I have two objects influencer_data and user_list in my views function.I want to send both influencer_data and user_list through the HttpResponse method and obtain the data in Json format.
My views function is:
def index(request):
influencers = Influencer.objects.all()
influencer_data = serializers.serialize("json",influencers)
user_list = UserList.objects.all()
user_list = serializers.serialize("json",user_list)
context = {
return HttpResponse(influencer_data,user_list, content_type='application/json')
When I pass both influencer_data and user_list I get the error
__init__() got multiple values for argument 'content_type'
When I change the return HttpResponse statement to
return HttpResponse(context, content_type='application/json')
I get
i.e just the key values from the dictionary
When I change the return statement to
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(context), content_type='application/json')
I get the output as:
"influencer_data": "[{\"model\": \"influencer_listings.influencer\", \"pk\": 8794, \"fields\": {\"full_name\": \"F A I Z S H A I K H \\ud83c\\udf08\", \"username\": \"mr_faizzz_07\", \"photo\": \"\", \"email_id\": \"\", \"external_url\": \"\", \"location_city\": \"Mumbai\", \"categories\": \"\", \"hashtags\": \"['#foryou', '#blessyou', '#all', '#faizanshaikh', '#keepsmiling', '#blessed', '#look',
(The Json object becomes a string)
When I pass only one object i.e either influencer_data or user_list. I get a Json object i.e it works correctly(I want data in the given format)
"model": "influencer_listings.influencer",
"pk": 8794,
"fields": {
"full_name": "F A I Z S H A I K H 🌈",
"username": "mr_faizzz_07",
"photo": "",
"email_id": "",
"external_url": "",
"location_city": "Mumbai",
"categories": "",
"hashtags": "['#foryou', '#blessyou', '#all', '#faizanshaikh', '#keepsmiling', '#blessed', '#look', '#ramzan', '#loveyou', '#lover', '#cuteboys', '#keepgoing', '#picoftheday', '#feathers', '#brothers', '#faizshaikhhhh', '#pictures', '#jummahmubarak', '#lovers']",
How should I deal with this?
def index(request):
influencers = Influencer.objects.all().values()
user_list = UserList.objects.all().values()
context = {
'influencer_data': influencer_data,
'user_list': user_list,
data = json.dumps(context, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)
return HttpResponse(data, content_type='application/json')
I wonder if it is possible to translate the validation error messages that graphene provides? For example: "Authentication credentials were not provided" as shown in the code example below.
"errors": [
"message": "Authentication credentials were not provided",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"data": {
"viewer": null
Create a custom error type
import graphene
from graphene_django.utils import camelize
class ErrorType(graphene.Scalar):
def serialize(errors):
if isinstance(errors, dict):
if errors.get("__all__", False):
errors["non_field_errors"] = errors.pop("__all__")
return camelize(errors)
raise Exception("`errors` should be dict!")
Add it to your mutations
class MyMutation(graphene.Mutation):
# add the custom error type
errors = graphene.Field(ErrorType)
form = SomeForm
def mutate(cls, root, info, **kwargs):
f = cls.form(kwargs)
if f.is_valid():
# pass the form error to your custom error type
return cls(errors=f.errors.get_json_data())
django-graphql-auth uses a similar error type, and it works like this, for example for registration:
mutation {
password1: "123456",
) {
should return:
"data": {
"register": {
"success": false,
"errors": {
"password2": [
"message": "The two password fields didn’t match.",
"code": "password_mismatch"
"token": null,
"refreshToken": null
My Django form errors types, for example:
from graphene.utils.str_converters import to_camel_case
class DjangoFormError(graphene.ObjectType):
field = graphene.String()
message = graphene.String()
def list_from_errors_dict(cls: Type[T], django_form_errors: dict) -> List[T]:
return [
cls(field=to_camel_case(field), message=' '.join(messages))
for field, messages in django_form_errors.items()
class DjangoFormErrorsByIdx(graphene.ObjectType):
form_idx = graphene.Int()
errors = graphene.List(DjangoFormError)
def list_from_idx_dict(cls: Type[T], errors_by_idx_dict: dict) -> List[T]:
return [
for idx, django_form_errors in errors_by_idx_dict.items()
# ...
# in mutation
if not django_form.is_valid():
form_errors = DjangoFormError.list_from_errors_dict(
I am trying to set a different color on every second row in XLSX file. From the documentation I see that I can pass some conditions using body property or get_body() method, but this only allows me to set somewhat "static" conditions. Here is the ViewSet config responsible for rendering the XLSX file:
class MyViewSet(XLSXFileMixin, ModelViewSet):
def get_renderers(self) -> List[BaseRenderer]:
if self.action == "export":
return [XLSXRenderer()]
return super().get_renderers()
#action(methods=["GET"], detail=False)
def export(self, request: Request) -> Response:
serializer = self.get_serializer(self.get_queryset(), many=True)
return Response(serializer.data)
# Properties for XLSX
column_header = {
"titles": [
"Hostname", "Operating System", "OS name", "OS family", "OS version", "Domain", "Serial number",
"Available patches",
"tab_title": "Endpoints",
"style": {
"font": {
"size": 14,
"color": "FFFFFF",
"fill": {
"start_color": "3F803F",
"fill_type": "solid",
body = {
"style": {
"font": {
"size": 12,
"color": "FFFFFF"
"fill": {
"fill_type": "solid",
"start_color": "2B2B2B"
OK. I got the answer after some digging through the source code. The render method of XLSXRenderer has this piece of code:
for row in results:
column_count = 0
row_count += 1
flatten_row = self._flatten(row)
for column_name, value in flatten_row.items():
if column_name == "row_color":
column_count += 1
cell = ws.cell(
row=row_count, column=column_count, value=value,
cell.style = body_style
ws.row_dimensions[row_count].height = body.get("height", 40)
if "row_color" in row:
last_letter = get_column_letter(column_count)
cell_range = ws[
"A{}".format(row_count): "{}{}".format(last_letter, row_count)
fill = PatternFill(fill_type="solid", start_color=row["row_color"])
for r in cell_range:
for c in r:
c.fill = fill
So when I added a field row_color in my serializer as SerializerMethodField I was able to define a function that colors rows:
def get_row_color(self, obj: Endpoint) -> str:
This method returns color value for row in XLSX sheet.
(*self.instance,) extends queryset to a list (it must be a queryset, not a single Endpoint).
.index(obj) gets index of currently serialized object in that list.
As the last step one out of two values from the list is chosen using modulo 2 operation on the index.
return ["353535", "2B2B2B"][(*self.instance,).index(obj) % 2]
How to get multiple items from DB. the below code throws me an error as it fetches only one item. I am retrieving the items based on email value.
import json
import os
import boto3
import decimalencoder
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
def get(event, context):
table = dynamodb.Table(os.environ['DYNAMODB_TABLE'])
# fetch a person from the database
result = table.get_item(
'email': event['pathParameters']['email']
# create a response
response = {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": json.dumps(result['Item'], cls=decimalencoder.DecimalEncoder),
"headers": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true"
return response
To retrive multiple rows from db, first query on id you want data to be filtered.
Then maintain a list to store all row values in it.
def lambda_handler(event,context):
item = table.query(
if (item["Count"] == 0):
response = {"msg": "Item not exist, can't perform READ"}
i = 1
lst = []
while i < item["Count"]:
response = {
"hubId" : item["Items"][i]["hubID"],
"deviceState": int(item["Items"][i]["deviceState"]),
"deviceId": item["Items"][i]["deviceID"],
"deviceType": item["Items"][i]["deviceType"],
"intensity": int(item["Items"][i]["intensity"])
i += 1
response = lst
return response
In tastypie, I want set json result name.
I have a class that I use for it but I can set name in.
enter cclass ContentResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
results = ListField(attribute='results')
queryset = Content.objects.all()
resource_name = 'content'
max_limit = None
#filtering = {"title": "contains"}
def alter_list_data_to_serialize(self, request, data_dict):
if isinstance(data_dict, dict):
if 'meta' in data_dict:
# Get rid of the "meta".
# Rename the objects.
data_dict['Mobile'] = data_dict['objects']
return data_dict
ode here it returns this
"added": "2015-07-23T11:30:20.911835",
"content_cast": "",
"content_company": "HamrahCinema",
"content_description": "so nice",
"content_director": "",
"content_duration": "2:20",
"content_filelanguage": null,
when I use /content/api/content every thing is ok, but when I use /content/api/content/1,"mobile" is removed.
as educated guess, I would suggest using alter_detail_data_to_serialize
So I am trying to mock all the stripe web hooks in the method so that I can write the Unit test for it. I am using the mock library for mocking the stripe methods. Here is the method I am trying to mock:
class AddCardView(APIView):
* Add card for the customer
permission_classes = (
def post(self, request, format=None):
name = request.DATA.get('name', None)
cvc = request.DATA.get('cvc', None)
number = request.DATA.get('number', None)
expiry = request.DATA.get('expiry', None)
expiry_month, expiry_year = expiry.split("/")
customer_obj = request.user.contact.business.customer
customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(customer_obj.stripe_id)
card = customer.sources.create(
"object": "card",
"number": number,
"exp_month": expiry_month,
"exp_year": expiry_year,
"cvc": cvc,
"name": name
# making it the default card
customer.default_source = card.id
except CardError as ce:
logger.error("Got CardError for customer_id={0}, CardError={1}".format(customer_obj.pk, ce.json_body))
return Response({"success": False, "error": "Failed to add card"})
customer_obj.card_last_4 = card.get('last4')
customer_obj.card_kind = card.get('type', '')
customer_obj.card_fingerprint = card.get('fingerprint')
return Response({"success": True})
This is the method for unit testing:
def test_add_card(self,create_mock,retrieve_mock):
response = {
'default_card': None,
'cards': {
"count": 0,
"data": []
# save_mock.return_value = response
create_mock.return_value = response
retrieve_mock.return_value = response
self.api_client.client.login(username = self.username, password = self.password)
res = self.api_client.post('/biz/api/auth/card/add')
print res
Now stripe.Customer.retrieve is being mocked properly. But I am not able to mock customer.sources.create. I am really stuck on this.
This is the right way of doing it:
def test_add_card_failure(self, retrieve_mock):
data = {
'name': "shubham",
'cvc': 123,
'number': "4242424242424242",
'expiry': "12/23",
e = CardError("Card Error", "", "")
retrieve_mock.return_value.sources.create.return_value = e
self.api_client.client.login(username=self.username, password=self.password)
res = self.api_client.post('/biz/api/auth/card/add', data=data)
self.assertEqual(self.deserialize(res)['success'], False)
Even though the given answer is correct, there is a way more comfortable solution using vcrpy. That is creating a cassette (record) once a given record does not exist yet. When it does, the mocking is done transparently and the record will be replayed. Beautiful.
Having a vanilla pyramid application, using py.test, my test now looks like this:
import vcr
# here we have some FactoryBoy fixtures
from tests.fixtures import PaymentServiceProviderFactory, SSOUserFactory
def test_post_transaction(sqla_session, test_app):
# first we need a PSP and a User existent in the DB
psp = PaymentServiceProviderFactory() # type: PaymentServiceProvider
user = SSOUserFactory()
sqla_session.add(psp, user)
with vcr.use_cassette('tests/casettes/tests.checkout.services.transaction_test.test_post_transaction.yaml'):
# with that PSP we create a new PSPTransaction ...
res = test_app.post(url='/psps/%s/transaction' % psp.id,
'token': '4711',
'amount': '12.44',
'currency': 'EUR',
assert 201 == res.status_code
assert 'id' in res.json_body
IMO, the following method is better than the rest of the answers
import unittest
import stripe
import json
from unittest.mock import patch
from stripe.http_client import RequestsClient # to mock the request session
stripe.api_key = "foo"
stripe.default_http_client = RequestsClient() # assigning the default HTTP client
null = None
false = False
true = True
charge_resp = {
"id": "ch_1FgmT3DotIke6IEFVkwh2N6Y",
"object": "charge",
"amount": 1000,
"amount_captured": 1000,
"amount_refunded": 0,
"billing_details": {
"address": {
"city": "Los Angeles",
"country": "USA",
"email": null,
"name": "Jerin",
"phone": null
"captured": true,
def get_customer_city_from_charge(stripe_charge_id):
# this is our function and we are writing unit-test for this function
charge_response = stripe.Charge.retrieve("foo-bar")
return charge_response.billing_details.address.city
class TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):
def test_get_customer_city_from_charge(self, mock_session):
mock_response = mock_session.request.return_value
mock_response.content.decode.return_value = json.dumps(charge_resp)
mock_response.status_code = 200
city_name = get_customer_city_from_charge("some_id")
self.assertEqual(city_name, "Los Angeles")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Advantages of this method
You can generate the corresponding class objects (here, the charge_response variable is a type of Charge--(source code))
You can use the dot (.) operator over the response (as we can do with real stripe SDK)
dot operator support for deep attributes