Check in via Sharing Dialog PHP SDK - facebook-graph-api

The publish_actions permission is deprecated. This permission was very good for implementing Check-in via the place parameter. In the place parameter it was possible to put the Page ID and the Check in to be registered in the Page and also in the User Timeline.
Now we only have the option of Sharing Dialog which is very limited. I have not yet found any solution so that users can check in via Dialog Sharing. I want to implement this function in a custom Wi-Fi Hotspot. Does anyone have a solution?
Video example:


How can I get manage_pages in Facebook Graph to make API calls for my page (personal use only)?

I have a FB page that is a member of about 10 groups (all related to the same topic), and sometimes when I post I share the post to these groups.
Since it's so tedious to manually share the post to each group, I thought maybe using the API could be a better way to share my post into these specific groups my page is a member of. But FB seems to require that I enter some business details for a business that doesn't exist.
I don't own a business, this is a page to share educational tips and such. So I created an app (kept it in dev mode) and I'm the only administrator. I don't plan to make my app public, create an interface or have anyone else use it, and I don't intend to use it with any pages other than mine. Plus, I've already provided my personal ID so I am verified as an individual:
But still, if I want to get manage_pages permission I'm required to go through some business verification and show FB how I'll use the API in a video, when I don't have any of this. In the verification page I'm requested to upload an icon, a privacy policy link and confirm commercial use:
Should I just make up some fake business information so I can give them what they want? Is there not a way to use the API for personal use?
I'd be happy with just being able to send a couple cURLs to share my post through a terminal instead of having to do it via the FB GUI.
The only requirement to complete review by business verification is to manage more than 3 pages per user, otherwise you can complete via individual verification. However you say pages and groups so it's not clear if you refer to publishing to a page feed or to a group (which requires additional permissions/features besides only manage_pages). And no, you shouldn't fake official documents just to complete business verification if you don't have a business...

How to customize mobile device detector?

I have a customize request from my client in sitecore mobile module.
I want to be on full view site from my mobile on Career page, i am able to do it but any of the link inside career page with having mobile layout in presentation detail is taking that page again to mobile device.
Can we make any customization that maintain the device in cookies so that it keep user on full view site after coming to career page.
Is there any setting we can do in pipeline or session. I just want to be throughout in full view site after coming on career page and no going back to mobile layout. Kindly suggest.
Yes, you can do exactly that. You'd need to update the rule to detect the various devices (which I'm guessing you already have). You can then create a custom condition to check if cookies have been set for the full site(does not need to be a cookie of course, but that'd be the easiest way).
You can find the existing Conditions and Actions here in the path /sitecore/system/Settings/Rules.
To create custom conditions and actions, please read the following article on
After creating your custom condition, go into your device item again and update the Rule there to only switch to that device when that cookie has not been set.
Come to think about it, it might be possible to have your 'go to full site' link appended with a querystring sc_device={GUID of device}. I'm not sure what would take precedence here, the 51degrees rules or Sitecore's cookies... Worth a try though :-)

Facebook graph API cannot retrieve data such as statuses of a non-friend profile (no mutual friends)

first time on stackoverflow. Was wondering about this problem I am having as mentioned in the title, my application cannot retrieve any data via the API for any profiles that are non-related in anyway (no mutual friends either). Is this a known thing due to privacy settings or permissions?
This is the rules you have to know, for example 100007110730790 is a non-friend id:
Rule 1. If the user turn platform Off:
Facebook API wouldn't work at all:
Rule 2. If the platform is ON and user 100007110730790 does not provide user_status permission for your app, you can get the feed with have tagged with you:
if you are using your apps(not graph API explorer default app, this app wouldn't include activity feed!), you can also get public activity feed(add life event, change language, so on, even though he/she doesn't use the app at all!):
Update 10 jan 2014:
shared_story is included on this rule.
Rule 3. If the platform is ON and user 100007110730790 does provide user_status permission for your app, you can get the status feed even though non-friend!:
And using FQL:
So, for albums/photos is the same, the non friend need to grant user_photos permission to the same APP.
Yes, I guess. In any ways you shouldn't be able to retrieve something that is not normally visible to you. Looking aroudn Stackoverflow there are multiple threads with similar queries, so it seems like a known limitation.

How to create a facebook event on users behalf using javascript sdk

I'm trying to piece together information and different chunks of code scattered throughout the documentation on how to make this happen, since there aren't good examples.
I know I have to first get the create_event extended permission which I get with this code:
FB.login(function(response) {
// handle the response
}, {scope: 'create_event'})
I know that I also have to issue a HTTP POST request to 'PROFILE_ID/events' with the create_event permissions and the necessary parameters.
My problems are: 1. I don't know how to collect the create_event permission once it is given. If I run the code above, a dialog box will open asking for the permission but once I accept, only a blank page follows.
2. If everything works the way it supposed to with the permissions request and the post request, will my app see a create event page like I would if I were to create an event on my own from my profile? What interface gets seen from the app? Can I take a user from my app directly to the facebook create event page?
I don't know how to collect the create_event permission once it is given. If I run the code above, a dialog box will open asking for the permission but once I accept, only a blank page follows.
That’s how it works. Everything you want to show to the user after successful login, you have to implement yourself.
If everything works the way it supposed to with the permissions request and the post request, will my app see a create event page like I would if I were to create an event on my own from my profile? What interface gets seen from the app?
No “interface” at all – it’s up to you to build that.
Can I take a user from my app directly to the facebook create event page?
The user can go their by themselves. Why would the need your app for that?

Like button on online advertisements

Whenever I go to create the code for the like box/button to place on our website/advertisements I get an error message. Is this a fb issue or operator error issue?
I was able to generate a like button just fine and it functioned perfectly. Make sure you're using their social plugin service at:
Also if your website doesn't have XFBML enabled make sure you un-check the Send Button option.
A Like plugin should be able to be used with any valid URL.
It may be misconfigured if it's not working for you.
However, regardless of any technical issues you're having, this is expressly against Facebook policy (see )
IV.4.a Your advertisements must not include or be paired with any Platform
integrations, including social plugins such as the Like button,
without our written permission.
IV.4.e Ad networks, ad exchanges, and data brokers must not use Facebook’s Platform,
logos, and trademarks (including, but not limited to, Platform APIs, social
plugins, the Share button, and the F logo).