Angular 6 visual studio loading shows up only - visual-studio-2017

I have created a angular 6 with Visual studio 2017 community edition following this Url.
I have done exactly same steps and When I run it I get a laoding.... only.
TS creates .js files but I am not getting angular variables displayed on page.

#Metehanson, please check where that main.js file resides, I see in the tutorial they say to load the main.js file like this:
System.import('dist/main.js').catch(function (err) {
But then you're attempting to get it under "../../Scripts/App/main", make sure that location exists.
The main.js under the dist directory will be generated after running npm build, so make sure you run this command before npm run


Sentry Expo: release will not upload

In short: why is not uploaded to Sentry server following expo's guide
I made a GitHub issue as I tested this with a clean repository. And there I specified the issue better and with more detail. The main problem could be the script I'm using. I will link the issue here:
I'm using the latest sentry-expo which correctly sends errors to sentry server.
I have followed the documentation from
On new builds and .map is uploaded to sentry.
But when I make an update running eas update and following the sentry-cli releases... script as documented in expo guide, the android-'hash'.map file is uploaded and is not.
Therefore dist is different between .js and .map file and Sentry issues don't contain source map information:
Source code was not found (see Troubleshooting for JavaScript)
Url app:///
But if I change to in Sentry-cli --rewrite command the bundle is uploaded but issues still show the same information probably due to that android Archive is ~/ but the issue is expecting ~/
package versions:
"#sentry/react-native": "4.9.0",
"expo": "~47.0.8",
"sentry-expo": "~6.0.0",
I add here that I'm on Windows and couldn't get sentry-cli release to work as it is documented in expo-sentry tutorial. I used this script
cross-env ./node_modules/#sentry/cli/bin/sentry-cli releases --org 'organization name' --project 'project name' files 'release name' upload-sourcemaps --dist 'Android Update ID' --rewrite dist/bundles/ dist/bundles/android-'hash'.map
Thank you for all the help!
Android*.js file simply needed to be changed to not to Now source maps are showing correctly.
Expo documentation showed everything correctly but my own understanding added the need of .js in file naming. Bundle file without any extension works correctly

Build on Vercel with Prisma is not working recently (how to include schema.prisma file?)

I developed SvelteKit app with Prisma and am trying to deploy it on Vercel.
In package.json, configuration below should be set so that schema.prisma file located in root path is available when app is deployed.
"postbuild": "cp prisma/schema.prisma .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/ && cp node_modules/#prisma/engines/*query* .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/",
Problem is an error occurred during the build on Vercel, but that wasn't occurred before (~ May 2022).
I guess cause of the error is related to recent update of SvelteKit and found that directory of .vercel_build_output that is generated during the build is changed to the new .vercel recently. However, the new path structure for index.js (i.e. .vercel/output/functions/render.func/home/s/test/discord-bot-frontend/.svelte-kit/output/server/index.js) is so different from the previous (i.e. .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/) that I cannot find right path for it.
Would you please let me know right setting for package.json?
Error message:
> discord-bot-frontend#0.0.1 postbuild
> cp prisma/schema.prisma .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/ && cp node_modules/#prisma/engines/*query* .vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/
cp: cannot create regular file ‘.vercel_build_output/functions/node/render/’: No such file or directory
Error: Command "npm run vercel-build" exited with 1
I found that there is no need to modify .vercel_build_output now. In other words, the post build is not needed anymore.
It is probably because latest Vercel handles this point.

AWSDeploy to re-deploy ASP.NET WebAPI ELB application isn't working

I am using the Visual Studio AWS add-on/plugin to deploy my application, but want to move to a CI/CD server and scripted deployment.
I've installed the AWS SDK for Windows and thus want to use the awsdeploy.exe command line to accomplish this.
I've used msbuild and a publish profile to create the .zip deployable of my application (ASP.NET WebApi project)
I've put together the following command line command:
awsdeploy.exe -r -w -v -l "C:\<path_to>\deploylog.txt" "-DDeploymentPackage=C:\<path_to>\" "-DAWSAccessKey=<my_access_key>" "-DAWSSecretKey=<my_secret_key>" "C:\<path_do>\AWSDeployConfiguration.txt"
The "AWSDeployConfiguration.txt" file is what was generated by VisualStudio when I did the first deployment.
The console output and the text written to the log is:
INFO - Scanning configuration.
INFO - ...inspecting application '<my_app_name>' for environment '<my_environment_name>' and version 'v20180918223701'
Nothing happens with the ELB application.
What am I missing and/or how do I get more information to figure this out?
I posted this question on the AWS forums and got the following answer that also worked for me.
Hi! I have this same what You when I trying run this from cmd. But it You will try check what application is returning You will see that value is 3. Generally everything !=0 is error.
What I did?
1. I checked with Process Monitor if application is doing any network request to AWS - no it even not trying.
I decided to recompile awasdeploy.exe and I found out that in the main procedure is a try... catch.. without any logs and just return(3). I added some logs and get a detailed error - look at attached image.
After few attempts I get a list of missing dll files:
All these files I found in: C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS SDK for .NET\bin and just simply copied to: C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Tools\Deployment Tool (next to awsdeploy.exe)
Now deploy is working again.

Upgrading orchard from 1.8.2 to 1.10.2. but the build in vsts is failing in the 'Drop' step

Upgrading orchard from 1.8.2 to 1.10.2. but the build in vsts is failing in the 'Drop' step with the following error : "Publish build artifacts failed with error: Not found PathtoPublish: d:\a\1\s\ReleaseManagement\Zipped" .
Does this mean that any of the settings or config files are overwritten?
Guess some config information regarding the generation of is missing.
During the upgrade the package.proj file and the MSbuild folder got deleted .Because of this the required releasemanagement zip file and other files didnt get generated. After including the deleted files back the build passed successfully.

WebStorm 2016 + stylelint

I have installed WebStorm 2016.
Today I've installed stylelint, but I cant make it work.
I got error:
"C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "T:/project/html/node_modules/stylelint/bin/stylelint.js" -f json
Error: No configuration provided for T:\project\html\css
I was trying to google about configuration file, but I can't, I didn't found any useful information or I googled wrong.
I was testing my .json config file with different names: css.stylelintrc, css.stylelintrc.json, stylelintrc.json and other. Was placing it in root folder, css folder. I cant get it...
Stylelint can load .stylelintrc from root folder, but can't load ALL VARIANTS from file.