Why is my AWS DeepLens unable to connect to WiFi? - amazon-web-services

I am setting up my AWS DeepLens and all the steps have been successful until I try to connect to my home WiFi. How do I fix this issue?

I created a hotspot on my phone to test against a different network and this connection was successful. Then, I switched back to my home WiFi and it connected successfully.
This section of the troubleshooting guide will also fix the problem.

We found that the AWS DeepLens only has one network adapter which it uses both for its own hotspot and connecting to the network. If you are connected to it via any other means (e.g. via a phone) it will throw a hissy and start dropping the connection, repeatedly and seemingly randomly.
When we connected a monitor directly we then found it was stuck on a viewable password prompt, hence why it was not connecting to our network.
Best method by far (and from our experience, only usable option) is to connect directly to the device so you can see what it is doing. To do this you need USB keyboard and mouse, and a mini-HDMI to HDMI cable to hook up a monitor. This will free up the network card to do only one thing.
When connecting please note that the default admin password on ours was "aws_cam". This does not seem to be noted anywhere in the documentation. This will change when you go through the setup process and sync it with your AWS account.

Repeat the process by inserting a pin in the hole at the back of DeepLens. Wait for a few seconds, the wifi indicator (the middle light) would blink and then you can connect with Deeplens wireless network. Then you can open http://deeplens.config where you can configure your home wifi and complete the setup.


GCP IoT connection in bizarre state

I have a Google IoT app that's been running well for quite a while. The devices send telemetry, and occasionally receive commands from the cloud.
One of my devices recently got into a state where it was connected and sending telemetry, which was being received just fine, but trying to send a commands to it resulted in a "that device is not connected" error. The console page for that device showed last error as "[9] mqtt: The connection broke or was closed by the client". I could not send commands either from my software or from the console. But the device was connected and sending telemetry just fine.
My device will recover from disconnections just fine--but if it is perfectly connected and running fine from its point of view, it has no reason to. And I can't tell it to reboot remotely because I can't send commands to it. If the device remains in this state, it essentially becomes an orphan.
My questions, then, are:
(1) How is it possible to get into this state, and is there any way for me to avoid it, or detect it from the firmware side so that I can reboot?
(2) Is there any way to fix this from the cloud side--to force a reconnection when I can't reach the device?
(3) Am I saved by the fact that my device will eventually disconnect and reconnect when the JWT expires? Will this "fix" the connection to be bidirectional?

Winsock client / server tutorial fails with desktop as client, but works with laptop as client

I have successfully built the client and server modules from the Getting Started with Winsock tutorial.
I have a desktop and a laptop both connected to my wireless router – both running Windows 10.
Running the client module on the laptop, I am able to successfully transmit data back-and-forth to the desktop (running the server module) using the desktop's IP address.
Running the client module on the desktop with the laptop's IP address as the command line argument, I get an "Unable to connect to server!" message after a ten second delay.
If I try to run both modules on the desktop in separate console windows using the "localhost" command line argument, the client console displays "Bytes sent: 14" and hangs waiting for a response from the server – however this works if I use either the desktop name or the desktop IP address in place of "localhost".
I am able to run both modules on the laptop using either "localhost", the laptop name, or the laptop IP address as arguments.
I have gone through the same motions with port 27015 forwarded on the router and incoming and outgoing firewall exceptions added to both the desktop and the laptop – there is no difference either way.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I cannot figure out why this works in one direction but not the other.
Thank you for the suggestions Karsten and Andriy. I first tried getting the two computers to ping each other and neither was successful. After researching online, I was able to get them to ping after turning on "echo requests" in the firewall settings, but my original problem persisted. I then tried turning off both firewalls and I was able to get my server and client programs to work both ways. That wasn't a great long-term solution, so I tried selectively disabling the firewalls and realized it was an issue on the laptop's end. I noticed that my "server.exe" program was in the allowed apps list twice – one instance granting private access and one granting public access – but only one instance was active. I deleted both and added "server.exe" again with both public and private access boxes checked, which solved my issue.

AWS IoT Button Won't Connect to AWS IoT

I recently bought an AWS IoT Button generation 2, and I'm trying to set it up.
I followed the steps in this tutorial: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/iot-gs.html
I can connect to the wifi network generated by the button. I went to the .../index.html, attached my certs, etc.
Everything seemed fine, until I tried to use the button. When using the desktop-based instructions, I went to the MQTT Client and subscribed to it, but saw nothing when I clicked the button. When I tried to use the iOS app setup, I set the button action to send me a text message. I never got the text message. In both cases, the below occurred:
When I click the button, it blinks white for about a minute, then 3 short red blinks (meaning there was an error connecting to the wireless network).
I've tried these steps in my secure home network as well as the open network at my local library. Same results.
I've also tried starting over, repeating all steps from the tutorial and creating new certificates, etc. Same results.
Seems I'm not the only one having this problem.
Any help is much appreciated.
My button is now connected, although I have no idea why it wasn't working. I just followed the exact same steps I had been following on the same wifi network and everything, and all of a sudden it connected. Still looking for insight if anyone has some!

AWS IOT Button: Connect To Wifi

I have an AWS IOT button that i'm trying to connect to the open wifi at my office. The problem is, our open "no-auth" wifi has one of those "terms of use" buttons you have to click in a browser before you are connected. Can the AWS IOT button get passed that?
Seems like it only works on wifi that is locked down vie SSA.
Anyone know a workaround?
Unfortunately the button doesn't support captive portal networks.
Normally we advise the network operator to whitelist the button's MAC
address, but I see you've already ruled that out.
One option you have is to use a travel router to bridge the captive
portal network to a non-captive portal network. These travel routers
are typically designed for hotel use, and so handle captive portal
networks well. You'll probably have to first connect to the
non-captive network with a phone or laptop to click agree, but then
all other devices on the network shouldn't see the login page
Note that this may be seen as circumventing the captive portal
network's usage or security policies, so please check with the network
discover the device's mac address
remove the device's power source
configure your laptop's wifi card to override its built-in MAC address and instead assume the IoT device's MAC address
sign on to the wireless network and accept terms with your laptop, spoofing the device's hardware address
return the laptop to normal configuration
power up the IoT device
PROFIT! :) ...at least until the portal's login timeout window expires.

How to disconnect the connection with Connection Manager in WEC7

I'm developing an application that shows available wifi network and allow to connect/disconnection on windows compact 7(x86).
I need to use the Connection Manager APIs because it includes Connection Manager in the OS design.
I can add a connection config with CmAddConnectionConfig and connect with CmAcquireConnection successfully. But I did not find a function which can disconnect the target connection. I've tried the function CmReleaseConnection, but it always returns CMRE_INVALID_CONNECTION.
There is limited information about Connection Manager in Internet and I found somebody met the same problem.
I'm working on it for about three days. It would be appreciated if you can help me to solve it or give me some suggestions.
As CmReleaseConnection cannot work as expected, I will use CmDeleteConnectionConfig for deleting and then create another network profile without doing the connection. I found this solution from MSDN.