Spring Lemon dependency failing in POM - spring-lemon

I follow the spring lemon tutorial for using the spring lemon I included the Spring Lemon dependency but the spring lemon dependency cannot be downloaded, It says "Missing artifact com.naturalprogrammer:spring"
I have included the JitPack repository aswel, I still get that error.
I tried maven update , download source etc
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
[spring-lemon tag]


How to use the AWS SDK from an OSGi bundle in AEM 6.5 maven project

How to integrate AWS software packages, dependencies and integrate with AWS console options from an aem project. Is it possible to integrate with open search from an osgi bundle to use in AEM?
Need to resolve org.software.aws dependencies inside osgi bundle. But aem tries to download from adobe public repo. Any leads?
You can add the AWS SDK to an AEM OSGi bundle. The trick is you have to configure the OSGi bundle to use https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/software.amazon.awssdk. This is where the AWS Java SDK V2 dependencies are located. Once you do that -- you can successfully build the OSGi to include the AWS SDK Java API.

how to work with the service task in bpmn for wso2 bps server?

Can anyone let me know the stepwise method of connecting a maven java class to a service task of bpmn (designed using activiti in eclipse)?
Please help me out. I am stuck now.
You should build the maven project and copy the jar file to /repository/components/lib folder. Restart the BPS server and then deploy the .bar package with service task. Following link [1] describes a sample for this.
[1] - https://docs.wso2.com/display/BPS360/Java+Service+Task

WSO2 ESB 4.6.0 classpath issue: httpclient classes cannot be found

On WSO2ESB 4.6.0, I want to deploy a service that depends on redmine-java-api version 1.23. When I look at maven dependencies of the library, I see it requires httpclient 4.2. Although, I put httpclient jar in $ESB_HOME/repository/components/lib folder, I get the exception:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingClientConnectionManager.
Inside the jar, there is a package named org.apache.http.impl.conn and that package contains the class definition of PoolingClientConnectionManager.
I cannot figure out the problem. What could be the possible solution?
I am not sure about the exact solution. But there is httpclient jar file that is shipped with WSO2ESB by default. I think, it is httpclient 4.1.X jar that does not contain the "PoolingClientConnectionManager" class. In OSGI run time, this jar file may set as the dependency for redmine-java-api (not your httplclient 4.2) However you can get some idea... by starting the WSO2ESB with OSGI console.
sh wso2server.sh -DosgiConsole
Using OSGI console, you check what are the jar files that "org.apache.http.impl.conn" package has been exposed to the OSGI run time of the WSO2ESB. And also it would list down the all the bundles which use the given package. Please use following command.
packages org.apache.http.impl.conn
Have you import the package in MANIFEST.INF file of the bundle ?

can not invoke web service from websphere portal

I am facing a problem related to axis.jar classes.
I have a WAR file that has axis.jar in its lib directory.
this WAR deployed on IBM websphere environment1 and this WAR is working fine.
when I deploy the same WAR in IBM websphere environment2 not working.
I got the following exception when I try to invoke a webservice:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.axis.configuration.EngineConfigurationFactoryDefault
I have no idea why this class not loaded in environment2.
Note that the same WAR woking fine on environment1 and not working on environment2.
Any help please??
You should check your Websphere classloader configuration.
I've faced these errors before, and they happen when you mix your version of axis, with missing dependencies, that are taken from Websphere. Usually, these Websphere dependencies are outdated, and some classes/methods don't exist.
Provide axis.jar and its dependencies on the WEB-INF/lib folder, and configure classloading to PARENT_LAST.
Also be sure that your MANIFEST.MF is referencing axis libraries as well
This should do the work

Ivy/gant include BlazeDS jars that aren`t in a public repo and have no version

Ive been trying to figure out the best way to include the BlazeDS jars in my Gant/Ivy build.
Ive been unable to find a public repo for these jars and Im new to ivy. Obviously with Maven youd just do a local maven install to your local repo. Whats the best way to do something similar with Ivy? Do I have to create a separate Ivy.xml file for each jar and then use Ivy Publish or is their another way?
Also does anyone know a public repo where the BlazeDS Jars are available
Just discovered if you use Spring BlazeDS Inetgration project and include its dependency in ivy it`ll pull in the Flex jars from Spring Bundle repository.