Linphone - project android - build

I got error after executing command make .
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python (found version "2.7.10") CMake Error at cmake/Tools.cmake:31 (message): 'pystache' python module
not found Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:177
make[3]: *
Error 1 make[2]: [CMakeFiles/EP_linphone.dir/all] Error 2 make[1]:
[all] Error 2 make: * [arm64-build] Error 2
I use mac os ,
sh-3.2# python --version
Python 2.7.10
important :
pip3 works but pip command not found!
Update : I found solution with :
brew uninstall python
brew install python#2

Error was because you did not have the module: "pystache".
Make sure you have installed pip
And then, you can:
pip install pystache


installing gdal on mac os sierra

I have a Django project that I want to install and it uses GDAL. The documentation refers me to this page in the Django documentation. I have been able to install GEOS and PROJ.4. I wanted to use the latest GDAL which is 2.2.1 and ./configure command failed so I followed this instructions and it compiled. However, make command now fails with the following error
In file included from cpl_odbc.cpp:30:
/Users/DNG/gdal-2.2.1/port/cpl_odbc.h:39:10: fatal error: 'sql.h' file not found
#include <sql.h>
1 error generated.
make[1]: *** [cpl_odbc.o] Error 1
make: *** [port-target] Error 2
sudo find / -name sql.h outputs:
find: /dev/fd/DNG: No such file or directory
find: /dev/fd/DNG: No such file or directory

Cross-compile python arm

I want to cross-compile python 2.7.3 for ARM.
I've followed this example:
But during the last step with make install, I get an error:
running install
running install_lib
creating /_install
error: could not create '/_install': Permission denied
make: *** [sharedinstall] Erreur 1
This is how I have done my cross-compilation:
make python Parser/pgen
mv python hostpython
mv Parser/pgen Parser/hostpgen
make distclean
patch -p1 < ../Python-2.7.3-xcompile.patch
CC=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc CXX=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-g++ AR=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-ar RANLIB=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-ranlib ./configure --host=arm-unknown-linux --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --prefix=/python
make HOSTPYTHON=./hostpython HOSTPGEN=./Parser/hostpgen BLDSHARED="arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -shared" CROSS_COMPILE=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf- CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET=yes HOSTARCH=arm-unknown-linux BUILDARCH=x86_64-linux-gnu
make install HOSTPYTHON=./hostpython BLDSHARED="arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -shared" CROSS_COMPILE=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf- CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET=yes prefix=../Python-2.7.3/_install
If I run this command with "sudo", I get an other error:
Creating directory ../Python-2.7.3/_install/lib/python2.7/config
Creating directory ../Python-2.7.3/_install/lib/pkgconfig
/bin/sh: 7: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-ranlib: not found
When you use "sudo", not found the "arm-unknown-linux-", maybe you should add the path of the "arm-unknow-linux-" to the root's envirenment.

Error while compiling srilm in linux ubuntu 12.04

I am trying to install SRILM on my computer using os linux ubuntu 12.04, the gcc version 4.6.3 and the machine type is i686. at the end of the process it gives result of 2 errors as follows:
-o ../obj/i686/tclmain.o fatal error: tcl.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[2]: * [../obj/i686/tclmain.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory /home/supriadi/workspace/srilm/misc/src'
make[1]: *** [release-libraries] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory/home/supriadi/workspace/srilm'
make: * [World] Error 2
what should I do to fix this problem? thanks friend
You're missing the dev files of tcl. Use
sudo apt-get install tcl-dev tk-dev
You need to install tcl development files.
You can find tcl-dev package for ubuntu 12.04 here
Try this instead of make:
make MACHINE_TYPE=i686-m64 World
make NO_TCL=1 MACHINE_TYPE=i686-ubuntu World
In my case this lead me into another error
/usr/include/features.h:323:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such
file or directory
Which I found a fix here, such that:
sudo aptitude install libc6-dev-amd64

PyQt 5.3.1 Installing on ubuntu 14.04

I am trying to build PyQt 5.3.1 on ubuntu 14.04. I need QtWebKit module on it.
I configured it following step
python -q /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake --sip-incdir=/usr/include/python2.7 --sipdir=/usr/share/sip --enable QtWebKit QtWebKitWidgets
I got following error when I am using make,
$HOME/PyQt-gpl-5.3.1/QtWebKit/sipQtWebKitQWebSettings.cpp:1208:48: error: ‘WebAudioEnabled’ is not a member of ‘QWebSettings’
{sipName_WebAudioEnabled, static_cast<int>(QWebSettings::WebAudioEnabled), 26},
make[1]: *** [sipQtWebKitQWebSettings.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '$HOME/PyQt-gpl-5.3.1/QtWebKit'
make: *** [sub-QtWebKit-make_first-ordered] Error 2
How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance.
you can install PyQt5 with pip instead of building from source.
try pip install Python-Qt5

Building a Debian package tries to install to real /opt

This is again one these nice Debian packaging problems.
I have an app that installs to /opt (the install location is actually irrelevant, the same problem occurs with /usr):
OPT=1 ./configure && make && make install
I took a working Debian packaging from my other app, that used CMake, but the configuring, build and installation were similar. I modified the rules file a bit to build my new app:
build: build-stamp
# Add here commands to compile the package.
OPT=1 ./configure && $(MAKE) -j$(shell cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l)
touch build-stamp
I left the installation part untouched:
install: build
# Add here commands to install the package into debian/<packagename>
DESTDIR=`pwd`/debian/`dh_listpackages` $(MAKE) install
Now, the problem is that when I try to build the package, it tries to install
to the real /opt and crashes:
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/opt/snm’: Permission denied
make[1]: *** [install_target] Error 1
make: *** [install] Error 2
dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2
debuild: fatal error at line 1361:
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -D -us -uc -i -b failed
I just can't figure out why my packaging doesn't work with my new app. Or alternatively, why it DID work with the other app :)
It seems that my install step was just ignoring the DESTDIR given by the Debian rules file.