Visual Studio 2015 can't find header files - c++

I I realize that this problem has been asked before, but I cannot seem to apply the answer in my version of Visual Studio. It will only recognize header files I copy to the project directory.
VS can't find the file 'jni.h':
The header file is located in following directory:
The directory is added to the 'Include directories' option:
Am I missing something obvious?


Boost Library cannot get to work in C++, Include directories not working

I recently tried to install boost libraries in C++ 14, and I added it's include paths like:
Solution Explorer > Project Name > Property Pages > VC++ Directories > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\boost\boost"
I tried to compile after adding this:
#include <boost\variant.hpp>
In Error List window, I can see E1696 - cannot open source file "boost\variant.hpp" and I can't compile like before.
Then I tried with adding a backslash like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\boost\boost\", still didn't work.
I also read this post and explicitly specified it's directory, but even didn't work.
Again, I read this post and did exactly same what is in given answer (as I already built project several times) , but still no success.
However, if I include a library like:
#include "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\boost\boost\variant.hpp"
Now compiler recognizes it, but now I can see more than 100 errors in Error List window, those errors are pointed to header files of boost libraries, not in my project file which has variant.hpp included.
All those errors are E1696 - cannot open source file "boost\<libraryname.hpp>" or E1696 - cannot open source file "boost\<subdirs>\<some other files included in libraryname.hpp>"
So, if I remove the line #include "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\boost\boost\variant.hpp" from my project's header file, all errors disappear suddenly and project compiles fine! no any single error now!
I want boost to work anyway, so I can use it in projects, but I can't manually edit all those header files and change <boost\... to original locations.
Please help me to get rid of this issue.
make sure you download and install the correct boost version. Installing it in the visual studio directories is possible, but not advised. I suggest you use one of the packages from here. Assuming you use visual studio 2017 and you are developing for 64bit, this could perhaps be the correct package for you.
make sure you do both: adding the include search path and the library search path to your visual studio.
The include search path should point to the boost-installation root directory (the one that contains the Jamroot file and a boost subdirectory). The library search path should point to the correct library subfolder within the boost installation. This is one of the subfolders that start with lib64-msvc-**.* (or lib32-msvc-* if you're developing for 32bit).
The default install path of the binary boost package above will install it into C:\local\boost_<boost version>. Make sure you use the paths from this installation directory and follow the instructions here.
Include search path: C:\local\boost_1_64_0
Library search path: C:\local\boost_1_64_0\lib64-msvc-14.1

How to import libusb dll

I am using Visual Studio 2013 and have troubles using libusb dll. I have downloaded their source and compiled the dll version under release. New folder was created: D:\libusb-1.0.9\Win32\Release\dll which contains the .lib and .dll files. The next thing I did, was copied the .dll to my Visual studio projects folder, where the source files reside.
In Visual studio I then did: project->properties->linker->input->additional dependencies and pasted in the path to .lib file: D:\libusb-1.0.9\Win32\Release\dll\libusb-1.0.lib. Then I did project->properties->linker->general->additional library directories and pasted in the folder where the libusb header files are: D:\libusb-1.0.9\libusb.
Then I tried including the #include "libusb.h" but it says it cant find the file.
What else do I need to do, to make it work...?
These are the exact errors:
Cannot open include file: 'libusb.h': No such file or directory
IntelliSense: cannot open source file "libusb.h"
The problem is you did not add the folder containing the header file libusb.h to the include folders for your compiler. As a result the compiler can not find libusb.h since it is not in any of the folders the compiler searches.
In Visual Studio to add a folder to the include directories open the project properties for your target and add the folder to the C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories setting.

Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory [duplicate]

Edit: Of course, immediately after working on it for an hour then posting here, I found the stupid mistake...
I'm getting compiler errors when trying to #include <d3dx9.h> in a project. I'm receiving "fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory".
I do have the DirectX SDK installed (I also just tried reinstalling it to no avail).
In the Project Properties:
VC++ Directories are set to "$(DXSDK_DIR)Include;$(IncludePath)" and "$(DXSDK_DIR)Lib\x86;$(LibraryPath)" for Include and Library directories respectively for all configurations—and the environment variable %DXSDK_DIR% points to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\ as expected.
C/C++ > General settings has $(DXSDK_DIR)include listed in the Additional Include Directories
Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies has d3dx9d.lib included for Debug and d3dx9.lib included for Release configuration.
I am able to successfully compile and run tutorial projects from the DirectX Sample Browser.
Visual Studio's Intellisense/autocomplete will find d3dx9.h and suggest type and function names that are within the file (and not included through anything else I'm #includeing) so it seems that Intellisense can find it.
Any suggestions on what I'm forgetting or what else to try?
you forgot one thing:
Go to VC++ Directories -> Library Directories
add $(DXSDK_DIR)LIB\x86
Done. Hope this helps
You should make sure you have ALL paths sorounded by quotes (").
Instead of $(DXSDK_DIR)include you should have "$(DXSDK_DIR)include"
I didn't realize that one of the other projects in the solution was #includeing a file that was #includeing a file that was #includeing d3dx9.h and I hadn't added those paths to that project.
Find the file on your computer, and add it's folder to the properties of your project.
Assuming you have visual studio: Properties/C/C++/General/Additional Include Libraries.
I tried all of these suggestions and none worked.
Turns out the $(DXSDK_DIR) variable doesn't work if you install DirectX while Visual Studio is still running. The solution for me was to restart Visual Studio (+ adding the paths in the solutions listed above, of course).

Creating a C++ visual studio project based on existing files

I've never worked with C++ or C. I'm trying to create a Visual studio project based on existing files which can be found here: example1.cpp together with the resources. As you can see this is example code of a book for OpenGl. I have opengl and glut present on my computer and they work ( tested it).
Based on the files mentioned above a created an empty C++ project in visual studio 2012 (i also have other versions installed if you can provide a solution in 2010 or so). I included the header files & the source file. Though I still get the following in my IDE:
with errors such as:
cannot open source file "Angle.h"
( Though the file is present in the project)
Can anyone tell me how I get these files to compile and run ?
Make sure that the file angel.h it's in the same path that the .cpp file.
Header files need to be in same directory with source files in order to use #include with quotes.
#include "header.h"
In other words Angel.h must be in same directory with example1.cpp.
However,you can add spesicific paths to your project from Project Settings>VC++ Directories and include header files which exists in those paths using
#include <header.h>

Trouble With Building Live555 Media Server in VS2005

This could be a very silly question to any long time C++, visual studio or live555 users but I am having problems building the live555 source code with visual studio 2005. I have found a good walk through guide for creating the projects manually because .mak files are no longer supported by newer versions of visual studio but am still having problems. It seems that visual studio cannot open the .hh files that come in the include folders and I have added to the header folders of each seperate project.
Is there something special you have to do to the compilier or a plugin for the IDE to allow VS2005 to open .hh header files?
This is the error I am getting:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file
'BasicUsageEnvironment.hh': No such file or directory.
It seems to me that Visual studios cannot find the file, rather than it not being able to open that file type. If you right click on your project and go to
Properties->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories
Now browse to the location of the .hh file and add it to the path. Visual studios should now be able to find the file in question. You may also have to add library paths to your solution. Please let me know if there are additional errors.