In developing Class Scheduling System, it is possible to use only the Representation Method/Chromosome of Genetic Algorithm? - scheduling

In developing Class Scheduling System, it is possible to use only the Representation Method/Chromosome of Genetic Algorithm?
This is the source article that Im using about class scheduling using GA.
Credits to the owner of article.


Visual trace of sorting algorithms using a graph in C++?

I am in an Intro to data structures class and we are currently going over sorting algorithms. Is there any way in C++ to use a graph to trace the exchanging and sorting of sorting algorithms? There is an image illustrating shell sort if you follow this link and scroll down a bit. I also linked it down below. (Essentially what I would like to achieve). Addison Wesley, Algorithms 4th edition:
They spoke about using built in functions in Java to create the graph and spoke about it as if it is rather trivial. I'm assuming if its basic in Java its basic in C++.
Question being, how would I implement a function that would correspond numerically to how big the bars are and output the graph pre-sort, mid-sort and post-sort?
Note: I have intermediate level C++ knowledge and no experience with graphics.
Consider using a graphing package such as gnuplot. You would have to use it to plot, say as bar graphs, the array values your program is trying to sort.

Gomoku state-of-the-art tech

usually people use pn-search or pn^2 Or df-pn to answer if there is a win solution.
then they use alpha-beta pruning on the min-max game tree with a good evaluation function
they can reach a depth of 15 ply or even more
now there is a Monte Carlo method which is successful in dealing with Go.
Is the same tech can be used in Gomoku ? any examples (source code or paper)
Is there any paper describe a good way to build a well tuned evaluation function.
or Is there any other state-of-the-art or useful tech to deal with Gomoku ?
Is pn search necessary in dealing with Gomoku?
Is there any different VCT engine (src better) ?
To the best of my knowledge, proof number search, dependency based search (also referred as threat space search), and searching algorithms based on alpha-beta framework are mainly used in top Gomoku programs. There also exist some Gomoku programs using Monte Carlo Tree Search, however, the current result is not that good. The article on summarizes the reading materials, protocols and source code for Gomoku AI.
As for evaluation function, up to now, although there are some papers describing how to build a well tuned evaluation function for Gomoku, none of them really works to achieve the state of the art.
Pn-search is not necessary in dealing with Gomoku. In fact, the state-of-the-art Gomoku engine Yixin does not use pn-search.
Renjusolver is the best VCT engine. Except for renjusolver, there are many other Gomoku engines which have relative good performance on solving VCT and can be downloaded at Currently, pela is the best open source engine on solving VCT.

Comparision between MPI standard and Map-Reduce programming model?

As i have learned basics of various parallel paradigm standard such as OpenMP, MPI, OpenCL to write parallel programming. But i don't have much knowledge about Map-Reduce Programming model.
As it is well known that various popular companies are following the Map-Reduce programming model to solve their huge data intensive tasks. As well as MPI was designed for high performance computing on both massively parallel machines and on workstation clusters.
So my first confusion is ..
Can i use the Map-Reduce model instead of MPI standard or vice-versa? or it depends upon the applications!!
What is the exact difference between them?
Which one is better and when?
You could understand Map-Reduce as a subset of MPI-functionality, as it kind of resembles MPIs collective operations with user-defined functions. Thus you can use MPI instead of Map-Reduce but not vice-versa, as in MPI you can describe many more operations. The main advantage of Map-Reduce seems to be this concentration on this single parallel concept, thereby reducing interfaces that you need to learn in order to use it.

Implementing a discrete Markov Chain simulation in c++ with a graphical interface

I just wanted to know if any one had any pointers for a library or libraries that support Markov modelling and graphical graph representation, as for a project i must simulate a transport model and be able to develop an interface for it too. I am relatively new to c++.
Have a look at Boost Graph as it will simplify all your graph work. I am unsure if there is a Markov Chain algiorithm (I am looking for one too) but it should be easy to write once you have the graph -- a concurrent monte carlo approach maybe?
Numerical Recipes has many algorithm and code in both C and C++.
The graphviz tools are all you need to draw graphs.

C++ decision tree with pruning

Can you recommend me a good decision tree C++ class with support for continous features and pruning(its very important)? Im writing a simple classifier(two classes) using 9 features. I've been using Waffles recently, but looks like tree is overfitting so i get Precision around 82% but Recall is around 51% which is inacceptable. Waffles have no ability to prune decision trees, and im running out of time :)
Have to answer my own question, as long as no one answered.
I used decision tree implementation from OpenCV library, very flexible implementation and fast enough for my tasks.