Control number of active actors of a type - akka

Is it possible to control the number of active actors in play? In a nutshell, I have an actor called AuthoriseVisaPaymentActor which handles the message VisaPaymentMessage. I have a parallel loop which sends 10 messages but I am trying to create something which allows for 3 actors to be working simultaneously and the other 7 messages will be blocked and waiting for an actor to be available. Is this possible? I am currently using a RoundRobin setup which I believe I have misunderstood..
var actor = sys.ActorOf(
Props.Create<AuthoriseVisaPaymentActor>().WithRouter(new RoundRobinPool(1)));
actor.Tell(new VisaPaymentMessage(curr.ToString(), 9.99M, "4444"));

To set up a round robin pools/groups, you need to specify the actor paths to use. This can either be done statically in your hocon settings or dynamically in code (see below). As far as messages being blocked, Akka's mailboxes already do that for you; it won't process any new messages until the one it is currently processing has been handled. It just holds them in queue until the actor is ready to handle it.
// Setup the three actors
var actor1 = sys.ActorOf(Props.Create<AuthoriseVisaPaymentActor>());
var actor2 = sys.ActorOf(Props.Create<AuthoriseVisaPaymentActor>());
var actor3 = sys.ActorOf(Props.Create<AuthoriseVisaPaymentActor>());
// Get their paths
var routees = new[] { actor1.Path.ToString(), actor2.Path.ToString(), actor3.Path.ToString() };
// Create a new actor with a router
var router = sys.ActorOf(Props.Empty.WithRouter(new RoundRobinGroup(routees)));
router.Tell(new VisaPaymentMessage(curr.ToString(), 9.99M, "4444"));


Akka Consistent-hashing routing

I have developed an application using Typed Akka 2.6.19.
I want to route events from a certain source to the SAME routee/worker based on IP address. So, I have planned to use Consistent-hashing routing.
I do not see much literature on this route type for Typed akka. Please give some pointers & example code.
You need only to initialize the router with the hash function to use.
For example (in Scala, though the Java API will be similar):
trait Command {
// all commands are required to have an associated IP Address (here represented in string form)
def ipAddr: String
// inside, e.g. the guardian actor, and using the actor context to spawn the router as a child
val serviceKey = ServiceKey[Command]("router")
val router = context.spawn(
virtualNodesFactor = 10,
mapping = { msg: Command => msg.ipAddr }
// spawn the workers, who will register themselves with the router
val workerBehavior =
Behaviors.setup[Command] { ctx =>
ctx.system.receptionist ! Receptionist.Register(serviceKey, context.self)
Behaviors.receiveMessage { msg =>
??? // TODO
(1 to 10).foreach { i =>
context.spawn(workerBehavior, s"worker-$i")
Under the hood, for every worker that registers, the router will then generate 10 (the virtualNodesFactor) random numbers and associate them with that worker. The router will then execute the mapping function for every incoming message to get a string key for the message, which it will hash. If there is a worker with an associated random number less than or equal to that hash, the worker the greatest associated random number which is also less than or equal to that hash is selected; if the hash happens to be less than every random number associated with any worker, the worker with the greatest associated random number is selected.
Note that this implies that a given worker may process messages for more than 1 ipAddr.
Note that this algorithm does not make a strong guarantee that commands with the same ipAddr will always go to the same worker, even if the worker they were routed to is still active: if another worker registers and has a token generated which is greater than the previous worker's relevant token and that generated token is less than the hash of ipAddr, that new worker will effectively steal the messages for that ipAddr from the old worker.
The absence of this guarantee in turn means that if you depend for correctness on all messages for a given ipAddr to go to the same worker, you'll want something like cluster sharding, which is higher overhead but allows something a guarantee that no worker will ever see messages for multiple ipAddrs and (especially with persistence) will guarantee that the same "logical actor"/entity handles messages for the same ipAddr.

Create routee actor on demand

How do I configure a router resizer strategy which only creates a new incarnation of a routee on demand (i.e. when I tell a message to the router) and stops the routees when their mailbox is empty (i.e. when the actor is idle)?
The behaviour of the DefaultResizer is to create all the routee actors upfront, but I'd rather have them be created when necessary. I still want to use a router because this means I can set an upper limit on the number of routees created.
I would expect the following to work, but it won't create new actors. I've set a default number of RoundRobinPool instances to 0, using a DefaultResizer range of 0 to 5, and messagesPerResize of 1 to trigger a resize on each request:
var props = Props
.WithRouter(new RoundRobinPool(0).WithResizer(new DefaultResizer(0, 5, messagesPerResize: 1)));

Why are my requests handled by a single thread in spray-http?

I set up an http server using spray-can, spray-http 1.3.2 and akka 2.3.6.
my application.conf doesn't have any akka (or spray) entries. My actor code:
class TestActor extends HttpServiceActor with ActorLogging with PlayJsonSupport {
val route = get {
path("clientapi"/"orders") {
complete {{"handling request")
System.err.println("sleeping "+Thread.currentThread().getName)
System.err.println("woke up "+Thread.currentThread().getName)
override def receive: Receive = runRoute(route)
started like this:
val restService = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[TestActor]), "rest-clientapi")
IO(Http) ! Http.Bind(restService, serviceHost, servicePort)
When I send 10 concurrent requests, they are all accepted immediately by spray and forwarded to different dispatcher actors (according to logging config for akka I have removed from applicaiton.conf lest it influenced the result), but all are handled by the same thread, which sleeps, and only after waking up picks up the next request.
What should I add/change in the configuration? From what I've seen in reference.conf the default executor is a fork-join-executor, so I'd expect all the requests to execute in parallel out of the box.
From your code I see that there is only one TestActor to handle all requests, as you've created only one with system.actorOf. You know, actorOf doesn't create new actor per request - more than that, you have the val there, so it's only one actor. This actor handles requests sequntially one-by-one and your routes are processing inside this actor. There is no reason for dispatcher to pick-up some another thread, while the only one thread per time is used by only one actor, so you've got only one thread in the logs (but it's not guaranteed) - I assume it's first thread in the pool.
Fork-join executor does nothing here except giving first and always same free thread as there is no more actors requiring threads in parallel with current one. So, it receives only one task at time. Even with "work stealing" - it doesn't work til you have some blocked (and marked to have managed block) thread to "steal" resources from. Thread.sleep(1000) itself doesn't mark thread automatically - you should surround it with scala.concurrent.blocking to use "work stealing". Anyway, it still be only one thread while you have only one actor.
If you need to have several actors to process the requests - just pass some akka router actor (it has nothing in common with spray-router):
val restService = context.actorOf(RoundRobinPool(5).props(Props[TestActor]), "router")
That will create a pool (not thread-pool) with 5 actors to serve your requests.

How to stop a poll actor

I'm using akka actors for doing some tasks that get scheduled, like a poll coming live on a date/time that was scheduled.
This way I'm creating an actor...
final ActorRef pollActor = pollSystem.actorOf(new Props(
new UntypedActorFactory() {
public UntypedActor create() {
return new PollActor(pollObj);
}), "pollActor" + pollObj.getId()+":"+pollMts);
But when I update a poll that was already created to change the scheduled go-live date, there I can create another actor and I want the existing actor for the same poll to be stopped.
For that I'm doing this...
ActorRef pollActor = pollSystem
.actorFor("akka://pollSystem/user/pollActor" + poll.getId()+":"+oldPollMTS);
pollActor.tell(PoisonPill.getInstance(), null);
But the old actor is not getting stopped and no postStop() method invoked. I tried Kill.getInstance() too, but in vain.
Help me to find a way that I can stop the old actor and the messages sent to it; thereby create a new actor.

How to use Akka BoundedMailBox to throttle a producer

I have two actors, one is producing messages and the other is consuming the messages at a fixed rate.
Is it possible to have the producer throttled by the consumers BoundedMailBox? (back pressure)
My producer is currently periodically scheduled (sending it a tick message), is there a way to have it scheduled by availability in the consumers mailbox instead?
I am using fire and forget style ( consumer.tell() ) since I do not need a response. Should I be using different message sending approach?
Just specify a mailbox limit and it appears to block if the mailbox is full.
I haven't tried this myself but the guys in this thread were looking at the behaviour and both found that the actor just blocks once the mailbox is at the limit.
See here for discussion and more testing of this nature.!topic/akka-user/e0tebq5V4nM
From that thread:
object ProducerConsumer extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("ProducerConsumer")
def waitFor(actor: ActorRef) {
Await.ready(gracefulStop(actor, 5.seconds), 5.seconds)
val consumers = system.actorOf(Props[Consumer].
withDispatcher("consumer-dispatcher"), "consumer")
for (work <- generateWork)
consumers ! work
consumers ! PoisonPill
consumer-dispatcher {
type = BalancingDispatcher
mailbox-capacity = 100