Implementing a 'for loop' within user_data provisioner file - amazon-web-services

I am currently using a template_file to provision user_data into an aws_launch_configuration, like so:
resource "aws_launch_configuration" "launch_config" {
user_data = "${data.template_file.init.rendered}"
data "template_file" "init" {
template = "${file("")}"
vars {
hub_ip_addresses = "${join(",", aws_instance.gridHub.*.private_ip)}"
I am feeding in a variable (i.e. hub_ip_addresses) into the file, and in this file I am making use of the argument like so:
IFS=',' read -r -a array <<< "$hub_ip_addresses"
for element in "${array[#]}"
#do stuff with $element
Basically, I am splitting the string based on a delimiter, and then looping through each ip address in the array.
This bash script works fine when I run it on my local machine -- however, when terraform executes it, it throws a error:
* data.template_file.init: data.template_file.init: failed to render : parse error at 13:25: expected expression but found invalid sequence "#"
I'm supposing the '#' symbol is causing an issue. Is there a reason why this is so? Do I need to escape it with a '\' ?
EDIT: Not sure if related to this issue, but in the preceeding line in the bash script, IFS=',' read -r -a array <<< "$hub_ip_addresses", the <<< seems to be causing everything else that follows to look as if they are inside a comment (i.e. greyed out as if it was within a quotation mark ').)

You need to escape the $ characters in your template by doubling them up or Terraform will attempt to interpolate them as the input variables to the template.
The template docs cover this briefly although the example given is for inline templates rather than for all templates, including those that are loaded with the file() function.
So something like:
IFS=',' read -r -a array <<< "$hub_ip_addresses"
for element in "$${array[#]}"
#do stuff with $$element


Regex in Windows Batch to automate Docker run

I am trying to automate the process of sending my temporary Amazon AWS keys as environment variables to a Docker image using Windows. I have a file, credentials.txt that contains my AWS credentials (the 3 ids are always the same, but the string values change regularly). I am using Windows command prompt.
(includes 2 empty lines at end) credentials.txt:
aws_access_key_id = STR/+ing1
aws_secret_access_key = STR/+ing2
aws_session_token = STR/+ing3
Desired output:
I need to issue the following command in order to run a Docker image (substituting the strings with the actual strings):
docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=STR/+ing1 -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=STR/+ing2 -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=STR/+ing3 my-aws-container
My idea is to try to use regex on credentials.txt to convert it to:
SET aws_access_key_id=STR/+ing1
SET aws_secret_access_key=STR/+ing2
SET aws_session_token=STR/+ing3
And then run:
docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=%aws_access_key_id% -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=%aws_secret_access_key% -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=%aws_session_token% my-aws-container
Does anyone have any advice on how to achieve this?
You can parse your credentials.txt with a for /f loop to set the variables (effectively removing the spaces):
for /f "tokens=1,3" %%a in ('type credentials.txt ^| find "="') do set "%%a=%%b"
and then run the last code line from your question:
docker run -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=%aws_access_key_id% -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=%aws_secret_access_key% -e AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=%aws_session_token% my-aws-container
Note: the values should not contain spaces or commas.
I've had a go in python that seems to work. Someone else may have a better answer.
I create the python file:
import re
import os
myfile = 'C:/fullpath/credentials'
with open(myfile,'r') as f:
mystr =
vals = re.findall('=[\s]*([^\n]+)',mystr)
environment_vars = ''.join([' -e ' + k + '=' + v for k,v in zip(keys,vals)])
cmd = 'docker run'+environment_vars+' my-aws-container'
Then from command prompt I run:
This succeeds in running docker
(note: I tried using exec() in the final line rather than os.system(), but got the error "SyntaxError: invalid syntax")

How to write unix regular expression to select for specific files in a cp for-loop

I've got a directory with a bunch of files. Instead of describing the filenames and extensions, I'll just show you what is in the directory:
P01_1.atag P03_3.tgt P05_6.src P08_3.atag P10_5.tgt
P01_1.src P03_4.atag P05_6.tgt P08_3.src P10_6.atag
P01_1.tgt P03_4.src P06_1.atag P08_3.tgt P10_6.src
P01_2.atag P03_4.tgt P06_1.src P08_4.atag P10_6.tgt
P01_2.src P03_5.atag P06_1.tgt P08_4.src P11_1.atag
P01_2.tgt P03_5.src P06_2.atag P08_4.tgt P11_1.src
P01_3.atag P03_5.tgt P06_2.src P08_5.atag P11_1.tgt
P01_3.src P03_6.atag P06_2.tgt P08_5.src P11_2.atag
P01_3.tgt P03_6.src P06_3.atag P08_5.tgt P11_2.src
P01_4.atag P03_6.tgt P06_3.src P08_6.atag P11_2.tgt
P01_4.src P04_1.atag P06_3.tgt P08_6.src P11_3.atag
P01_4.tgt P04_1.src P06_4.atag P08_6.tgt P11_3.src
P01_5.atag P04_1.tgt P06_4.src P09_1.atag P11_3.tgt
P01_5.src P04_2.atag P06_4.tgt P09_1.src P11_4.atag
P01_5.tgt P04_2.src P06_5.atag P09_1.tgt P11_4.src
P01_6.atag P04_2.tgt P06_5.src P09_2.atag P11_4.tgt
P01_6.src P04_3.atag P06_5.tgt P09_2.src P11_5.atag
P01_6.tgt P04_3.src P06_6.atag P09_2.tgt P11_5.src
P02_1.atag P04_3.tgt P06_6.src P09_3.atag P11_5.tgt
P02_1.src P04_4.atag P06_6.tgt P09_3.src P11_6.atag
P02_1.tgt P04_4.src P07_1.atag P09_3.tgt P11_6.src
P02_2.atag P04_4.tgt P07_1.src P09_4.atag P11_6.tgt
P02_2.src P04_5.atag P07_1.tgt P09_4.src P12_1.atag
P02_2.tgt P04_5.src P07_2.atag P09_4.tgt P12_1.src
P02_3.atag P04_5.tgt P07_2.src P09_5.atag P12_1.tgt
P02_3.src P04_6.atag P07_2.tgt P09_5.src P12_2.atag
P02_3.tgt P04_6.src P07_3.atag P09_5.tgt P12_2.src
P02_4.atag P04_6.tgt P07_3.src P09_6.atag P12_2.tgt
P02_4.src P05_1.atag P07_3.tgt P09_6.src P12_3.atag
P02_4.tgt P05_1.src P07_4.atag P09_6.tgt P12_3.src
P02_5.atag P05_1.tgt P07_4.src P10_1.atag P12_3.tgt
P02_5.src P05_2.atag P07_4.tgt P10_1.src P12_4.atag
P02_5.tgt P05_2.src P07_5.atag P10_1.tgt P12_4.src
P02_6.atag P05_2.tgt P07_5.src P10_2.atag P12_4.tgt
P02_6.src P05_3.atag P07_5.tgt P10_2.src P12_5.atag
P02_6.tgt P05_3.src P07_6.atag P10_2.tgt P12_5.src
P03_1.atag P05_3.tgt P07_6.src P10_3.atag P12_5.tgt
P03_1.src P05_4.atag P07_6.tgt P10_3.src P12_6.atag
P03_1.tgt P05_4.src P08_1.atag P10_3.tgt P12_6.src
P03_2.atag P05_4.tgt P08_1.src P10_4.atag P12_6.tgt
P03_2.src P05_5.atag P08_1.tgt P10_4.src
P03_2.tgt P05_5.src P08_2.atag P10_4.tgt
P03_3.atag P05_5.tgt P08_2.src P10_5.atag
P03_3.src P05_6.atag P08_2.tgt P10_5.src
I have a file that is just outside of this directory that I need to copy to all of the files that end with "_1.src" inside the directory.
I'm working with unix in the Terminal app, so I tried writing this for loop, but it rejected my regular expression:
for .*1.src in ./
> do
> cp ../1.src
> done
I've only written regular expressions in Python before and have minimal experience, but I was under the impression that .* would match any combination of characters. However, I got the following error message:
-bash: `.*1.src': not a valid identifier
I then tried the same for loop with the following regular expression:
But I got the same error message:
-bash: `^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*1.src$': not a valid identifier
I tried the same regular expression with and without quotation marks, but it always gives the same 'not a valid identifier' error message.
Tested on Bash 4.4.12, the following is possible:
$ for i in ./*_1.src; do echo "$i" ; done
This will echo every file ending with _1.src to the screen, thus moving it will be possible as well.
$ mkdir tmp
$ for i in ./*_1.src; do mv "$i" tmp/.; done
I've tested with the following data:
$ touch P{1,2}{0,1,2}_{0..6}.{src,tgt,atag}
$ ls
P10_0.atag P10_5.src P11_3.tgt P12_2.atag P20_0.src P20_5.tgt P21_4.atag P22_2.src
P10_0.src P10_5.tgt P11_4.atag P12_2.src P20_0.tgt P20_6.atag P21_4.src P22_2.tgt
P10_0.tgt P10_6.atag P11_4.src P12_2.tgt P20_1.atag P20_6.src P21_4.tgt P22_3.atag
P10_1.atag P10_6.src P11_4.tgt P12_3.atag P20_1.src P20_6.tgt P21_5.atag P22_3.src
P10_1.src P10_6.tgt P11_5.atag P12_3.src P20_1.tgt P21_0.atag P21_5.src P22_3.tgt
P10_1.tgt P11_0.atag P11_5.src P12_3.tgt P20_2.atag P21_0.src P21_5.tgt P22_4.atag
P10_2.atag P11_0.src P11_5.tgt P12_4.atag P20_2.src P21_0.tgt P21_6.atag P22_4.src
P10_2.src P11_0.tgt P11_6.atag P12_4.src P20_2.tgt P21_1.atag P21_6.src P22_4.tgt
P10_2.tgt P11_1.atag P11_6.src P12_4.tgt P20_3.atag P21_1.src P21_6.tgt P22_5.atag
P10_3.atag P11_1.src P11_6.tgt P12_5.atag P20_3.src P21_1.tgt P22_0.atag P22_5.src
P10_3.src P11_1.tgt P12_0.atag P12_5.src P20_3.tgt P21_2.atag P22_0.src P22_5.tgt
P10_3.tgt P11_2.atag P12_0.src P12_5.tgt P20_4.atag P21_2.src P22_0.tgt P22_6.atag
P10_4.atag P11_2.src P12_0.tgt P12_6.atag P20_4.src P21_2.tgt P22_1.atag P22_6.src
P10_4.src P11_2.tgt P12_1.atag P12_6.src P20_4.tgt P21_3.atag P22_1.src P22_6.tgt
P10_4.tgt P11_3.atag P12_1.src P12_6.tgt P20_5.atag P21_3.src P22_1.tgt P10_5.atag
P11_3.src P12_1.tgt P20_0.atag P20_5.src P21_3.tgt P22_2.atag
Apparently, my previous answer didn't work. But this seems to:
$ for x in `echo ./P[01][012]_1.src`; do echo "$x"; done
So, when you run this echo alone, this pattern gets expanded into many names:
$ echo ./P[01][012]_1.src # note that the 'regex' is not enclosed in quotes
./P01_1.src ./P02_1.src
And then you can iterate over these names in a loop.
BTW, as noted in the comments, you don't even need that echo, so you can plug the pattern right into the loop:
for x in ./P[01][012]_1.src; do echo "$x"; done
Please correct me if your goal is something other than
"overwrite many existing files sharing a common suffix with the contents of a single file"
find /path/to/dest_dir -type f -name "*_1.src" |xargs -n1 cp /path/to/source_file
Note that without the -maxdepth 1 option, find will recurse through your destination directory.
Thanks to everyone; this is what ended up working:
for x in `echo ./P[0-9]*_1.src`
> do
> cp ../1.src "$x"
> done
This loop allowed me to copy the contents of the one file to all of the files in the subdirectory that ended with "_1.src"

if condition to folder branch in Jenkinsfile

I have branch folder "feature-set" under this folder there's multibranch
I need to run the below script in my Jenkinsfile with a condition if this build runs from any branches under the "feature-set" folder like "feature-set/" then run the script
the script is:
sh """
if [ ${env.BRANCH_NAME} = "feature-set*" ]
echo ${env.BRANCH_NAME}
branchName='${env.BRANCH_NAME}' | cut -d'\\/' -f 2
echo \$branchName
npm install
ng build --aot --output-hashing none --sourcemap=false
the current output doesn't get the condition:
[ feature-set/swat5 = feature-set* ]
any help?
I would re-write this to be primarily Jenkins/Groovy syntax and only go to shell when required.
Based on the info you provided I assume your env.BRANCH_NAME always looks like `feature-set/
// Echo first so we can see value if condition fails
// startsWith better than contains() based on current usecase
if ( (env.BRANCH_NAME).startsWith('feature-set') ) {
// Split branch string into list based on delimiter
List<String> parts = (env.BRANCH_NAME).tokenize('/')
* Grab everything minus the first part
* This handles branches that include additional '/' characters
* e.g. 'feature-set/feat/my-feat'
branchName = parts[1..-1].join('/')
sh('npm install && ng build --aot --output-hashing none --sourcemap=false')
This seems to be more on shell side. Since you are planning to use shell if condition the below worked for me.
$ if [[ ${BRANCH_NAME} = feature-set* ]]; then echo "Success"; fi
Remove the quotes and add an additional "[]" at the start and end respectively.
The additional "[]" works as regex

Git Bash regex to match latest tag

My VCS has these tags
I want to git describe --match "<regex>" to get the latest tag of the form number.number.number.number (so it's in this case)
I have tried with git describe --match "[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*$" but it doesn't result in anything, and neither do these pattern:
I need to get the latest tag in other to bump version for the next release. So i'm thinking of doing this automatically. Please let me know if I miss anything
In my build.gradle file I have a function to get tag like this (follow #Marc reply):
version getVersionFromTag()
def getVersionFromTag() {
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine 'git', 'tag', '|' , 'grep', '^\([0-9]\+\.\?\)\+$', '|', 'sort' , '-nr', '|', 'head', '-1'
standardOutput = stdout
return stdout.toString().trim()
Here it gives errors Unexpected Char '\' in the regex above. Hence I removed them to becomes '^([0-9]+.?)+$', then it runs fine but in my final artifact, it does not have the version appended to the name (i.e helloword.jar instead of helloword-
=> My question is how should I put #Marc's suggested command to the gradle function correctly?
For testing I've put the output of your git describe in a file. This will do:
cat file | grep '^\([0-9]\+\.\?\)\+$' | sort -nr | head -1
Suppose you've created some irregular formatted tags and you want to use those as well (like your build--tags) for finding the highest tag:
sed -E 's/^[^0-9.]*//' | grep '^\([0-9]\+\.\?\)\+$' | sort -nr | head -1

Variable formatting check in bash script

I have a real simple script to update a table based on a flat file but am concerend as the list keeps getting longer and longer a non valid formatted variable will get introduced and cause issues.
while read mac loc; do
dbaccess modemdb <<EndOfUpdate 2>/dev/null
UPDATE profile
SET localization= '$loc'
WHERE mac_address = '$mac';
done <"$file1"
The file contents are as such.
What I am having difficulty with is how can I set a format check of the $mac and $loc variables so if they don't match it stops running. the $loc can be any 19 digits so just need to make sure its not null and not longer. The mac address needs to be not null and in the format as in the file. I found reference in another post to this check but not sure how to integrate.
`[[ "$MAC_ADDRESS" =~ "^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$" ]]`
Looking for help on how to create the validations.
Check MAC address with regex:
while IFS="," read mac loc; do
if [[ "$mac" =~ ^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$ ]]; then
dbaccess modemdb <<EndOfUpdate 2>/dev/null
UPDATE profile
SET localization= '$loc'
WHERE mac_address = '$mac';
echo "Error: $mac"
done <"$file1"
Your regex is for bash only a string if you use quotation marks.