Null terminator carrying through when indexing string - c++

I am trying pull specific characters from a string array, and assign them to defined indices in a new variable. I am having issues with what I expect is the null terminator, as there appear to be random assortment of undefined characters at the end of my strings.
I am new to coding in C++, and lower level programming in general. Note that the function "charBi" works perfectly, but it no longer works when assigning the output of "charBi" to the variable "binar" in the "strBi" function. I realize the code is probably not great, but any help is welcome, especially as it relates to getting rid of the random characters at the end of my "binar" string.
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
//Program meant to output a string of binary for an input word or phrase
//library of letter and binary pairs
char letterNumber[27][10]={"A01000001","B01000010","C01000011","D01000100","E01000101","F01000110","G01000111",
"V01010110","W01010111","X01011000","Y01011001","Z01011010"," 01011111"};
//finds binary number associated with input character. One character input
//loop setup
int n=0;
int last=sizeof(letterNumber)/sizeof(letterNumber[0]); // equal 27
//loops through each of the strings in letterNumber
while (n!=last) {
if (letterNumber[n][0]==inputVar){ // if the letter is equal to input letter
char bina[8]; //number of numbers following a letter
for(int i=1;i<9;i++){ // writes the number associated with the letter to bina
bina[i-1]=letterNumber[n][i]; // assigns number to specific index
//forms binary string of numbers for input phrase
char binar[8*strg.length()]; //binary for each character is 8 numbers long
for(int i=0;i<strg.length();i++){ // for every letter in the input phrase
string chbi=charBi(strg[i]); //gets binary for individual letter from charBi function
cout<<"charbi sends: "<<chbi<<endl; //for debugging
for(int n=0;n<8;n++){ //for every 1 or 0 in the binary for an idividual letter
binar[(8*i)+n]=chbi[n]; // assign in order to string binar
cout<<"binar updates to: "<<binar<<endl; //for debugging
getchar(); //for debugging
int main(){
cout<<"final string is: "<<strBi("HELLO WORLD");
return 0;

Since you didn't properly terminate your arrays, the program is undefined.
In order to store a k-letter string, you need to use a k+1-element array and terminate it – char bina[9] = {}; and char binar[8*strg.length() + 1] = {}; should do the trick.
But you can simplify things a bit by leaving C behind:
std::map<char, std::string> letterNumber =
{{'A', "01000001"},
{'B', "01000010"},
// ...
{' ', "01011111}"}};
//forms binary string of numbers for input phrase
std::string strBi(const std::string& strg)
std::string binar;
binar.reserve(8 * strg.size());
std::for_each(strg.begin(), strg.end(), [&binar](char c) { binar += letterNumber[c]; });
return binar;

Make binar one character longer (char binar [8 * strg.length() + 1];) and set the last character to NUL (just before returning, do binar[8 * strg.length()] = '\0';)


12 hour to 24 hour time conversion

I am trying to write this c++ program from hackerrank but in my output all I am getting is a blank space.
The input string is in the form of HH:MM:SSpp where HH is an hour on two digits with leading zero, MM the minutes, SS the seconds and pp is either AM or PM.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
string timeConversion(string s)
string p;
int i,j;
if(s[8]==80){ // checking if it is AM or PM
int x = s[0]*10 + s[1] +12;
int y = x%10;
int z = x/10;
s[0]= z;
s[1]= y;
string newt= p.substr(0, p.size()-2); //removing last two characters
return newt;
int main()
ofstream fout(getenv("OUTPUT_PATH"));
string s;
getline(cin, s);
string result = timeConversion(s);
fout << result << "\n";
enter code here
return 0;
Is there some logical error? I know the other approach for this question but it would be great if anyone could help me with it.
The problem is with treating character digits (e.g. s[0]) as integer digits.
If you are certain you are dealing with digits, the way to do arithmetic with the characters is by subtracting the value of the character '0', like so: s[0] - '0'. The result will be the integral digit.
The main problem
In your timeConversion() function, you define a string p, which is initialized by the string default constructor to "".
Now for AM times, you skip the if and go directly to string newt= p.substr(0, p.size()-2);, which on an empty p will just create an empty newt string. So you return an empty value. Every time !
For PM times, you go into the if to do some transformations. Unfortunately p[i]=s[i]; doesn't do what you think. In fact it is out of bound access in the empty p string. And in the end, the length of p will still be 0 which will cause an empty value to be returned (in the best case).
The start of a solution
Initialize p at construction:
string p=s;
The code will then immediately work for AM strings. For PM strings, you still need to take into account uv_ 's answer related to ascii vs. binary math.
Here the result:
string timeConversion(string s)
string p=s;
int i,j;
if(s[8]=='P'){ // checking if it is AM or PM
int x =(s[0]-'0')*10 + (s[1]-'0') +12;
p[0]= x/10 +'0';
p[1]= x%10 +'0';
return p.substr(0, p.size()-2); //removing last two characters
Note: this assumes that the entry format will always be valid, and no space will be used instead of a leading 0.
Important Note: This code will fail on hackerrank, because it transforms 12:15:00pm into 24:15:00 and not in 12:15:00. Furthermore 12:00:00am will be tranformed in 12:00:00 instead of 00:00:00. More on wikipedia. Online demo about how to address these special cases
This code will work considering all test cases, just added two more conditions.
string timeConversion(string s)
string ans=s;
int x = (ans[0]-'0')*10+(ans[1]-'0')+12;
int y=(ans[0]-'0')*10+ans[1]-'0';
return ans.substr(0, ans.size()-2);

Trying to read a single character at a time into an array of indefinite size

I am a CS student working on a c++ project. We have been instructed to declare a struct and use it to read in an array of chars and keep a tally of how many letters are used in the string. We are not allowed to use a string; it MUST be an array of our declared struct.
The input must be as long as the user wants; the code has to be able to accept new lines of input and be terminated by '.'
I'm really struggling here. I don't even know where to begin. I've thrown together some code as best-guess for what to do, but it crashes after pressing "." then enter, and I don't know why.
//declare struct
struct data
int tally = 0;
char letter;
//size of string to read in at a time
const int SIZE_OF_CHUNK = 11;
int main()
//input chunk of struct
data input[SIZE_OF_CHUNK];
int placemark,
cout << "Enter sequence of characters, '.' to terminate:" << endl;
for (int index = 0; (input[index].letter != '\0') && (input[index - 1].letter != '.'); index++)
cin >> input[index].letter;
//I intend to put something here to handle if the code
needs to read in another chunk, but I want to fix the crashing
problem first
while (input[placemark].letter != '.');
//print out what was read in, just to check
for (int index = 0; input[index].letter != '\0'; index++)
cout << input[index].letter;
return 0;
I've tried looking up how to read in a single character but haven't found anything helpful to my circumstances so far. Any tips on what I'm doing wrong, or where I can find helpful resources, would be very much appreciated.
Are you sure you must use a declared struct?
If you just want to count the number of times a character has appeared, you don't need to store the character; you just need to store the number of times it appeared. So just unsigned lettersCount[26], and each index maps to a letter (i.e. index 0 means a, index 1 means b). Whenever a letter appears, just increase the count of that index.
You can map a letter to the index by making use of ASCII. Every letter is represented by a decimal number that you can look it up at ASCII table. For example, the letter a is represented by the decimal value 97, b is 98 and so on. The number increases successively, which we can make use of. So if you want to map a letter to an index, all you need to do is just value - 97 or value - 'a'. For example, if you read in the letter a, take away 97 from that and you'll get 0, which is what you want. After getting the index, it's just a simple ++ to increment the count of that letter.
Regarding the treatment of uppercase and lowercase (i.e. treat them the same or differently), it'll be up to you to figure it out how to do it (which should be fairly simple if you can understand what I've explained).

C++: Creating a word "letter after letter" in string data type

I'm learning C++ for my exam and one thing is bugging me.
I had a file with 25 words (let's call it "new.txt") and a file with 1000 words ("words.txt").
I had to check how many times a word from new.txt appears in words.txt. And after this I had to check how many times does a "mirror" of a word for new.txt appears in words.txt (mirror meaning the word from right to left => car = rac..)
My idea was to make three arrays: newword[25], words[1000], mirror[25] and then go one from there.
I know how to do this with "char" data type. But i wanted to try doing it with "string" type.
Here is the code:
string mirrors(string word) //function that writes the word from the back
int dl=word.length();
string mir;
for (int q=0;q<dl;q++)
mir[q]=word[dl-q-1]; //first letter of a new word is a last letter of the original word
return mir;
int main()
ifstream in1 ("words.txt");
ifstream in2 ("new.txt");
string words[1000], newword[25], mirror[25]; //creating arrays
for (int x=0;x<1000;x++) //filling the array with words from words.txt
for (int y=0;y<25;y++) //filling the array with words from new.txt
for (int z=0;z<25;z++)
return 0;
And here is the problem...
When I'm changing the order of the letters, the string from "mirror" does not print using normal cout<
So my question is... Is there something with string data types that makes it impossible to print using one command after creating a word letter after letter, or is there something I have no clue about?
Because the word is there, it is created in this array. But cout<
I'm sorry if the question is not clear but it's my first time posting here...
string mirrors(string word) {
int dl = word.length();
string mir; // here you declare your string, but is's an empty string.
for (int q = 0; q < dl; q++) {
// by calling mir[q] you are referencing to the [0, 1 ... dl-1] char of empty string (so it's size = 0) so it's undefined bhv/error.
// mir[q]=word[dl-q-1]; //first letter of a new word is a last letter of the original word
mir = mir + word[dl - q - 1]; // you rather wanted to do smth like this
return mir;
using new as a variable name is not a very good idea as #Johny Mop pointed
Jbc to możesz też po polsku zadać pytanko w komentarzu :).
First of all you try to access symbols in empty std::string, which leads to UB. In practice all of that is unnessesary:
std::string mirrors( const std::string &word) //function that writes the word from the back
return std::string( word.rbegin(), word.rend() );
is enough. As for your program, it would be much better to read content of file "new.txt" into memory, and std::set or std::unordered_set would be much better for lookup. Then create 2 instances std::map<std::string,int> (or std::unordered_map if you do not care of order) and read file "word.txt" one by one, count and update those maps accordingly:
std::unordered_set<std::string> new_words; // this should be populated from file "new.txt"
std::map<std::string,int> counts, mcounts;
// reading loop of file "words.txt"
std::string word = ...;
counts[ word ] += new_words.count( word );
word = mirrors( word );
mcounts[ word ] += new_words.count( word );
then you would have all your counts.

make user enter a string of integers and output a different string

hi i am having trouble starting this program as i am new and have no idea how to use loops to construct this thanks
here are the directions:
For this assignment, write a program named assignment2 (source is the same name with .cpp extension) to
prompt the user for an integer value (ignore negative values) and then output this value using the following rules:
Each digit within the integer value is to be displayed the same number of times as the value of the digit
itself, with one exception...the digit 0 will be displayed once, like the digit 1.
Separate each string of digits using a single dash character.
For example:
If the input value is 120473, the display should look like:
If the input value is 5938061, the display should look like:
In addition, ask the user if they would like to retry using another integer value. If so, repeat the above. End the
program when the user chooses to quit (does not want to retry).
This assignment is an exercise in using the following:
Unary Operators:
! ++ --
Binary Operators:
+ - * / % && ||
Data types:
Flow control:
do-while loop
while loop
for loop
In addition, you are allowed to use any necessary functions provided by the Math library. To include the Math
library, add the following line to your list of include statements:
#include <cmath>
For most digit manipulation assignments, I recommend treating the number as a string of characters rather than as a number.
The Foundation
Let's start with the foundation:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::getline;
int main(void)
cout << "Paused. Press Enter to continue.\n";
cin.ignore(100000, '\n');
The above program will hopefully keep the console (terminal) window open until the Enter key is pressed.
Getting The Input
We'll ask the User for a number, this is also known as prompting:
// The prompt text doesn't change so it's declared as const.
// It's declared as static because there is only one instance.
static const char prompt[] = "Enter a number: ";
cout.write(prompt, sizeof(prompt) - 1U); // Subtract 1 so the terminating nul is not output.
// Input the number as text
string number_as_text;
getline(cin, number_as_text);
Printing The Digits
Really, before this step, you should verify that the text only contains numbers. Repeat the prompting until the User inputs nothing or valid data.
A string can be accessed as an array. So we'll set up a loop:
const unsigned int length = number_as_text.length();
for (unsigned int index = 0U;
index < length;
// Extract the digit.
const char c = number_as_text[index];
// Verify it is a digit.
if (!isdigit(c))
unsigned int quantity = c - '0'; // Convert to a number.
if (quantity == 0) quantity = 1; // The requirements lie, for zero there is a quantity of 1.
// Use "quantity" to print copies of the character.
cout << "\n";
I'm not going to write the entire program for you, as you haven't paid for my services. So you will have to figure out when to print the '-' and how to print many copies of the digit.
If this answer is not correct, please update your question with some clarifications or restrictions.

ASCII and isalpha if statement issue

I am writing a program that takes a user inputted character, such as A, and a user inputted number, such as 7. The program checks the validity of the character, if true runs thru till it gets to this loop inside of a function. I am using ascii decimal for this loop inside of a function. This loop needs to check isalpha and if it is run the code inside the {}'s, it's doing that correctly. The else is not working the way I want and am not sure how to correct it. I need the else (is not alpha) to add a 1 back to the counter in the loop and increase the ascii by 1. If I run it as so, it gives off a retry/ignore/abort error. If I run it without the num++; it runs and stops after the loop ends. So, if you put in a Z and choose 3, it runs thru the loop 3 times and outputs just a Z. Any thoughts on how to fix this?
I need it to output something like: Input: Z Input: 4 it should output: Z A B C to the screen. It needs to ignore other ascii non alpha characters.
string buildSeries(char A, int num)
//builds the output with the info the
//user inputted
stringstream str1;
string outted;
int DeC=(int)A, i = 0;
//loop builds the output
if (isalpha(DeC))
//converts the decimal to a letter
//adds a space
str1<<" ";
//increases the decimal
//builds the sstream and puts it in
//variable "outted"
outted = str1.str();
return outted;
If you need to loop back to 'A' at Z change your DeC++ to
if DecC == 'Z'
DecC = 'A'
Or you could get fancy and use the modulus operator
I think the problem may be that this stringstream insertion operator, >>, doesn't have an overload that handles a char. It's converting the char to a short or an int then inserting it. Try using string::append(size_t size, char c) instead. That should handle inserting a char.
That is replace you calls to str1<<(char)DeC; with outted.append(1, (char)DeC) and remove your use of the string stream
What is DeC? The phrase "ascii list" makes me suspect it's a 'C' string, in which case you are calling isAlpha() on the pointer not on the value in the string.
edit: If for example you have
char DeC[40];
// read in a string form somewhere
// DeC is a pointer to some memory it has a value of a 32 or 64bit number
if ( isAlpha(DeC) {
// what you might have meant is
if ( isAlpha(*DeC) { // the character value at the current position in DeC