Host Hugo website on github-pages - github-pages

I created a static website using Hugo and I don't know how to host it on github. The documentation on their website didn't help me.
After finishing my website, I created the public folder which contains in theory all the files needed for the website (whith this command : hudo -t hyde-hyde). When I open index.html with chrome I only see the content of my website without the theme. Is it normal ?
Then I moved all the files within the public folder into my gihub repo , but I can't see any result (I can only see my previous commit which is a simple Hello World).
How should I porceed to generate correctly my website and host it on github ? Thanks.

How to create with HUGO
If you have a problem while creating your site, check this tutorial.
How to Host HUGO website on GitHub (Pages)
Check this LINK where it shows you step by step all the procedures to host HUGO on GitHub, on both User/Organization Pages and on Project Pages.
Check list:
When I open index.html with chrome I only see the content of my website without the theme. Is it normal ?
I know it might seem a little too obvious, but check the spelling. Sometimes you spend hours trying to find the error and it's just a typo, this case in the theme you wanted to.
Have you tried another browser? It might not be the case, but checking it will get you out of doubt, also remember to delete the cache just in case.
Then I moved all the files within the public folder into my gihub repo , but I can't see any result (I can only see my previous commit which is a simple Hello World).
Do you have a User/Organization Page (syntax: or a Project Page (syntax:
UPDATE 1: Follow the instructions on this video for hosting on GitHub if unclear.
Could you add a link to your repo? Thanks.


PythonAnywhere image not found

Before anyone deletes this due to the question being similar to others: Neither other questions nor the documentation got my site to work as intended.
The goal: Load images on my site
The problem: Image not found
Additional info: It works locally using python runserver
What I've done to try to fix it:
I've tried to follow the staticfiles guide but this didn't work because I'm not using the default uploaded files handling.
I've tried to enter it under the PythonAnywhere > Web > static files tab but haven't been able to get that to work.
Tried a bunch of different solutions from the PythonAnywhere forum and SO forum and none got my site to work.
The site:
All code available here:
Static files directories here:
WSGI file content:
Your web app is looking for the picture in while your current mapping resolves into url like that:
Change your static files mapping so the /blog/media/ points to /home/nasablogdeployment/NASA-blog/blog/media/

github pages remote theme not working

I have created a repository level github page in the root directory of my project. This works fine, and after a small build interval, the index.html page is served as expected at
Now I am trying to use the dyutibarma/monochrome theme.
Per this post, I, somewhat naively, thought that all I needed to do was to put this in my _config.yml:
remote_theme: dyutibarma/monochrome
But the resulting page clearly expects some theme related resources to be in my repo, not the remote theme repo. For example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/myrepo/css/main.css">
And thus, my page is not styled properly.
Is there a way to point github pages to the remote theme resources, or is the only way to accomplish this to fork the theme, build it, and then add my content? I was hoping to avoid that every time I want to switch themes if possible, particularly after reading the above referenced post about remote themes.
Thanks in advance,
The dyutibarma/monochrome theme is not jekyll-remote-theme compatible. For example: it has the "css", "img", "js" folder in it's root directory. Those folders will not be deployed when used via remote_theme. They must be moved within an assets folder in order to be deployed. I just created a PR for an other theme to be jekyll-remote-theme compatible and published a working demo on github.
Never fork a theme! A GitHub fork can not be changed later. So when you want to change the theme later on the fork will always point on your first theme. When the theme is not jekyll-remote-theme compatible just clone it and push it as a self-standing repository. Add the theme base repository as upstream to fetch bugfixes and new features. I have written a blog post about this.

Hugo does not build without ‘-t’ parameter

Currently I am using Hugo on GitHub Pages with ease but I have a few problems in which you could possibly help me to solve. Thanks in advance if you take your time to care a bit about my question, I highly appreciate that. I am trying to be as short as possible.
My short introductory page is located here
My blog (which needs fixes) is located here
Both sites are set up via the Hugo Quick Start, therefore I used the submodule way of getting the themes instead of cloning.
Both sites are deployed into separate repositories. I have asked in other channels what would be the best and cleanest form of maintaining these sites, then some said, GitHub Project Pages is nice.
To reach this feature, I have set publishDir to docs in both projects
Set the master branch with /docs folder option at GitHub Pages in both cases.
The content of my introductory page loads fine while - by default - the CSS of my blog does not really want to load. (The browser wants to search it at the root - where nothing is located - instead of /Blog).
I have avoided the problem by building my Hugo site with hugo -t blog and it works fine, you can check on the link above.
When I tried to link this to Netlify, it did not work. Unfortunately, it did not build with the default version of Hugo they provide, but I was able to fix this with the creation of netlify.toml where I set 0.36 for Hugo’s version.
So after that at Netlify I had to provide a build command. There hugo should go, but it did not work. CSSs are not loaded. Unfortunately, providing hugo -t blog as build command did not help either.
What I would like to acheive:
To be able to build my site without parameters just as in the other case. :)
Repositories of the projects:
The -t parameter instructs Hugo to use the specified theme. You can instruct Hugo to use the same theme via "theme" setting in your config file instead of the -t command line parameter.

Github Pages 404 for everything but index.html

I have a Github pages website for our team at I've tried opening index.html locally and it works perfectly in chrome on my pc. Everything loads perfect. However, when I push everything to Github and try to open it with, everything except index.html gives a 404 error and can't load. I'm pretty stumped as to why this is happening. I also haven't been able to find anything on the web regarding this issue.
The repository is located at BTW, the website is currently a WIP and not yet finished.
By default, Jekyll is used to process GitHub Pages. Files/directories that begin with an underscore have special meaning for Jekyll and are, therefore, treated differently.
Since you don't seem to be using Jekyll, your simplest solution is to add a file named '.nojekyll' to the root path to disable Jekyll functionality.
Check out for more info.
Edit: Just to be clear, the offending directory is '_include'.

Using fossil embedded documents

I'm using fossil to manage some home projects and keeping notes in the wiki. After running like this for a few months, I'd like to at least try to use embedded documentation; mainly so as to be able easily to go back to previous versions.
I've studied the website page about managing project documentation which confirms that this is a technique I want to follow up, but I can't make out how to do it.
I've cut-and-pasted one of my wiki pages and added it to my fossil repo, but I can't work out where it should go in the directory structure to be accessible as described on the above page.
I've tried in a few places none of which worked. The document is currently %fossil-root%\doc\, (I'm on Windows), where %fossil-root% is the directory holding _ _FOSSIL__ (slighly mangled filename because of markdown), but having started a server with fossil ui, when I point my browser at http://localhost:8080/doc/, fossil presents me with a nicely formatted page saying it can't find index.html. I created /doc/index.html to see what would happen, but it made no difference.
Please can someone help me out, and/or point me to an example repository containing embedded documentation or another "how-to" document.
If your document is located in %fossil-root%\doc\, you can access it at the following URL:
This URL breaks down as follows:
http://localhost:8080 is the root URL to access Fossil when you run fossil ui
/doc signals that you want to access embedded documentation
/trunk indicates the checkin containing the documentation you wish to access
/doc/ is the path of the document inside the repository
Instead of trunk, you can also specify a tag, or a branch name, or even a hexadecimal checkin identifier.
In the URL you were using, http://localhost:8080/doc/, is interpreted as the checkin name, and no document path is specified, which logically means Fossil won't find anything.
As for an example repository containing embedded documentation, the homepage of the Fossil website itself is a prime example:
where is Fossil's root URL
/doc indicates a request for embedded documentation
/trunk indicates we want to fetch files from the trunk
/www/ is the path to the requested file inside the repository is the name of the file inside the repository.
So, in the 'trunk' branch of the repository, the file www/ contains the home page of the Fossil website.
You simply need to put the documentation under the %fossil-root%\www\ directory (or any other directory under version control) in your repository and then you can, for example, add the following line to your header's mainmenu section to link to it:
html "<a href='$home/doc/trunk/www/'>Documentation</a>\n"
As I said, it can be any directory under version control. To test this, pick any file in the repository, let's say a README file at the top level, and go to http://localhost:8080/doc/trunk/README. You should see the README file load up in your browser in a raw text format. By putting wiki or html files under a particular directory such as www you make it easy to organize the files that you specifically want rendered as documentation, which makes it easier to link to them.
After fossil 1.33, just prepare your document in the repository.
If the wiki file is put in
And use web browser to setup -> Admin -> Configuration.
There is a "Index Page" field, fill in your main index.html.
For example:
Or if you just want the released version: