Decoding and matching Chip 8 opcodes in C/C++ - c++

I'm writing a Chip 8 emulator as an introduction to emulation and I'm kind of lost. Basically, I've read a Chip 8 ROM and stored it in a char array in memory. Then, following a guide, I use the following code to retrieve the opcode at the current program counter (pc):
// Fetch opcode
opcode = memory[pc] << 8 | memory[pc + 1];
Chip 8 opcodes are 2 bytes each. This is code from a guide which I vaguely understand as adding 8 extra bit spaces to memory[pc] (using << 8) and then merging memory[pc + 1] with it (using |) and storing the result in the opcode variable.
Now that I have the opcode isolated however, I don't really know what to do with it. I'm using this opcode table and I'm basically lost in regards to matching the hex opcodes I read to the opcode identifiers in that table. Also, I realize that many of the opcodes I'm reading also contain operands (I'm assuming the latter byte?), and that is probably further complicating my situation.

Basically once you have the instruction you need to decode it. For example from your opcode table:
if ((inst&0xF000)==0x1000)
And guessing that since you are accessing rom two bytes per instruction, the address is probably a (16 bit) word address not a byte address so I shifted it left one (you need to study how those instructions are encoded, the opcode table you provided is inadequate for that, well without having to make assumptions).
There is a lot more that has to happen and I dont know if I wrote anything about it in my github samples. I recommend you create a fetch function for fetching instructions at an address, a read memory function, a write memory function a read register function, write register function. I recommend your decode and execute function decodes and executes only one instruction at a time. Normal execution is to just call it in a loop, it provides the ability to do interrupts and things like that without a lot of extra work. It also modularizes your solution. By creating the fetch() read_mem_byte() read_mem_word() etc functions. You modularize your code (at a slight cost of performance), makes debugging much easier as you have a single place where you can watch registers or memory accesses and figure out what is or isnt going on.
Based on your question, and where you are in this process, I think the first thing you need to do before writing an emulator is to write a disassembler. Being a fixed instruction length instruction set (16 bits) that makes it much much easier. You can start at some interesting point in the rom, or at the beginning if you like, and decode everything you see. For example:
if ((inst&0xF000)==0x1000)
printf("jmp 0x%04X\n",(inst&0x0FFF)<<1);
With only 35 instructions that shouldnt take but an afternoon, maybe a whole saturday, being your first time decoding instructions (I assume that based on your question). The disassembler becomes the core decoder for your emulator. Replace the printf()s with emulation, even better leave the printfs and just add code to emulate the instruction execution, this way you can follow the execution. (same deal have a disassemble a single instruction function, call it for each instruction, this becomes the foundation for your emulator).
Your understanding needs to be more than vague as to what that fetch line of code is doing, in order to pull off this task you are going to have to have a strong understanding of bit manipulation.
Also I would call that line of code you provided buggy or at least risky. If memory[] is an array of bytes, the compiler might very well perform the left shift using byte sized math, resulting in a zero, then zero orred with the second byte results in only the second byte.
Basically a compiler is within its rights to turn this:
opcode = memory[pc] << 8) | memory[pc + 1];
Into this:
opcode = memory[pc + 1];
Which wont work for you at all, a very quick fix:
opcode = memory[pc + 0];
opcode <<= 8;
opcode |= memory[pc + 1];
Will save you some headaches. Minimal optimization will save the compiler from storing the intermediate results to ram for each operation resulting in the same (desired) output/performance.
The instruction set simulators I wrote and mentioned above are not intended for performance but instead readability, visibility, and hopefully educational. I would start with something like that then if performance for example is of interest you will have to re-write it. This chip8 emulator, once experienced, would be an afternoon task from scratch, so once you get through this the first time you could re-write it maybe three or four times in a weekend, not a monumental task (to have to re-write). (the thumbulator one took me a weekend, for the bulk of it. The msp430 one was probably more like an evening or two worth of work. Getting the overflow flag right, once and for all, was the biggest task, and that came later). Anyway, point being, look at things like the mame sources, most if not all of those instruction set simulators are designed for execution speed, many are barely readable without a fair amount of study. Often heavily table driven, sometimes lots of C programming tricks, etc. Start with something manageable, get it functioning properly, then worry about improving it for speed or size or portability or whatever. This chip8 thing looks to be graphics based so you are going to also have to deal with a lot of line drawing and other bit manipulation on a bitmap/screen/wherever. Or you could just call api or operating system functions. Basically this chip8 thing is not your traditional instruction set with registers and a laundry list of addressing modes and alu operations.

Basically -- Mask out the variable part of the opcode, and look for a match. Then use the variable part.
For example 1NNN is the jump. So:
int a = opcode & 0xF000;
int b = opcode & 0x0FFF;
if(a == 0x1000)
Then the game is to make that code fast or small, or elegant, if you like. Good clean fun!

Different CPUs store values in memory differently. Big endian machines store a number like $FFCC in memory in that order FF,CC. Little-endian machines store the bytes in reverse order CC, FF (that is, with the "little end" first).
The CHIP-8 architecture is big endian, so the code you will run has the instructions and data written in big endian.
In your statement "opcode = memory[pc] << 8 | memory[pc + 1];", it doesn't matter if the host CPU (the CPU of your computer) is little endian or big endian. It will always put a 16-bit big endian value into an integer in the correct order.
There are a couple of resources that might help: gives a CHIP-8 emulator tutorial along with some general emulator techniques. This one is good too:

You're going to have to setup a bunch of different bit masks to get the actual opcode from the 16-bit word in combination with a finite state machine in order to interpret those opcodes since it appears that there are some complications in how the opcodes are encoded (i.e., certain opcodes have register identifiers, etc., while others are fairly straight-forward with a single identifier).
Your finite state machine can basically do the following:
Get the first nibble of the opcode using a mask like `0xF000. This will allow you to "categorize" the opcode
Based on the function category from step 1, apply more masks to either get the register values from the opcode, or whatever other variables might be encoded with the opcode that will narrow down the actual function that would need to be called, as well as it's arguments.
Once you have the opcode and the variable information, do a look-up into a fixed-length table of functions that have the appropriate handlers to coincide with the opcode functionality and the variables that go along with the opcode. While you can, in your state machine, hard-code the names of the functions that would go with each opcode once you've isolated the proper functionality, a table that you initialize with function-pointers for each opcode is a more flexible approach that will let you modify the code functionality easier (i.e., you could easily swap between debug handlers and "normal" handlers, etc.).


Need to write a MIPS assembler in C or C++, looking for some design suggestions

I'm needing to write a MIPS assembler in C/C++. Before I start just writing some code, I think I should actually take some time and do some planning first. There is about 15 MIPS instructions I need to account for, include J, but not JR. The program needs to take in a file that has .text,.data, and .word sections along with labels, then output a file with the first line being in decimal with the number of instructions and the number of words of data. The rest is the machine code encoded in hex. The final set of lines consists of hexadecimal values representing the initial values of the words in the data segment. I know I'll need to do 2 passes to first parse the labels and JUMP instruction. Basically I'm just looking for advice on how to setup the data structures. Should I do an array of strings that hold the OPCODE, the RS, RT, RD, etc... then convert that to hex somehow? Or is there a better way to do this from someone that has any advice/experience? Thanks for your help/suggestions!
I actually did this a long time ago for something related to a class project! You're right about having to do 2 passes. However, don't use an array of strings for the registers. In fact you don't need to use strings at all. You can put the OPCODE in an enum, and the registers in an enum. For 15 instructions, you can easily do most of the work by handcoding switch-case, if-else statements rather than designing a fully generalized solution. It might be tempting to use regular expressions, but for your problem it's not worth the effort (though you should definitely use any opportunity you get to learn regex if you have the time!). Then use hashmap-like structures to map between the registers and OPCODE and their HEX values, and use those. You can do any address calculations directly in code. This is just a suggestion, you should definitely experiment. My main point is that if you are reading a string, you shouldn't store it in the same form when you can process it first and store something (read: object) more meaningful.
Basically, you only need the first pass for the labels etc. You can do everything else in the second pass. If you look at the basic typical compiler/assembler flow chart in any O/S textbook, you can easily emulate each step - that's what I did.
Hope this helps!

Fetching variable length opcodes and CPU timing

I'm currently trying to write a NES emulator in C++ as a summer programming project to get ready for fall term next school year (I haven't coded in a while). I've already written a Chip8 emulator, so I thought the next step would be to try and write a NES emulator.
Anyways, I'm getting stuck. I'm using this website for my opcode table and I'm running into a road block. On the Chip8, all opcodes were two bytes long, so they were easy to fetch. However, the NES seems to have either 2 or 3 byte opcodes depending on what addressing mode the CPU is in. I can't think of any easy way to figure out how many bytes I need to read for each opcode (my only idea was to create really long if statements that check the first byte of the opcode to see how many more bytes to read).
I'm also having trouble with figuring how to count cycles. How do I create a clock within a programming language so that everything is in sync?
On an unrelated side note, since the NES is little-endian, do I need to read programCounter + 1 and then read programCounter to get the correct opcode?
However, the NES seems to have either 2 or 3 byte opcodes depending on what addressing mode the CPU is in. I can't think of any easy way to figure out how many bytes I need to read for each opcode.
The opcode is still only one byte. The extra bytes specify the operands for those instructions that have explicit operands.
To do the decoding, you can create a switch-block with 256 cases (actually it won't be 256 cases, because some opcodes are illegal). It could look something like this:
opcode = ReadByte(PC++);
switch (opcode) {
case 0x4C: // JMP abs
address = ReadByte(PC++);
address |= (uint16_t)ReadByte(PC) << 8;
PC = address;
cycles += 3;
The compiler will typically create a jump table for the cases, so you'll end up with fairly efficient (albeit slightly bloated) code.
Another alternative is to create an array with one entry per opcode. This could simply be an array of function pointers, with one function per opcode - or the table could contain a pointer to one function for fetching the operands, one for performing the actual operation, plus information about the number of cycles that the instruction requires. This way you can share a lot of code. An example:
const Instruction INSTRUCTIONS[] =
// 0x4C: JMP abs
{&jmp, &abs_operand, 3},
I'm also having trouble with figuring how to count cycles. How do I create a clock within a programming language so that everything is in sync?
Counting CPU cycles is just a matter of incrementing a counter, like I showed in my code examples above.
To sync video with the CPU, the easiest way would be to run the CPU for the amount of cycles corresponding to the active display period of a single scanline, then draw one scanline, then run the CPU for the amount of cycles correspond to the horizontal blanking period, and start over again.
When you start involving audio, how you sync things can depend a bit on the audio API you're using. For example, some APIs might send you a callback to which you respond by filling a buffer with samples and returning the number of samples generated. In this case you could calculate the number of CPU cycles that have been emulated since the previous callback and determine how many samples to generate based on that.
On an unrelated side note, since the NES is little-endian, do I need to read programCounter + 1 and then read programCounter to get the correct opcode?
Since the opcode is a single byte and instructions on the 6502 aren't packed into a word like on some other CPU architectures, endianness doesn't really matter. It does become relevant for 16-bit operands, but on the other hand PCs and most mobile phones are also based on little-endian CPUs.
I wrote an emulator for 6502 some 25+ years back.
It's a pretty simple processor, so either a table of function pointers or a switch, with 256 entries for the bytes [the switch can be a bit shorter, since there aren't valid opcodes in all 256 entries, only about 200 of the opcodes are actually used].
Now, if you want to write a simulator that exactly simulates the timing of the instructions, then you'll have more fun. You basically will have to simulate much more of how each component works, and "ripple" through the units with a clock. This is quite a lot of work, so I would probably, if at all possible, ignore the timing, and just let the system's speed depend on the emulators speed.

Profiling a simple, one cycle length operation

We have an assignment where we need to profile a 'simple instruction' (addition or bit-wise and for example). This means performing the same operation a large number of times (100K+) and measuring the average time in microseconds. The result should be presented in cycle-lengths: (totalTime/iterations)*cphMHz.
So, results may vary but all in all we were told that we should get a result close to 1 cycle-length. Actual result doesn't matter as long as programming is correct.
My question is: what is a good operation to profile?
There are two points I need to concider:
I use loop unrolling to be a bit more accurate, so in each iteration I perform 10 simple instruction. This means I have to choose an operation to wouldn't be performed only once due to compiler optimization (we can't use -o0 flag as school staff does not).
Bad example: var = i; - the compiler would only perform the last command.
What is a real 'simple instruction'? How do I know the number of operations that are actually performed? I tried reading the assembly output, but I couldn't understand it.
Hope I was clear enough, any idea would be great.
Thanks anyway
P.S don't know if it matters but I write in CPP
1) This sounds (to me) like an impossible task, if optimizations are (or might be) enabled. You can never be sure on what the compiler will do during optimizations. I'd definitely do something like reusing the previous result. If allowed to/possible, I'd try to include a raw assembler snippet to be profiled (so you can be sure there's no additional overhead; although it still could be optimized).
2) As for instructions: One assembler command is one instruction. E.g. a += i will - depending on available instruction set and stuff - most likely result in 4 instructions: read a, read i, add, write a. Reading assembly is pretty much straightforward. Depending on the instruction set/processor, there might be different "directions" for reading (i.e. "from -> to"). x86 assemblers (and those for most other common processors) will prefer instruction target, source, while DSPs prefer to use instruction source, target. Just important to know: moving data has to happen through registers. So even a single assignment like a = b will result in two instructions (b to register and register to a).
In general, if this answer goes into the wrong direction, try to elaborate a bit more on your specific task and its requirements (e.g. which compiler is to be used) and drop me a short comment.

Questions Regarding the Implementation of a Simple CPU Emulator

Background Information: Ultimately, I would like to write an emulator of a real machine such as the original Nintendo or Gameboy. However, I decided that I need to start somewhere much, much simpler. My computer science advisor/professor offered me the specifications for a very simple imaginary processor that he created to emulate first. There is one register (the accumulator) and 16 opcodes. Each instruction consists of 16 bits, the first 4 of which contain the opcode, the rest of which is the operand. The instructions are given as strings in binary format, e.g., "0101 0101 0000 1111".
My Question: In C++, what is the best way to parse the instructions for processing? Please keep my ultimate goal in mind. Here are some points I've considered:
I can't just process and execute the instructions as I read them because the code is self-modifying: an instruction can change a later instruction. The only way I can see to get around this would be to store all changes and for each instruction to check whether a change needs to be applied. This could lead to a massive amounts of comparisons with the execution of each instruction, which isn't good. And so, I think I have to recompile the instructions in another format.
Although I could parse the opcode as a string and process it, there are instances where the instruction as a whole has to be taken as a number. The increment opcode, for example, could modify even the opcode section of an instruction.
If I were to convert the instructions to integers, I'm not sure then how I could parse just the opcode or operand section of the int. Even if I were to recompile each instruction into three parts, the whole instruction as an int, the opcode as an int, and the operand as an int, that still wouldn't solve the problem, as I might have to increment an entire instruction and later parse the affected opcode or operand. Moreover, would I have to write a function to perform this conversion, or is there some library for C++ that has a function convert a string in "binary format" to an integer (like Integer.parseInt(str1, 2) in Java)?
Also, I would like to be able to perform operations such as shifting bits. I'm not sure how that can be achieved, but that might affect how I implement this recompilation.
Thank you for any help or advice you can offer!
Parse the original code into an array of integers. This array is your computer's memory.
Use bitwise operations to extract the various fields. For instance, this:
unsigned int x = 0xfeed;
unsigned int opcode = (x >> 12) & 0xf;
will extract the topmost four bits (0xf, here) from a 16-bit value stored in an unsigned int. You can then use e.g. switch() to inspect the opcode and take the proper action:
enum { ADD = 0 };
unsigned int execute(int *memory, unsigned int pc)
const unsigned int opcode = (memory[pc++] >> 12) & 0xf;
case OP_ADD:
/* Do whatever the ADD instruction's definition mandates. */
return pc;
fprintf(stderr, "** Non-implemented opcode %x found in location %x\n", opcode, pc - 1);
return pc;
Modifying memory is just a case of writing into your array of integers, perhaps also using some bitwise math if needed.
I think the best approach is to read the instructions, convert them to unsigned integers, and store them into memory, then execute them from memory.
Once you've parsed the instructions and stored them to memory, self-modification is much easier than storing a list of changes for each instruction. You can just change the memory at that location (assuming you don't ever need to know what the old instruction was).
Since you're converting the instructions to integers, this problem is moot.
To parse the opcode and operand sections, you'll need to use bit shifting and masking. For example, to get the op code, you mask off the upper 4 bits and shift down by 12 bits (instruction >> 12). You can use a mask to get the operand too.
You mean your machine has instructions that shift bits? That shouldn't affect how you store the operands. When you get to executing one of those instructions, you can just use the C++ bit-shifting operators << and >>.
Just in case it helps, here's the last CPU emulator I wrote in C++. Actually, it's the only emulator I've written in C++.
The spec's language is slightly idiosyncratic but it's a perfectly respectable, simple VM description, possibly quite similar to your prof's VM:
Here's my (somewhat over-engineered) code, which should give you some ideas. For instance it shows how to implement mathematical operators, in the Giant Switch Statement in um.cpp:
You can maybe find other implementations for comparison with a web search, since plenty of people entered the contest (I wasn't one of them: I did it much later). Although not many in C++ I'd guess.
If I were you, I'd only store the instructions as strings to start with, if that's the way that your virtual machine specification defines operations on them. Then convert them to integers as needed, every time you want to execute them. It'll be slow, but so what? Yours isn't a real VM that you're going to be using to run time-critical programs, and a dog-slow interpreter still illustrates the important points you need to know at this stage.
It's possible though that the VM actually defines everything in terms of integers, and the strings are just there to describe the program when it's loaded into the machine. In that case, convert the program to integers at the start. If the VM stores programs and data together, with the same operations acting on both, then this is the way to go.
The way to choose between them is to look at the opcode which is used to modify the program. Is the new instruction supplied to it as an integer, or as a string? Whichever it is, the simplest thing to start with is probably to store the program in that format. You can always change later once it's working.
In the case of the UM described above, the machine is defined in terms of "platters" with space for 32 bits. Clearly these can be represented in C++ as 32-bit integers, so that's what my implementation does.
I created an emulator for a custom cryptographic processor. I exploited the polymorphism of C++ by creating a tree of base classes:
struct Instruction // Contains common methods & data to all instructions.
virtual void execute(void) = 0;
virtual size_t get_instruction_size(void) const = 0;
virtual unsigned int get_opcode(void) const = 0;
virtual const std::string& get_instruction_name(void) = 0;
class Math_Instruction
: public Instruction
// Operations common to all math instructions;
class Branch_Instruction
: public Instruction
// Operations common to all branch instructions;
class Add_Instruction
: public Math_Instruction
I also had a couple of factories. At least two would be useful:
Factory to create instruction from
Factory to create instruction from
The instruction classes should have methods to load their data from an input source (e.g. std::istream) or text (std::string). The corollary methods of output should also be supported (such as instruction name and opcode).
I had the application create objects, from an input file, and place them into a vector of Instruction. The executor method would run the 'execute()` method of each instruction in the array. This action trickled down to the instruction leaf object which performed the detailed execution.
There are other global objects that may need emulation as well. In my case some included the data bus, registers, ALU and memory locations.
Please spend more time designing and thinking about the project before you code it. I found it quite a challenge, especially implementing a single-step capable debugger and GUI.
Good Luck!

C++ : why bool is 8 bits long?

In C++, I'm wondering why the bool type is 8 bits long (on my system), where only one bit is enough to hold the boolean value ?
I used to believe it was for performance reasons, but then on a 32 bits or 64 bits machine, where registers are 32 or 64 bits wide, what's the performance advantage ?
Or is it just one of these 'historical' reasons ?
Because every C++ data type must be addressable.
How would you create a pointer to a single bit? You can't. But you can create a pointer to a byte. So a boolean in C++ is typically byte-sized. (It may be larger as well. That's up to the implementation. The main thing is that it must be addressable, so no C++ datatype can be smaller than a byte)
Memory is byte addressable. You cannot address a single bit, without shifting or masking the byte read from memory. I would imagine this is a very large reason.
A boolean type normally follows the smallest unit of addressable memory of the target machine (i.e. usually the 8bits byte).
Access to memory is always in "chunks" (multiple of words, this is for efficiency at the hardware level, bus transactions): a boolean bit cannot be addressed "alone" in most CPU systems. Of course, once the data is contained in a register, there are often specialized instructions to manipulate bits independently.
For this reason, it is quite common to use techniques of "bit packing" in order to increase efficiency in using "boolean" base data types. A technique such as enum (in C) with power of 2 coding is a good example. The same sort of trick is found in most languages.
Updated: Thanks to a excellent discussion, it was brought to my attention that sizeof(char)==1 by definition in C++. Hence, addressing of a "boolean" data type is pretty tied to the smallest unit of addressable memory (reinforces my point).
The answers about 8-bits being the smallest amount of memory that is addressable are correct. However, some languages can use 1-bit for booleans, in a way. I seem to remember Pascal implementing sets as bit strings. That is, for the following set:
{1, 2, 5, 7}
You might have this in memory:
You can, of course, do something similar in C / C++ if you want. (If you're keeping track of a bunch of booleans, it could make sense, but it really depends on the situation.)
I know this is old but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.
If you limit your boolean or data type to one bit then your application is at risk for memory curruption. How do you handle error stats in memory that is only one bit long?
I went to a job interview and one of the statements the program lead said to me was, "When we send the signal to launch a missle we just send a simple one bit on off bit via wireless. Sending one bit is extremelly fast and we need that signal to be as fast as possible."
Well, it was a test to see if I understood the concepts and bits, bytes, and error handling. How easy would it for a bad guy to send out a one bit msg. Or what happens if during transmittion the bit gets flipped the other way.
Some embedded compilers have an int1 type that is used to bit-pack boolean flags (e.g. CCS series of C compilers for Microchip MPU's). Setting, clearing, and testing these variables uses single-instruction bit-level instructions, but the compiler will not permit any other operations (e.g. taking the address of the variable), for the reasons noted in other answers.
Note, however, that std::vector<bool> is allowed to use bit-packing, i.e. to store the bits in smaller units than an ordinary bool. But it is not required.