Bit Operations in Simulink - bit-manipulation

I am in process of converting C code to simulink based function. I came across a statement for clearing a bit at a particular position.
For Example:
samples = samples & (~(1<<(sampleCnt)));
I can do the shift using the Shift block in simulink but a logical complement of the bits is not available. What is the best way to go about that?

Use the Bitwise Operator block, and choose NOT.


Practical Application of Bitwise Operators [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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practical applications of bitwise operations
I have been programming for several years now and I have always wondered about the practical application of bitwise operators.
In my programming experience, I have not had to utilize the bitwise operators.
When are they most commonly used?
In my programming career, is it necessary for me to learn these?
Thank you.
Bitwise operations are frequently used close to the hardware - when packing data, doing compression, or packing multiple booleans into a byte. Bitwise operations map directly to processor instructions, and are often extremely fast.
If you're working with I/O or device interfaces, bitwise operations become very necessary - to separate parts of a bitfield into important data.
Or you could just use it as a fast multiply-by-two. :)
Another fun usage for binary and bit twiddling.
Packing Morse code into a single byte. A . is 0 and a - is 1.
A = .-
A = 00000001xB
// Add a 'start bit'
A = 00000101xB
Shift the bit around 8 times, start playing sounds when you find the start bit.
+------- Monitor this position
A = 00000101 // Starting off
A = 00001010 // Nothing yet
A = 00010100 // Still nothing
A = 00101000 // WOw, a lot of nothing
A = 01010000 // Our boring life, we do nothing
A = 10100000 // Wow! A start bit! Prep to play sound.
A = 01000000 // Play a short
A = 10000000 // And play a long.
I have not needed it lately but back when coding pascal I used it to multiply or divide whenever the divisor or multiplication was a power of 2.
Color was stored in a byte with textcolor in the low 4 bits and background color in the high 4 bits.
Using c << 4 instead if c * 16 ,and c >> 4 instead of c / 16 to save or retrieve background was many times faster.
And retrieving textcolor with c <<4 >> 4 was also faster than c & 15 (bitvize and) for some reason. Probably register related ;) but thats way over my head to :D
But unless you are doing checksum calculations, compression or encryption you probably can do without.
Even if you can store bits in an int many times drivers can optimize things for you any way and in c# you can use Flag enums to automatically pack bit flags into byte, word or integer values.
So I would guess that since you have not found a use, you probably are not ding work in the area where they make sense.

Decoding and matching Chip 8 opcodes in C/C++

I'm writing a Chip 8 emulator as an introduction to emulation and I'm kind of lost. Basically, I've read a Chip 8 ROM and stored it in a char array in memory. Then, following a guide, I use the following code to retrieve the opcode at the current program counter (pc):
// Fetch opcode
opcode = memory[pc] << 8 | memory[pc + 1];
Chip 8 opcodes are 2 bytes each. This is code from a guide which I vaguely understand as adding 8 extra bit spaces to memory[pc] (using << 8) and then merging memory[pc + 1] with it (using |) and storing the result in the opcode variable.
Now that I have the opcode isolated however, I don't really know what to do with it. I'm using this opcode table and I'm basically lost in regards to matching the hex opcodes I read to the opcode identifiers in that table. Also, I realize that many of the opcodes I'm reading also contain operands (I'm assuming the latter byte?), and that is probably further complicating my situation.
Basically once you have the instruction you need to decode it. For example from your opcode table:
if ((inst&0xF000)==0x1000)
And guessing that since you are accessing rom two bytes per instruction, the address is probably a (16 bit) word address not a byte address so I shifted it left one (you need to study how those instructions are encoded, the opcode table you provided is inadequate for that, well without having to make assumptions).
There is a lot more that has to happen and I dont know if I wrote anything about it in my github samples. I recommend you create a fetch function for fetching instructions at an address, a read memory function, a write memory function a read register function, write register function. I recommend your decode and execute function decodes and executes only one instruction at a time. Normal execution is to just call it in a loop, it provides the ability to do interrupts and things like that without a lot of extra work. It also modularizes your solution. By creating the fetch() read_mem_byte() read_mem_word() etc functions. You modularize your code (at a slight cost of performance), makes debugging much easier as you have a single place where you can watch registers or memory accesses and figure out what is or isnt going on.
Based on your question, and where you are in this process, I think the first thing you need to do before writing an emulator is to write a disassembler. Being a fixed instruction length instruction set (16 bits) that makes it much much easier. You can start at some interesting point in the rom, or at the beginning if you like, and decode everything you see. For example:
if ((inst&0xF000)==0x1000)
printf("jmp 0x%04X\n",(inst&0x0FFF)<<1);
With only 35 instructions that shouldnt take but an afternoon, maybe a whole saturday, being your first time decoding instructions (I assume that based on your question). The disassembler becomes the core decoder for your emulator. Replace the printf()s with emulation, even better leave the printfs and just add code to emulate the instruction execution, this way you can follow the execution. (same deal have a disassemble a single instruction function, call it for each instruction, this becomes the foundation for your emulator).
Your understanding needs to be more than vague as to what that fetch line of code is doing, in order to pull off this task you are going to have to have a strong understanding of bit manipulation.
Also I would call that line of code you provided buggy or at least risky. If memory[] is an array of bytes, the compiler might very well perform the left shift using byte sized math, resulting in a zero, then zero orred with the second byte results in only the second byte.
Basically a compiler is within its rights to turn this:
opcode = memory[pc] << 8) | memory[pc + 1];
Into this:
opcode = memory[pc + 1];
Which wont work for you at all, a very quick fix:
opcode = memory[pc + 0];
opcode <<= 8;
opcode |= memory[pc + 1];
Will save you some headaches. Minimal optimization will save the compiler from storing the intermediate results to ram for each operation resulting in the same (desired) output/performance.
The instruction set simulators I wrote and mentioned above are not intended for performance but instead readability, visibility, and hopefully educational. I would start with something like that then if performance for example is of interest you will have to re-write it. This chip8 emulator, once experienced, would be an afternoon task from scratch, so once you get through this the first time you could re-write it maybe three or four times in a weekend, not a monumental task (to have to re-write). (the thumbulator one took me a weekend, for the bulk of it. The msp430 one was probably more like an evening or two worth of work. Getting the overflow flag right, once and for all, was the biggest task, and that came later). Anyway, point being, look at things like the mame sources, most if not all of those instruction set simulators are designed for execution speed, many are barely readable without a fair amount of study. Often heavily table driven, sometimes lots of C programming tricks, etc. Start with something manageable, get it functioning properly, then worry about improving it for speed or size or portability or whatever. This chip8 thing looks to be graphics based so you are going to also have to deal with a lot of line drawing and other bit manipulation on a bitmap/screen/wherever. Or you could just call api or operating system functions. Basically this chip8 thing is not your traditional instruction set with registers and a laundry list of addressing modes and alu operations.
Basically -- Mask out the variable part of the opcode, and look for a match. Then use the variable part.
For example 1NNN is the jump. So:
int a = opcode & 0xF000;
int b = opcode & 0x0FFF;
if(a == 0x1000)
Then the game is to make that code fast or small, or elegant, if you like. Good clean fun!
Different CPUs store values in memory differently. Big endian machines store a number like $FFCC in memory in that order FF,CC. Little-endian machines store the bytes in reverse order CC, FF (that is, with the "little end" first).
The CHIP-8 architecture is big endian, so the code you will run has the instructions and data written in big endian.
In your statement "opcode = memory[pc] << 8 | memory[pc + 1];", it doesn't matter if the host CPU (the CPU of your computer) is little endian or big endian. It will always put a 16-bit big endian value into an integer in the correct order.
There are a couple of resources that might help: gives a CHIP-8 emulator tutorial along with some general emulator techniques. This one is good too:
You're going to have to setup a bunch of different bit masks to get the actual opcode from the 16-bit word in combination with a finite state machine in order to interpret those opcodes since it appears that there are some complications in how the opcodes are encoded (i.e., certain opcodes have register identifiers, etc., while others are fairly straight-forward with a single identifier).
Your finite state machine can basically do the following:
Get the first nibble of the opcode using a mask like `0xF000. This will allow you to "categorize" the opcode
Based on the function category from step 1, apply more masks to either get the register values from the opcode, or whatever other variables might be encoded with the opcode that will narrow down the actual function that would need to be called, as well as it's arguments.
Once you have the opcode and the variable information, do a look-up into a fixed-length table of functions that have the appropriate handlers to coincide with the opcode functionality and the variables that go along with the opcode. While you can, in your state machine, hard-code the names of the functions that would go with each opcode once you've isolated the proper functionality, a table that you initialize with function-pointers for each opcode is a more flexible approach that will let you modify the code functionality easier (i.e., you could easily swap between debug handlers and "normal" handlers, etc.).

AES Limitations and MixColumns

So we all agree keys are a fixed-length of 128bits or 192bits or 256bits. If our context was 50 characters in size (bytes) % 16 = 2 bytes. So we encrypt the context in 3 times, but the remaining two bytes how will they be stored in the State block. Should I pad them, the standard doesn't specify how to handle such conditions.
MixColumns stage is the most complicated aspect in the AES, however I have been unable to understand the mathematical representation. I have an understanding of the matrix multiplication, but I'm surprised of the mathematical results. Multiplying a value by 2, shift left for little endian 1 position and shift right for big endian. If we had the most significant bit was set as 1 (0x80) then we should XOR the shifted result with 0x1B. I thought by multiplying by 3 it would mean to shift the value 2 positions.
I've checked the various sources on Wikipedia, even the tutorial that provides a C implementation. But I'm more interested to complete my own implementation! Thank you for any possible input.
In the mix columns stage the exponents are being multiplied.
take this example
x^1+x^0 is 3 represented in polynomial form
x^7+x^5+x^3+x^1 is AA represented in polynomial form
first take x^1 and dot multiply it by the polynomial for AA.
that results in...
x^8+x^6+x^4+x^2 ... adding one to each exponent
then reduce this to 8 bits by XoRing by 11B
11B is x^8+x^4+x^3+x^1+x^0 in polynomial form.
x^8+x6+x^4+ x^2
x^8+ x^4+x^3+ x^1+x^0
x^6+x^3+x^2+x^1+x^0 which is AA*2
now take AA and dot multiply by x^0 (basically AA*1)
that gives you
x^7+x^5+x^3+x^1 ... a duplicate of the original value.
then exclusive or AA*2 with AA*1
x^7+ x^5+x^3+ x^1
x^6+ x^3+x^2+x^1+x^0
which leaves
x^7+x^6+x^5+x^2+x^0 or 11100101 or E5
I hope that helps.
here also is a document detailing the specifics of how mix columns works.
EDIT:Normal matrix multiplication does not apply to this forget about normal matrices.
In response to your questions:
If you want to encrypt a stream of bytes using AES, do not just break it into individual blocks and encrypt them individually. This is not cryptographically secure and a clever attacker can recover a lot of information from your original plaintext. This is called an electronic code book and if you follow the link and see what happens when you use it to encrypt Tux the Linux Penguin you can visually see its insecurities. Instead, consider using a known secure technique like cipher-block chaining (CBC) or counter mode (CTR). These are a bit more complex to implement, but it's well worth the effort so that you can ensure a clever attacker can't break your encryption indirectly.
As for how the MixColumns stage works, I really don't understand much of the operation myself. It's based on a construction that involves fields of polynomials. If I can find a good explanation as to how it works, I'll let you know.
If you want to implement AES to further your understanding, that's perfectly fine and I encourage you to do so (though you are probably better off reading the mathematical intuition as to where the algorithm comes from). However, you should not use your own implementation for any actual cryptographic purposes. Without extreme care, you will render your implementation vulnerable to a side-channel attack that can compromise its security. The most famous example of this involves RSA encryption, in which without careful planning an attacker can actually watch the power draw of the computer as it does the encryption to recover the bits of the key. If you want to use AES to do encryption, consider using a known, tested, open-source implementation of the algorithm.
Hope this helps!
If you want to test the outcome of your own implementation (any internal state during computation) you can check this page :
It displays all internal states for any given plaintext, key and iv, also for the mixcolumns stage.

Is there any advantage to using '<< 1' instead of '* 2'?

I've seen this a couple of times, but it seems to me that using the bitwise shift left hinders readability. Why is it used? Is it faster than just multiplying by 2?
You should use * when you are multiplying, and << when you are bit shifting. They are mathematically equivalent, but have different semantic meanings. If you are building a flag field, for example, use bit shifting. If you are calculating a total, use multiplication.
It is faster on old compilers that don't optimize the * 2 calls by emitting a left shift instruction. That optimization is really easy to detect and any decent compiler already does.
If it affects readability, then don't use it. Always write your code in the most clear and concise fashion first, then if you have speed problems go back and profile and do hand optimizations.
It's used when you're concerned with the individual bits of the data you're working with. For example, if you want to set the upper byte of a word to 0x9A, you would not write
n |= 0x9A * 256
You'd write:
n |= 0x9A << 8
This makes it clearer that you're working with bits, rather than the data they represent.
For some architectures, bit shifting is faster than multiplying. However, any compiler worth its salt will optimize *2 (or any multiplication by a power of 2) to a left bit shift (when a bit shift would be faster).
For readability of values used as bitfields:
enum Flags { UP = (1<<0),
DOWN = (1<<1),
STRANGE = (1<<2),
CHARM = (1<<3),
which I think is preferable to either '=1,...,=2,...=4' or '=1,...=2, =2*2,...=2*3' especially if you have 8+ flags.
If you are using a old C compiler, it is preferrable to use bitwise. For readability you can comment you code though.

How do you use bitwise flags in C++?

As per this website, I wish to represent a Maze with a 2 dimensional array of 16 bit integers.
Each 16 bit integer needs to hold the following information:
Here's one way to do it (this is by no means the only way): a 12x16 maze grid can be represented as an array m[16][12] of 16-bit integers. Each array element would contains all the information for a single corresponding cell in the grid, with the integer bits mapped like this:
To knock down a wall, set a border, or create a particular path, all we need to do is flip bits in one or two array elements.
How do I use bitwise flags on 16 bit integers so I can set each one of those bits and check if they are set.
I'd like to do it in an easily readable way (ie, Border.W, Border.E, Walls.N, etc).
How is this generally done in C++? Do I use hexidecimal to represent each one (ie, Walls.N = 0x02, Walls.E = 0x04, etc)? Should I use an enum?
See also How do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit?.
If you want to use bitfields then this is an easy way:
typedef struct MAZENODE
bool backtrack_north:1;
bool backtrack_south:1;
bool backtrack_east:1;
bool backtrack_west:1;
bool solution_north:1;
bool solution_south:1;
bool solution_east:1;
bool solution_west:1;
bool maze_north:1;
bool maze_south:1;
bool maze_east:1;
bool maze_west:1;
bool walls_north:1;
bool walls_south:1;
bool walls_east:1;
bool walls_west:1;
Then your code can just test each one for true or false.
Use std::bitset
Use hex constants/enums and bitwise operations if you care about which particular bits mean what.
Otherwise, use C++ bitfields (but be aware that the ordering of bits in the integer will be compiler-dependent).
Learn your bitwise opertors: &, |, ^, and !.
At the top of a lot of C/C++ files I have seen flags defined in hex to mask each bit.
#define ONE 0x0001
To see if a bit is turned on, you AND it with 1. To turn it on, you OR it with 1. To toggle like a switch, XOR it with 1.
To manipulate sets of bits, you can also use ....
std::bitset<4*4> bits;
bits[ 10 ] = false;
assert( !bits.test(10) );
You can do it with hexadecimal flags or enums as you suggested, but the most readable/self-documenting is probably to use what are called "bitfields" (for details, Google for C++ bitfields).
Yes a good way is to use hex decimal to represent the bit patterns. Then you use the bitwise operators to manipulate your 16-bit ints.
For example:
if(x & 0x01){} // tests if bit 0 is set using bitwise AND
x ^= 0x02; // toggles bit 1 (0 based) using bitwise XOR
x |= 0x10; // sets bit 4 (0 based) using bitwise OR
I'm not a huge fan of bitset. It's just more typing in my opinion. And it doesn't hide what you are doing anyway. You still have to & && | bits. Unless you are picking on just 1 bit. That may work for small groups of flags. Not that we need to hide what we are doing either. But the intention of a class is usually to make something easier for it's users. I don't think this class accomplishes it.
Say for instance, you have a flag system with .. 64 flags. If you want to test.. I don't know.. 39 of them in 1 if statement to see if they are all on... using bitfields is a huge pain. You have to type them all out.. Course. I'm making the assumption you use only bitfields functionality and not mix and match methods. Same thing with bitset. Unless I am missing something with the class.. which is quite possible since I rarely use it.. I don't see a way you can test all 39 flags unless you type out the hole thing or resort to "standard methods" (using enum flag lists or some defined value for 39 bits and using the bitsets && operator). This can start to get messy depending on your approach. And I know.. 64 flags sounds like a lot. And well. It is.. depending on what you are doing. Personally speaking, most of the projects I'm involved with depend on flag systems. So actually.. 64 is not that unheard of. Though 16~32 is far more common in my experience. I'm actually helping out in a project right now where one flag system has 640 bits. It's basically a privilege system. So it makes some sense to arrange them all together... However.. admittedly.. I would like to break that up a bit.. but.. eh... I'm helping.. not creating.