Visual studio 2017 output window entity framwork exception - visual-studio-2017

Why am I getting this in the output window:
Exception thrown: 'System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityCommandExecutionException' in EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll
Is there any way to see where the exception is thrown from and why this is ?

Debug > Windows > Exception Settings, tick the box for CLR exceptions was what I was looking for.


DXRSDK_v0.09.01 can not run on visual studio 2017

I tried to run this sample code in release mode, but it fails to run because of the following message:
Unhandled exception occurred (0x00007FF831F1A388, D3D12RaytracingHelloWorld.exe): Microsoft C ++ Exception: HrException, memory location 0x00000043891FF778. Occur
This message may not be accurate because it is a translation of Korean into English. I do not know how to handle this. I would appreciate your help. If you would like to approach this issue, the following site address is provided.

How can I make QT Creator stop logging warning exceptions?

I'm using QT Creator and the exception warnings really sucks, because they're logging everywhere.
Example in compiler output:
Exception at 0x7ffad5e54008, code: 0xe06d7363: C++ exception, flags=0x1 (execution cannot be continued) (first chance) at
At Issues:
How can I disable this behavior?
For Windows: Go to Tools -> Options -> CDB -> Add Exceptions to Issues View -> uncheck "First chance exceptions".
Contrary to what I expected it does two things: remove the exceptions from the issues view, and stop them from appearing in the application output tab.

error during VS Debugging but no error when run exe file directly

I have a very simple c++ sample project that basically just logs in to a 3rd party library (collection of .lib files)
There are 4 provided configurations md,mdd,mt,mtd. All x64.
I can build in mdd mode and run the Exe file directly, and the program works fine.
But if I run the debugger in VS, the 3rd party library throws a runtime Exception "vector deleting destructor".
engine = new Engine(&params);
catch (XxxException& Ex)
return (ERROR);
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFA52003FB8 in Sample.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: XxxException at memory location 0x000000224C53F190.
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFA52003FB8 in Sample.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: XxxException at memory location 0x000000224C53F690.
0x00007ff75d5ab3e0 {Sample.exe!const XxxException::`vftable'} {0x00007ff75d2d8a50 {Sample.exe!XxxException::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)}}
So I am unable to debug.
What is this error, and why does it only occur in VS Debugger?
The solution was to change the working directory as specified in Debugging from $(ProjectDir)
to $(TargetPath), where the exe was sitting!
isn't C++ a wonderful artifact of history!

SFML 2.2 Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFA622C21F9(sfml-system-2.dll)

I'm trying to build a game in sfml under windows 10.It shows successful at the time of building.whenever i debug the solution it shows the error message like:
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFA622C21F9 (sfml-system-2.dll) in picpuz2.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000019.
Under call stack the program stopped at the code:
window.create(sf::VideoMode(300, 300, 32), "PICPUZ");
This is my code:
Please follow the tutorials closely. If you are doing a debug build, you should link with the dlls that end in -d for debug.
For example sfml-system-d-2.dll
Linking release and/or debug to the wrong configuration (release to debug or debug to release) will result in unpredictable crashes.

Unhandled microsoft c++ exception cv exception at memory location

I currently developped a project with VS and OpenCV on my x64 computer and i've a problem with this line:
model->train(image, labels);
image and labels are not empty but i've got this error:
Unhandled exception at at 0x774FC42D in facerec_video.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: cv::Exception at memory location 0x0015EF38.
If i click "continue", program continue and works.
Furthermore, if i set a breakpoint on this line and do a step by step, error message doesn't appear and program works too.
How to resolve this problem ?