Is there an option to toggle between two units of currency? - react-intl

With most currencies there two units of currency, for example, pounds/pence, dollars/cents. Is there a way to toggle between these two units when displaying currency data (preferable using react-intl)?

It's not possible to format numbers as sub-divisions of a currency in the default Intl API (10 cents, 25 paise, etc). Hence, it's also not possible via the react-intl library.


Is there a visual component for write a number directly through PBI in published report?

I would like to allow users to input a integer number to be used in some calculations.
I know that it is possible to use What-if parameters. However, What-if parameters can only be used with value ranges between 0 and 1,000. For the ranges greater than 1,000, the parameter value will be sampled.
For example, I can't write 8,529 because the number will be sampled to 8,521.
Maybe there is some hidden workaround or a custom visual component. I tested with Smart Filter by OKVIZ but it doesn't work in Power BI Service neither in an embedded application.
Thanks a lot!
--- Miguel-Angel
I used the Smart Filter Pro and it works.

Preserve Order for Cross Validation in Weka

I am using the Weka GUI for classifying sensor data.
I have measures of 10 people, the data is sorted. So the first 10% correspond to participant 1, the second 10% to participant 2 etc.
I would like to use 10 fold cross validation to build a model on 9 participants and test it on the remaining participant. In my case I believe I could accomplish this by simply not randomizing the data splits.
How would I best go about doing this?
I don't know how to do this in the Explorer.
In the KnowledgeFlow GUI, there is a CrossValidationFoldMaker used to create cross-validation folds. This has an option to Preserve instances order, which says it preserves the order of instances rather than randomly shuffling.
There's a video describing the KnowledgeFlow interface here:

Excel IF function and in between values, but only if

I have values for postage, pricing and postage service (only if). I have two choices for postage service (express and eco), price depends on a weight, but service depends on a price (fast service for items over £5, eco - under).
Service: if product price(A2)
<5=eco; >5=express
Service price(C2) by weight(B2):
<=1000gr= £2 eco or £3 express
1001-1250gr= £5 eco or £6 express
1251-5000gr=£9 eco or £11 express
Cells A2 and B2 always display a value, need a formula for C2 to display the price of service calculated by weight, but if item over £5 must display express service price if less - eco.
I have tried:
Didn't start adding A2>5, because nothing works anyway! Tried many more, but no luck.
Would appreciate any help because stuck and ran out of options :(
There are a couple of ways to accomplish this. The preferred method is to build a small cross-reference table for your surcharges and use the VLOOKUP function to return the values.
However, this question was about hard-coded values in a conditional statement, so I will address that with a LOOKUP function and arrayed constants.
The standard formula in C2 is,
Fill down as necessary.
In the following image, custom number formats were used on columns A and B ([Color9]\Exp\r\e\s\s - [$£-809]#,##0.00;;[Color10]\Eco - [$£-809]#,##0.00; and 0\g\r_)). Weights >5000 in column B trigger a conditional formatting in column C that displays too heavy.

Sqlite max columns number configuration from QT

I want to store rows that have 65536 columns in a Sqlite database, and I am doing that using C++ and QT.
My question is: Since the default maximum number of columns seems to be 2000 no more, how to configure this parameter from C++ and Qt?
Thank you.
The SQLLite homepage has some explanation on this:
2.Maximum Number Of Columns
The SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN compile-time parameter is used to set an upper
bound (...)
The default setting for SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN is 2000. You can change it
at compile time to values as large as 32767. On the other hand, many
experienced database designers will argue that a well-normalized
database will never need more than 100 columns in a table.
Like that, even if you increased it, you could only achieve half of what you want. Apart from that I can only refer to Styne666's comment on your post.

Most efficient way to process complex histogram data?

I'm currently implementing a histogram that will show a very large scale data using Qt and I have some doubts about which data structure(s) I should be using for my problem. I will be displaying the amount of queries received from users of an application and the way I should display is as follows -in a single application that will show different histograms upon clicking different "show me this data etc." buttons-
1) Display the histogram of total queries per every month -4 months of data here, I
kept four variables and incremented them as I caught queries belonging to those months
in the CSV file-
2) Display the histogram of total queries per every single day in a selected month -I was thinking of using 4 QVectors to represent the months for this one, incrementing every element of the vector (day), as I come by that specific day -e.g. the vector represents the month of August and whenever I come across a data with 2011-08-XY , I will increment the (XY + 1)th element of that vector by 1- my second alternative is to use 4 QLinkedList's for the sake of better complexity but I'm not sure if the ways I've come up with are efficient enough and I'm willing to listen to any other idea.
3) Here's where things get a bit complicated. Display the histogram of total queries per every hour in a selected day and month. The data represented is multiplied in a vast manner and I don't know which data structure -or combination of structures- I should use to implement this one. A list of lists perhaps?
Any ideas on my problems at 2) and 3) would be helpful, Thanks in advance.
Actually, it shouldn't be too unmanageable to always do queries per hour. Assuming that the number of queries per hour is never greater than the maximum int value, that's only 24 ints per day = 32 bits or 64 depending on your machine. Assuming 32 bits, then you could get up to 28 years worth of data per MB.
There's no need to transfer the month/year - your program can work that out. Just assign hour 0 to the earliest point in your data, which you keep as a constant, then work out the date based on hours passed since then.
This avoids having to have a list of lists or anything fancy - just use an array where each address contains the number of hours since hour 0, and the number of queries for that hour.
Why don't you simply use a classical database?
When you start asking these kind of question I think it is a good time to consider a more robust structure.There are multiple data structures implemented inside any DB, optimized either for different access type. You should considerate at least lookup, insertion, deletion, range queries. There is no structure which is better than the others in all costs, so there is always a trade-off.
Qt has some database classes you can use. I never used the Qt SQL library, but I think you should give it a shot. Fortunately, there is a Qt SQL programming guide at the end of the page linked.