How to retrieve multiple items from Dynamo DB using AWS lambda - amazon-web-services

How to get multiple items from DB. the below code throws me an error as it fetches only one item. I am retrieving the items based on email value.
import json
import os
import boto3
import decimalencoder
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
def get(event, context):
table = dynamodb.Table(os.environ['DYNAMODB_TABLE'])
# fetch a person from the database
result = table.get_item(
'email': event['pathParameters']['email']
# create a response
response = {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": json.dumps(result['Item'], cls=decimalencoder.DecimalEncoder),
"headers": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true"
return response

To retrive multiple rows from db, first query on id you want data to be filtered.
Then maintain a list to store all row values in it.
def lambda_handler(event,context):
item = table.query(
if (item["Count"] == 0):
response = {"msg": "Item not exist, can't perform READ"}
i = 1
lst = []
while i < item["Count"]:
response = {
"hubId" : item["Items"][i]["hubID"],
"deviceState": int(item["Items"][i]["deviceState"]),
"deviceId": item["Items"][i]["deviceID"],
"deviceType": item["Items"][i]["deviceType"],
"intensity": int(item["Items"][i]["intensity"])
i += 1
response = lst
return response


Properly return a label in post-annotation lambda for AWS SageMaker Ground Truth custom labeling job

I'm working on a SageMaker labeling job with custom datatypes. For some reason though, I'm not getting the correct label in the AWS web console. It should have the selected label which is "Native", but instead, I'm getting the <labelattributename> which is "new-test-14".
After Ground Truth runs the post-annotation lambda, it seems to modify the metadata before returning a data object. The data object it returns doesn't contain a class-name key inside the metadata attribute, even when I hard-code the lambda to return an object that contains it.
My manifest file looks like this:
{"source-ref" : "s3://<file-name>", "text" : "Hello world"}
{"source-ref" : "s3://"<file-name>", "text" : "Hello world"}
And the worker response looks like this:
That worker response gets processed by my post-annotation lambda which is modeled after this aws sample ground truth recipe. Here's my code:
import json
import sys
import boto3
from datetime import datetime
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Event received
print("Received event: " + json.dumps(event, indent=2))
labeling_job_arn = event["labelingJobArn"]
label_attribute_name = event["labelAttributeName"]
label_categories = None
if "label_categories" in event:
label_categories = event["labelCategories"]
print(" Label Categories are : " + label_categories)
payload = event["payload"]
role_arn = event["roleArn"]
output_config = None # Output s3 location. You can choose to write your annotation to this location
if "outputConfig" in event:
output_config = event["outputConfig"]
# If you specified a KMS key in your labeling job, you can use the key to write
# consolidated_output to s3 location specified in outputConfig.
# kms_key_id = None
# if "kmsKeyId" in event:
# kms_key_id = event["kmsKeyId"]
# # Create s3 client object
# s3_client = S3Client(role_arn, kms_key_id)
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
# Perform consolidation
return do_consolidation(labeling_job_arn, payload, label_attribute_name, s3_client)
def do_consolidation(labeling_job_arn, payload, label_attribute_name, s3_client):
Core Logic for consolidation
:param labeling_job_arn: labeling job ARN
:param payload: payload data for consolidation
:param label_attribute_name: identifier for labels in output JSON
:param s3_client: S3 helper class
:return: output JSON string
# Extract payload data
if "s3Uri" in payload:
s3_ref = payload["s3Uri"]
payload_bucket, payload_key = s3_ref.split('/',2)[-1].split('/',1)
payload = json.loads(s3_client.get_object(Bucket=payload_bucket, Key=payload_key)['Body'].read())
# print(payload)
# Payload data contains a list of data objects.
# Iterate over it to consolidate annotations for individual data object.
consolidated_output = []
success_count = 0 # Number of data objects that were successfully consolidated
failure_count = 0 # Number of data objects that failed in consolidation
for p in range(len(payload)):
response = None
dataset_object_id = payload[p]['datasetObjectId']
log_prefix = "[{}] data object id [{}] :".format(labeling_job_arn, dataset_object_id)
print("{} Consolidating annotations BEGIN ".format(log_prefix))
annotations = payload[p]['annotations']
# print("{} Received Annotations from all workers {}".format(log_prefix, annotations))
# Iterate over annotations. Log all annotation to your CloudWatch logs
annotationsFromAllWorkers = []
for i in range(len(annotations)):
worker_id = annotations[i]["workerId"]
anotation_data = annotations[i]["annotationData"]
annotation_content = anotation_data["content"]
annotation_content_json = json.loads(annotation_content)
annotation_job = annotation_content_json["new_test"]
annotation_label = annotation_job["label"]
consolidated_annotation= {
"workerId": worker_id,
"annotationData": {
"content": {
"annotatedResult": {
"instances": [{"label":annotation_label }]
consolidated_annotation = {"annotationsFromAllWorkers": annotationsFromAllWorkers} # TODO : Add your consolidation logic
# Build consolidation response object for an individual data object
response = {
"datasetObjectId": dataset_object_id,
"consolidatedAnnotation": {
"content": {
label_attribute_name: consolidated_annotation,
label_attribute_name+ "-metadata": {
"class-name": "Native",
"confidence": 0.00,
"human-annotated": "yes",
"creation-date": datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
"type": "groundtruth/custom"
success_count += 1
# print("{} Consolidating annotations END ".format(log_prefix))
# Append individual data object response to the list of responses.
if response is not None:
failure_count += 1
print(" Consolidation failed for dataobject {}".format(p))
print(" Unexpected error: Consolidation failed." + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
print("Consolidation Complete. Success Count {} Failure Count {}".format(success_count, failure_count))
print(" -- Consolidated Output -- ")
print(" ------------------------- ")
return consolidated_output
As you can see above, the do_consolidation method returns an object hard-coded to include a class-name of "Native", and the lambda_handler method returns that same object. Here's the post-annotation function response:
"datasetObjectId": "4",
"consolidatedAnnotation": {
"content": {
"new-test-14": {
"annotationsFromAllWorkers": [{
"workerId": "",
"annotationData": {
"content": {
"annotatedResult": {
"instances": [{
"label": "Native"
"new-test-14-metadata": {
"class-name": "Native",
"confidence": 0,
"human-annotated": "yes",
"creation-date": "2021-05-19T07:06:06",
"type": "groundtruth/custom"
As you can see, the post-annotation function return value has the class-name of "Native" in the metadata so I would expect the class-name to be present in the data object metadata, but it's not. And here's a screenshot of the data object summary:
It seems like Ground Truth overwrote the metadata, and now the object doesn't contain the correct label. I think perhaps that's why my label is coming through as the label attribute name "new-test-14" instead of as the correct label "Native". Here's a screenshot of the labeling job in the AWS web console:
The web console is supposed to show the label "Native" inside the "Label" column but instead I'm getting the <labelattributename> "new-test-14" in the label column.
Here is the output.manifest file generated by Ground Truth at the end:
"source-ref": "s3://<file-name>",
"text": "Hello world",
"new-test-14": {
"annotationsFromAllWorkers": [{
"workerId": "",
"annotationData": {
"content": {
"annotatedResult": {
"label": "Native"
"new-test-14-metadata": {
"type": "groundtruth/custom",
"job-name": "new-test-14",
"human-annotated": "yes",
"creation-date": "2021-05-18T12:34:17.400000"
What should I return from the Post-Annotation function? Am I missing something in my response? How do I get the proper label to appear in the AWS web console?

Cross Account Cloudtrail log transfer through Cloudwatch and Kinesis data stream

I am using Cloudwatch subscriptions to send over cloudtrail log of one account into another. The Account receiving the logs has a Kinesis data stream which receives the logs from the cloudwatch subscription and invokes the standard lambda function provided by AWS to parse and store the logs to an S3 bucket of the log receiver account.
The log files getting written to s3 bucket are in the form of :
{"eventVersion":"1.08","userIdentity":{"type":"AssumedRole","principalId":"AA:i-096379450e69ed082","arn":"arn:aws:sts::34502sdsdsd:assumed-role/RDSAccessRole/i-096379450e69ed082","accountId":"34502sdsdsd","accessKeyId":"ASIAVAVKXAXXXXXXXC","sessionContext":{"sessionIssuer":{"type":"Role","principalId":"AROAVAVKXAKDDDDD","arn":"arn:aws:iam::3450291sdsdsd:role/RDSAccessRole","accountId":"345029asasas","userName":"RDSAccessRole"},"webIdFederationData":{},"attributes":{"mfaAuthenticated":"false","creationDate":"2021-04-27T04:38:52Z"},"ec2RoleDelivery":"2.0"}},"eventTime":"2021-04-27T07:24:20Z","eventSource":"","eventName":"ListInstanceAssociations","awsRegion":"us-east-1","sourceIPAddress":"","userAgent":"aws-sdk-go/1.25.41 (go1.13.15; linux; amd64) amazon-ssm-agent/","requestParameters":{"instanceId":"i-096379450e69ed082","maxResults":20},"responseElements":null,"requestID":"a5c63b9d-aaed-4a3c-9b7d-a4f7c6b774ab","eventID":"70de51df-c6df-4a57-8c1e-0ffdeb5ac29d","readOnly":true,"resources":[{"accountId":"34502914asasas","ARN":"arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:3450291asasas:instance/i-096379450e69ed082"}],"eventType":"AwsApiCall","managementEvent":true,"eventCategory":"Management","recipientAccountId":"345029149342"}
{"eventVersion":"1.08","userIdentity":{"type":"AssumedRole","principalId":"AROAVAVKXAKPKZ25XXXX:AmazonMWAA-airflow","arn":"arn:aws:sts::3450291asasas:assumed-role/dev-1xdcfd/AmazonMWAA-airflow","accountId":"34502asasas","accessKeyId":"ASIAVAVKXAXXXXXXX","sessionContext":{"sessionIssuer":{"type":"Role","principalId":"AROAVAVKXAKPKZXXXXX","arn":"arn:aws:iam::345029asasas:role/service-role/AmazonMWAA-dlp-dev-1xdcfd","accountId":"3450291asasas","userName":"dlp-dev-1xdcfd"},"webIdFederationData":{},"attributes":{"mfaAuthenticated":"false","creationDate":"2021-04-27T07:04:08Z"}},"invokedBy":""},"eventTime":"2021-04-27T07:23:46Z","eventSource":"","eventName":"CreateLogStream","awsRegion":"us-east-1","sourceIPAddress":"","userAgent":"","errorCode":"ResourceAlreadyExistsException","errorMessage":"The specified log stream already exists","requestParameters":{"logStreamName":"","logGroupName":"dlp-dev-DAGProcessing"},"responseElements":null,"requestID":"40b48ef9-fc4b-4d1a-8fd1-4f2584aff1e9","eventID":"ef608d43-4765-4a3a-9c92-14ef35104697","readOnly":false,"eventType":"AwsApiCall","apiVersion":"20140328","managementEvent":true,"eventCategory":"Management","recipientAccountId":"3450291asasas"}
The problem with this type of log lines is that Athena is not able to Parse these log lines and I am not able to query the logs using Athena.
I tried modifying the blueprint lambda function to save the log file as a standard JSON result which would make it easy for Athena to parse the files.
{'Records': ['{"eventVersion":"1.08","userIdentity":{"type":"AssumedRole","principalId":"AROAVAVKXAKPBRW2S3TAF:i-096379450e69ed082","arn":"arn:aws:sts::345029149342:assumed-role/RightslineRDSAccessRole/i-096379450e69ed082","accountId":"345029149342","accessKeyId":"ASIAVAVKXAKPBL653UOC","sessionContext":{"sessionIssuer":{"type":"Role","principalId":"AROAVAVKXAKPXXXXXXX","arn":"arn:aws:iam::34502asasas:role/RDSAccessRole","accountId":"345029asasas","userName":"RDSAccessRole"},"webIdFederationData":{},"attributes":{"mfaAuthenticated":"false","creationDate":"2021-04-27T04:38:52Z"},"ec2RoleDelivery":"2.0"}},"eventTime":"2021-04-27T07:24:20Z","eventSource":"","eventName":"ListInstanceAssociations","awsRegion":"us-east-1","sourceIPAddress":"","userAgent":"aws-sdk-go/1.25.41 (go1.13.15; linux; amd64) amazon-ssm-agent/","requestParameters":{"instanceId":"i-096379450e69ed082","maxResults":20},"responseElements":null,"requestID":"a5c63b9d-aaed-4a3c-9b7d-a4f7c6b774ab","eventID":"70de51df-c6df-4a57-8c1e-0ffdeb5ac29d","readOnly":true,"resources":[{"accountId":"3450291asasas","ARN":"arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:34502asasas:instance/i-096379450e69ed082"}],"eventType":"AwsApiCall","managementEvent":true,"eventCategory":"Management","recipientAccountId":"345029asasas"}]}
The modified code for Blueprint Lambda function that I looks like:
import base64
import json
import gzip
from io import BytesIO
import boto3
def transformLogEvent(log_event):
return log_event['message'] + '\n'
def processRecords(records):
for r in records:
data = base64.b64decode(r['data'])
striodata = BytesIO(data)
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=striodata, mode='r') as f:
data = json.loads(
recId = r['recordId']
if data['messageType'] == 'CONTROL_MESSAGE':
yield {
'result': 'Dropped',
'recordId': recId
elif data['messageType'] == 'DATA_MESSAGE':
result = {}
result["Records"] = {}
events = []
for e in data['logEvents']:
result["Records"] = events
if len(result) <= 6000000:
yield {
'data': result,
'result': 'Ok',
'recordId': recId
yield {
'result': 'ProcessingFailed',
'recordId': recId
yield {
'result': 'ProcessingFailed',
'recordId': recId
def putRecordsToFirehoseStream(streamName, records, client, attemptsMade, maxAttempts):
failedRecords = []
codes = []
errMsg = ''
# if put_record_batch throws for whatever reason, response['xx'] will error out, adding a check for a valid
# response will prevent this
response = None
response = client.put_record_batch(DeliveryStreamName=streamName, Records=records)
except Exception as e:
failedRecords = records
errMsg = str(e)
# if there are no failedRecords (put_record_batch succeeded), iterate over the response to gather results
if not failedRecords and response and response['FailedPutCount'] > 0:
for idx, res in enumerate(response['RequestResponses']):
# (if the result does not have a key 'ErrorCode' OR if it does and is empty) => we do not need to re-ingest
if 'ErrorCode' not in res or not res['ErrorCode']:
errMsg = 'Individual error codes: ' + ','.join(codes)
if len(failedRecords) > 0:
if attemptsMade + 1 < maxAttempts:
print('Some records failed while calling PutRecordBatch to Firehose stream, retrying. %s' % (errMsg))
putRecordsToFirehoseStream(streamName, failedRecords, client, attemptsMade + 1, maxAttempts)
raise RuntimeError('Could not put records after %s attempts. %s' % (str(maxAttempts), errMsg))
def putRecordsToKinesisStream(streamName, records, client, attemptsMade, maxAttempts):
failedRecords = []
codes = []
errMsg = ''
# if put_records throws for whatever reason, response['xx'] will error out, adding a check for a valid
# response will prevent this
response = None
response = client.put_records(StreamName=streamName, Records=records)
except Exception as e:
failedRecords = records
errMsg = str(e)
# if there are no failedRecords (put_record_batch succeeded), iterate over the response to gather results
if not failedRecords and response and response['FailedRecordCount'] > 0:
for idx, res in enumerate(response['Records']):
# (if the result does not have a key 'ErrorCode' OR if it does and is empty) => we do not need to re-ingest
if 'ErrorCode' not in res or not res['ErrorCode']:
errMsg = 'Individual error codes: ' + ','.join(codes)
if len(failedRecords) > 0:
if attemptsMade + 1 < maxAttempts:
print('Some records failed while calling PutRecords to Kinesis stream, retrying. %s' % (errMsg))
putRecordsToKinesisStream(streamName, failedRecords, client, attemptsMade + 1, maxAttempts)
raise RuntimeError('Could not put records after %s attempts. %s' % (str(maxAttempts), errMsg))
def createReingestionRecord(isSas, originalRecord):
if isSas:
return {'data': base64.b64decode(originalRecord['data']), 'partitionKey': originalRecord['kinesisRecordMetadata']['partitionKey']}
return {'data': base64.b64decode(originalRecord['data'])}
def getReingestionRecord(isSas, reIngestionRecord):
if isSas:
return {'Data': reIngestionRecord['data'], 'PartitionKey': reIngestionRecord['partitionKey']}
return {'Data': reIngestionRecord['data']}
def lambda_handler(event, context):
isSas = 'sourceKinesisStreamArn' in event
streamARN = event['sourceKinesisStreamArn'] if isSas else event['deliveryStreamArn']
region = streamARN.split(':')[3]
streamName = streamARN.split('/')[1]
records = list(processRecords(event['records']))
projectedSize = 0
dataByRecordId = {rec['recordId']: createReingestionRecord(isSas, rec) for rec in event['records']}
putRecordBatches = []
recordsToReingest = []
totalRecordsToBeReingested = 0
for idx, rec in enumerate(records):
if rec['result'] != 'Ok':
projectedSize += len(rec['data']) + len(rec['recordId'])
# 6000000 instead of 6291456 to leave ample headroom for the stuff we didn't account for
if projectedSize > 6000000:
totalRecordsToBeReingested += 1
getReingestionRecord(isSas, dataByRecordId[rec['recordId']])
records[idx]['result'] = 'Dropped'
# split out the record batches into multiple groups, 500 records at max per group
if len(recordsToReingest) == 500:
recordsToReingest = []
if len(recordsToReingest) > 0:
# add the last batch
# iterate and call putRecordBatch for each group
recordsReingestedSoFar = 0
if len(putRecordBatches) > 0:
client = boto3.client('kinesis', region_name=region) if isSas else boto3.client('firehose', region_name=region)
for recordBatch in putRecordBatches:
if isSas:
putRecordsToKinesisStream(streamName, recordBatch, client, attemptsMade=0, maxAttempts=20)
putRecordsToFirehoseStream(streamName, recordBatch, client, attemptsMade=0, maxAttempts=20)
recordsReingestedSoFar += len(recordBatch)
print('Reingested %d/%d records out of %d' % (recordsReingestedSoFar, totalRecordsToBeReingested, len(event['records'])))
print('No records to be reingested')
return {"records": records}
My end goal is to store the result on S3 as JSON so that it can be queried easily with Athena.
the line where the transformation is happening is:
elif data['messageType'] == 'DATA_MESSAGE':
Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.

Bittrex REST API for Python, I want to create an order using API v3

I need help to create orders using the bittrex version 3 REST API. I have the code below and I can't understand what is missing to work.
I can make other GET calls, but I cannot make this POST request.
I don't know how to deal with the passing of parameters.
Official documentation at
def NewOrder(market, amount, price):
#print 'open sell v3', market
market = 'HEDG-BTC'#'BTC-'+market
uri = ''
params = {
'marketSymbol': 'BTC-HEDG',#'HEDG-BTC', #market
'direction': 'BUY',
'type': 'LIMIT',
'quantity': amount,
'limit': price,
'useAwards': True
timestamp = str(int(time.time()*1000))
Content = ""
contentHash = hashlib.sha512(Content.encode()).hexdigest()
Method = 'POST'
uri2 = buildURI(uri, params)
#uri2 = ''
#print uri2
PreSign = timestamp + uri2 + Method + contentHash# + subaccountId
#print PreSign
Signature =, PreSign.encode(), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
headers = {
'Api-Key' : apikey,
'Api-Timestamp' : timestamp,
'Api-Content-Hash': contentHash,
'Api-Signature' : Signature
r =, data={}, headers=headers, timeout=11)
return json.loads(r.content)
NewOrder('HEDG', 1.1, 0.00021)
And my error message:
{u'code': u'BAD_REQUEST', u'data': {u'invalidRequestParameter': u'direction'}, u'detail': u'Refer to the data field for specific field validation failures.'}
It seems from the documentation that this body is expected by the api as json data:
"marketSymbol": "string",
"direction": "string",
"type": "string",
"quantity": "number (double)",
"ceiling": "number (double)",
"limit": "number (double)",
"timeInForce": "string",
"clientOrderId": "string (uuid)",
"useAwards": "boolean"
and you are setting these values as url params that's the issue.
you need to do this:
uri = ''
# NOTE >>>> please check that you provide all the required fields.
payload = {
'marketSymbol': 'BTC-HEDG',#'HEDG-BTC', #market
'direction': 'BUY',
'type': 'LIMIT',
'quantity': amount,
'limit': price,
'useAwards': True
# do rest of the stuffs as you are doing
# post payload as json data with the url given in doc
r =, json=payload, headers=headers, timeout=11)
If you still have issues let us know. If it works then please mark answer as accepted.
Hope this helps.
I made the following modifications to the code but started to give error in 'Content-Hash'
I'm assuming that some parameters are optional so they are commented.
def NewOrder(market, amount, price):
market = 'BTC-'+market
uri = ''
payload = {
'marketSymbol': market,
'direction': 'BUY',
'type': 'LIMIT',
'quantity': amount,
#"ceiling": "number (double)",
'limit': price,
#"clientOrderId": "string (uuid)",
'useAwards': True
#ceiling (optional, must be included for ceiling orders and excluded for non-ceiling orders)
#clientOrderId (optional) client-provided identifier for advanced order tracking
timestamp = str(int(time.time()*1000))
Content = ''+json.dumps(payload, separators=(',',':'))
print Content
contentHash = hashlib.sha512(Content.encode()).hexdigest()
Method = 'POST'
#uri2 = buildURI(uri, payload)#line not used
print uri
#PreSign = timestamp + uri2 + Method + contentHash# + subaccountId
PreSign = timestamp + uri + Method + contentHash# + subaccountId
print PreSign
Signature =, PreSign.encode(), hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()
headers = {
'Api-Key' : apikey,
'Api-Timestamp' : timestamp,
'Api-Content-Hash': contentHash,
'Api-Signature' : Signature
r =, json=payload, headers=headers, timeout=11)
return json.loads(r.content)
NewOrder('HEDG', 1.5, 0.00021)
Bittrex API via requests package PYTHON
import hmac
import hashlib
import time, requests
nonce = str(int(time.time() * 1000))
content_hash = hashlib.sha512(''.encode()).hexdigest()
signature =
''.join([nonce, url, 'GET', content_hash]).encode(),
headers = {
'Api-Timestamp': nonce,
'Api-Key': '<API_KEY>',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Api-Content-Hash': content_hash,
'Api-Signature': signature
result = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers)

How to send multiple objects through HttpResponse or JsonResponse in django

I have two objects influencer_data and user_list in my views function.I want to send both influencer_data and user_list through the HttpResponse method and obtain the data in Json format.
My views function is:
def index(request):
influencers = Influencer.objects.all()
influencer_data = serializers.serialize("json",influencers)
user_list = UserList.objects.all()
user_list = serializers.serialize("json",user_list)
context = {
return HttpResponse(influencer_data,user_list, content_type='application/json')
When I pass both influencer_data and user_list I get the error
__init__() got multiple values for argument 'content_type'
When I change the return HttpResponse statement to
return HttpResponse(context, content_type='application/json')
I get
i.e just the key values from the dictionary
When I change the return statement to
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(context), content_type='application/json')
I get the output as:
"influencer_data": "[{\"model\": \"influencer_listings.influencer\", \"pk\": 8794, \"fields\": {\"full_name\": \"F A I Z S H A I K H \\ud83c\\udf08\", \"username\": \"mr_faizzz_07\", \"photo\": \"\", \"email_id\": \"\", \"external_url\": \"\", \"location_city\": \"Mumbai\", \"categories\": \"\", \"hashtags\": \"['#foryou', '#blessyou', '#all', '#faizanshaikh', '#keepsmiling', '#blessed', '#look',
(The Json object becomes a string)
When I pass only one object i.e either influencer_data or user_list. I get a Json object i.e it works correctly(I want data in the given format)
"model": "influencer_listings.influencer",
"pk": 8794,
"fields": {
"full_name": "F A I Z S H A I K H 🌈",
"username": "mr_faizzz_07",
"photo": "",
"email_id": "",
"external_url": "",
"location_city": "Mumbai",
"categories": "",
"hashtags": "['#foryou', '#blessyou', '#all', '#faizanshaikh', '#keepsmiling', '#blessed', '#look', '#ramzan', '#loveyou', '#lover', '#cuteboys', '#keepgoing', '#picoftheday', '#feathers', '#brothers', '#faizshaikhhhh', '#pictures', '#jummahmubarak', '#lovers']",
How should I deal with this?
def index(request):
influencers = Influencer.objects.all().values()
user_list = UserList.objects.all().values()
context = {
'influencer_data': influencer_data,
'user_list': user_list,
data = json.dumps(context, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)
return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')

how to impliment Haystacksearch fetched autocomplete

I want implement fetching in autocomplete, here is my autocomplete function
def autocomplete(request):
fetch_field = request.GET.get('fetch_field')
sqs = SearchQuerySet().autocomplete(
s = []
for result in sqs:
d = {"value": result.title, "data": result.object.slug}
output = {'suggestions': s}
print('hihi' ,output)
return JsonResponse(output)
Now I can get fetch fields but I don't know how to fetch with SearchQuerySet.
sqs = SearchQuerySet().filter(field_want_to_fetch = fetch_field ).autocomplete(
Use this !!