Call class via function - d

i was playing around with d, its possible to make the code bellow work without using the for example auto test1 = new Word("hello"); ??
import std.stdio;
import std.conv : to;
import std.digest.sha;
import std.algorithm;
class Word {
string thisWord;
this(string fWord) {
thisWord = fWord;
string toHex(){
return (cast(ubyte[]) thisWord).toHexString;
string test(const Word& thisword){
void main() {

It seems you're asking for implicit conversion as in C++. D has only a few of these - there are some default implicit conversions in the language (int to float, non-const to const), and alias this for converting a type you're in control of to something else.
However, there is no method for converting some type you don't control into something else (e.g. string to a class instance). As this seems to be what you want, the answer is no, D can't do that.
A few other things in your code: string test(const Word& thisword) is not D - D classes are always reference types, and so adding C++'s ampersand is unnecessary, and also doesn't work (references in D are marked with ref instead of &).
Also, consider why you'd want to use a class instead of a struct in this case - most D code uses a lot of structs and few classes, since the main attraction of classes in D is inheritance (and the second attraction is reference behavior).

The answer is no - it is not possible. Something, somewhere needs to instantiate an object of type Word and pass it to the test(Word) function. You can for an example add an overloaded function (wrapper) test(string) that takes a string, and calls the original test(Word) function that you have in your code. Something like:
string test(string arg){
test(new Word(arg);


How to call overloaded function based on constness and return type?

A rookie question here. I have noticed something similar with what I am trying to achieve in the cryptic vector class:
iterator begin();
const_iterator begin() const;
I have tried to achieve this with the following implementation:
#include <iostream>
class User
class A
A(){ std::cout << "A constructor" << std::endl; }
class B
B(){ std::cout << "B constructor" << std::endl;}
A begin() { return A(); }
B begin() const { return B(); }
int main()
User u;
User::A a = u.begin();
User::B b = u.begin();
With this code, I can call the A constructor yet cannot find a way how to call the B constructor.
I get the following error message:
no user-defined conversion from User::A to User::B
Which, I guess, is indicative that the wrong member function is called.
Any tips? :)
Before solving the problem, I'll add a small comment so that you understand why C++ behaves that way.
Basically, const functions are there so that you could expose different APIs when you are accessing mutable vs immutable object instances.
So, for example, you might have define an API that returns a list of const User-s that only allow calling specific getter methods, whereas a different API would return a single (non-const) User for editing.
The compiler automatically uses the right method according to the const-ness of the instance you are using.
So, if you have a const User a and User b, for user a, the default is going to be the const prototype, and for user b, the default is going to be the non-const one, and it falls back to the const one if none exists.
Note: As Goswin correctly pointed out, is that the compiler has no way of choosing a method by its return type, but rather only by examining its arguments. C++ methods, as in, functions attached to class instances, pass an "implicit" pointer to the class instance, called this. When defining a const method, you're basically telling the compiler to pass a const pointer as opposed to a regular one for non-const ones.
Just like others pointed out:
If you cast your user into a const one, you can call the const prototype.
OR, if you define or return a const User variable, you'll also access the const prototype as well.
There are different ways to cast:
C way (const User&)u (which you should avoid, but be able to recognize)
Classic const_cast<const User&>(u)
C++17 std::as_const(u)
And you can always return a const reference to an object from a method if you wanna expose only the const prototypes.
You need const User, std::as_const (C++17) might help:
User::B b = std::as_const(u).begin();
The problem is that the second overloaded begin is a const member function which means that when you write u.begin() the first non-const version will be preferred over the second const version since u is a nonconst User object.
To solve this one option is to use const_cast as shown below:
User::B b = const_cast<const User&>(u).begin();

Downcasting `vector<Parent>`

I have a problem with upcasting and downcasting in my program. I have a vector<Child> that is passed to a function that expects const vector<Parent>& pp. There are no problems up to here (EDIT: apparently there are! See the comments). But, now I want to pass pp to a function that expects const vector<Child>& cc, Which I cannot do.
How should I do this, while at the same time I do not give the functions the ability to modify the original classes? Could you list various ways of doing this, preferably with their pros and cons?
There is a thing called variation. It comes in a 3 flavors:
invariation - even though B extends A, T<B> not extends T<A>,
covariation - when B extends A, then T<B> extends T<A>,
contravariation - when B extends A, then T<A> extends T<B>.
When it comes to C++ templates you end up with invariation. Even though by name it looks the same: vector<Parent> and vector<Child> those are 2 different types.
If you look at what is generated by compiler both of them operate on types which could potentially have different sizes. Since C++ rely on knowledge on object size (e.g. when it calculates position of object in an array) type e.g. Child[] cannot be casted to Parent[] because position of some object might be miscalculated. For the same reasons templates act in an invariant way: compiler cannot guess when it would and when it wouldn't be safe to perform such casting.
So it is up to you fix that and you have some options here. One would be making function that take that parameter template as well:
void performAction(vector<T> objects) {
// ...
Other would be replacing values with a (smart) pointers - they would handle polymorphism easily.
To specify what I meant in the last sentence: you could simply use vector< unique_ptr<Parent> > or vector< shared_ptr<Parent> > to store any instance of Parent (including Child), so you won't have to perform any casting of the container.
Even if Child is derived from Parent or the other way round, vector<Child> and vector<Parent> are unrelated, they are different types.
You can have a template function template func(vector vec) { //do something based on the type of object passed }. Vectors are containers for objects so for a function which is expecting a vector &pp, if we pass vector && cc will not work and the code won't even compile.
We can use a code similar to:
class A
int i;
class B : public A
int j;
int k;
template<class T> void f(vector<T> &p)
//can handle both types now
int main()
B b1;
A a1;
vector<A> vectorA;
vector<B> vectorB;
return 0;
You can't. It's impossible.
Definitely don't do this:
template<typename TBase, typename TChild>
const std::vector<TBase*>& downcast(const std::vector<TChild*>& children)
static_assert(std::derived_from<TChild, TBase>);
return *reinterpret_cast<const std::vector<TBase*>*>(&children);

Some questions about C++ from a C# developer [closed]

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I have some questions about C++ from a C# developer.
For a few days I have been looking at some C++ code, and I have the following questions:
When do use Foo::, Foo. and Foo-> ?
When do I use a real constructor and when just String a; (sometimes I need to do something like String a("foo");)
What is the difference between these signatures: int foo(int a) and int foo(int &a)?
:: is used either to explicitly specify a namespace (std::string, for example, for the string class in the namespace std), or for static members of a class.
. is used much as in C#, to refer to a member of a class.
-> is used with pointers. If p is a pointer to an object obj, then p->x has the same meaning as obj.x.
when do i use a real constructor and when just String a; (sometimes i need to do something like String a("foo");)
When you need to. String a is roughly equivalent to C#'s a = new String() (with the caveat that if String is a non-POD type, it may contain uninitialized members.)
If you need a initialized to a specific value, you do that. (either with String a("foo"), or with String a = "foo")
where is the difference between these signatures: int foo(int a) and int foo(int &a)?
The & denotes a reference. It's not quite a C# reference, but there are similarities. In C#, you have value types and reference types, and reference types are always passed by reference.
In C++, there's no such distinction. Every type can be passed by value or by reference. The type T& is a reference to T. In other words, given the following code:
void foo(int& j);
void bar(int j);
int i = 42;
foo will get a reference to i, which means it it can modify the value of i.
bar will get a copy of i, which means that any modifications it makes will not be reflected in i.
You often use const T& (a reference to const T) as a way to avoid the copy, while still preventing the callee from modifying the object.
1: Assuming you which to call a method
is for example used when calling a static method of a class Foo
is when you have an object named Foo
is when you have a pointer to a object of named Foo
String a;
calls the default constructor that takes no arguments
String a("foo")
calls a overloaded constructor
int foo(int &a)
takes a reference to an integer, so within the method you are able to manipulate a.
int foo(int a)
makes a copy, manipulating it wont have any effect of the actual parameter passed in after leaving the method.
Question 1:
It depends on what Foo is. The :: operator is called the scope
resolution operator; the operand on the right must be a namespace or a
class, and the operand to the left a member of the namespace or class.
If Foo is a class, Foo:: can be used to access a static member, or
from within a member of a derived class, to access the member of the
base class: e.g.:
class Foo
virtual void f();
static void g();
int h()
class Derived : public Foo
virtual void f()
Foo::f(); // Call function in base class...
It's often used to access namespace members as well, e.g. std::cout
(the cout object in namespace std).
The . operator is a member access operator, and requires an object (or
a reference to an object) as the left hand operand. Thus (using the
above definitions):
Foo obj;
void i( Foo& rFoo )
It can also be used to access static members, if you have an instance:
Foo obj;
The -> is very much like the . operator, except that it takes a
pointer to an instance, rather than an instance, and (very importantly)
it can be overloaded. Thus:
Foo* obj;
// And if Ptr is a user defined type with an overloaded
// `operator->` which returns a Foo*
Ptr obj;
Again, you can also use this syntax to access a static member, if you
have a pointer to an object.
Question 2:
The definition String a; calls a real constructor. You use String
a; when you want the default constructor; the one with no parameters.
You use String a( "foo" ); when you want the constructor which takes a
char const* (or a char const (&)[4], but that's highly unlikely, since it
will only work for a string literal with exactly three characters).
In general, when defining variables:
String a; // default constructor...
String a1(); // NOT what it looks like: this is a
// function declaration, and not the
// definition of a variable!!!
String b( x, y, z ); // constructor taking x, y and z as arguments...
String c = x; // implicitly convert `x` to String, then
// copy constructor.
The last form is a bit tricky, since the copy constructor may be (and
almost always is) elided, but the legality of the program is defined by
the rule above: there must be a way of implicitly converting x into a
String, and String must have an accessible copy constructor.
In other contexts, e.g. new String(), the form with empty parameters
can be used for "value construction", which is the default constructor
if there is a user defined one, otherwise zero initialization.
Question 3:
The first is pass by value, and passes a copy of the argument to the
function. The second is pass by reference, and passes a reference
(which behaves sort of like a hidden, automatically dereferenced
pointer) to the function. Thus:
void f( int a )
++ a; // Modifies local copy, has no effect on the argument.
void g( int& a )
++ a; // Modifies the variable passed as an argument.
Note that in the first case, you can pass an arbitrary expression; in
the second, you must pass something called an lvalue—that is,
something you can access afterwards using a similar expression (a named
variable, or a dererenced pointer, or an element in a named array,
String a : construct an empty String object
String a("foo") : construct a String object initalized to "foo"
int foo(int a) : pass a by value/copy to foo. Inside foo if you modify a , a will not be impacted outside foo
int foo(int& a) : pass a by reference inside foo. If you modify a , a will also be modify once foo ended
Foo:: - Static methods
Foo. - Instance Methods when you have a stack object instance. (MyObject obj)
Foo-> - Instance methods when you have a object pointer. (MyObject* pObj = new MyObject())
Whenever you need to pass some value to the constructor.
int& is a reference to an int. Any changes to a within the method will affect a outside the method. (Equivalent to ref in C#)

C++: when we should use "this->" PLUS parameters by reference

suppose we have a class
class Foo {
int PARTS;
Foo( Graph & );
int howBig();
int Foo::howBig() { return this->PARTS; }
int Foo::howBig() { return PARTS;       }
Foo::Foo( Graph &G ) {
<Do something with G.*>
Which one of howBig()-variants is correct?
The &-sign ensures that only the reference for Graph object
is passed to initialization function?
In C I would simply do something like some_function( Graph *G ),
but in C++ we have both & and *-type variables, never understood
the difference...
Thank you.
When you've local variable inside a member function, then you must have to use this as:
Foo::MemberFunction(int a)
int b = a; //b is initialized with the parameter (which is a local variable)
int c = this->a; //c is initialized with member data a
this->a = a; //update the member data with the parameter
But when you don't have such cases, then this is implicit; you need to explicity write it, which means in your code, both versions of howBig is correct.
However, in member initialization list, the rules are different. For example:
struct A
int a;
A(int a) : a(a) {}
In this code, a(a) means, the member data a is being initialized with the parameter a. You don't have to write this->a(a). Just a(a) is enough. Understand this visually:
A(int a) : a ( a ) {}
// ^ ^
// | this is the parameter
// this is the member data
You can use this-> to resolve the dependent name issue without explicitly having to spell out the name of the base. If the name of the base is big this could arguably improve readability.
This issue only occurs when writing templates and using this-> is only appropriate if they're member functions, e.g.:
template <typename T>
struct bar {
void func();
template <typename T>
struct foo : public bar {
void derived()
func(); // error
this->func(); // fine
bar<T>::func(); // also fine, but potentially a lot more verbose
Which one of howBig()-variants is correct?
both in your case, the compiler will produce the same code
The &-sign ensures that only the reference for Graph object is passed to initialization function? In C I would simply do something like some_function( Graph *G ), but in C++ we have both & and *-type variables, never understood the difference...
there is no difference as per the use of the variable inside the method(except syntax) - in the case of reference(&) imagine as if you've been passed an invisible pointer that you can use without dereferencing
it(the &) might be "easier" for clients to use
Both forms of Foo::howBig() are correct. I tend to use the second in general, but there are situations that involve templates where the first is required.
The main difference between references and pointers is the lack of "null references". You can use reference arguments when you don't want to copy the whole object but you want to force the caller to pass one.
Both are correct. Usually shorter code is easier to read, so only use this-> if you need it to disambiguate (see the other answers) or if you would otherwise have trouble understanding where the symbol comes from.
References can't be rebound and can't be (easily) bound to NULL, so:
Prefer references to pointers where you can use them. Since they cannot be null and they cannot be deleted, you have fewer things to worry about when using code that uses references.
Use const references instead of values to pass objects that are large (more than say 16 or 20 bytes) or have complex copy constructors to save copy overhead while treating it as if it was pass by value.
Try to avoid return arguments altogether, whether by pointer or reference. Return complex object or std::pair or boost::tuple or std::tuple (C++11 or TR1 only) instead. It's more readable.

overloading operator .

Ok, I know that operator. is not overloadable but I need something like that.
I have a class MyClass that indirectly embeds (has a) a std::string and need to behave exactly like a std::string but unfortunately cannot extend std::string.
Any idea how to achieve that ?
Edit: I want that the lines below to compile fine
MyClass strHello1("Hello word");
std::string strValue = strHello1;
const char* charValue = strHello1.c_str();
As per your later edit, that:
MyClass strHello1("Hello word");
std::string strValue = strHello1;
const charValue = strHello1.c_str();
should compile fine, the only solution is to write a wrapper over std::string:
class MyClass
std::string _str;
MyClass(const char*);
//... all other constructors of string
operator std::string& ();
//... all other operators of string
const char* c_str();
//... all other methods of string
friend std::string& operator + ( std::string str, Foo f);
//+ operator, you can add 2 strings
std::string& operator + ( std::string str, Foo f);
This however is tedious work and must be tested thoroughly. Best of luck!
You can overload the conversion operator to implicitly convert it to a std::string:
class MyClass
std::string m_string;
operator std::string& ()
return m_string;
If you're not interested in polymorphic deletion of a string*, you can derived from std::string, just getting the behavior of your class behaving "as-a" std::string. No more, no less.
The "you cannot derived from classes that don't have a virtual destructor" litany (if that's the reason you say you cannot extend it) it like the "dont use goto", "dont'use do-while" "don't multiple return" "don't use this or that feature".
All good recommendation from and for people that don't know what they are doing.
std::string doesn't have a virtual destructor so don't assign new yourcalss to a std::string*. That's it.
Just make your class not having a virtual destructor itself and leave in peace.
Embedding a string and rewriting all its interface just to avoid inheritance is simply stupid.
Like it is stupid writing dozens of nested if to avoid a multiple return, just as its stupid introduce dozens of state flags to avoid a goto or a break.
There are cases where the commonly considered weird things must be used. That's why those things exist.
You can extend an interface without publically deriving from it. This prevents the case of problematic polymorphic destruction (aka no virtual destructor):
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class MyClass
: private std::string
MyClass(const char* in)
: std::string(in)
// expose any parts of the interface you need
// as publically accessible
using std::string::c_str;
using std::string::operator+=;
int main()
MyClass c("Hello World");
cout << c.c_str() << "\n";
c += "!";
cout << c.c_str() << "\n";
// Using private inheritance prevents casting, so
// it's not possible (easily, that is) to get a
// base class pointer
// MyClass* c2 = new MyClass("Doesn't work");
// this next line will give a compile error
// std::string* pstr = static_cast<MyClass*>(c2);
// delete c2;
Trying to sum-up all the discussions, it looks like you will never find a suitable dolution because ... your requirements are in cotraddiction.
You want you class to behave as ats::string
std::string behave as a value but
a value does not "change" when accessed but (think to c = a+b: do you expect a and b to change their value ??) ...
when accessing your "value" you want to change it.
If what I summed up collecting all the peaces (suggestion: edit your question otherwise all the answerer will risk to be lost) is correct you are in trouble with 3 & 4 (note the 3. derives from the concept of "assignment", and you can do noting to change it, while 4. comes from you directly)
Now, I can try to reverse-engineer your psychology (because you didn't provide good information about what your class represent and why you cannot "extend" a string) I can find
two possibility neither of which will fit all the above requirements.
Store a string into your class and make your class to behave as a std::string. There are threee ways to come to this point:
a. embed a string and make your class to decay to it:
essentially your class must contain
operator std::string&() { return my_string; } //will allow l-value assignments
operator const std::string&() const { return my_string; } //will allow r-value usage
const char* c_str() const { return my_string.c_str(); }
b. derive from std::string. In fact that's like having an anonymous my_string in it, which "decay" operations implicit. Not that different as above.
c. embed or privately derive, and rewrite the std::string interface delegating the std::string functions. It's just a long typing to get exactly the b. result. so what the f..k? (this last question is dedicated to all the ones that believe a. or b. will break encapsulation. c. will break it as well, it will only take longer!)
Don't store a string, but just get it as a result from a calculation (the "lookup" you talk about, not clarifying what it is).
In this last case, what you need is a class that decay automatically into std::string as a value.
So you need, in your class
operator std::string() const { return your_lookup_here; }
note that const is necessary, but there is no need to modify your class inner state, since the resulting string is not stored.
But this last solution has a problem with const char*: since the string is temporary, until you don't assign it, its buffer is temporary as well (will be destroyed) so decaying into const char* to assign the pointer is clueless (the pointer will point to a dead buffer).
You can have a
const char* c_str() const { return std::string(*this).c_str(); } //will call the previous one
but you can use this only into expressions or a pass-through parameter in function calls (since the temporary will exist until the evaluating expression is fully evaluated), not in an assignment towards an l-value (like const char* p; p = myclassinstace.c_str(); )
In all of the above cases (all 1.) you also need:
myclass() {}
myclass(const std::string& s) :my_string(s) { ... }
myclass(const char* s) :my_string(s) { ... }
or - in C++11, just
template<class ...Args>
myclass(Args&&... args) :my_string(std::forward<Args...>(args...)) {}
In case 2., instead of initialize the not existent my_sting, you should use the arguments to set what you will look up (we don't know what it is, since you did not tell us)
Hope in all these option you can find something useful.
You can add an operator const reference to string, as follows:
class C
// Implicit conversion to const reference to string (not advised)
operator const std::string &() const
return s_;
// Explicit conversion to a const reference to string (much better)
const std::string &AsString() const
return s_;
std::string s_;
As you can see from the comments, it would be much better to add an explicit conversion function if you really need this behavior. You can read about why this is bad in the Programming in C++ Rules and Recommendations article.