How to disconnect the connection with Connection Manager in WEC7 - c++

I'm developing an application that shows available wifi network and allow to connect/disconnection on windows compact 7(x86).
I need to use the Connection Manager APIs because it includes Connection Manager in the OS design.
I can add a connection config with CmAddConnectionConfig and connect with CmAcquireConnection successfully. But I did not find a function which can disconnect the target connection. I've tried the function CmReleaseConnection, but it always returns CMRE_INVALID_CONNECTION.
There is limited information about Connection Manager in Internet and I found somebody met the same problem.
I'm working on it for about three days. It would be appreciated if you can help me to solve it or give me some suggestions.

As CmReleaseConnection cannot work as expected, I will use CmDeleteConnectionConfig for deleting and then create another network profile without doing the connection. I found this solution from MSDN.


How to connect two machines using the Messenger example?

I have been trying to connect two machines: both Virtual Machines, one is Xubuntu and the other is Ubuntu. I'm also very new to OpenDDS, but the best way -or so it seems- to do it is to use the .ini files.
However, when I try to connect, I seem to fail in changing the Discovery Server, since the default is localhost:12345. Can somebody help me with that so I can configure the file properly?
I have tried using the dds_udp_conf.ini and the tcp one, but it doesn't seem to work.
Also, I tried using unicast, but failed.
the ini file:
And I use the syntax:
./publisher -DCPSConfigFile conf.ini
Well, the publisher and subscriber are supposed to connect, but the publisher sends some error messages and in the other VM nothing happens.
I seem to fail because I cant change the configuration in the localhost for discovery.
When I try to run the server with a different parameter than localhost:12345 it always sends error messages too.
It's unclear to me where you're running the InfoRepo if both the publisher and subscriber are told the InfoRepo is running at localhost. Regardless I would recommend using the RTPS discovery and transport instead. It's easy to set up because the participants can find each other through the network's multicast without InfoRepo. This config is the simplest way to use RTPS with OpenDDS:
Just give this to both the programs and they should find each other. If not that would mean there's probably something's wrong with how the networking is set up on your VMs.

Why is my AWS DeepLens unable to connect to WiFi?

I am setting up my AWS DeepLens and all the steps have been successful until I try to connect to my home WiFi. How do I fix this issue?
I created a hotspot on my phone to test against a different network and this connection was successful. Then, I switched back to my home WiFi and it connected successfully.
This section of the troubleshooting guide will also fix the problem.
We found that the AWS DeepLens only has one network adapter which it uses both for its own hotspot and connecting to the network. If you are connected to it via any other means (e.g. via a phone) it will throw a hissy and start dropping the connection, repeatedly and seemingly randomly.
When we connected a monitor directly we then found it was stuck on a viewable password prompt, hence why it was not connecting to our network.
Best method by far (and from our experience, only usable option) is to connect directly to the device so you can see what it is doing. To do this you need USB keyboard and mouse, and a mini-HDMI to HDMI cable to hook up a monitor. This will free up the network card to do only one thing.
When connecting please note that the default admin password on ours was "aws_cam". This does not seem to be noted anywhere in the documentation. This will change when you go through the setup process and sync it with your AWS account.
Repeat the process by inserting a pin in the hole at the back of DeepLens. Wait for a few seconds, the wifi indicator (the middle light) would blink and then you can connect with Deeplens wireless network. Then you can open http://deeplens.config where you can configure your home wifi and complete the setup.

Management of internet connections?

The status says - connected.
In windows 10 I have list of configured internet connections, how I can get that list and connect to or disconnect from one of them programmatically with C++?
I suggest you to take a look at
I hope this will help you also I provide you full project source I learned from it.

Connect to OpenVPN programmatically in native C++

I'd like to start OpenVPN to connect to our OpenVPN server (on Debian) through my aplication in C++. Currently, I'm using key files only (public & private keys), but I need to add username authentication as well. I'm newbie in C++, so I would be grateful if you explain in details and all steps I need to take.
I also need to disconnect the VPN connection before quittig my application, and to avoid communicating when VPN is disconnected (to handle abrupt disconnections). So I also need a mechanism to detect VPN disconnections or to check if the OpenVPN connection is still in place, before sending sensitive data.
Thank you all.
Solved. Used popen function/method mentioned here. And of course with this little change in the first line of the main() method:
FILE * f = popen( "/etc/init.d/openvpn start", "r" );

How to incorporate ports / sockets for direct tunneling with p2p darknet app

I'm building an app which upon login will connect you to certain ip addresses of which will also be running the same app.
The method of which i believe i should be using is direct tunnelling but as i say im a little new to c++, i have general coding skills, and i have sifted through a lot of forums and sites yet im still very unclear on what the best way forward is to achieve the requirement.
The reason for the connection will be to enable a secure chat, file transfer, and update software auto when connected to the program admin.
All those that have the app installed will once authorised, will be connected to admin client, then from that client all available ip's to connect to will become available to slave clients, this will increase the network size avilable to all users.
so the app needs to be able to handle ports but not via a server, instead it would be direct.
The connections also must ideally be encrypted.
Im kind of looking for what the application RetroShare does, but in text app.
(This is using C++ within Dev C++)
so just to recap, What method should i use to achieve the above?
I would take a look at SDL net to start with, its really simple to learn if you have never done any socket programming before.
for a secure connection you will probably want to start with TCP and then once you get the hang of network programming, start looking at other protocols.
Hope this helped! and good luck.