Hugo does not build without ‘-t’ parameter - github-pages

Currently I am using Hugo on GitHub Pages with ease but I have a few problems in which you could possibly help me to solve. Thanks in advance if you take your time to care a bit about my question, I highly appreciate that. I am trying to be as short as possible.
My short introductory page is located here
My blog (which needs fixes) is located here
Both sites are set up via the Hugo Quick Start, therefore I used the submodule way of getting the themes instead of cloning.
Both sites are deployed into separate repositories. I have asked in other channels what would be the best and cleanest form of maintaining these sites, then some said, GitHub Project Pages is nice.
To reach this feature, I have set publishDir to docs in both projects
Set the master branch with /docs folder option at GitHub Pages in both cases.
The content of my introductory page loads fine while - by default - the CSS of my blog does not really want to load. (The browser wants to search it at the root - where nothing is located - instead of /Blog).
I have avoided the problem by building my Hugo site with hugo -t blog and it works fine, you can check on the link above.
When I tried to link this to Netlify, it did not work. Unfortunately, it did not build with the default version of Hugo they provide, but I was able to fix this with the creation of netlify.toml where I set 0.36 for Hugo’s version.
So after that at Netlify I had to provide a build command. There hugo should go, but it did not work. CSSs are not loaded. Unfortunately, providing hugo -t blog as build command did not help either.
What I would like to acheive:
To be able to build my site without parameters just as in the other case. :)
Repositories of the projects:

The -t parameter instructs Hugo to use the specified theme. You can instruct Hugo to use the same theme via "theme" setting in your config file instead of the -t command line parameter.


Host Hugo website on github-pages

I created a static website using Hugo and I don't know how to host it on github. The documentation on their website didn't help me.
After finishing my website, I created the public folder which contains in theory all the files needed for the website (whith this command : hudo -t hyde-hyde). When I open index.html with chrome I only see the content of my website without the theme. Is it normal ?
Then I moved all the files within the public folder into my gihub repo , but I can't see any result (I can only see my previous commit which is a simple Hello World).
How should I porceed to generate correctly my website and host it on github ? Thanks.
How to create with HUGO
If you have a problem while creating your site, check this tutorial.
How to Host HUGO website on GitHub (Pages)
Check this LINK where it shows you step by step all the procedures to host HUGO on GitHub, on both User/Organization Pages and on Project Pages.
Check list:
When I open index.html with chrome I only see the content of my website without the theme. Is it normal ?
I know it might seem a little too obvious, but check the spelling. Sometimes you spend hours trying to find the error and it's just a typo, this case in the theme you wanted to.
Have you tried another browser? It might not be the case, but checking it will get you out of doubt, also remember to delete the cache just in case.
Then I moved all the files within the public folder into my gihub repo , but I can't see any result (I can only see my previous commit which is a simple Hello World).
Do you have a User/Organization Page (syntax: or a Project Page (syntax:
UPDATE 1: Follow the instructions on this video for hosting on GitHub if unclear.
Could you add a link to your repo? Thanks.

github pages remote theme not working

I have created a repository level github page in the root directory of my project. This works fine, and after a small build interval, the index.html page is served as expected at
Now I am trying to use the dyutibarma/monochrome theme.
Per this post, I, somewhat naively, thought that all I needed to do was to put this in my _config.yml:
remote_theme: dyutibarma/monochrome
But the resulting page clearly expects some theme related resources to be in my repo, not the remote theme repo. For example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/myrepo/css/main.css">
And thus, my page is not styled properly.
Is there a way to point github pages to the remote theme resources, or is the only way to accomplish this to fork the theme, build it, and then add my content? I was hoping to avoid that every time I want to switch themes if possible, particularly after reading the above referenced post about remote themes.
Thanks in advance,
The dyutibarma/monochrome theme is not jekyll-remote-theme compatible. For example: it has the "css", "img", "js" folder in it's root directory. Those folders will not be deployed when used via remote_theme. They must be moved within an assets folder in order to be deployed. I just created a PR for an other theme to be jekyll-remote-theme compatible and published a working demo on github.
Never fork a theme! A GitHub fork can not be changed later. So when you want to change the theme later on the fork will always point on your first theme. When the theme is not jekyll-remote-theme compatible just clone it and push it as a self-standing repository. Add the theme base repository as upstream to fetch bugfixes and new features. I have written a blog post about this.

django blog zinnia Template Customizing

I was wondering what is the best way for customizing zinnia because by default when installing via pip it installs in site packages do I need to open the site package directory and edit it from there? Just want to know. Plus do I need to do some extreme tweaking to zinnia in other for it to work since all I want is a simple post that, displays entries as a list and detail or I just leave it as it is after installation.
As written in the comments, you need to create the static dir and collect the templates.
The best place to look and get an explanation is the Django documentation. Here is the link to the deployment section. Please make sure you read the other sections as well:

Export a SiteCore Page

I am looking to export an entire sitecore page. Ideally, upon exporting the links would move from relative to absolutely, but that's not necessary. I want to download the html, css, images, everything from one of my pages. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Assuming that you want to download one page only, you should be able to just use Save option in your browser. Most of the modern browsers supports all of your requirements. Sitecore web page is like any other html page.
If you want to download the whole site, you can try to use, wget or Firefox plugin as described here.
If none of those are enough, try to search for save entire site with images and css in your favourite search engine - there are plenty of other possibilites.
If I only have to locally save a page hosted in our Sitecore (really doesn't matter what's hosting it) I use wget.
This seems to work quite well:
wget.exe -E -H -k -K -p --no-check-certificate <your url>
You can change the parameters to recursively spider the whole site, if you do so make sure to check with your security department to not set of any alarms.

Using Redmine with an external Wiki?

We've got a company wiki running Mediawiki on our intranet that has been in use for a while. We just recently installed Redmine and are in the process of getting it configured just the way we like it.
I was wondering if there's any way to use our already existing wiki instead of the built-in one that comes with Redmine. We've got alot of articles & documentation written by non-developers and don't want to lose and/or re-import into another wiki (ie redmine's). The Wiki portion of redmine will not allow me to enter the url for the external wiki as it includes various illegal characters (mainly : and /)
Edit: As a temporary work around, I've just used each project main page on the "external" Wiki as the Projects "Home Page" in Red Mine, so far this is the best I've been able to figure out. You don't get Wiki access from the various issues & what not, but the link to our other Wiki does show under the Overview for each project now.
Btw, both of these are installed on the same physical box, a Windows 2003 Server, where Mediawiki was installed using a WAMP package, and Redmine was installed pretty much manually instead of using a stack like Bitnami.
Did you see this MediaWiki integration patch for Redmine? and its reference page I have not used it so im not sure if it meets your needs but it might be worth a shot. (Be sure to backup first)
The reference page says this about the patch:
Here's a patch for 0.7 that will add a
MediaWiki tab to your project settings
and integrate it into the issues
pages. You will also need to add:
is_mediawiki tinyint(1) NOT NULL
default '0', mediawikiurl
varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
mediawikinamespace varchar(255) NOT
NULL default ''
To the projects table for this to
I know you didn't want to import but just in case someone else did here is a rake file for importing MediaWiki pages into Redmine
We looked into this as an option since there are so many tools that work with mediawiki however we decided not to pursue the option since we already had so many issues and wiki pages in redmine. As far as I can tell, this patch replaces the existing redmine wiki input boxes with mediawiki boxes. This is done not only in the wiki section but also for issues and documents. We were afraid of:
Losing all of our existing wiki pages, and issue descriptions.
The whole thing breaking as Redmine updates are posted and installed.
We have found that the newest Wiki Extensions plug in has given us most of the features we wanted for the wiki part. It has comments, voting, tags, and many other things. It works well with the latest version of Redmine.
We still are trying to find a good way to import into the wiki all of our existing documentation from word.