DXRSDK_v0.09.01 can not run on visual studio 2017 - c++

I tried to run this sample code in release mode, but it fails to run because of the following message:
Unhandled exception occurred (0x00007FF831F1A388, D3D12RaytracingHelloWorld.exe): Microsoft C ++ Exception: HrException, memory location 0x00000043891FF778. Occur
This message may not be accurate because it is a translation of Korean into English. I do not know how to handle this. I would appreciate your help. If you would like to approach this issue, the following site address is provided.


Visual Studio C++ 2022 build fails without error message on Mac network share

Ever since I updated Visual Studio 2022 from 17.1 to 17.2, I have been having a problem with my C++ project build failing without emitting an error message in the IDE Output window, no matter the diagnostic level selected in the Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Build Options menu.
I have tried:
Reinstalling Visual Studio 2022
Deleting .vs folders(s)
Deleting the x64 folder
These are all suggested in answers to similar questions from several years ago that I have read here.
It definitely seems to have something to do with being on a network share from my Mac. I cloned my repository locally and the problem went away. Meanwhile, I cloned my repository to a different directory on the network share, and it continued to fail in the new directory.
I have discovered an error message buried in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp in a file named MSBuild_pid-<guid>.failure.txt. It appears to be correlated to the failure. Here is the error message:
6/20/2022 8:49:39 AM
Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerException: Failed to write to log file "Y:\<filepath>.log". IO operation will not work. Most likely the file will become too long or the handle was not opened to support synchronous IO operations.
at Microsoft.Build.Logging.FileLogger.Write(String text)
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.ParallelConsoleLogger.WriteMessageAligned(String message, Boolean prefixAlreadyWritten, Int32 prefixAdjustment)
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.ParallelConsoleLogger.ErrorHandler(Object sender, BuildErrorEventArgs e)
at Microsoft.Build.Framework.BuildErrorEventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, BuildErrorEventArgs e)
at Microsoft.Build.Utilities.MuxLogger.SubmissionRecord.RaiseErrorEvent(Object sender, BuildErrorEventArgs buildEvent)
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.EventSourceSink.RaiseErrorEvent(Object sender, BuildErrorEventArgs buildEvent)
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.LoggingService.RouteBuildEvent(KeyValuePair`2 nodeEvent)
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.LoggingService.RouteBuildEvent(Object loggingEvent)
at Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.LoggingService.LoggingEventProcessor(Object loggingEvent)
This is similar to a question I posed a couple of weeks ago, but since the nature of the question is now more focused and has an apparent error message, I deleted that question and am reposting this issue as a new question for visibility and to avoid confusion.
I decided to go fish out the actual log file in the message above. It turns out Visual Studio is not having any trouble writing to it. And it terminates in another error message:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\type_traits(59,92): fatal error C1001: Internal compiler error.
It is unclear to me which message is the cause and which is the effect. However, after running it several times it is worth noting that the error and file location given in the log file is different each time while the message in the MSBuild_pid file is always the same.

How do I fix a 'cannot open source file' error on MS Visual Studio 2022

Forgive me if I leave out important information, I'm a brand new programmer, and this is my first time using Stack Overflow.
I just downloaded MS Visual Studio, and was testing it by making a basic Console App that outputs "Hello world", but when I tried to run the program, it gave me a message that said "There were build errors. Would you like to continue and run the last successful build?" Then, when I pressed yes I got 478 errors, nearly all of which were "E1696 cannot open source file "filename"", or, "E0282 global source has no "filename"." Is there anyone who has encountered a similar problem, and if so, do you know what is causing it / how to fix it?

assert at occcount.cpp 926 line in visual studio 2008

I have source code based on MFC in visual studio 2008 and Windows 10. When I build as Win 32 debug mode , occured the accert fail at runtime
show assertion message
So I found the solutions to resolve this problem at below link.
But it is not helpful because I don't have the extra dll, or ocx.
I could find the assertion point. please see the below code.
if(m_objSearchDlg.Create(IDD_SEARCH_DLG, (CWnd*)this) == FALSE)
return bResult;
After m_objSearchDlg was created, occured the assert when calling the "ShowWindow" method.
I thought that m_objSearchDlg instance is not normal.
Please help me.

OpenCV Build ok, debug throws error, runs fine from .exe

Using Visual Studio 2010, OpenCV 2.2.2, Windows 7 64x
My code builds successfully then when it goes into debug I get the following error:
First-chance exception at 0x75f0c41f in MachineVisionHW0.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cv::Exception at memory location 0x002dec90..
Unhandled exception at 0x75f0c41f in MachineVisionHW0.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cv::Exception at memory location 0x002dec90..
Then I end debug, go to the file directory and run the built executable and it runs fine. Does anybody know how to fix this? It isn't keeping me from building my code, but it is incredibly inconvenient. I will include an example of the code that is doing this below.
int main(){
cv::Mat image1 = cv::imread("img1.JPG", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
cv::imshow("Sample1", image1);
return 1;
Do you get the unhandled exception before main?
If not, then your code is somehow doing something to raise the exception. Put a breakpoint on the first line, then hit F5, then once at the breakpoint, step through the code one line at a time to see which one causes the exception, F10 key to do this.
My gut feeling is that when running from the debugger, the cv::imread is failing since it is not finding the img1.jpg from the expected location, the current working directory is that of the solution file, not of the debug output build dir. You can do a quick test and copy the img1.jpg to the dir containing the sln file and see if that fixes the problem.

Is there a simpler Windows C++ Subversion API or an example .vcproj for minimal_client.c?

Following on the tails of my previous (answered) question...
SharpSvn makes calling the Subversion client API simple:
SvnClient client = new SvnClient();
client.Authentication.DefaultCredentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
client.CheckOut(new Uri("http://xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa/svn/repository"), workingCopyDir);
On the other hand, calling the client API from C/C++, as shown in minimal_client.c requires coding "closer to the metal", as it were, on Subversion.
Are there Windows libraries for C++ in Visual Studio 2003 that present a simpler interface than what minimal_client uses?
If there are not, is there a VS2003 C++ project (a .vcproj file) that demonstrates getting minimal_client to run? I'm able to compile minimal_client.c and link it using the following libraries:
libsvn_client-1.lib libsvn_delta-1.lib libsvn_diff-1.lib libsvn_fs-1.lib libsvn_fs_base-1.lib libsvn_fs_fs-1.lib libsvn_ra-1.lib libsvn_ra_local-1.lib libsvn_ra_svn-1.lib libsvn_repos-1.lib libsvn_subr-1.lib libsvn_wc-1.lib libapr-1.lib libaprutil-1.lib xml.lib libneon.lib
but when I run my application (in the debugger or start the release build without debugging), it runs for about 20 seconds without hitting the first line of main() and then throws this exception:
An unhandled exception of type
'System.TypeLoadException' occurred in
Unknown Module.
Additional information: Could not load
type apr_pool_t from assembly
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null.
I've tried various combination of libsvn_.lib and svn_.lib to no avail.
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: I started fresh with a "Win32 Console Project" (still in VS2003) and I am now able to debug the first few lines of my app. But now, on this line:
if (svn_cmdline_init ("minimal_client", stderr) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
I get a different exception (in the debugger or start the release build without debugging):
Unhandled exception at 0x7c91b21a in
0xC0000005: Access violation writing
location 0x00000010.
EDIT: This thread explains that this error is a CRT mismatch between svn and stderr in my app. If I don't want to build Svn so they match (I don't want to), I can pass NULL instead of stderr (provided I'm willing to do without messages that would go to stderr) When I did this, my app ran all the way through correctly.
It seems that C++ wrappers are not overflowing the 'net. However, you may want to try SVNCPP, which can be yoinked from RapidSVN.
See http://rapidsvn.tigris.org/ for details (note: I've not tried it).
Can you upgrade to Visual C++ 2005 ? If so, you could just go using SharpSvn with C++/CLI.
Or even maybe stick to VC2003 and go SharpSvn with Managed C++ ? (not that I have any knowledge on the how od even the if)
edit: oh well, SharpSvn's homepage explicitely states that VC++ 2005 SP1 is required...