Compute shader does not write to buffer? - c++

I am trying to do culling on a compute shader.
My problem is that my atomic counter does not seem to get written to by the shader, or it does but then gets nullified?
Renderdoc says it has no data but there are values in InstancesOut
(see picture at bottom)
This is my compute shader:
#version 450
#extension GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects : enable
#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable
struct Indirect
uint indexCount;
uint instanceCount;
uint firstIndex;
uint vertexOffset;
uint firstInstance;
struct Instance
vec4 position;
layout (binding = 0, std430) buffer IndirectDraws
Indirect indirects[];
layout (binding = 1) uniform UBO
vec4 frustum[6];
} ubo;
layout (binding = 2, std140) readonly buffer Instances
Instance instances[];
layout (binding = 3, std140) writeonly buffer InstancesOut
Instance instancesOut[];
layout (binding = 4) buffer Counter
uint counter;
bool checkFrustrum(vec4 position, float radius)
for(uint i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if(dot(position, ubo.frustum[i]) + radius < 0.0)
return false;
return true;
layout (local_size_x = 1) in;
void main()
uint i = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.x;
uint instanceCount = 0;
if(i == 0)
atomicExchange(counter, 0);
for(uint x = 0; x < indirects[i].instanceCount; x++)
vec4 position = instances[indirects[i].firstInstance + x].position;
//if(checkFrustrum(position, 1.0))
instancesOut[atomicAdd(counter, 1)].position = position;
//indirects[i].instanceCount = instanceCount;
indirects[i].instanceCount = i; // testing
Picture of buffers in RenderDoc
Thanks for your help!

There's so much that it seems you're misunderstanding about how synchronization and workgroups work.
Within a compute shader, atomics will allow you to synchronize across workgroups. However, there's no guarantee for the order that workgroups execute, so atomicExchange(counter, 0); is not gauranteed to happen before the other workgroups execute. Error #1?
A workgroup size of 1 is a tremendous waste of resources, particularly if you're going through the expense of synchronizing across workgroups. Synchronization within a workgroup will always be fastest, and it allows you to actually use your gpu resources (most GPUs are organized into modules containing SIMD processors that can only handle execution on one workGroup at a time. If you're only using size 1 workgroups, 31/32 or 63/64 of those processors sit idle. {caveat, most of those same processors can hold multiple workgroups in memory simultaneously, but execution only happens on one at any given moment}). Further, within a workgroup you can synchronize execution with barriers, ensuring order of operations. Error #2?
atomicCounterIncrement is probably a better instruction if you're only ever adding one.
In your particular application, why is the answer for instancesOut wrong? it actually seems right to me, every input ended up in the output, without a guaranteed order (because you're not guaranteed that workgroups execute in a particular order, i.e. that's how parallel execution works). If you wanted them in order, calculate it from the invocation IDs?
As for why renderDoc doesn't show you a value in counter, i don't know, it should have a value if it's mapped correctly.


Unexpeced value upon accessing an SSBO float

I am trying to calculate a morph offset for a gpu driven animation.
To that effect I have the following function (and SSBOS):
layout(std140, binding = 7) buffer morph_buffer
vec4 morph_targets[];
layout(std140, binding = 8) buffer morph_weight_buffer
float morph_weights[];
vec3 GetMorphOffset()
vec3 offset = vec3(0);
for(int target_index=0; target_index < target_count; target_index++)
float w1 = morph_weights[1];
offset += w1 * morph_targets[target_index * vertex_count + gl_VertexIndex].xyz;
return offset;
I am seeing strange behaviour so I opened renderdoc to trace the state:
As you can see, index 1 of the morph_weights SSBO is 0. However if I step over in the built in debugger for renderdoc I obtain:
Or in short, the variable I get back is 1, not 0.
So I did a little experiment and changed one of the values and now the SSBO looks like this:
And now I get this:
So my SSBO of type float is being treated like an ssbo of vec4's it seems. I am aware of alignment issues with vec3's, but IIRC floats are fair game. What is happenning?
Upon doing a little bit of asking around.
The issue is the SSBO is marked as std140, the correct std for a float array is std430.
For the vulkan GLSL dialect, an alternative is to use the scalar qualifier.

GLSL Compute Shader Setting buffer with lookup table results in no data written, setting the same buffer with other data works

I am attempting to implement a slightly modified version of this standard marching cubes algorithm in a compute shader.
I have reached the stage at which triTable is used to insert the correct vertex indices into a buffer and have modified the table to be 1 dimensional (const int triTable[4096]={-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,8,3...})
The following code shows the error that I am experiencing (this does not implement the algorithm however it demonstrates the current issue fully):
layout(binding=1) buffer Grid
float GridData[]; //contains 512*512*512 data volume previously generated, unused in this test case
uniform uint marchableCount;
uniform uint pointCount;
layout(std430, binding = 4) buffer X {uvec4 marchableList[];}; //format is x,y,z,cubeIndex
layout(std430, binding = 5) buffer v {vec4 vertices[];};
layout(std430,binding = 6) buffer n {vec4 normals[];};
layout(binding = 7) uniform atomic_uint triCount;
void main()
uvec3 gid = marchableList[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].xyz; //xyz of grid cell
int E = int(edgeTable[marchableList[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].w]);
if (E != 0)
uint cubeIndex = marchableList[gl_GlobalInvocationID.x].w;
uint index = atomicCounterIncrement(triCount);
int tCount = 0;//unused in this test, used for iteration in actual algorithm
int tGet = tCount+16*int(cubeIndex); //correction from converting 2d array to 1d array
vertices[index] = vec4(tGet);
This code produces expected values: the vertices buffer is filled with data and the atomic counter increments
changing this line:
vertices[index] = vec4(tGet);
vertices[index] = vec4(triTable[tGet]);
vertices[index] = vec4(triTable[tGet]+1);
(demonstrating that triTable is not coincidentally returning zeros)
results in what appears to be a complete failure of the shader: the buffer is filled with zeros and the atomic counter does not increment. No error messages are output when the shader is compiled. tGet is less than 4096.
The following test cases also produce the correct output:
vertices[index] = vec4(triTable[3]); //-1
vertices[index] = vec4(triTable[4095]); //also -1
showing that triTable is in fact implemented correctly
What causes the shader to have issues in these very specific cases?
I'm more surprised that const int triTable[4096] = {...}; compiles at all. That array, if it is actually needed, is 16KB in size. That's a lot for a shader, even if the array lives in shared memory.
What is most likely happening is that, whenever the compiler detects usage of this array that it can't optimize it out to a simple value (triTable[3] will always be 1, so the compiler doesn't need to store the whole table), the compilation either fails or results in a non-functional shader.
It would be best to make this table a uniform buffer. An SSBO might work too, but some hardware implements uniform blocks through specialized memory rather than with a global memory fetch.

OpenGL 4.5 - Shader storage buffer objects layout

I'm trying my hand at shader storage buffer objects (aka Buffer Blocks) and there are a couple of things I don't fully grasp. What I'm trying to do is to store the (simplified) data of an indeterminate number of lights n in them, so my shader can iterate through them and perform calculations.
Let me start by saying that I get the correct results, and no errors from OpenGL. However, it bothers me not to know why it is working.
So, in my shader, I got the following:
struct PointLight {
vec3 pos;
float intensity;
layout (std430, binding = 0) buffer PointLights {
PointLight pointLights[];
void main() {
PointLight light;
for (int i = 0; i < pointLights.length(); i++) {
light = pointLights[i];
// etc
and in my application:
struct PointLightData {
glm::vec3 pos;
float intensity;
class PointLight {
// ...
PointLightData data;
// ...
std::vector<PointLight*> pointLights;
glGenBuffers(1, &BBO);
glNamedBufferStorage(BBO, n * sizeof(PointLightData), NULL, GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pointLights.size(); i++) {
glNamedBufferSubData(BBO, i * sizeof(PointLightData), sizeof(PointLightData), &(pointLights[i]->data));
In this last loop I'm storing a PointLightData struct with an offset equal to its size times the number of them I've already stored (so offset 0 for the first one).
So, as I said, everything seems correct. Binding points are correctly set to the zeroeth, I have enough memory allocated for my objects, etc. The graphical results are OK.
Now to my questions. I am using std430 as the layout - in fact, if I change it to std140 as I originally did it breaks. Why is that? My hypothesis is that the layout generated by std430 for the shader's PointLights buffer block happily matches that generated by the compiler for my application's PointLightData struct (as you can see in that loop I'm blindingly storing one after the other). Do you think that's the case?
Now, assuming I'm correct in that assumption, the obvious solution would be to do the mapping for the sizes and offsets myself, querying opengl with glGetUniformIndices and glGetActiveUniformsiv (the latter called with GL_UNIFORM_SIZE and GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET), but I got the sneaking suspicion that these two guys only work with Uniform Blocks and not Buffer Blocks like I'm trying to do. At least, when I do the following OpenGL throws a tantrum, gives me back a 1281 error and returns a very weird number as the indices (something like 3432898282 or whatever):
const char * names[2] = {
"pos", "intensity"
GLuint indices[2];
GLint size[2];
GLint offset[2];
glGetUniformIndices(shaderProgram->id, 2, names, indices);
glGetActiveUniformsiv(shaderProgram->id, 2, indices, GL_UNIFORM_SIZE, size);
glGetActiveUniformsiv(shaderProgram->id, 2, indices, GL_UNIFORM_OFFSET, offset);
Am I correct in saying that glGetUniformIndices and glGetActiveUniformsiv do not apply to buffer blocks?
If they do not, or the fact that it's working is like I imagine just a coincidence, how could I do the mapping manually? I checked appendix H of the programming guide and the wording for array of structures is somewhat confusing. If I can't query OpenGL for sizes/offsets for what I'm tryind to do, I guess I could compute them manually (cumbersome as it is) but I'd appreciate some help in there, too.

Access GLSL Uniforms after shaders have used them

I've noticed that my shaders are performing a calculation that I need in the CPU code. Is it possible for me to load that results of that calculation into a uniform array, and then access that uniform from the CPU once the GPU has finished working?
You can write arbitrary amounts of data through either Image Load/Store or SSBOs. While the number of image variables is restricted in image load/store, those variables can refer to buffer textures or array textures. Either of which give you access to a more-or-less arbitrarily large amount of data to write to:
layout(rgba32f, writeOnly) imageBuffer buffer;
imageStore(buffer, valueOffset1, value1);
imageStore(buffer, valueOffset2, value2);
imageStore(buffer, valueOffset3, value3);
imageStore(buffer, valueOffset4, value4);
SSBOs make this even easier:
layout(std430) buffer Data
float giantArray[];
giantArray[valueOffset1] = data1;
giantArray[valueOffset2] = data2;
giantArray[valueOffset3] = data3;
giantArray[valueOffset4] = data4;
However, note that any such writes will be unordered with regard to writes from other shader invocations. So overwriting such data will be... problematic. And you'll need an appropriate glMemoryBarrier call before you try to read from it.
But if all you're doing is a compute operation, you ought to be using dedicated compute shaders.
As far as i know, there is no way of retreiving uniform data from your GPU. But you could execute the calculation and set the output color to something you can identify on your screen depending on the expected result of your calculation. For exmaple:
#version 330 core
layout(location = 0) out vec4 color;
void main() {
if( Something you're trying to debug )
color = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);
color = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
That's the only way I know of, and I use it all the time.

How to extend vertex shader capabalities for GPGPU

I'm trying to implement Scrypt hasher (for LTC miner) on GLSL (don't ask me why).
And, actually, I'm stucked with HMAC SHA-256 algorithm. Despite I've implemented SHA-256 correctly (it retuns corrent hash for input), fragment shader stops to compile when I add the last step (hashing previous hash concated with oKey).
The shader can't do more than three rounds of SHA-256. It just stops to compile. What are the limits? It doesn't use much memory, 174 vec2 objects in total. It seems, it doesn't relate to memory, because any extra SHA256 round doesn't require new memory. And it seems, it doesn't relate to viewport size. It stops to work on both 1x1 and 1x128 viewports.
I've started to do miner on WebGL, but after limit appeared, I've tried to run the same shader in the Qt on the full featured OpenGL. In result, desktop OpenGL allows one SHA256 round lesser then OpenGL ES in WebGL (why?).
Forgot to mention. Shader fails on the linkage stage. The shader compiles well itself, but the program linkage fails.
I don't use any textures, any extensions, slow things etc. Just simple square (4 vec2 vertecies) and several uniforms for fragment shader.
Input data is just 80 bytes, the result of fragment shader is binary (black or white), so the task ideally fits the GLSL principes.
My videocard is Radeon HD7970 with plenty of VRAM, which is able to fit hundreds of scrypt threads (scrypt uses 128kB per hash, but I can't achieve just HMAC-SHA-256). My card supports OpenGL 4.4.
I'm newbie in OpenGL, and may understand something wrong. I understand that fragment shader runs for each pixel separately, but if I have 1x128 viewport, there are only 128x348 bytes used. Where is the limit of fragment shader.
Here is the common code I use to let you understand, how I'm trying to solve the problem.
uniform vec2 base_nonce[2];
uniform vec2 header[20]; /* Header of the block */
uniform vec2 H[8];
uniform vec2 K[64];
void sha256_round(inout vec2 w[64], inout vec2 t[8], inout vec2 hash[8]) {
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if( i > 15 ) {
w[i] = blend(w[i-16], w[i-15], w[i-7], w[i-2]);
_s0 = e0(t[0]);
_maj = maj(t[0],t[1],t[2]);
_t2 = safe_add(_s0, _maj);
_s1 = e1(t[4]);
_ch = ch(t[4], t[5], t[6]);
_t1 = safe_add(safe_add(safe_add(safe_add(t[7], _s1), _ch), K[i]), w[i]);
t[7] = t[6]; t[6] = t[5]; t[5] = t[4];
t[4] = safe_add(t[3], _t1);
t[3] = t[2]; t[2] = t[1]; t[1] = t[0];
t[0] = safe_add(_t1, _t2);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
hash[i] = safe_add(t[i], hash[i]);
t[i] = hash[i];
void main () {
vec2 key_hash[8]; /* Our SHA-256 hash */
vec2 i_key[16];
vec2 i_key_hash[8];
vec2 o_key[16];
vec2 nonced_header[20]; /* Header with nonce */
vec2 P[32]; /* Padded SHA-256 message */
pad_the_header(P, nonced_header);
/* Hash HMAC secret key */
sha256(P, key_hash);
/* Make iKey and oKey */
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if (i < 8) {
i_key[i] = xor(key_hash[i], vec2(Ox3636, Ox3636));
o_key[i] = xor(key_hash[i], vec2(Ox5c5c, Ox5c5c));
} else {
i_key[i] = vec2(Ox3636, Ox3636);
o_key[i] = vec2(Ox5c5c, Ox5c5c);
/* SHA256 hash of iKey */
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
i_key_hash[i] = H[i];
t[i] = i_key_hash[i];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { w[i] = i_key[i]; }
sha256_round(w, t, i_key_hash);
gl_FragColor = toRGBA(i_key_hash[0]);
What solutions can I use to improve the situation? Is there something cool in OpenGL 4.4, in OpenGL ES 3.1? Is it even possible to do such calculations and keep so much (128kB) in fragment shader? What are limits for the vertex shader? Can I do the same on the vertex shader instead the fragment?
I try to answer on the my own question.
Shader is a small processor with limited registers and cache memory. Also, there are limit for instruction execution. So, the whole architecture to fit all into one fragment shader is wrong.
On another way, you can change your shader programs during render tens or hundreds times. It is normal practice.
It is necessary to divide big computation into smaller parts and render them separately. Use render-to-texture to save your work.
Due to the webgl statistic, 96.5% of clients has MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE eq 4096. It gives you 32 megabytes of memory. It can contain the draft data for 256 threads of scrypt computation.