How to use Akka BoundedMailBox to throttle a producer - akka

I have two actors, one is producing messages and the other is consuming the messages at a fixed rate.
Is it possible to have the producer throttled by the consumers BoundedMailBox? (back pressure)
My producer is currently periodically scheduled (sending it a tick message), is there a way to have it scheduled by availability in the consumers mailbox instead?
I am using fire and forget style ( consumer.tell() ) since I do not need a response. Should I be using different message sending approach?

Just specify a mailbox limit and it appears to block if the mailbox is full.
I haven't tried this myself but the guys in this thread were looking at the behaviour and both found that the actor just blocks once the mailbox is at the limit.
See here for discussion and more testing of this nature.!topic/akka-user/e0tebq5V4nM
From that thread:
object ProducerConsumer extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("ProducerConsumer")
def waitFor(actor: ActorRef) {
Await.ready(gracefulStop(actor, 5.seconds), 5.seconds)
val consumers = system.actorOf(Props[Consumer].
withDispatcher("consumer-dispatcher"), "consumer")
for (work <- generateWork)
consumers ! work
consumers ! PoisonPill
consumer-dispatcher {
type = BalancingDispatcher
mailbox-capacity = 100


Processing Dropped Message In Akka Streams

I have the following source queue definition.
lazy val (processMessageSource, processMessageQueueFuture) =
.queue[(ProcessMessageInputData, Promise[ProcessMessageOutputData])](5, OverflowStrategy.dropNew))
def peekMatValue[T, M](src: Source[T, M]): (Source[T, M], Future[M]) {
val p = Promise[M]
val s = src.mapMaterializedValue { m =>
(s, p.future)
The Process Message Input Data Class is essentially an artifact that is created when a caller calls a web server endpoint, which is hooked upto this stream (i.e. the service endpoint's business logic puts messages into this queue). The Promise of process message out is something that is completed downstream in the sink of the application, and the web server then has an on complete callback on this future to return the response back.
There are also other sources of ingress into this stream.
Now the buffer may be backed up since the other source may overload the system, thereby triggering stream back pressure. The existing code just drops the new message. But I still want to complete the process message output promise to complete with an exception stating something like "Throttled".
Is there a mechanism to write a custom overflow strategy, or a post processing on the overflowed element that allows me to do this?
According to
dropNew would work just fine. On clients end it would look like.
processMessageQueue.offer(in, pr).foreach { res =>
res match {
case Enqueued => // Code to handle case when successfully enqueued.
case Dropped => // Code to handle messages that are dropped since the buffier was overflowing.

Control number of active actors of a type

Is it possible to control the number of active actors in play? In a nutshell, I have an actor called AuthoriseVisaPaymentActor which handles the message VisaPaymentMessage. I have a parallel loop which sends 10 messages but I am trying to create something which allows for 3 actors to be working simultaneously and the other 7 messages will be blocked and waiting for an actor to be available. Is this possible? I am currently using a RoundRobin setup which I believe I have misunderstood..
var actor = sys.ActorOf(
Props.Create<AuthoriseVisaPaymentActor>().WithRouter(new RoundRobinPool(1)));
actor.Tell(new VisaPaymentMessage(curr.ToString(), 9.99M, "4444"));
To set up a round robin pools/groups, you need to specify the actor paths to use. This can either be done statically in your hocon settings or dynamically in code (see below). As far as messages being blocked, Akka's mailboxes already do that for you; it won't process any new messages until the one it is currently processing has been handled. It just holds them in queue until the actor is ready to handle it.
// Setup the three actors
var actor1 = sys.ActorOf(Props.Create<AuthoriseVisaPaymentActor>());
var actor2 = sys.ActorOf(Props.Create<AuthoriseVisaPaymentActor>());
var actor3 = sys.ActorOf(Props.Create<AuthoriseVisaPaymentActor>());
// Get their paths
var routees = new[] { actor1.Path.ToString(), actor2.Path.ToString(), actor3.Path.ToString() };
// Create a new actor with a router
var router = sys.ActorOf(Props.Empty.WithRouter(new RoundRobinGroup(routees)));
router.Tell(new VisaPaymentMessage(curr.ToString(), 9.99M, "4444"));

How to avoid receiving messages multiple times from a ServcieBus Queue when using the WebJobs SDK

I have got a WebJob with the following ServiceBus handler using the WebJobs SDK:
public static async Task HandleMessagesAsync([ServiceBusTrigger("%QueueName%")] BrokeredMessage message, [ServiceBus("%QueueName%")]ICollector<BrokeredMessage> queue, TextWriter logger)
using (var scope = Program.Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var handler = scope.Resolve<MessageHandlers>();
logger.WriteLine(AsInvariant($"Handling message with label {message.Label}"));
// To avoid coupling Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs the return type is IEnumerable<T>
var outputMessages = await handler.OnMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var outputMessage in outputMessages)
If the prerequisites for the handler aren't fulfilled, outputMessages contains a BrokeredMessage with the same MessageId, Label and payload as the one we are currently handling, but it contains a ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtcin the future.
The idea is that we complete the handling of the current message quickly and wait for a retry by scheduling the new message in the future.
Sometimes, especially when there are more messages in the Queue than the SDK peek-locks, I see messages duplicating in the ServiceBus queue. They have the same MessageId, Label and payload, but a different SequenceNumber, EnqueuedTimeUtc and ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc. They all have a delivery count of 1.
Looking at my handler code, the only way this can happen is if I received the same message multiple times, figure out that I need to wait and create a new message for handling in the future. The handler finishes successfully, so the original message gets completed.
The initial messages are unique. Also I put the SingletonAttribute on the message handler, so that messages for the same MessageId cannot be consumed by different handlers.
Why are multiple handlers triggered with the same message and how can I prevent that from happening?
I am using the Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs version is v2.1.0
The duration of my handlers are at max 17s and in average 1s. The lock duration is 1m. Still my best theory is that something with the message (re)locking doesn't work, so while I'm processing the handler, the lock gets lost, the message goes back to the queue and gets consumed another time. If both handlers would see that the critical resource is still occupied, they would both enqueue a new message.
After a little bit of experimenting I figured out the root cause and I found a workaround.
If a ServiceBus message is completed, but the peek lock is not abandoned, it will return to the queue in active state after the lock expires.
The ServiceBus QueueClient, apparently, abandons the lock, once it receives the next message (or batch of messages).
So if the QueueClient used by the WebJobs SDK terminates unexpectedly (e.g. because of the process being ended or the Web App being restarted), all messages that have been locked appear back in the Queue, even if they have been completed.
In my handler I am now completing the message manually and also abandoning the lock like this:
public static async Task ProcessQueueMessageAsync([ServiceBusTrigger("%QueueName%")] BrokeredMessage message, [ServiceBus("%QueueName%")]ICollector<BrokeredMessage> queue, TextWriter logger)
using (var scope = Program.Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var handler = scope.Resolve<MessageHandlers>();
logger.WriteLine(AsInvariant($"Handling message with label {message.Label}"));
// To avoid coupling Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs the return type is IEnumerable<T>
var outputMessages = await handler.OnMessageAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false);
foreach (var outputMessage in outputMessages)
await message.CompleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await message.AbandonAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
That way I don't get the messages back into the Queue in the reboot scenario.

How to synchronize the publishers and subscribers in extended PUB-SUB pattern with Intermediary in ZeroMQ in c++?

Extended PUB/SUB topology
I have multiple publishers and multiple subscribers in a use case with 1 intermediary.
In the ZeroMQ guide, I learnt about synchronizing 1 publisher and 1 subscriber, using additional REQ/REP sockets. I tried to write a synchronization code for my use case, but it is getting messy if I try to write code according to logic given for 1-1 PUB/SUB.
The publisher code when we have only 1 publisher is :
//Socket to receive sync request
zmq::socket_t syncservice (context, ZMQ_REP);
// Get synchronization from subscribers
int subscribers = 0;
while (subscribers < SUBSCRIBERS_EXPECTED) {
// - wait for synchronization request
s_recv (syncservice);
// - send synchronization reply
s_send (syncservice, "");
The subscriber code when we have only 1 subscriber is:
zmq::socket_t syncclient (context, ZMQ_REQ);
// - send a synchronization request
s_send (syncclient, "");
// - wait for synchronization reply
s_recv (syncclient);
Now, when I have multiple subscribers, then does each subscriber need to send a request to every publisher?
The publishers in my use case come and go. Their number is not fixed.
So, a subscriber won't have any knowledge about how many nodes to connect to and which publishers are present or not.
Please suggest a logic to synchronize an extended PUB/SUB code
Given the XPUB/XSUB mediator node is present,
the actual PUB-node discovery may be completely effort-less for the XSUB-mediator-side ( actually principally avoided as such ).
Just use the reversed the XSUB.bind()-s / PUB.connect()-s and the problem ceased to exist at all.
Smart, isn't it?
PUB-nodes may come and go, yet the XSUB-side of the Policy-mediator node need not bother ( except for a few initial .setsockopt( { LINGER, IMMEDIATE, CONFLATE, RCVHWM, MAXSIZE } ) performance tuning and robustness increasing settings ), enjoying the still valid and working composition of the actual Topic-filter(s) .setsockopt( zmq.SUBSCRIBE, ** ) settings in-service and may centrally maintain such composition remaining principally agnostic about the state/dynamic of the semi-temporal group of the now / later .connect()-ed live / dysfunctional PUB-side Agent-nodes.
Even better, isn't it?

Why are my requests handled by a single thread in spray-http?

I set up an http server using spray-can, spray-http 1.3.2 and akka 2.3.6.
my application.conf doesn't have any akka (or spray) entries. My actor code:
class TestActor extends HttpServiceActor with ActorLogging with PlayJsonSupport {
val route = get {
path("clientapi"/"orders") {
complete {{"handling request")
System.err.println("sleeping "+Thread.currentThread().getName)
System.err.println("woke up "+Thread.currentThread().getName)
override def receive: Receive = runRoute(route)
started like this:
val restService = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[TestActor]), "rest-clientapi")
IO(Http) ! Http.Bind(restService, serviceHost, servicePort)
When I send 10 concurrent requests, they are all accepted immediately by spray and forwarded to different dispatcher actors (according to logging config for akka I have removed from applicaiton.conf lest it influenced the result), but all are handled by the same thread, which sleeps, and only after waking up picks up the next request.
What should I add/change in the configuration? From what I've seen in reference.conf the default executor is a fork-join-executor, so I'd expect all the requests to execute in parallel out of the box.
From your code I see that there is only one TestActor to handle all requests, as you've created only one with system.actorOf. You know, actorOf doesn't create new actor per request - more than that, you have the val there, so it's only one actor. This actor handles requests sequntially one-by-one and your routes are processing inside this actor. There is no reason for dispatcher to pick-up some another thread, while the only one thread per time is used by only one actor, so you've got only one thread in the logs (but it's not guaranteed) - I assume it's first thread in the pool.
Fork-join executor does nothing here except giving first and always same free thread as there is no more actors requiring threads in parallel with current one. So, it receives only one task at time. Even with "work stealing" - it doesn't work til you have some blocked (and marked to have managed block) thread to "steal" resources from. Thread.sleep(1000) itself doesn't mark thread automatically - you should surround it with scala.concurrent.blocking to use "work stealing". Anyway, it still be only one thread while you have only one actor.
If you need to have several actors to process the requests - just pass some akka router actor (it has nothing in common with spray-router):
val restService = context.actorOf(RoundRobinPool(5).props(Props[TestActor]), "router")
That will create a pool (not thread-pool) with 5 actors to serve your requests.