How to create a dynamic RAW Queryset - django

I want to create a dynamic Raw Queryset.
By default a raw queryset looks like:
qs = self.raw(
'SELECT DISTINCT ON(P.slug), P.slug, P.company_id, I.image,
'FROM product AS P ' ....
It is possible to create the queryset using conditions. I'm not referring to database conditions like Where, but python conditions like if
Something like:
'SELECT DISTINCT ON(P.slug), P.slug, P.company_id, I.image,
'FROM product AS P ' # if var_a Limit 20 else where = var_b

Just use simple python if/else:
query = 'SELECT DISTINCT ON(P.slug), P.slug, P.company_id, I.image FROM product AS P '
params = []
if var_a:
query += 'LIMIT 20'
query += 'WHERE = %s'
qs = self.raw(query, params)


Django: Error with inserting dictionary to my_model.objects.raw() method

I'm performing a query in a function inside the as follows:
input_dict = {'id': 'id',
'table': 'my_table',
'first_col': 'my_first_col',
'first_name': 'my_first_name'}
query = '''
SELECT %(id)s
FROM %(table)s
WHERE %(first_col)s = %(first_name)s '''
qs = my_model.objects.raw(query, input_dict)
which prints:
qs: <RawQuerySet:
FROM my_table
WHERE my_first_col = my_first_name >
However, when I try to run this line:
ids = [ for item in qs]
it gives me an error:
psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "'my_table'"
LINE 3: FROM 'my_table'
and also:
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: syntax error at or near "'my_table'"
LINE 3: FROM 'my_table'
What should I do?
django are not able to excecut your query.
I believe what you trying to acheive via the raw function it is not possible.
read the docs for better understanding how the function work
your dynamic options are realted either to the table fields and the where params:
the select fields
you can map fields in the query to model fields using the translations
argument to raw()
like :
name_map = {'first': 'first_name', 'last': 'last_name', 'bd': 'birth_date', 'pk': 'id'}
Person.objects.raw('SELECT * FROM some_other_table', translations=name_map)
the where params
If you need to perform parameterized queries, you can use the params
argument to raw()
lname = 'Doe'
Person.objects.raw('SELECT * FROM myapp_person WHERE last_name = %s', [lname])
at the end of the day, this will work, although it's not recomended unless you know exactly what you are doing as it might expose your system to sql attacks
query = '''
SELECT %(id)s
FROM %(table)s
WHERE %(first_col)s = %(first_name)s '''
query = query%input_dict
qs = my_model.objects.raw(query)

Django ORM. Joining subquery

I have a table which contains list of some web sites and a table with statistics of them.
class Site(models.Model):
domain_name = models.CharField(
class Stats(models.Model):
date = models.DateField()
site = models.ForeignKey('Site')
google_pr = models.PositiveIntegerField()
class Meta:
unique_together = ('site', 'date')
I want to see all sites and statistics for a concrete date. If a stats record for the date doesn't exist, then the selection must contain only site.
If I use:
I will not get sites which have no records for my_date in stats table. Because in this case the SQL query will be like the following:
FROM site
LEFT OUTER JOIN stats ON = stats.site_id
WHERE = 'my_date'
The query condition will exclude records with NULL-dates and sites without stats will be not included to the selection.
In my case I need join stats table, which has already been filtered by date:
FROM site
FROM stats
WHERE = 'my-date') AS stats
ON = stats.site_id
How can I translate this query to Django ORM?
In Django v2.0 use FilteredRelation
'stats', condition=Q(stats__date='my-date')
I had a similar problem and wrote the following utility function for adding left outer join on a subqueryset using Django ORM.
The util is derived from a solution given to add custom left outer join to another table (not subquery) using Django ORM. Here is that solution:
Following is the util and all related code:
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignObject
from django.db.models.options import Options
from django.db.models.sql.where import ExtraWhere
from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import Join
class CustomJoin(Join):
def __init__(self, subquery, subquery_params, parent_alias, table_alias, join_type, join_field, nullable):
self.subquery_params = subquery_params
super(CustomJoin, self).__init__(subquery, parent_alias, table_alias, join_type, join_field, nullable)
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
Generates the full
LEFT OUTER JOIN (somequery) alias ON alias.somecol = othertable.othercol, params
clause for this join.
params = []
sql = []
alias_str = '' if self.table_alias == self.table_name else (' %s' % self.table_alias)
qn = compiler.quote_name_unless_alias
qn2 = connection.ops.quote_name
sql.append('%s (%s)%s ON (' % (self.join_type, self.table_name, alias_str))
for index, (lhs_col, rhs_col) in enumerate(self.join_cols):
if index != 0:
sql.append(' AND ')
sql.append('%s.%s = %s.%s' % (
extra_cond = self.join_field.get_extra_restriction(
compiler.query.where_class, self.table_alias, self.parent_alias)
if extra_cond:
extra_sql, extra_params = compiler.compile(extra_cond)
extra_sql = 'AND (%s)' % extra_sql
sql.append('%s' % extra_sql)
return ' '.join(sql), params
def join_to(table, subquery, table_field, subquery_field, queryset, alias):
Add a join on `subquery` to `queryset` (having table `table`).
# here you can set complex clause for join
def extra_join_cond(where_class, alias, related_alias):
if (alias, related_alias) == ('[sys].[columns]',
where = '[sys].[columns].[column_id] = ' \
children = [ExtraWhere([where], ())]
return where_class(children)
return None
foreign_object = ForeignObject(to=subquery, from_fields=[None], to_fields=[None], rel=None)
foreign_object.opts = Options(table._meta)
foreign_object.opts.model = table
foreign_object.get_joining_columns = lambda: ((table_field, subquery_field),)
foreign_object.get_extra_restriction = extra_join_cond
subquery_sql, subquery_params = subquery.query.sql_with_params()
join = CustomJoin(
subquery_sql, subquery_params, table._meta.db_table,
alias, "LEFT JOIN", foreign_object, True)
# hook for set alias
join.table_alias = alias
return queryset
join_to is the utility function you want to use. For your query you can use it in as follows:
sq = Stats.objects.filter(date=my_date)
q = Site.objects.filter()
q = join_to(Site, sq, 'id', 'site_id', q, 'stats')
And following statement would print a query similar to you example query (with subquery).
print q.query
Look at it this way: you want to see statistics with accompanying site data for certain date, which translates to:

How to add a filter in a custom manager?

I'm stuck with adding a filter to a custom manager in Django. This is my current custom manager that is working:
class VoteAwareManager(models.Manager):
def _get_score_annotation(self):
model_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(self.model)
table_name = self.model._meta.db_table
return self.extra(select={
'active': 'select active from %s mh where mh.main_id = and = true and mh.date_begin = (select max(date_begin) from euvoudebicicletaengine_mainhistoric where main_id = mh.main_id) and mh.date_end >= now()' % (MainHistoric._meta.db_table, table_name),
'row_num': '(row_number() over(order by (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(vote / ((extract(epoch from now() - time_stamp )/3600)+2)^1.5),0) FROM %s WHERE content_type_id=%d AND DESC))' % (Vote._meta.db_table, int(, table_name), # To know the position(#number) on the front page
'score': 'SELECT COALESCE(SUM(vote / ((extract(epoch from now() - time_stamp )/3600)+2)^1.5),0) FROM %s WHERE content_type_id=%d AND' % (Vote._meta.db_table, int(, table_name)
def most_loved(self,):
return self._get_score_annotation().order_by('-score')
def most_hated(self):
return self._get_score_annotation().order_by('score')
I need to add a filter to the most_loved and most_hated to active=True that will be the SQL equivalent to where active=true in the main sql expression.
Any clues on how to do it?
I think you probably need to write a SQL view (to replace your extra() function) and create a new unmanaged model for the view (including active as a field in your model).
As in this question. Or this (possibly out of date) one.
Then use the view in your _get_score_annotation and add a filter to the queryset you're getting from that function.
def _get_score_annotation(self):
return ContentTypeView.objects.filter(# any filtering you need)
def most_loved(self,):
return self._get_score_annotation().filter(active=True).order_by('-score')

Queryset equivalent of SQL

I'm trying to improve the performance of this code:
orderitems = OrderItem.objects.filter(order__contact=contact)
for orderitem in orderitems:
pv = ProductVariation.objects.get(product=orderitem.product)
if pv.parent_id ==
return True
Essentially I want to get rid of the 'for' loop because its slow. I would like to do it using a single queryset if possible, but I just can't get my head around the syntax. Here is the SQL that I effectively want to reproduce. It creates a list which is fairly short so I can iterate through that looking for a match:
SELECT parent_id
FROM configurable_productvariation
WHERE product_id IN (
SELECT product_id
FROM shop_orderitem
WHERE order_id
IN (
FROM shop_order
WHERE contact_id = 4));
The '4' is the 'contact' referred to in the first line of python.
Many thanks,
This should generate sql like yours
product_ids = OrderItem.objects.filter(order__contact=contact).values_list('product_id', flat=True)

Assign table alias name in a QuerySet

How can I assign an alias name to the main table of a QuerySet in Django?
queryset = Price.objects
queryset = queryset.extra(
where = ['p1.created = (select max(p2.created) from products_price p2 where p2.product_id = p1.product_id)']
I would like to set the 'p1' alias name to the Price main table to use it in the subselect.
Edit: Note that there is a lastest Price for each Produtc.
You can see the sql query to do the next:
queryset = Price.objects.all()
print queryset.query
If you know first sql query. You can do the subquery better.
Although, I do the next:
price_max = Price.objects.all().order_by('-created')[0]
queryset = Price.objects.filter(created=price_max)
Or the best:
from django.db.models import Max
price_max = Price.objects.aggregate((Max('created'))['created__max']
queryset = Price.objects.filter(created=price_max)