Comparing textures in OpenGL ES 2.0 - compare

I am working on a painting app using the LibGDX framework, though this should be primarily OpenGL related.
Basically, I am looking for a way to prevent the sprites I use to draw from overlapping each other when they aren't fully opaque, as this creates a lot of unpleasant effects. Drawing the sprites at 1.0 alpha onto a texture and then drawing that texture back at the desired alpha gives the effect I want, but that method would involve constantly recreating the texture as the user is drawing, which is far too intensive to be viable.
From what I can see, the best option for me, in basic terms, is to sort of subtract one of these sprites from the other in the fragment shader. I am quite certain this route would work, but I cannot figure out how to get to the point where I can actually compare them in the fragment shader. Both will always use the same single texture, but they will be positioned in different spots. Is it at all possible to actually compare them like that, or is there a suitable alternative?

It's not actually possible to compare 2 textures that are applied to different geometry (sprites) in the fragment or vertex shader that way, because they will be rendered on different iterations of the shaders, at different points in time.
You could have two or more texture units to sample and subtract multiple textures, but they would have to be applied to the same vertices (sprites), which I think is not what you want.
A better approach would be to compute the proximity of the sprites before they are rendered. You could then either change their positions, or pass the proxmity as a uniform value into the shaders, which could then be used to change the alpha of the fragment pixels for the sprites.


Can I carry out MSAA for deferred rendering by just rendering the geometry twice?

I have question about 3D rendering.
Deferred rendering is very powerful but popular for not being nice to MSAA.
I clearly see why, but I suddenly came up some idea to solve that.
It's simple : just do deferred rendering completely, and get screen image on texture. This texture(attached on framebuffer or whatever) is of course not-antialiased.
Here comes further processing : then next, draw full scene again but this time fragment shader looks up the exact same position on pre-rendered texture using texelFetch(). And output that. Done.
It's silly but I think it might work. If we draw the geometry again with deferred-rendered result as the output color, it means we re-render the scene with geometry.
So we can now provide super-sampled depth information, and the GPU will be able to perform MSAA with aliased color but super-sampled depth geometry. (It's similar with picking up only the 'center' of fragment and evaluating that on ordinary MSAA process).
I'm not sure whether this description makes sense or not. I tested using opengl, but doing that makes no difference with just deferred-rendering.
Does my idea work?
No, your idea does not work.
If you did not render the initial image with multisampling, reading from it later while doing multisampling will not magically create information that doesn't exist in that image.
In your method, every sample which corresponds to a particular pixel in the multisampled rendering will have the same color value. So if two primitives overlap in a pixel, writing to different samples, it won't matter, since both primitives will be generating the same color. All you would be doing is generating multiple different depth values within a pixel, and that doesn't actually contribute to an antialiased output (directly).

(Modern) OpenGL Different Colored Faces on a Cube - Using Shaders

A cube with different colored faces in intermediate mode is very simple. But doing this same thing with shaders seems to be quite a challenge.
I have read that in order to create a cube with different coloured faces, I should create 24 vertices instead of 8 vertices for the cube - in other words, (I visualies this as 6 squares that don't quite touch).
Is perhaps another (better?) solution to texture the faces of the cube using a real simple texture a flat color - perhaps a 1x1 pixel texture?
My texturing idea seems simpler to me - from a coder's point of view.. but which method would be the most efficient from a GPU/graphic card perspective?
I'm not sure what your overall goal is (e.g. what you're learning to do in the long term), but generally for high performance applications (e.g. games) your goal is to reduce GPU load. Every time you switch certain states (e.g. change textures, render targets, shader uniform values, etc..) the GPU stalls reconfiguring itself to meet your demands.
So, you can pass in a 1x1 pixel texture for each face, but then you'd need six draw calls (usually not so bad, but there is some prep work and potential cache misses) and six texture sets (can be very bad, often as bad as changing shader uniform values).
Suppose you wanted to pass in one texture and use that as a texture map for the cube. This is a little less trivial than it sounds -- you need to express each texture face on the texture in a way that maps to the vertices. Often you need to pass in a texture coordinate for each vertex, and due to the spacial configuration of the texture this normally doesn't end up meaning one texture coordinate for one spatial vertex.
However, if you use an environmental/reflection map, the complexities of mapping are handled for you. In this way, you could draw a single texture on all sides of your cube. (Or on your sphere, or whatever sphere-mapped shape you wanted.) I'm not sure I'd call this easier since you have to form the environmental texture carefully, and you still have to set a different texture for each new colors you want to represent -- or change the texture either via the GPU or in step with the GPU, and that's tricky and usually not performant.
Which brings us back to the canonical way of doing as you mentioned: use vertex values -- they're fast, you can draw many, many cubes very quickly by only specifying different vertex data, and it's easy to understand. It really is the best way, and how GPUs are designed to run quickly.
And yes, you can do this with just shaders... But it'd be ugly and slow, and the GPU would end up computing it per each pixel.. Pass the object space coordinates to the fragment shader, and in the fragment shader test which side you're on and output the corresponding color. Highly not recommended, it's not particularly easier, and it's definitely not faster for the GPU -- to change colors you'd again end up changing uniform values for the shaders.

GLSL glass effect plus depth peeling

I'm working on rendering a scene that potentially has multiple intersecting transparent objects. This makes the standard method of sorting and drawing back to front problematic (even sorting triangles wouldn't work if the triangles intersect). So I've implemented depth peeling using a GLSL fragment shader to do the second depth test. It's works great.
Now I want to be able to apply certain effects using shaders. One of the objects in the scene is a syringe, and I would like to apply a glass effect. If I was drawing back to front, this would be easy - just start the shader when I draw the syringe, since everything behind it is already in the frame buffer. However, when using depth peeling this approach won't work.
So my questions are:
How to I apply shader effects to a single object in a scene when using depth peeling?
How do I combine effect shaders with my depth peeling shader (assuming they need to run at the same time)?
I should note that I'm pretty new at using shaders, so code examples are appreciated!
I'd be surprised if that's possible without ray tracing. As far as I know, the way to use refraction shaders is to do texture lookups in an environment map. This map can be either precomputed, or it's computed on the fly in a separate rendering pass. For the latter option you would need one separate environment map and one extra pass for each object that uses the shader. I kinda doubt that that's possible if the objects intersect each other. Even if it was, for each of these passes you would also need another couple passes for the depth peeling. Now if you also wanted the depth peeling shader passes to factor in refractions for the surrounding objects, this would quickly get out of hand.

GLSL Shaders: blending, primitive-specific behavior, and discarding a vertex

Criteria: I’m using OpenGL with shaders (GLSL) and trying to stay with modern techniques (e.g., trying to stay away from deprecated concepts).
My questions, in a very general sense--see below for more detail—are as follows:
Do shaders allow you to do custom blending that help eliminate z-order transparency issues found when using GL_BLEND?
Is there a way for a shader to know what type of primitive is being drawn without “manually” passing it some sort of flag?
Is there a way for a shader to “ignore” or “discard” a vertex (especially when drawing points)?
Background: My application draws points connected with lines in an ortho projection (vertices have varying depth in the projection). I’ve only recently started using shaders in the project (trying to get away from deprecated concepts). I understand that standard blending has ordering issues with alpha testing and depth testing: basically, if a “translucent” pixel at a higher z level is drawn first (thus blending with whatever colors were already drawn to that pixel at a lower z level), and an opaque object is then drawn at that pixel but at a lower z level, depth testing prevents changing the pixel that was already drawn for the “higher” z level, thus causing blending issues. To overcome this, you need to draw opaque items first, then translucent items in ascending z order. My gut feeling is that shaders wouldn’t provide an (efficient) way to change this behavior—am I wrong?
Further, for speed and convenience, I pass information for each vertex (along with a couple of uniform variables) to the shaders and they use the information to find a subset of the vertices that need special attention. Without doing a similar set of logic in the app itself (and slowing things down) I can’t know a priori what subset of vericies that is. Thus I send all vertices to the shader. However, when I draw “points” I’d like the shader to ignore all the vertices that aren’t in the subset it determines. I think I can get the effect by setting alpha to zero and using an alpha function in the GL context that will prevent drawing anything with alpha less than, say, 0.01. However, is there a better or more “correct” glsl way for a shader to say “just ignore this vertex”?
Do shaders allow you to do custom blending that help eliminate z-order transparency issues found when using GL_BLEND?
Sort of. If you have access to GL 4.x-class hardware (Radeon HD 5xxx or better, or GeForce 4xx or better), then you can perform order-independent transparency. Earlier versions have techniques like depth peeling, but they're quite expensive.
The GL 4.x-class version uses essentially a series of "linked lists" of transparent samples, which you do a full-screen pass to resolve into the final sample color. It's not free of course, but it isn't as expensive as other OIT methods. How expensive it would be for your case is uncertain; it is proportional to how many overlapping pixels you have.
You still have to draw opaque stuff first, and you have to draw transparent stuff using special shader code.
Is there a way for a shader to know what type of primitive is being drawn without “manually” passing it some sort of flag?
Is there a way for a shader to “ignore” or “discard” a vertex (especially when drawing points)?
No in general, but yes for points. A Geometry shader can conditionally emit vertices, thus allowing you to discard any vertex for arbitrary reasons.
Discarding a vertex in non-point primitives is possible, but it will also affect the interpretation of that primitive. The reason it's simple for points is because a vertex is a primitive, while a vertex in a triangle isn't a whole primitive. You can discard lines, but discarding a vertex within a line is... of dubious value.
That being said, your explanation for why you want to do this is of dubious merit. You want to update vertex data with essentially a boolean value that says "do stuff with me" or not to. That means that, every frame, you have to modify your data to say which points should be rendered and which shouldn't.
The simplest and most efficient way to do this is to simply not render with them. That is, arrange your data so that the only thing on the GPU are the points you want to render. Thus, there's no need to do anything special at all. If you're going to be constantly updating your vertex data, then you're already condemned to dealing with streaming vertex data. So you may as well stream it in a way that makes rendering efficient.

OpenGL: Using shaders to create vertex lighting by using pre-calculated colormap?

First of all, I have very little knowledge of what shaders can do, and i am very interested in making vertex lighting. I am attempting to use a 3d colormap which would be used to calculate the vertex color at that position of the world, and also interpolate the color by using the nearby colors from the colormap.
I cant use typical OpenGL lighting because its probably too slow and theres a lot of lights i need to render. I am going to "render" the lights at the colormap first, and then i could either manually map every vertex drawn with the corresponding color from the colormap.
...Or i could somehow automate this process, so i wouldnt have to change the color values of vertexes myself, but a shader could perhaps do this for me?
Questions is... is this possible, and if it is: what i need to know to make it possible?
Edit: Note that i also need to update the lightmap efficiently, without caring about the size of the lightmap, so the update should be done only at that specific part of the lightmap i want to update.
It almost sounds like what you want to do is render the lights to your color map, then use your color map as a texture, but instead of decal mode set it to modulate mode, so it's multiplied with the existing color instead of just replacing it.
That is different in one way though: instead of just affecting the vertexes, it'll map to the individual fragments (pixels, in essence).
Edit: What I had in mind wasn't a 3D texture -- it was a cube map. Basically, create a virtual cube surrounding everything in your "world". Create a 2D texture for each face of that cube. Render your coloring to the cube map. Then, to color a vertex you (virtually) extend a ray outward from the center, through the vertex, to the cube. The pixel you hit on the cube map gives you the color of lighting for that vertex.
Updating should be relatively efficient -- you have normal 2D textures for the top, bottom, front, etc., and you update them as needed.
If you cant use the fixed function pipeline functionality the best way to do per vertex lighting should be to do all the lighting calculations per vertex in the vertex-shader, when you then pass it on the the fragment shader it will be correctly interpolated across the face.
Another way to deal with performances issues when using a lot of light sources is to use deferred rendering as it will only do lighting calculation on the geometry that is actually visible.
That is possible, but will not be effective on the current hardware.
You want to render light volumes into 3d texture. The rasterizer works on a 2D surface, so your volumes have to be split along one of the axises. The split can be done in one of the following ways:
Different draw calls for each split
Instanced draw, with layer selection based on glInstanceID (will require geometry shader)
Branch in geometry shader directly from a single draw call
In order to implement it, I would suggest reading GL-3 specification and examples. It's not going to be easy, nor it will be fast enough in the result for complex scenes.