex) with new value and rest of line), using next will avoid going further and by mentioning 1 printing rest other lines which are NOT having a matched value in it.
2nd solution: Using sub function of awk.
awk -v newVal="0.5" '/^allNames=/{sub(/,ph:[^,]*/,",ph:"newVal)} 1' Input_file
Would you please try a perl solution:
perl -pe '
The -pe option makes perl to read the input line by line, perform
the operation, then print it as sed does.
The regex (?<=\bph:) is a zero-length lookbehind which matches
the string ph: preceded by a word boundary.
The regex [\d.]+ will match a decimal number.
The regex (?=,|$) is a zero-length lookahead which matches
a comma or the end of the string.
As the lookbehind and the lookahead has zero length, they are not
substituted by the s/../../ operator.
As Dave Cross comments, the lookahead (?=,|$) is unnecessary as long as the input file is correctly formatted.
Works with decimal place or not, or no value, anywhere in the line.
sed -E 's/(^|[^-_[:alnum:]])ph:[0-9]*(.[0-9]+)?/ph:0.5/g'
Or possibly:
sed -E 's/(^|[=,[:space:]])ph:[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?/ph:0.5/g'
The top one uses "not other naming characters" to describe the character immediately before a name, the bottom one uses delimiter characters (you could add more characters to either). The purpose is to avoid clashing with other_ph or autograph.
Here you go
use strict;
use warnings;
print "\nPerl Starting ... \n\n";
while (my $recordLine =<DATA>)
if (index($recordLine, "ph:") != -1)
$recordLine =~ s/ph:.*?,/ph:0.5,/g;
print "recordLine: $recordLine ...\n";
print "\nPerl End ... \n\n";
# another property
Perl Starting ...
recordLine: allNames=alpha:.02,beta:0.25,ph:0.5,delta:1.0,gamma:.5 ...
Perl End ...
Using any sed in any shell on every Unix box (the other sed solutions posted that use sed -E require GNU or BSD seds):
a) if ph: is never the first tag in the allNames list (as shown in your sample input):
$ sed 's/\(,ph:\)[^,]*/\10.5/'
# another property
b) or if it can be first:
$ sed 's/\([,=]ph:\)[^,]*/\10.5/'
# another property

How to use sed to search and replace a pattern who appears multiple times in the same line?

Because the question can be misleading, here is a little example. I have this kind of file:
some text
some text ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text##
text again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text## ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text##
again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text-KEY-text##
some text with KEY ##KEY-some-text##
blabla ##KEY##
In this example, I want to replace each occurrence of KEY- inside a pair of ## by VALUE-. I started with this sed command:
sed -i 's/\(##[^#]*\)KEY-\([^#]*##\)/\1VALUE-\2/g'
Here is how it works:
\(##[^#]*\): create a first group composed of two # and any characters except # ...
KEY-: ... until the last occurrence of KEY- on that line
\([^#]*##\): and create a second group with all the characters except # until the next pair of #.
The problem is my command can't handle correctly the following line because there are multiple KEY- inside my pair of ##:
again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text-KEY-text##
Indeed, I get this result:
again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text-VALUE-text##
If I want to replace all the occurrences of KEY- in that line, I have to run my command multiple times and I prefer to avoid that. I also tried with lazy operators but the problem is the same.
How can I create a regex and a sed command who can handle correctly all my file?
The problem is rather complex: you need to replace all occurrences of some multicharacter text inside blocks of text between identical multicharacter delimiters.
The easiest and safest way to solve the task is using Perl:
perl -i -pe 's/(##)(.*?)(##)/$end_delim=$3; "$1" . $2=~s|KEY-|VALUE-|gr . "$end_delim"/ge' file
See the online demo.
The (##)(.*?)(##) pattern will match strings between two adjacent ## substrings capturing the start delimiter into Group 1, end delimiter in Group 3, and all text in between into Group 2. Since the regex substitution re-sets all placeholders, the temporary variable is used to keep the value of the end delimiter ($end_delim=$3), then, "$1" . $2=~s|KEY-|VALUE-|gr . "$end_delim" replaces the match with the value in the Group 1 of the first match (the first ##), then the Group 2 value with all KEY- replaced with VALUE-, and then the end delimiter.
If there are no KEY-s in between matches on the same line you may use a branch with sed by enclosing your command with :A and tA:
sed -i ':A; s/\(##[^#]*\)KEY-\([^#]*##\)/\1VALUE-\2/g; tA' file
Note you missed the first placeholder in \VALUE-\2, it should be \1VALUE-\2.
See the online demo:
s="some KEY- text
some text ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text##
text again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text## ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text##
again ##some-text-KEY-some-other-text-KEY-text##
some text with KEY ##KEY-some-text##
blabla ##KEY##"
sed ':A; s/\(##[^#]*\)KEY-\([^#]*##\)/\1VALUE-\2/g; tA' <<< "$s"
some KEY- text
some text ##some-text-VALUE-some-other-text##
text again ##some-text-VALUE-some-other-text## ##some-text-VALUE-some-other-text##
again ##some-text-VALUE-some-other-text-VALUE-text##
some text with KEY ##VALUE-some-text##
blabla ##KEY##
More details:
sed allows the usage of loops and branches. The :A in the code above is a label, a special location marker that can be "jumped at" using the appropriate operator. t is used to create a branch, this "command jumps to the label only if the previous substitute command was successful". So, once the pattern matched and the replacement occurred, sed goes back to where it was and re-tries a match. If it is not successful, sed goes on to search for the matches further in the string. So, tA means go back to the location marked with A if there was a successful search-and-replace operation.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -E 's/##/\n/g;:a;s/^([^\n]*(\n[^\n]*\n[^\n]*)*\n[^\n]*)KEY-/\1VALUE-/;ta;s/\n/##/g' file
Convert ##'s to newlines. Using a loop, replace VAL- between matched newlines to VALUE-. When all done replace newlines by ##'s.

AWK\SED Replace both ^(beginning) and $(end) of a string in a single command

I've been looking around but couldn't find a way to do it with both AWK and SED.
I was wondering if there's a way to replace a string's start and end in a single command.
more specifically, there's a file with a lot of words in it, and I would like to add something before the word and after the word.
Since you said: more specifically, there's a file with a lot of words in it, and I would like to add something before the word and after the word.
The only thing you need is $& that is match itself. So you simply can write anything that you want just before and end of this whildcard. that's it.
For example say you have this file:
this is line 1.
this is line 2.
this is line 3.
And I tested with perl:
perl -lne 'print "beginning->", $&, "<-end" if /.+/g' file
which the output is:
beginning->this is line 1.<-end
beginning->this is line 2.<-end
beginning->this is line 3.<-end
May you would like to match only one word, so still this is a good solution such as:
perl -lne 'use English; print "$PREMATCH", "[$MATCH]","$POSTMATCH" if /line/g' file
Here I matched line and put around that: [ then $& then ]
the output
this is [line] 1.
this is [line] 2.
this is [line] 3.
As you can see the only things you need just are prematch and match and postmatch. I tested it with perl for you, and if you are interesting in Perl you can use it or may you want to use Sed or Awk. Since you have no specific examples I tested with Perl.
If you want to wrap a particular word with markers you can use & in the replacement string to achieve what you want.
For example to put square brackets around every occurrence of the word bird:
$ echo "hello bird, are you really a bird?" | sed "s/\bbird\b/[&]/g"
hello [bird], are you really a [bird]?
to replace a string's start and end in a single command
Let's say we have a test file with line:
tag hello, world tag
To enclose each tag word with angle brackets < ... > we can apply:
awk approach with gsub() function:
awk '{ gsub(/\<tag\>/, "<&>"); print}' test_file
word boundaries \<, \> may differ depending on awk implementations
sed approach:
sed 's/\btag\b/<&>/g' test_file
The output(for both approaches):
<tag> hello, world <tag>

Bash/PHP extract URL from HTML via regex

Is there any easy way to extract this URL in bash/or PHP?
From this HTML code?
<a href="javascript: open_window_zoom(' KELLYS Kju: 490mm (19.5")',550,366);">
With perl you could do a match and a capture
perl -n -e 'print "$1\n" if (m/image=(.*?)\&/);'
This captures everything between image= and the next & and prints it $1.
For more on regular expressions, see perlre or
In bash, you can try the following:
sed 's/.*image=\(http:\/\/[^&]*\).*/\1/g'
The solution above performs substitution rather than extraction. The line containing the pattern (required url) is replaced by the pattern itself. However, the substitution isn't in-place.
Whichever way you decide to dress it up, you could simply split with the delimiter equal to ?image= and then split the second token you receive (i.e. result[1]) with a simple & delimiter. The first result from that split is your answer.
However, a pure regex match would look something like: m#image=(a-z0-9\:/\.\-)&#i. You can take that regex and put it wherever you want to get your result stored in $1. Despite what a lot of people think, you do not have to match the beginning of a line and the end of a line to match a result.
Try doing this :
xmllint --html --xpath '//a/#href' file://file.html |
grep -oP 'image=\Khttp://.*?\.png'
You can use an URL instead of a local file :
Or if you had already extracted the line to parse in the $string variable :
grep -oP 'image=\Khttp://.*?\.png' <<< "$string"