Why is the variable not changed from pass-by-pointer? - c++

How come n still points to a default node after draw()?
I'm trying to pass in a pointer to a node to draw(), and have it point to a newly-created node within draw().
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node{
int key;
struct node *l, *r;
int level, place;
int keyCounter = 0;
void draw(struct node *t, int low, int high, int storey){
if(storey == 0) return;
t = new node();
t->key = ++keyCounter;
t->level = storey;
int mid = (low + high) / 2;
t->place = mid;
draw(t->l, low, mid, storey - 1);
draw(t->r, mid, high, storey - 1);
void visit(struct node *t){
if(t != NULL){
cout << t->key << ' ' << t->level << ' ' << t->place << '\n';
int main(){
struct node *n = new node();
draw(n, 0, 64, 6);
return 0;

Your code is confused as to who allocates n. You do this twice - once in main() and once in draw(). This is obviously not sensible.
So the obvious question is: why pass n to draw() at all, since it does nothing with it? Instead, try this:
struct node *draw (int low, int high, int storey)
if(storey == 0) return nullptr;
t = new node();
return t;
And then:
int main()
struct node *n = draw(0, 64, 6);
if (n)
return 0;
Of course, this is 2018 now and you should not really be using raw pointers at all, but that's another story. And having a function called draw allocating an object is also a bit weird. Perhaps it should be called allocate_and_draw.

In method draw you set t to point on another node.
t = new node();
Now t point on another memory space. It's not the space where n points. When you change t properties you doesn't change node on which n points. Remove row that I specify above.

if you really want to change what n points to, use reference to pointer
void draw(struct node& *t, int low, int high, int storey){
Also, do not forget to free pointer you passed. However, will advise you to seriously consider your design again.


C Creating a binary tree based on a sequence

I need help adjusting the createTree function.
Which accepts a string and after that character by character traverses it, creating a binary tree based on it
If it encounters the character 0, it recursively creates two sub-branches.
If it encounters another character, it saves it in the leaf node.
For the string in the example, I need to make a tree as in the picture, but the function does not work properly for me. Thank you in advance for your advice.
int x = 0;
Node* createTree(string str, int si, int ei)
if (si > ei)
return NULL;
Node *root = new Node((str[si] - '0'));
if(str[si] != '0')
root->m_Data = (str[si] - '0');
return root;
root->m_Left = createTree(str,x,ei);
root->m_Right = createTree(str,x,ei);
return root;
int main ()
string str = "050067089";
Node *node = createTree(str,0,str.length());
return 0;
The problem can quite easily be broken down into small steps (what you partly did in your question).
Start iterating at the first character
Create the root node
If the current character is non-zero, set the value of this node to this character
If current character is a zero, set this node to zero, create a left and a right node and get back to step 3 for every one of them. (That's the recursive part.)
Below is my implementation of this algorithm.
First, a little bit of setting up:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
struct Node;
// Iterator to a constant character, NOT a constant iterator
using StrConstIt = std::string::const_iterator;
using UniqueNode = std::unique_ptr<Node>;
struct Node
int value;
UniqueNode p_left;
UniqueNode p_right;
Node(int value)
: value(value) {}
Node(int value, UniqueNode p_left, UniqueNode p_right)
: value(value), p_left(std::move(p_left)), p_right(std::move(p_right)) {}
As you can see, I'm using std::unique_ptr for managing memory. This way, you don't have to worry about manually deallocating memory. Using smart pointers is often considered the more "modern" approach, and they should virtually always be preferred over raw pointers.
UniqueNode p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(StrConstIt& it, StrConstIt stringEnd)
if (it >= stringEnd)
return nullptr;
UniqueNode node;
if (*it == '0')
// Create node with appropriate value
// Create branches and increment iterator
node = std::make_unique<Node>(
p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(++it, stringEnd),
p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(it, stringEnd)
// Create leaf node with appropriate value
node = std::make_unique<Node>(*it - '0');
// Increment iterator
return node;
UniqueNode p_createTree(StrConstIt begin, StrConstIt end)
return p_createNodeAndUpdateIterator(begin, end);
The first function takes a reference to the iterator to the next character it should process. That is because you can't know how much characters a branch will have in its leaf nodes beforehand. Therefore, as the function's name suggests, it will update the iterator with the processing of each character.
I'm using iterators instead of a string and indices. They are clearer and easier to work with in my opinion — changing it back should be fairly easy anyway.
The second function is basically syntactic sugar: it is just there so that you don't have to pass an lvalue as the first argument.
You can then just call p_createTree with:
int main()
std::string str = "050067089";
UniqueNode p_root = p_createTree(str.begin(), str.end());
return 0;
I also wrote a function to print out the tree's nodes for debugging:
void printTree(const UniqueNode& p_root, int indentation = 0)
// Print the value of the node
for (int i(0); i < indentation; ++i)
std::cout << "| ";
std::cout << p_root->value << '\n';
// Do nothing more in case of a leaf node
if (!p_root->p_left.get() && !p_root->p_right.get())
// Otherwise, print a blank line for empty children
if (p_root->p_left.get())
printTree(p_root->p_left, indentation + 1);
std::cout << '\n';
if (p_root->p_right.get())
printTree(p_root->p_right, indentation + 1);
std::cout << '\n';
Assuming that the code which is not included in your question is correct, there is only one issue that could pose a problem if more than one tree is built. The problem is that x is a global variable which your functions change as a side-effect. But if that x is not reset before creating another tree, things will go wrong.
It is better to make x a local variable, and pass it by reference.
A minor thing: don't use NULL but nullptr.
Below your code with that change and the class definition included. I also include a printSideways function, which makes it easier to see that the tree has the expected shape:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int m_Data;
Node* m_Left = nullptr;
Node* m_Right = nullptr;
Node(int v) : m_Data(v) {}
// Instead of si, accept x by reference:
Node* createTree(string str, int &x, int ei)
if (x >= ei)
return nullptr;
Node *root = new Node((str[x] - '0'));
if(str[x] != '0')
root->m_Data = (str[x] - '0');
return root;
root->m_Left = createTree(str,x,ei);
root->m_Right = createTree(str,x,ei);
return root;
// Overload with a wrapper that defines x
Node* createTree(string str)
int x = 0;
return createTree(str, x, str.length());
// Utility function to visualise the tree with the root at the left
void printSideways(Node *node, string tab) {
if (node == nullptr) return;
printSideways(node->m_Right, tab + " ");
cout << tab << node->m_Data << "\n";
printSideways(node->m_Left, tab + " ");
// Wrapper for above function
void printSideways(Node *node) {
printSideways(node, "");
int main ()
string str = "050067089";
Node *node = createTree(str);
return 0;
So, as you see, nothing much was altered. Just si was replaced with x, which is passed around by reference, and x is defined locally in a wrapper function.
Here is the output:

How to fix this error which occured on 35. line of code

This is the output with the error.
And this is my homework text:
Think about a network that consists of nodes and one direction links.
Each node will be represented by a character and each link has an
integer cost value.
So when all nodes have only one link it works but when I include more than one links to one node it does not work.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Node {
char nodeChar;
int cost;
Node(char nodeChar) {
this->nodeChar = nodeChar;
vector<Node> nextNodes;
void connect(Node &next, int cost) {
next.cost = cost;
int main() {
Node A('A'), B('B'), C('C'), D('D');
A.connect(C, 3); // A[0] = C
C.connect(B, 4); // C[0] = B
B.connect(A, 2); // B[0] = A
C.connect(D, 5); // C[1] = D
D.connect(B, 6); // D[0] = B
int sum = 0;
Node currentNode = A;
while (sum < 15) {
cout << currentNode.nodeChar;
Node next = currentNode.nextNodes[0];
currentNode = next;
sum += next.cost;
cout << endl;
A.connect(C, 3);
connect takes the next node as a reference, but when it puts it into nextNodes, nextNodes makes a copy. That means that after A.connect(C, 3); and C.connect(B, 4);. The C in A is different from C and knows nothing of B. This copy of C has no nodes in nextNodes, so
Node next = currentNode.nextNodes[0];
ventures into undefined behaviour. In your case that behaviour is it does not work. Whatever that means.
Solution: A must contain a reference to C, not a copy of it. You are going to have to familiarize yourself with the use of pointers or reference wrappers because you cannot place references into a vector.

Implementing min function

Good day, I found this priority queue implementation and I am trying to get a min version of it (instead of max). I have no idea where to start. I tried mixing the signs of the functions (naive attempt) but it didn't get me far. Any help of how to implement it and a few words explaining it are very wellcome. The source is below:
Note I have left it's comments
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
class PriorityQueue
vector<int> pq_keys;
void shiftRight(int low, int high);
void shiftLeft(int low, int high);
void buildHeap();
PriorityQueue(vector<int>& items)
pq_keys = items;
/*Insert a new item into the priority queue*/
void enqueue(int item);
/*Get the maximum element from the priority queue*/
int dequeue();
/*Just for testing*/
void print();
void PriorityQueue::enqueue(int item)
shiftLeft(0, pq_keys.size() - 1);
int PriorityQueue::dequeue()
assert(pq_keys.size() != 0);
int last = pq_keys.size() - 1;
int tmp = pq_keys[0];
pq_keys[0] = pq_keys[last];
pq_keys[last] = tmp;
shiftRight(0, last-1);
return tmp;
void PriorityQueue::print()
int size = pq_keys.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
cout << pq_keys[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
void PriorityQueue::shiftLeft(int low, int high)
int childIdx = high;
while (childIdx > low)
int parentIdx = (childIdx-1)/2;
/*if child is bigger than parent we need to swap*/
if (pq_keys[childIdx] > pq_keys[parentIdx])
int tmp = pq_keys[childIdx];
pq_keys[childIdx] = pq_keys[parentIdx];
pq_keys[parentIdx] = tmp;
/*Make parent index the child and shift towards left*/
childIdx = parentIdx;
void PriorityQueue::shiftRight(int low, int high)
int root = low;
while ((root*2)+1 <= high)
int leftChild = (root * 2) + 1;
int rightChild = leftChild + 1;
int swapIdx = root;
/*Check if root is less than left child*/
if (pq_keys[swapIdx] < pq_keys[leftChild])
swapIdx = leftChild;
/*If right child exists check if it is less than current root*/
if ((rightChild <= high) && (pq_keys[swapIdx] < pq_keys[rightChild]))
swapIdx = rightChild;
/*Make the biggest element of root, left and right child the root*/
if (swapIdx != root)
int tmp = pq_keys[root];
pq_keys[root] = pq_keys[swapIdx];
pq_keys[swapIdx] = tmp;
/*Keep shifting right and ensure that swapIdx satisfies
heap property aka left and right child of it is smaller than
root = swapIdx;
void PriorityQueue::buildHeap()
/*Start with middle element. Middle element is chosen in
such a way that the last element of array is either its
left child or right child*/
int size = pq_keys.size();
int midIdx = (size -2)/2;
while (midIdx >= 0)
shiftRight(midIdx, size-1);
int main()
//example usage
PriorityQueue asd;
cout<< asd.dequeue() << endl;
return 0;
Well generally in such problems, i.e. algorithms based on comparison of elements, you can redefine what does (a < b) mean. (That is how things in standard library work by the way. You can define your own comparator.)
So if you change it's meaning to the opposite. You will reverse the ordering.
You need to identify every comparison of elements, and switch it. So for every piece of code like this
/*if child is bigger than parent we need to swap*/
if (pq_keys[childIdx] > pq_keys[parentIdx])
invert it's meaning/logic.
Simple negation should do the trick:
/*if child is NOT bigger than parent we need to swap*/
if !(pq_keys[childIdx] > pq_keys[parentIdx])
You do not even need to understand algorithm. Just inverse meaning of what lesser element is.
Additional note. You could actually refactor it into some kind of bool compare(T a, T b). And use this function where comparison is used. So whenever you want to change the behaviour you just need to change one place and it will be consistent. But that is mostly to avoid work to look for every such occurrence, and stupid bugs and when you miss one.
std::prioroty_queue<int, std::vector<int>, std::greater<int>> my_queue;
If this is part of an exercise, then I suggest following the standard library's design principles: split the problem up:
data storage (e.g. std::vector)
sorting or "heapifying" algorithm (c.f. std::make_heap etc.)
ordering criteria (to be used by 2. above)
Your class should give you some leeway to change any of these independently. With that in place, you can trivially change the "less-than" ordering for a "greater than" one.

Why this code failed to run

i want to generate a tree of siblings as under
/ | \ \
ABCD has four nodes i have taken a array for this *next[]. but this code does not run successfully but it produces the sequence. i have written code in main() which provide characters to the enque function. e.g. str.at(x) where x is variable in for loop.
struct node
string info;
struct node *next[];
string str, goal;
int dept=0,bnod=0,cl,z=0;
void enqueue(string n);
void enqueue(string n)
node *p, *temp;
p=new node[sizeof(str.length())];
for (int x=0;x<str.length();x++)
cout<<" cl="<<cl<<endl;
cout<<"chile-info "<<temp->info<<endl;
cout<<" clif="<<cl<<endl;
Enter String: sham
chile-info s
chile-info h
chile-info a
chile-info m
RUN FAILED (exit value 1, total time: 2s)
Firstly, where does "RUN FAILED" come from? Is that specific to your compiler?
Secondly, about the line p=new node[sizeof(str.length())];, it probably won't give you what you wanted because you're taking the sizeof of an unsigned integer ( which, depending on your platform is likely to give you 4 regardless of the string length. Which is not what you're after - you want the actual length of the string ).
So - since you're already using std::string, why not use std::vector? Your code would look a lot friendlier :-)
If I take the first couple of lines as your desired output ( sorry, the code you posted is very hard to decipher, and I don't think it compiles either, so I'm ignoring it ;-) )
Would something like this work better for you?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
typedef struct node
std::string info;
std::vector<struct node*> children;
Node * enqueue(std::string str)
Node * root;
root = new Node();
root->info = str;
for (int x = 0; x < str.length(); x++)
Node * temp = new Node();
temp->info = str[x];
return root;
int main()
Node * myRoot = enqueue("ABCD");
std::cout << myRoot->info << "\n";
for( int i = 0; i < myRoot->children.size(); i++)
std::cout << myRoot->children[i]->info << ", ";
char c;
std::cin >> c;
return 0;
Your code seems not full.
At least the line
p=new node[sizeof(str.length())];
seems wrong.
I guess enqueue should be something similar to the following:
struct node
string info;
struct node *next; // [] - is not necessary here
string str, goal;
int dept=0,bnod=0,cl,z=0;
void enqueue(string n)
node *p, *temp;
p = new node;
p->next = new node[str.length()];
for (int x=0;x<str.length();x++)
p->next[x] = new node;
p->next[x]->next = 0;
p->next[x]->info = str[x];
Please provide more info to give a more correct answer

Exponential tree implementation

I was trying to implement exponential tree from documentation, but here is one place in the code which is not clear for me how to implement it:
using namespace std;
struct node
int level;
int count;
node **child;
int data[];
int binary_search(node *ptr,int element)
if(element>ptr->data[ptr->count-1]) return ptr->count;
int start=0;
int end=ptr->count-1;
int mid=start+(end-start)/2;
if(element>ptr->data[mid]) { start=mid+1;}
return mid;
void insert(node *root,int element)
node *ptr=root,*parent=NULL;
int i=0;
int level=ptr->level,count=ptr->count;
for(int j=count;j<=i-1;j--)
return ;
//Create a new Exponential Node at ith child of parent and
//insert element in that
return ;
int main()
return 0;
Here is a link for the paper I'm referring to:
This place is in comment, how can I create a new exponential node at level i? Like this?
parent->child[i]=new node;
The presence of the empty array at the end of the structure indicates this is C style code rather than C++ (it's a C Hack for flexible arrays). I'll continue with C style code as idiomatic C++ code would prefer use of standard containers for the child and data members.
Some notes and comments on the following code:
There were a number of issues with the pseudo-code in the linked paper to a point where it is better to ignore it and develop the code from scratch. The indentation levels are unclear where loops end, all the loop indexes are not correct, the check for finding an insertion point is incorrect, etc....
I didn't include any code for deleting the allocated memory so the code will leak as is.
Zero-sized arrays may not be supported by all compilers (I believe it is a C99 feature). For example VS2010 gives me warning C4200 saying it will not generate the default copy/assignment methods.
I added the createNode() function which gives the answer to your original question of how to allocate a node at a given level.
A very basic test was added and appears to work but more thorough tests are needed before I would be comfortable with the code.
Besides the incorrect pseudo-code the paper has a number of other errors or at least questionable content. For example, concerning Figure 2 it says "which clearly depicts that the slope of graph is linear" where as the graph is clearly not linear. Even if the author meant "approaching linear" it is at least stretching the truth. I would also be interested in the set of integers they used for testing which doesn't appear to be mentioned at all. I assumed they used a random set but I would like to see at least several sets of random numbers used as well as several predefined sets such as an already sorted or inversely sorted set.
int binary_search(node *ptr, int element)
if (ptr->count == 0) return 0;
if (element > ptr->data[ptr->count-1]) return ptr->count;
int start = 0;
int end = ptr->count - 1;
int mid = start + (end - start)/2;
while (start < end)
if (element > ptr->data[mid])
start = mid + 1;
end = mid;
mid = start + (end - start)/2;
return mid;
node* createNode (const int level)
if (level <= 0) return NULL;
/* Allocate node with 2**(level-1) integers */
node* pNewNode = (node *) malloc(sizeof(node) + sizeof(int)*(1 << (level - 1)));
memset(pNewNode->data, 0, sizeof(int) * (1 << (level - 1 )));
/* Allocate 2**level child node pointers */
pNewNode->child = (node **) malloc(sizeof(node *)* (1 << level));
memset(pNewNode->child, 0, sizeof(int) * (1 << level));
pNewNode->count = 0;
pNewNode->level = level;
return pNewNode;
void insert(node *root, int element)
node *ptr = root;
node *parent = NULL;
int i = 0;
while (ptr != NULL)
int level = ptr->level;
int count = ptr->count;
i = binary_search(ptr, element);
if (count < (1 << (level-1)))
for(int j = count; j >= i+1; --j)
ptr->data[j] = ptr->data[j-1];
ptr->data[i] = element;
parent = ptr;
ptr = ptr->child[i];
parent->child[i] = createNode(parent->level + 1);
insert(parent->child[i], element);
void InOrderTrace(node *root)
if (root == NULL) return;
for (int i = 0; i < root->count; ++i)
if (root->child[i]) InOrderTrace(root->child[i]);
printf ("%d\n", root->data[i]);
if (root->child[root->count]) InOrderTrace(root->child[root->count]);
void testdata (void)
node* pRoot = createNode(1);
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
insert(pRoot, rand());