Using a different shader for each pixel in OpenGL - opengl

I'm trying to write a deferred renderer in OpenGL that supports multiple materials (different lighting models etc.) and layered materials (different materials blended together).
I'm writing the material ID to a g-buffer as well as the standard vertex attribute g-buffers. How would I use a different shader for each pixel in the second stage (when the lighting is calculated and rendered to the screen)?
I thought about using a compute shader to make a list of pixels for each material ID then generating a mixture of quads, points, and maybe lines out of it and then reading these meshes back to the CPU and rendering them with their respective materials. I think this would be a bit slow the mesh has to be read and written back each frame.

A. Write an uber-shader that chooses exact shader path based on pixel MaterialID attribute. That could work well for multiple materials. That uber-shader could consist of several sections stitched together programatically, to simplify development.
B. Reduce materials count. Speaks for itself.
C. Add more channels to your g-buffer to store varying material parameters (e.g. Specular)
D. Do multiple passes with different shaders and use MaterialID as a sort of "stencil" to either render if it's matching material and shader or discard; to skip the pixel ASAP.
You can combine these solutions as well.


Efficiently transforming many different models in modern OpenGL

Suppose I want to render many different models, each with a different transformation matrix I want to be applied to their vertices. As far as I understand, the naive approach is to specify a matrix uniform in the vertex shader, the value of which is updated for each mesh during rendering.
It's obvious to me that this is a bad idea, due to the expense of many uniform updates and draw calls. So, what is the most efficient way to achieve this in modern OpenGL?
I've genuinely tried to find a straight, clear answer to this question. Most answers I find vaguely mention UBOs, or instance drawing (which afaik won't work unless you are drawing instances of the same mesh many times, which is not my goal).
With OpenGL 4.6 or with ARB_shader_draw_parameters, each draw in a multi-draw rendering command (functions of the form glMultiDraw*) is assigned a draw index from 0 to the number of draw calls specified by that function. This index is provided to the Vertex Shader via the gl_DrawID input value. You can then use this index to fetch a matrix from any number of constructs: UBOs, SSBOs, buffer textures, etc.
This works for multi-draw indirect rendering as well. So in theory, you can have a compute shader operation generate a bunch of rendering commands, then render your entire scene with a single draw call (assuming that all of your objects live in the same vertex buffers and can use the same shader and other state). Or at the very least, a large portion of the scene.
Furthermore, this index is considered dynamically uniform, so you can also use it (or values derived from it and other dynamically uniform values) to index into arrays of textures, fetch a texture from an array of bindless textures, or the like.

Can I use different shader programs for the same rendering job?

My question was unclear at first, I'll try to rephrase it:
How do I use different shaders to do different rendering operations on the same mesh polygons? For example, I want to add lighting using one shader and add fog using another shader. I need to use the color interpolated from the first shader in the calculation of the second shader, but I don't know how to do it if I can't (or rather not supposed to) pass around the color buffer between shaders.
Also (and that was where my question started), I need the same world-view-projection calculations for both shaders, so am I supposed to calculate it in every shader seperatly? Am I supposed to use one big shader for all my rendering operations?
Original question:
Say I have two different shader programs. The first one calculates the vertex positions in the vertex shader and does some operations in the fragment shader.
Let's say I want to use the fragment shader to do different calculations, but I still want to use the same vertex positions calculated by the first vertex shader. Do I have to calculate the vertex positions again or is there a way to share state between different shader programs?
you got more options:
multi pass
this one usually render the geometry into depth and "color" buffer first and then in next passes uses that as input textures for rendering single rectangle covering whole screen/view. Deferred shading is an example of this but there are many other implementations of effects that are not Deferred shading related. Here an example of multi pass:
How can I render an 'atmosphere' over a rendering of the Earth in Three.js?
In first pass the planets and stars and stuff is rendered, in second the atmosphere is added.
You can combine the passes either by blending or direct rendering. The direct rendering requires that you render to texture each pass and render in the last one. Blending is changing the color of the output in each pass.
single pass
what you describe is more like you should encode the different shaders as a functions for single fragment shader... Yes you can combine more shaders into single one if they are compatible and combine their results to final output color.
Big shader is a performance hit but I think it would be still faster than having multiple passes doing the same.
Take a look at this example:
Normal mapping gone horribly wrong
this one computes enviromental reflection, lighting, geometry color and combines them together to single output color.
Exotic shaders
There are also exotic shaders that go around the pipeline limitations like this one:
Reflection and refraction impossible without recursive ray tracing?
Which are used for stuff that is believed to be not possible to implement in GL/GLSL pipeline. Anyway If the limitations are too binding you can still use compute shader...

Converting .obj per-face variables for OpenGL

As far as I know, OpenGL doesn't support per-face attributes [citation needed]. I have decided to use material files of .obj files and have already successfully loaded them into my project. However, I thought that materials were used per-object group and I realized that .obj format can actually use per-face materials. Therefore, a vertex group (or lets say, mesh) can have more than one material for specific faces of it.
I would be able to convert small variables like specular etc. into per vertex but the whole material can vary from face to face; illumination, ambient, specular, texture maps (diffuse normal etc.). It would be easy if the materials were per-mesh, so that I could load them as sub-meshes and attach corresponding materials on them.
How am I going to handle multiple materials for ONE mesh in which the materials are not uniformly distributed among the faces in it?
Firstly, what values do these per-face materials hold? Because, unless you are able to render them in a single pass, then you may as well split them into separate meshes anyway. If using index buffers, then just use a few of those, one for each material. Then you can set uniforms / change shaders for each material type.
The way my renderer works:
iterate through meshes
bind mesh's vertex array object
bind mesh's uniform buffer object
iterate through mesh's materials
use shaders, bind textures, set uniforms...
draw material's index buffer with glDrawElements
Of course, you wouldn't want to change shaders for every material, so if you do need to use multiple shaders rather than just changing uniforms, then you will need to batch them together.
This isn't specific to obj/mtl, but any mesh / material format.

Use triangle normals in OpenGL to get vertex normals

I have a list of vertices and their arrangement into triangles as well as the per-triangle normalized normal vectors.
Ideally, I'd like to do as little work as possible in somehow converting the (triangle,normal) pairs into (vertex,vertex_normal) pairs that I can stick into my VAO. Is there a way for OpenGL to deal with the face normals directly? Or do I have to keep track of each face a given vertex is involved in (which more or less happens already when I calculate the index buffers) and then manually calculate the averaged normal at the vertex?
Also, is there a way to skip per-vertex normal calculation altogether and just find a way to inform the fragment shader of the face-normal directly?
Edit: I'm using something that should be portable to ES devices so the fixed-function stuff is unusable
I can't necessarily speak as to the latest full-fat OpenGL specifications but certainly in ES you're going to have to do the work yourself.
Although the normal was modal under the old fixed pipeline like just about everything else, it was attached to each vertex. If you opted for the flat shading model then GL would use the colour at the first vertex on the face across the entire thing rather than interpolating it. There's no way to recreate that behaviour under ES.
Attributes are per vertex and uniforms are — at best — per batch. In ES there's no way to specify per-triangle properties and there's no stage of the rendering pipeline where you have an overview of the geometry when you could distribute them to each vertex individually. Each vertex is processed separately, varyings are interpolation and then each fragment is processed separately.

Comparing textures in OpenGL ES 2.0

I am working on a painting app using the LibGDX framework, though this should be primarily OpenGL related.
Basically, I am looking for a way to prevent the sprites I use to draw from overlapping each other when they aren't fully opaque, as this creates a lot of unpleasant effects. Drawing the sprites at 1.0 alpha onto a texture and then drawing that texture back at the desired alpha gives the effect I want, but that method would involve constantly recreating the texture as the user is drawing, which is far too intensive to be viable.
From what I can see, the best option for me, in basic terms, is to sort of subtract one of these sprites from the other in the fragment shader. I am quite certain this route would work, but I cannot figure out how to get to the point where I can actually compare them in the fragment shader. Both will always use the same single texture, but they will be positioned in different spots. Is it at all possible to actually compare them like that, or is there a suitable alternative?
It's not actually possible to compare 2 textures that are applied to different geometry (sprites) in the fragment or vertex shader that way, because they will be rendered on different iterations of the shaders, at different points in time.
You could have two or more texture units to sample and subtract multiple textures, but they would have to be applied to the same vertices (sprites), which I think is not what you want.
A better approach would be to compute the proximity of the sprites before they are rendered. You could then either change their positions, or pass the proxmity as a uniform value into the shaders, which could then be used to change the alpha of the fragment pixels for the sprites.