Django User Model questions - django

I'm new to Django so I have some questions that might seem basic to you. I'm looking to create a platform that is open to both individuals and companies and I'm trying to design the user auth for an API that runs on DRF. I need to provide mobile platform access so I'm thinking of using OAuth via django-oauth-toolkit. Having difficulty understanding:
Should I separate the login flow into a separate app? How do I know when I should spin up a separate app?
Do I manage the profiles via the built in admin area? Is this secure for production environments?
Should I separate individual profiles and company profiles into separate apps or just models extending the Base User?
How do I allow the individual profiles to link their logins to social media accounts with django-allauth while storing extra information like birthday/name etc regardless of which mode of login?

This is my point of view.
No need to separate the app. You can manage all the profiles from
Django admin.
It is secure for production environments, django not allow to see
its credentials or password to anyone, its encrypted.
You can create UserProfile model and use django user as Foreignkey
in this. You can able to add extra field like in this way. OR you
can extends the User model of Django admin.
Its just a suggest, you do whatever you feel reliable or easy way.


Multiple User Types For Auth in Django

My web features two user types, Client and Professional. There are also two 'main modules', one for clients to buy stuff and so on (the main site), and the other for professionals to manage operations. For auth, I would like to have:
A single 'sign in' form, which detects whether the user is a client or a professional and forwards her to the right module (main site or management site).
Two 'sign up' forms, one for clients and other for professionals. Probably, the site will ask the user whether she wants to register as a professional or as a client, to trigger the right registration flow for each case.
Clients will use the 'main site' and should not be authorized to use the 'management site'.
Professionals will use the 'management site' but should not be authorized to sign in to the main site.
Both professionals and clients are registered as Users, and share common fields, such as username, phone, email, etc...
Since Django won't let me use two models for authentication. I've created custom model subclassing AbstractBaseUser and which serves me as a base auth class for Client and Professional.
class BaseUser(AbstractBaseUser):
class Client(BaseUser):
class Professional(BaseUser):
I've also changed the AUTH_USER_MODEL setting to:
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'myapp.BaseUser'
I've also included django-allauth to manage user registration and authentication. But now I'm stuck. I just began playing with Django/Python and I'm not sure how to solve this.
It seems there is no official recommended way for doing this (Implementing multiple user types with Django 1.5). Should I stick to the subclassing approach, or should I do the OnetoOne relationship pointed out in the docs ?
Once I have the models properly setup, how should I proceed with the two registration forms? Is it possible to accomplish this with django-allauth, or do I need to do it manually?
As far as I know, when a new user is registered, a new base user is created in the User table. But since I will be creating user specializations (Client or Professional), how should I specify that I also want to create the client-related data or professional-related data in the corresponding table?
I'm pretty new to Django, so any advise will help
I think the easiest way for you to do what you are talking about is going to be to have 3 apps in your project: your top level app, a "professional" app and a "client" app. At the top level app, all you really need to do is give the users a login form, and 2 links, one for registering as a Professional and one for registering as a Client.
In this case, I believe it will be easiest for you to use Django's built in Permissions system, and assign each type of user to a corresponding group (eg. professionals and clients). You can use a decorator on your views to ensure that only members of a particular group can access that view (since you have 2 separate apps for each group, you can add a decorator to all views in each of them, or you can import Django's authorization functions into your and check it there, although that is beyond the scope of this answer).
Registration is easy enough, use your file to forward the user that wants to register to the correct app. Once you do that, you should be able to use django-allauth registration on each app, allowing you to create 2 different kinds of users. Make sure when the register, you assign them to the correct group membership.
As for the login redirection, once you receive the POST data, I would check for which type of user logged in, and use that to forward the user to the correct URL that goes with the Professional or Client app. You can see the below link for an idea of redirecting a user after login.
Django - after login, redirect user to his custom page -->

django staff users manage their own users only

In my Django app a user can register to the site and receive staff_user privileges from the admin.
After that the staff user can create and manage some other users (normal users) using default django admin site.
Now, I would like to let the staff user see and manage only the users he created from the admin site, I don't want him to see other users created by another staff user.
how can I do that? I imagine I need to modify right?
Don't modify the admin site.
In general, you have the following tools available:
Create groups
Add users to groups
Create custom permissions on your models, to indicate certain actions
However, what you are asking: Now, I would like to let the staff user see and manage only the users he created from the admin site is not possible in django-admin.
The Django-admin site is only intended as a glorified development tool for fully trusted users, not as a customizable app for end users.
If your project requires an admin site with any of the following ...
Customized administraion functionality.
Exposure to any user that is not completely trusted.
... then I'm afraid you have to create your own custom app.
You can replace the stock UserAdmin with your own which overrides queryset() and does the filtering. The bigger issue is what to filter by. The default User model does not store a "created_by" in the model instance. So you would need to add this information whenever a User is added.
How best to do this depends on your Django version.
Django 1.5 introduced a "Configurable User model" which makes this very easy.
In earlier versions you would either have to monkeypatch the User model, or store that information in a separate "user profile" attached 1:1 to the User.
Regarding the trusting of users (which wasn't a topic but I feel the need to comment on thnee's answer) in the Django admin, check out the links in my answer here: Should I use Django's Admin feature?

Django - Two auth system completely separated in the same project

I have a project using django. And now the need for having to completely separated auth system(with different tables, authentication back-end, users, user-info etc) comes in scene.
Is there any way to make django instead of setting request.user, sets request.myotherappuser?
What about the default auth system, can I still use it to authenticate those 'new users' and also log them in?
Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming from your phrase "authenticate those 'new users' and also log them in" that you have some legacy system from which you wish to authenticate people?
Why not write a custom authentication backend that logs people in against the old backend, and then also creates them a "new" account in django.contrib.auth?
You could also create an extension to the user model using Dj1.5 that allows you to reference the "old" table like request.user.myappotheruser.

Contrib.auth for occasional inquiries?

I have developed an app for school management. Teachers and others roles have an account (django user) to control student attendance, Behaviors issues, etc.
Student is a model itself. Teacher is a User proxy.
At this moment I'm ready to extend the app to allow parents access to children information (is cruel, but for the sake of students ;)
I'm evaluating this alternatives:
Make a simple php app only for parent access (with dedicated db user
and views). It seems secure but I don't like php.
Add a password field to Student model and build my owner authentication system. I
don't like to have a 'django authenticated student'.
Integrating Student authentication with actual auth schema. I don't like this for
security reason, this means to check all views security, and this mix teachers and students.
Create a new django application only for students (and parents) with two databases, the 'school' database and a new one with auth for students
What is for you the best way to authenticate parents before to see children information?
Any suggestions are wellcome. Thanks a lot.
Ah! I think that is easy that parents forgot passwords.
School has over 800 students, app store more than 1milion of presence cheks for year, lot of Parents interviews, ...
Django contrib.auth models incorporate groups and permissions in addition to user accounts. In fact regular django users and django admin users share the same model only with different permissions.
Considering, the default authentication model (from a security standpoint) is already shared with much bigger consequences in case of a breach, I don't see a reason why you shouldn't have students authenticate with the same model and just assign them into a separate group and manage their permissions. Your security will not be worse or better from what it already is.
As far as development side goes, all you have to do is simply use decorators on the view handlers which are Teachers/Parents only to limit student access to them.
See: Permissions decorator
If for whatever reason this is unacceptible (although I cannot surmise a reason from what you said), you will have to do either:
Write your own middleware that injects itself into contrib.auth (reinvent the wheel)
Use an external system to verify permissions (completely orthogonal to Django's approach and will actually complicate your system much more than to use integrated contrib.auth)
Additional down side to doing your own authentication system is that you now have to worry about all kind of security issues that Django solves for you (like CSRF protection, SQL injection/escaping and many others). Not to mention bugs that can creep in vs. using tested and proven code/model provided by contrib.auth.

Django User Model Oauth

I'm slightly new to Django, and I've never had a fun time doing user management in web dev. Is there a nice, basic example/tutorial on authentication the Django User model with Oauth such as Twitter? Can I use the current User model and the data in it, or do I have to create a new table and migrate the current users over?
I tried searching around Google and such, and though I slightly see where alot of the django-social and oauth plugins go with things, I can't figure out how they're storing tokens and if they're extended to the User model.
In short, I just need a basic example and plain-English description on how to implement Oauth (or any login API) with the built-in Django User model.
You should try python-social-auth (the old deprecated version being Django Social auth).